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Rewin Dragon #61


Not many breeds of dragons live far from mountains, but rewin miniatures love warm climates, and thrive on islands. With blue and yellow coloring, they blend in with their surroundings and are skilled hunters. It's difficult to spot these small animals along the floor of the forest, and even harder to catch, as they are very fast and love to roost in the upper branches. Rewin dragons also love to swim, and fish are a large part of their diet. Small but sharp teeth are powerful weapons, as are their claws. A person thinking such a tiny, sweet looking creature is not to be taken seriously is in for a surprise. They attack larger creatures from the sky, diving down and then flying out of reach. They tire quickly, though, and prefer sunbathing to flight. Their homes are usually caves along the beach, cushioned with sand and decorated with beautiful shells and even pearls.


This little egg has unusual stripes of bright blue and yellow.


Tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hand, this rewin hatchling is extremely active. Difficult to look after because it loves to climb and explore, it seems never to rest for long. Eventually, though, it tires of play and is ready to be fed. The older dragons bring it a large fish, which the tiny draconian hastily devours. You watch as it runs back to the other youngling dragons, and look on as it decides to climb a tree. Small but sharp claws grip the bark tightly, and before you know it, the little one is out of sight. Suddenly, it plummets down, and you stand up, fearing it has fallen. But no, it is merely testing out its wings, coasting along the air clumsily.


Even when they have reached adulthood, rewin dragons are easily mistaken for hatchlings. They are smaller than most species, reaching no higher than a few hand-spans. They live around the shores of Lakira, and leave often to visit deeper waters. When winter arrives, they follow the narwhals south, returning to their homelands in the Callisto islands. There they spend the cold months relaxing on sandy beaches, and hunting for their favorite meals; fish. Watching them maneuver under water is an interesting sight; they spread their wings wide, as if in flight, and navigate with their tails. They are almost dog-like in their loyalty and affection, and will follow their magi around the castle endlessly, when not hunting or caring for the young of their kind.


Obtained from: Shop, Remy's Inn: 15000 gold
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: September 23rd 2009

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Rewin Dragon + Rewin Dragon = Rewin Dragon (Normal)
Blue Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Blue Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Bronze Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Bronze Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Golden Pteira Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Golden Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Golden Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Golden Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Green Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Green Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Purple Pteira Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Purple Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Purple Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Purple Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Saerulis Crystalwing + Rewin Dragon = Saerulis Pygmy Gemdragon (Hard)
Rewin Dragon + Light Lapis Crystalwing = Light Lapis Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Dark Lapis Crystalwing = Dark Lapis Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Clostra Crystalwing = Clostra Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Varja Crystalwing = Varja Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Akvo Crystalwing = Akvo Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Teiro Crystalwing = Teiro Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Jinglong Crystalwing = Jinglong Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Spectrum Crystalwing = Spectrum Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Fluorowing Crystalwing = Fluorowing Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Hadros Crystalwing = Hadros Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Kuanos Crystalwing = Kuanos Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Kobaldibar Crystalwing = Kobaldibar Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Sacris Crystalwing = Sacris Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Hexapo Crystalwing = Hexapo Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Moroi Crystalwing = Moroi Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Rauna Crystalwing = Rauna Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Osanyin Crystalwing = Osanyin Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Accipito Crystalwing = Accipito Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Cypheles Crystalwing = Cypheles Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Dionych Crystalwing = Dionych Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Komainu Crystalwing = Komainu Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Iwan Crystalwing = Iwan Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Lesoni Crystalwing = Lesoni Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Sacer Crystalwing = Sacer Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Onuchsia Crystalwing = Onuchsia Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Venox Crystalwing = Venox Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Gerbera Crystalwing = Gerbera Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Lilias Crystalwing = Lilias Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Kitanchosa Crystalwing = Kitanchosa Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Vilodaes Crystalwing = Vilodaes Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Vernal Crystalwing = Vernal Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Sommar Crystalwing = Sommar Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Autumnal Crystalwing = Autumnal Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Vetur Crystalwing = Vetur Pygmy Gemdragon (Easy)
Rewin Dragon + Fire Crystalwing = Fire Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Water Crystalwing = Water Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Life Crystalwing = Life Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Earth Crystalwing = Earth Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Air Crystalwing = Air Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Light Crystalwing = Light Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Void Crystalwing = Void Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)
Rewin Dragon + Prismatic Crystalwing = Prismatic Pygmy Gemdragon (Normal)

The creature is obtained by completing the quest series labeled "Nameday".

Sprite art: Niwer | Description: Damien

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