Countdown To Christmas Giveaway - Raffle winners announced!

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Countdown To Christmas Giveaway - Raffle winners announced!

Post by Enchanteddil »

Image Hello and welcome :D

Nyxnoire and I, the gifters of the Countdown To Christmas (CTC) giveaway are very happy to put up this thread for the 14th consecutive year !

We have been collecting creatures throughout the year and we hope you will enjoy this year's giveaway, as much as we enjoy bringing this to you.

Please read the rules and how to request your gift carefully, so that it is easy for us to do our job of gifting beautiful creatures to you.

- This giveaway starts on 01st December and ends on 25th December - 12:00 midnight
- We go strictly by Magistream time, not individual member time - LINK to clock
- You can put in a request every day
- If you miss a day, you missed it. You cannot come back the next day and ask for creatures for days you missed
- You cannot put in requests for any other day. For example, you cannot post on 20th December and ask the gift to be sent on 25th December
- Multiple requests put in a single day will be ignored and member will be PM'd. Failure to comply with the once a day rule will get you blacklisted for the remainder of the giveaway
- You need to post the request graphic. No graphic in your post means, no gift for you
- If you receive multiple trades from the same gifter, please do not cancel the trade/s. If you are confused about any trade, please PM the gifter
- You can put in a request only for yourself. You cannot request for anyone else
- Please do not post a request just to stock up your quicksales, shop or your own giveaway
- Do not ask for specific creatures
- If you do not like spiders, please mention "no spiders, please" when posting the request graphic
- Please do not send any gold as tips
- Please be patient. Christmas season is a busy period for everyone. Once you post your request, we will definitely send your gift

Request Graphic
Please post the below graphic. If you do not post the graphic, your request will be skipped (copy and paste the link within the code area)

Code: Select all

Thank you very much to our talented friend, silflame for the beautiful graphics. Please do NOT copy the graphics or display elsewhere, other than in this thread.

We hope you will enjoy yourself and have fun with this giveaway. We are extremely excited to bring it to you every year :D

Enchanteddil & NyxNoire
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 26th, 2023, 1:13:50 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »

Image Hello everyone :wave:

Welcome to our annual Countdown To Christmas giveaway!

I'm sure some of you already know about this annual event, but for those who are new, this is a giveaway that lasts 25 days, beginning 01st December till Christmas day. This year as well, I have lots of creatures to giveaway and I hope there will be lots of members taking part as in previous years.

Please take a moment to read this:
As some of you may know, my son's wedding is on the 8th, so till the 10th, I will be quite busy with the new couple coming to my house on 10th. My gifting will be quite slow the first few days of the giveaway and I sincerely thank you for your patience. I will definitely gift you whenever I am able to come online. After the 10th, I will be able to gift in a timely manner
I will be gifting on odd days, beginning 1st December, so there will be 13 days of gifting for me.

I would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who helped me gather the creatures for this giveaway. There were so many. Without your help, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much <3

I hope you will drop in everyday and request your gift. Have fun and happy holidays, everyone :wave:
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 2nd, 2023, 9:08:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »

Image CTC DAILY RAFFLE !! Welcome to the CTC Daily Raffle !

Every single day you post on my gifting days (odd days), you will be automatically entered into the raffle. You do not have to ask for ticket numbers. They will be assigned to you. One winner will be drawn every day that I am gifting and that member will receive a 2 shard doni as a prize. What you do with the prize you receive is your decision, no strings attached.

Please note - if you win a prize in the daily raffle, you will not be entered again, so as to give another member a chance to win a prize. However, all winners will be entered in the grand raffle on 25th December.

Ticket Numbers:

1st December
1. WolfeDente
2. Ryves
3. IllusiveFox
4. InuKimi
5. SynthDetective
6. Kass
7. Syndicate
8. MadamRed
9. Hiraeth
10. kunigund
11. Zeena
12. randomname
13. whitewolfjustice
14. Shadowfrost
15. zucko0011
16. Ygdrassil
17. daemonrage
18. Tyrannogon
19. ShadowWolfJade
20. bellajean7
21. HiddenMystic
22. Leviathen
23. FlowingSilver
24. Otea
25. Rainwater
26. tempestsea
27. NelwNoll
28. Kestrad
29. cyberdeer
30. Nicoleknb
31. JustaBunny
32. MageLorelei
3rd December
1. ExplicitiveUhoh
2. Syndicate
3. cyberdeer
4. Kass
5. kunigund
6. Ruffian75
7. FlowingSilver
8. InuKimi
9. Rhia
10. MageLorelei
11. Rainwater
12. prettyiggy7
13. Hiraeth
14. MadamRed
15. AuraDragoness
16. randomname
17. Shadowfrost
18. bellajean7
19. JustaBunny
20. Anhsang
21. daemonrage
22. HiddenMystic
23. Ygdrassil
24. ShadowWolfJade
25. gummiphrog
26. whitewolfjustice
27. zucko0011
28. SeriousSans
29. Otea
30. IllusiveFox
31. Kestrad
32. Tyrannogon
33. MothballMilkshake
5th December
1. ExplicitiveUhoh
2. MothballMilkshake
3. Syndicate
4. queenyna
5. SeriousSans
6. kunigund
7. ShadowWolfJade
8. prettyiggy7
9. Kass
10. MadameRed
11. whitewolfjustice
12. Hiraeth
13. randomname
14. AuraDragoness
15. InuKimi
16. zucko0011
17. JustaBunny
18. Shadowfrost
19. Anhsang
20. Seejey
21. MageLorelei
22. daemonrage
23. HiddenMystic
24. Rainwater
25. IllusiveFox
26. Tyrannogon
27. gummiphrog
28. tempestsea
29. Myrin
30. Ryves
31. popa16
32. SynthDetective
7th December
1. ExplicitiveUhoh
2. SeriousSans
3. Syndicate
4. whitewolfjustice
5. InuKimi
6. Kass
7. kunigund
8. MadameRed
9. gummiphrog
10. Fin
11. FlowingSilver
12. JustaBunny
13. AuraDragoness
14. featherh11
15. Otea
16. Shadowfrost
17. prettyiggy7
18. Zeena
19. Moon487
20. zucko0011
21. MothballMilkshake
22. daemonrage
23. Nicoleknb
24. MageLorelei
25. IllusiveFox
26. queenyna
27. Kestrad
28. Myrin
29. tempestsea
30. Rainwater
31. Anhsang
32. Seejey
9th December
1. SeriousSans
2. tempestsea
3. ExplicitiveUhoh
4. kunigund
5. MothballMilkshake
6. Altairia
7. Lunalux
8. SynthDetective
9. randomname
10. Zeena
11. Hiraeth
12. Seejey
13. whitewolfjustice
14. AuraDragoness
15. Amanda77
16. MadameRed
17. Shadowfrost
18. Tyrannogon
19. prettyiggy7
20. Otea
21. higanbane
22. Lucyid
23. zucko0011
24. daemonrage
25. gummiphrog
26. JustaBunny
27. ageLorelei
28. Inspirit
29. Anhsang
30. Syndicate
31. IllusiveFox
32. Myrin
11th December
1. queenyna
2. SeriousSans
3. Altairia
4. gummiphrog
5. tempestsea
6. Kass
7. MadameRed
8. randomname
9. Inspirit
10. JustaBunny
11. WolfeDente
12. Hiraeth
13. Otea
14. kunigund
15. whitewolfjustice
16. Lunalux
17. Anhsang
18. featherh11
19. Seejey
20. Shadowfrost
21. MothballMilkShake
22. HiddenMystic
23. LightningDragon
24. prettyiggy7
25. Kestrad
26. pies
27. provo7demons
28. MageLorelei
29. zucko0011
30. daemonrage
31. IllusiveFox
32. Silverdove
33. Pyrain
34. Ryves
13th December
1. Fin
2. ExplicitiveUhoh
3. SeriousSans
4. Otea
5. Altairia
6. Lunalux
7. gummiphrog
8. randomname
9. Kass
10. kunigund
11. Inspirit
12. tempestsea
13. popa16
14. MadadeRed
15. zucko0011
16. Shadowfrost
17. whitewolfjustice
18. higanbane
19. JustaBunny
20. Kestrad
21. faedemon
22. Silverdove
23. prettyiggy7
24. StarfireNebula
25. Seejey
26. SynthDetective
27. MothballMilkshake
28. HiddenMystic
29. SkyeWyven
30. daemonrage
31. Ryves
32. CinnaminDraconna
33. Windi1
34. Pyrain
15th December
1. MadameRed
2. randomname
3. SeriousSans
4. gummyphrog
5. Altairia
6. higanbane
7. kunigund
8. tempestsea
9. Windi1
10. SynthDetective
11. prettyiggy7
12. Kass
13. JustaBunny
14. Lunalux
15. charmedangel
16. SkyeWyven
17. Zeena
18. zucko0011
19. whitewolfjustice
20. Desade
21. Shadowfrost
22. IllusiveFox
23. Hiraeth
24. daemonrage
25. pies
26. HiddenMystic
27. quuenyna
28. Kestrad
29. ExplicitiveUhoh
30. MothballMilkshake
17th December
1. SeriousSans
2. BeautifulPoem
3. ExplicitiveUhoh
4. Airasyraye
5. Fin
6. kunigund
7. kitsunefire
8. tempestsea
9. Windi1
10. MothballMilkshake
11. gummiphrog
12. Desade
13. Kass
14. popa16
15. pies
16. Lunalux
17. randomname
18. Silverdove
19. Altairia
20. CinnaminDraconna
21. Inspirit
22. MadameRed
23. whitewolfjustice
24. prettyiggy7
25. Faedemon
26. higanbane
27. BBkat
28. Mrcds
29. Pyrain
30. Sanna92
31. IllusiveFox
32. JustaBunny
33. HiddenMystic
34. PrincessOfVampires
35. froglady
36. Seejey
37. pcysmiles
38. daemonrage
39. Otea
40. Wylla
41. queenyna
19th December
1. randomname
2. SeriousSans
3. Kittemmmmmm
4. ExplicitiveUhoh
5. Pyrain
6. SynthDetective
7. tempestsea
8. Fin
9. LightningDragon
10. mistystorm8
11. Mrcds
12. MothballMilkshake
13. Ervalia
14. Seejey
15. Silverdove
16. crazyflight
17. Inspirit
18. MadameRed
19. CinnaminDraconna
20. Windi1
21. kunigund
22. BeautifulPoem
23. Sanna92
24. gummiphrog
25. BBkat
26. Otea
27. higanbane
28. prettyiggy7
29. Altairia
30. Ketrilla
31. Airasyraye
32. Kass
33. Moon487
34. kitsunefire
35. IllusiveFox
36. Faedemon
37. JustaBunny
38. pcysmiles
39. queenyna
40. HiddenMystic
41. Tyrannogon
42. WolfDente
21st December
1. randomname
2. MothballMilkshake
3. LightningDragon
4. ExplicitiveUhoh
5. Kapvik
6. 1dream
7. PrincessOfVampires
8. Seabra
9. pies
10. kunigund
11. loveseac
12. tempestsea
13. Kass
14. CinnaminDraconna
15. Ketrilla
16. MadameRed
17. Inspirit
18. gummiphrog
19. JustaBunny
20. whitewolfjustice
21. WolfeDente
22. shadowlugia
23. Windi1
24. Lunalux
25. Altairia
26. BBkat
27. IllusiveFox
28. popa16
30. Moon487
31. SeriousSans
32. kitsunefire
33. HiddenMystic
34. Otea
35. charmedangel
23rd December
1. randomname
2. SeriousSans
3. ExplicitiveUhoh
4. queenyna
5. Fin
6. tempestsea
7. Lunalux
8. PrincessOfVampires
9. MothballMilkshake
10. BeautifulPoem
11. SynthDetective
12. MadameRed
13. CinnaminDraconna
14. JustaBunny
15. Musegi
16. featherh11
17. KallenTu
18. IllusiveFox
19. Otea
20. Danafox
21. Hiraeth
22. PepeSayerOfSayings
23. Inspirit
24. HiddenMystic
25. Ygdrassil
26. mistystorm8
27. Wylla
28. shadowlugia
Good luck !
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 26th, 2023, 3:48:51 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »


1st December - #27 NelwNoll - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Jade Yagua

3rd December - #3 cyberdeer - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Haitu

5th December - #7 ShadowWolfJade - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Northern Light Fox

7th December - #30 Rainwater - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Leporis Rabbitsune

9th December - #14 AuraDragoness - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Jade Yagua

11th December - #28 MageLorelei - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is an Elisium Kirin

13th December - #31 Ryves - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Jade Yagua

15th December - #11 Shadowfrost - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Radiant Nautilus

17th December - #38 daemonrage - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Pienpatou

19th December - #5 Pyrain - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Pied Gargoyle

21st December - #10 kunigund - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Calcite Crystalhog

23rd December - #12 MadameRed - CONGRATULATIONS !! Your prize is a Temple Burrower
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 26th, 2023, 3:51:36 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by NyxNoire »



Welcome back to yet another year of the Countdown to Christmas Giveaway! :wee:
This giveaway will run through December, up to and including Christmas Day, the 25th of December.
I will be gifting on even days, as well as on Christmas Day.

I hope you'll be back every day to count down to Christmas together with us :bounce:

Thank you to all the people who have helped me gather creatures throughout the year! <3

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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by NyxNoire »




I gift on even days and everyone posting on an even day will automatically be given a ticket in the Daily Raffle :bounce:
Once you have won, you will not be able to win in the Daily Raffle again.

The creatures to win can be seen here, all are 2 shard donis - Daily Raffle prizes

2nd December - The Raffle winner is #19 - Leviathen :wee:
1. AuraDragoness
2. Shadowfrost
3. gummiphrog
4. Syndicate
5. IllusiveFox
6. kunigund
7. Kass
8. MadameRed
9. Rainwater
10. randomname
11. InuKimi
12. whitewolfjustice
13. SynthDetective
14. prettyiggy7
15. JustaBunny
16. Ruffian75
17. Zeena
18. NelwNoll
19. Leviathen
20. Anhsang
21. HiddenMystic
22. Tyrannogon
23. MothballMilkshake
24. zucko0011
25. Myrin
26. daemonrage
27. Nicoleknb
28. ShadowWolfJade
29. Ryves
30. Otea
31. tempestsea
32. Kestrad
33. ExplicitiveUhoh
4th of December - The Raffle winner is #23 - bellajean7 :wee:
1. Syndicate
2. tempestsea
3. SeriousSans
4. AuraDragoness
5. Kass
6. MothballMilkshake
7. kunigund
8. FlowingSilver
9. cyberdeer
10. InuKimi
11. Rainwater
12. Rhia
13. Leviathen
14. MadameRed
15. whitewolfjustice
16. prettyiggy7
17. MageLorelei
18. Shadowfrost
19. randomname
20. JustaBunny
21. zucko0011
22. Ruffian75
23. bellajean7
24. Nicoleknb
25. NelwNoll
26. gummiphrog
27. Anhsang
28. HiddenMystic
29. daemonrage
30. IllusiveFox
31. Otea
32. ExplicitiveUhoh
33. Seejey
34. Myrin
6th December - The Raffle winner is #18 - Ruffian75 :wee:
1. ExplicitiveUhoh
2. queenyna
3. Syndicate
4. SeriousSans
5. tempestsea
6. whitewolfjustice
7. Kass
8. kunigund
9. MadameRed
10. FlowingSilver
11. Leviathen
12. randomname
13. cyberdeer
14. InuKimi
15. featherh11
16. Rhia
17. AuraDragoness
18. Ruffian75
19. Rainwater
20. JustaBunny
21. NelwNoll
22. Lunalux
23. MageLorelei
24. zucko0011
25. IllusiveFox
26. Shadowfrost
27. daemonrage
28. MothballMilkshake
29. ShadowWolfJade
30. Otea
31. Inspirit
32. bellajean7
33. Anhsang
34. HiddenMystic
35. Ryves
36. Nicoleknb
37. Seejey
8th of December - The Raffle winner is #28 - Rhia :wee:
1. Altairia
2. ExplicitiveUhoh
3. Myrin
4. kunigund
5. gummiphrog
6. Syndicate
7. MadameRed
8. Kass
9. JustaBunny
10. randomname
11. Rainwater
12. Shadowfrost
13. Lunalux
14. Leviathen
15. AuraDragoness
16. whitewolfjustice
17. Moon487
18. Ruffian75
19. xxavrilxx
20. NelwNoll
21. SynthDetective
22. zucko0011
23. prettyiggy7
24. higanbane
25. SeriousSans
26. MageLorelei
27. daemonrage
28. Rhia
29. ShadowWolfJade
30. HiddenMystic
31. Anhsang
32. featherh11
33. bellajean7
34. Otea
35. cyberdeer
36. IllusiveFox
37. Nicoleknb
10th of December - The Raffle winner is #7 - InuKimi Image
1. Myrin
2. SeriousSans
3. ExplicitiveUhoh
4. Fin
5. queenyna
6. kunigund
7. InuKimi
8. Kass
9. MothballMilkshake
10. Inspirit
11. randomname
12. Rainwater
13. Lunalux
14. featherh11
15. Rhia
16. Otea
17. Shadowfrost
18. Seejey
19. zucko0011
20. bellajean7
21. Altairia
22. prettyiggy7
23. HiddenMystic
24. faedemon
25. MadameRed
26. provo7demons
27. JustaBunny
28. MageLorelei
29. NelwNoll
30. daemonrage
31. Kestrad
32. Ruffian75
33. IllusiveFox
34. Anhsang
35. Leviathen
36. tempestsea
37. cyberdeer
12th of December - The Raffle winner is #32 - provo7demons Image
1. queenyna
2. gummiphrog
3. ExplicitiveUhoh
4. Altairia
5. Windi1
6. tempestsea
7. SeriousSans
8. Kass
9. InuKimi
10. MothballMilkshake
11. Lunalux
12. MadameRed
13. kunigund
14. randomname
15. Rainwater
16. popa16
17. JustaBunny
18. Leviathen
19. whitewolfjustice
20. SynthDetective
21. NelwNoll
22. zucko0011
23. Shadowfrost
24. Zeena
25. higanbane
26. bellajean7
27. LightningDragon
28. IllusiveFox
29. HiddenMystic
30. Rhia
31. daemonrage
32. provo7demons
33. Pyrain
34. ShadowWolfJade
35. Inspirit
36. MageLorelei
37. Ryves
38. Seejey
14th of December - The Raffle winner is #11 - zucko0011 Image
1. ExplicitiveUhoh
2. SeriousSans
3. Leviathen
4. cyberdeer
5. kunigund
6. Altairia
7. MadameRed
8. Rainwater
9. CinnaminDraconna
10. Inspirit
11. zucko0011
12. randomname
13. JustaBunny
14. Shadowfrost
15. AuraDragoness
16. Zeena
17. InuKimi
18. faedemon
19. prettyiggy7
20. Lucyid
21. Seejey
22. Rekkushi
23. shadowlugia
24. Lunalux
25. Ryves
26. MageLorelei
27. Kass
28. WolfeDente
29. IllusiveFox
30. Rhia
31. Kestrad
32. NelwNoll
33. Sanna92
34. provo7demons
35. bellajean7
36. daemonrage
37. tempestsea
38. Otea
39. HiddenMystic
40. LightningDragon
41. featherh11
42. Ruffian75
16th of December The Raffle winner is #15 - higanbane Image
1. Seejey
2. SeriousSans
3. Pyrain
4. Otea
5. kunigund
6. Kass
7. InuKimi
8. popa16
9. MadameRed
10. SkyeWyven
11. provo7demons
12. Lunalux
13. CinnaminDraconna
14. Rainwater
15. higanbane
16. Leviathen
17. featherh11
18. Rhia
19. Altairia
20. Zeena
21. faedemon
22. Silverdove
23. SynthDetective
24. whitewolfjustice
25. zucko0011
26. JustaBunny
27. Desade
28. prettyiggy7
29. Ryves
30. HiddenMystic
31. randomname
32. IllusiveFox
33. Shadowfrost
34. MothballMilkshake
35. daemonrage
36. Ruffian75
37. Windi1
38. tempestsea
39. gummiphrog
40. shadowlugia
41. NelwNoll
42. MageLorelei
43. ShadowWolfJade
18th of December - The Raffle winner is #35 - Seejey Image
1. Windi1
2. ExplicitiveUhoh
3. SeriousSans
4. feralkiwi
5. tempestsea
6. Rhia
7. Kass
8. Leviathen
9. PrincessOfVampires
10. MadameRed
11. Zeena
12. Fin
13. Altairia
14. InuKimi
15. Rainwater
16. Aflame
17. gummiphrog
18. Inspirit
19. kunigund
20. randomname
21. zucko0011
22. Ruffian75
23. JustaBunny
24. featherh11
25. CinnaminDraconna
26. Lunalux
27. higanbane
28. prettyiggy7
29. Moon487
30. MothballMilkshake
31. IllusiveFox
32. provo7demons
33. pcysmiles
34. Shadowfrost
35. Seejey
36. HiddenMystic
37. Otea
38. daemonrage
39. NelwNoll
40. MageLorelei
41. Silverdove
42. queenyna
43. ShadowWolfJade
44. bellajean7
20th of December - The Raffle winner is #9 - Kass Image
1. randomname
2. Eidios
3. MothballMilkshake
4. Fin
5. tempestsea
6. queenyna
7. ExplicitiveUhoh
8. Lunalux
9. Kass
10. PrincessOfVampires
11. Windi1
12. kittemmmmmm
13. Zeena
14. Leviathen
15. MadameRed
16. kunigund
17. prettyiggy7
18. Sanna92
19. Rainwater
20. CinnaminDraconna
21. Inspirit
22. JugadorA
23. gummiphrog
24. Ruffian75
25. IllusiveFox
26. higanbane
27. Veranda
28. SynthDetective
29. Otea
30. Moon487
31. Silverdove
32. Rhia
33. zucko0011
34. Altairia
35. MageLorelei
36. NelwNoll
37. mistystorm8
38. pies
39. Seejey
40. pcysmiles
41. InuKimi
42. daemonrage
43. ShadowWolfJade
44. Shadowfrost
45. popa16
46. HiddenMystic
47. Rilian
48. Wylla
49. BBkat
50. provo7demons
51. Airasyraye
52. kitsunefire
53. JustaBunny
22nd of December - The Raffle winner is #30 - Otea Image
1. Kitsuune
2. SeriousSans
3. randomname
4. Fin
5. ExplicitiveUhoh
6. bandbullets
7. PrincessOfVampires
8. Leviathen
9. MothballMilkshake
10. Seabra
11. gummiphrog
12. MadameRed
13. provo7demons
14. Hiraeth
15. Inspirit
16. Silverdove
17. Rellek
18. SynthDetective
19. Kass
20. Shadowfrost
21. Zeena
22. Kunigund
23. zucko0011
24. prettyiggy7
25. Desade
26. higanbane
27. HiddenMystic
28. Ayako
29. Ruffian75
30. Otea
31. Rhia
32. Wylla
33. IllusiveFox
34. allisonmcd
35. kitsunefire
36. queenyna
37. Rainwater
38. NelwNoll
39. Sanna92
40. JustaBunny
41. Seejey
42. ShadowWolfJade
43. cyberdeer
44. Ryves
45. Airasyraye
46. mistystorm8
47. daemonrage
48. bellajean7
49. MageLorelei
50. Moon487
24th of December - The Raffle winner is #22 - JustaBunny Image
1. bandbullets
2. randomname
3. cyberdeer
4. queenyna
5. Inspirit
6. Silverdove
7. SeriousSans
8. Windi1
9. PrincessOfVampires
10. ExplicitiveUhoh
11. Kunigund
12. Aflame
13. MothballMilkshake
14. gummiphrog
15. InuKimi
16. Seejey
17. Zeena
18. CinnaminDraconna
19. Rainwater
20. Ruffian75
21. MadameRed
22. JustaBunny
23. Leviathen
24. IllusiveFox
25. KallenTu
26. Shadowfrost
27. prettyiggy7
28. whitewolfjustice
29. crazyflight
30. zucko0011
31. Rhia
32. higanbane
33. pcysmiles
34. Kass
35. NelwNoll
36. MageLorelei
37. Tyrannogon
38. Seabra
39. Otea
40. Hiraeth
41. Myrin
42. Altairia
43. tempestsea
44. daemonrage
45. popa16
46. Miriel
47. Ryves
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »


Welcome to the Countdown To Christmas Giveaway GRAND RAFFLE !

Every single member who posted in this giveaway will be entered in the raffle. You will be assigned one (1) ticket whether you posted just once or every single day from 1st - 25th December. Even the members who won the daily raffles will be entered to win one of the grand prizes.

Ticket Numbers:

Raffle Prizes:

1. Pair of Earth Unicorns
2. Pair of Cardinal Gryphons
3. Pair of Argaent Kirins
4. Pair of Ghost Leopards
5. Pair of Sunset Vishyrms
6. Pair of Meo Nuocs
7. Pair of Elysium Kirins ... and-Raffle

Good luck !
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 26th, 2023, 4:00:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Member of The Dark Brotherhood Member of Artificer's Association Member of Preservationists Association An icon depicting the element Earth
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Location: Sri Lanka

Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »


1. 1dream
2. Aflame
3. Airasyraye
4. allisonmcd
5. Altairia
6. Amanda77
7. Anhsang
8. AuraDragoness
9. Ayako
10. bandbullets
11. BBkat
12. BeautifulPoem
13. bellajean7
14. charmedangel
15. CinnaminDraconna
16. crazyflight
17. cyberdeer
18. daemonrage
19. Desade
20. Eidios
21. Ervalia
22. ExplicitiveUhoh
23. faedemon
24. featherh11
25. Fin
26. FlowingSilver
27. froglady
28. gummiphrog
29. HiddenMystic
30. higanbane
31. Hiraeth
32. IllusiveFox
33. Inspirit
34. InuKimi
35. JugadorA
36. JustaBunny
37. KallenTu
38. Kapvik
39. Kass
40. Kestrad
41. Ketrilla
42. kitsunefire
43. Kitsuune
44. Kittemmmmmm
45. kunigund
46. Leviathen
47. LightningDragon
48. loveseac
49. Lucyid
50. Lunalux
51. MadadeRed
52. MageLorelei
53. Miriel
54. mistystorm8
55. Moon487
56. MothballMilkshake
57. Mrcds
58. musegi
59. Myrin
60. NelwNoll
61. Nicoleknb
62. Otea
63. pcysmiles
64. PepeSayerOfSayings
65. pies
66. popa16
67. prettyiggy7
68. PrincessOfVampires
69. provo7demons
70. Pyrain
71. queenyna
72. Rainwater
73. randomname
74. Rekkushi
75. Rellek
76. Rhia
77. Rilian
78. Ruffian75
79. Ryves
80. Sanna92
81. Seabra
82. Seejey
83. SeriousSans
84. Shadowfrost
85. shadowlugia
86. ShadowWolfJade
87. Silverdove
88. SkyeWyven
89. StarfireNebula
90. Syndicate
91. SynthDetective
92. tempestsea
93. Tyrannogon
94. Veranda
95. whitewolfjustice
96. Windi1
97. WolfeDente
98. Wylla
99. xxavrilxx
100. Ygdrassil
101. Zeena
102. zucko0011
Last edited by Enchanteddil on December 27th, 2023, 3:58:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway

Post by Enchanteddil »

Winners of Christmas Day's Grand Raffle! Congratulations!! :hooray: :wee:

1st prize: #18 daemonrage
2nd prize: #9 Ayako
3rd prize: #25 Fin
4th prize: #101 Zeena
5th prize: #95 whitewolfjustice
6th prize: #56 MothballMilkshake
7th prize: #37 KallenTu
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Member of The Dark Brotherhood Member of Artificer's Association Member of Preservationists Association An icon depicting the element Earth
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Location: Sri Lanka

Re: Countdown To Christmas Giveaway - (OPEN) - 24 days till Christmas :)

Post by Enchanteddil »


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