Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Heart Briar Rosa Dove
Birthday: Thursday, December 15, 2022
Owner: CrossYuyite

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Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

A briar and a rosebud have emerged from this sweet-smelling egg.

Somewhere deep in the heart of Synara City, in a pocket where centuries of magic have pooled, a magi might stumble upon an ancient tower. Raised and carved from the very stone the city was built upon, ensconced in verdant thorny vines, every inch hums with the memory of primal, unknowable power. Somehow your feet have taken you here, though you do not recall the steps. As you pause before this monument, the vines part slightly, revealing the seam of an ancient doorway. You press hesitantly on the stone, and it gives, gently sliding away before you. You catch the briefest glimpse of what seems to be a person resting on a bier made out of thorns and roses, but when you blink, the person is gone, and all that is left is a single egg. The thorns dissolve beneath your hands as you take the egg, and you feel a strong compulsion not to linger. After you've exited the tower, you glance back, but it is gone - all that is left are the old ordinary houses lining a quiet alley in Synara's historic district, and an egg that smells faintly of roses.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (egg) | Description: Kestrad