~Shifting Ideals OOC~

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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Iliad »

... I forgot it was gifting season until I logged in just now... (looks at the 2904438749 unhatched eggs I still have from like last year) Hm.

I don't even know what I want since I haven't been checking creature releases in so long! I'll have to go check... and hatch these eggs... and get to gifting... :lol: :lol:
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by MageLorelei »

Alto wrote:... I forgot it was gifting season until I logged in just now... (looks at the 2904438749 unhatched eggs I still have from like last year) Hm.

I don't even know what I want since I haven't been checking creature releases in so long! I'll have to go check... and hatch these eggs... and get to gifting... :lol: :lol:
Sooo... new-ish creatures, then? Like the Halloween ones?
Thank you for all the gifts!
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Foleo »

From: Kestrad
Kieran lifted his eyebrow as Lachesis shoved a small gift at him, neatly wrapped, complete with air holes punched on top. Lachesis was generally not in the habit of gifting him things. "What is this?" "I found a creature that might as well be a chimera," Lachesis said, impatiently shoving the box at him. "You still haven't gotten over your whole chimera obsession thing, so here you go." Intrigued, Kieran took the box and opened it right then and there. "A turducken? I thought you never willingly gave away birds." Lachesis shook her head, not really paying attention to Kieran anymore. "An amagnae and a dismot I can at least understand. But who forced a poor Kaeran into the mix?" She shuddered. Kieran smirked. "You did." Lachesis blinked. "What?" "You asked who forced me into the mix. You did, by giving me the bird." "Oh, Thane's moldering underwear - " Lachesis swore, whacking Kieran repeatedly over the head with the discarded box. "Ow ow ow please stop ow!" Kieran exclaimed, to no avail. And that was how Kieran learned not to tell stupid jokes around Lachesis.

HOOGH THANK YOU SO MUCH KES FOR SUCH A CUTE STORY. KIERAN WOULD DEFINITELY (but also he actually wouldn't know what a kaeran was, so can you blame him)

LORELEI tsura will LOVE that little pig-faced bird (bat? what's a bat) thank u so much

Lorelei, Kestrad, your stories are all sent out (if it's alright with yall can i/you post them here to show off)! mands and karz I'll get to ya eventually!!

Happy Holidays!!!

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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Karzarill »

I'm still trying tp prep stuff for you guys, sorry if is late I haven forgotten about you I just had a busy December combined with me being a total scatter brain. :t-woo:
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by MageLorelei »

No worries Karz. Take your time :t-:3:

I hope you all like the gifts, I’m always so unsure when I forgot to look at wishlists D:
I also kinda forgot what I gave everyone. I’ve had a very hectic week. So if you could remind me that’d be great. *is such a bad friend*

Foleo wrote:Lorelei is woken in the dead of night by the sound of muffled curses and muffled squawking. Probably not from coming from the same entity, but who knows--specifically, a certain potions mage comes to mind.

What she finds instead, however, as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes and stumbles toward the source of the offending noises, is Kieran halfway through climbing out her window. He has a curious red outfit on, trimmed with what looks to be jackalope fur, and looks a little crispy.

''Excuse me,'' Lorelei begins. She does not continue. It's the middle of the night, and honestly, she's never rehearsed for such a situation.

Kieran freezes, his mouth opening and closing fish-like. He finally finds his bearings, and says, ''I was going to say that I can explain, but I really can't.''

"That's fair," Lorelei concedes. A pause. "Do you want to come inside?"

"Oh, that's alright, I've been inside already." A beat. "Wow, I'm really making a good impression here, aren't I."

"Well, it's not like you can do any worse than our first meeting."

Kieran tries to flash finger guns at her and nearly falls off the ledge he was perched on. "Right. Anyways."


"I got you a gift. She's under the tree. She's...pretty flammable."

Lorelei looks over and sees an entire calidis dragon very close to dry vegetation and very close to deciding to just burn off the ribbon clumsily tied around its neck. "Kieran, what the fuck."

Kieran laughs stiffly (really, what sort of weirdo laughs like "hohoho"?) and launches himself out the window, where a couple of leathery flaps indicate that Lucifer probably caught him. Or that he missed and Lucifer had to catch up to him before he splatted on the ground.

Not that Lorelei had the time to worry about the degree of pancakeness Kieran was in, what with the first licks of flame beginning to fume out of the oversized lizard's nostrils. She casts a few warding spells and goes to scoop the hatchling up, sighing as it tries to spit a glob of fire at her. And here she thought she'd be able to have a good night of sleep after the gift-giving craze of the previous week...
Thank you for all the gifts!
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Foleo »

take your time karz! and I loved your gifts, lorelei, don't worry!

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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Kestrad »

Take your time, Karz! <3 Relax and have fun - that's the best present you can give us :D

Foleo, glad you liked the story! Poor Kieran can never catch a break, haha. I'll open my gifts tomorrow probably - I am pretty wrecked today and want to sleep for a million years now :sleep: (we'll see though, I am pretty excite XD )
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Kestrad »

Holy cannoli Foleo the amount of effort you put into this story though

the turns of phrases you use and your voice <3
Donovan hears the bell above the door jingle just as the tip of his graver heats up to a peachy rose, and groans. Master Thorrin was gone for the day—off for another meeting with the city council, as he's been wont to do these past few weeks—which meant that he finally had the time to work on The Ring in peace. It also meant, however, that he had to take care of the shop by himself.

Whoever was browsing around could wait. This sort of optimal temperature was difficult to achieve even on the best of his days, and he wasn't going to waste this unexpected boost to his magic control—and besides, they could always holler for him if they really needed his help. That decided, Donovan focuses back on his project and sets to work carving delicate, arboreal whorls onto the silver. If only he could just stick a big ol' gem on it and be done with it—but no, that picky scribe would never wear something so gaudy and cumbersome. He's got chimera to draw while pretending to be copying texts, after all, and that would just get in the way. Stupid, high-maintenance Kieran with his thick skull and dumb laugh and kissable neck—

"Yo, Donovan, whatcha working on?"

Donovan doesn't scream, obviously—that'd just be embarrassing—but he definitely squeaks a little, and sends such a flare of fire magic into the graver that it's a wonder it didn't melt on the spot. It's a wonder he didn't melt on the spot, really, what with the remaining embers of the still-lit forges casting the softest golden glow on Kieran's cheekbones.

"Um, Donovan?"

Fuck, he'd been staring, hadn't he. "You scared me," he whines, feeling very gross and sweaty and ashy. Ugh, he might as well throw the ring in the trash, if this was how Kieran had to see him everyday. "Why are you here?"

"Hmm, that's a good question." Kieran wiggles his eyebrows at him. "Why don't you follow me and find out?" He sinks one foot into the shadows, winking. "Better come quickly!"

Donovan sputters. "What? How do you expect me to—"

"Oh fine, I'll help out," Kieran says dramatically, which is all the warning he gives before he grabs Donovan's hand and drags him bodily into the murk beneath his desk.

- -

Donovan feels very much as if he were a glob of paint on a wall, being pulled inexorably downward by the relentless force of gravity even as he smears a thick trail of his own brainstuff behind him. That is to say, he regains consciousness as one regains an elephant snail to the face: flat on the ground, sticky, and with soft sounds of retching in the background.

He lifts his head, with difficulty, to see Kieran on his knees dry heaving into a bush. "You," Donovan croaks out, "are dumbest bastard I've ever had the displeasure of meeting."

Kieran flashes him a woozy grin, running his hand through his sweaty bangs. "And the sexiest one," he chimes, before crawling over on all fours. He grabs at Donovan's hand, shaking it by the wrist. "Look, you still have all your fingers! Unless you have some missing organs that I'm not seeing, I say I did a pretty good job getting your fiery ass all the way over here. Do you have any idea how quickly you burn through my magic?"

"Did you ever consider," Donovan says, clasping his hands together, "walking?"

Kieran either doesn't hear him or ignores him as he sways to his feet, holding out a hand to help Donovan up. Seeing as how he looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over (and then they'd just be back to where they started), Donovan decides to struggle back upright himself.

He finds out why he felt so sticky when he sees the remnants of Kieran's shadow magic slithering off of his legs. Kinda gross, kinda intimate—Donovan isn't sure if he liked the feeling, but he knows he'll spend several sleepless nights thinking about it anyways.

They're right below the window to Kieran's study, and it's locked from the inside. Judging by Kieran's mournful look at it, what he wanted to show Donovan was on the other side.

"Okay, so I planned to shadow-step us inside, but turns out magical exhaustion is a bitch." Kieran holds up a finger, squinting, and a tiny tendril of shadow magic sprouts into existence. Almost immediately, he pales, clamping his free hand to his mouth and breathing heavily. The tendril flickers, but holds.

"Look," Donovan says, "why don't we just go in the front way?" Sure, Master Lucifer might tell Master Thorrin that he's been slacking off, but that was a better option than watching whatever this was.

But Kieran is already scrabbling onto the windowsill, mashing his finger against the crack. A few tense moments later, the window pops open and Kieran lurches forward.

Donovan grabs the back of his clothes before he can smash his pretty face into his desk, and gets a strangled grunt as thanks. Whatever, he'd let it slide this time. They clamber into the room—feet-first this time—and Kieran shuts the window securely behind them.

Donovan raises an eyebrow. "What, do you plan to ravish me in all your wobbly glor—Kieran. What the hell. What the hell."

"Happy Winter Solstice!" Kieran hands Donovan a bird. A purple bird. A purple bird with fire coming out of its ass.

"Kieran, this is a peacock phoenix."

"That's right," Kieran said, looking smug. "Go on, tell me you love me."

"What—where did you even find it? How did you get it to stay in this room for that long? Is that why we had to come in through the window? How do you expect me know how to care for it?"

"I found her while Lucifer was making me hunt for some weird ink-producing berries. I asked her where to find them, she showed me, I said 'hey, you're a pretty cool gal, wanna come chill with me,' she hopped into my basket, and here we are. I bring her lots of fruit and only come in and out by shadow-stepping, so she hasn't run away yet. So yes, I had a reason for trying to carry you all the way over here, though that clearly didn't work out." Once he makes sure the yawning bird is securely in Donovan's bewildered hands, Kieran turns and rummages through his bookshelf, pulling out a leather-bound book. "As for your last question, you have no idea how much I've got you covered."

He shakes it open, and Donovan sees pages upon pages of drawings: grains and berries, medicinal herbs, nesting materials, toys—and most of all, sketches of peacock phoenixes in all stages of life, preening and flying and eating and sleeping. There's notes in the margins that flip by too fast to read, but from the small snippets Donovan catches it seems that they caption the pictures. It's not until Kieran reaches the last page and Donovan sees a doodle of a winking chimera that he realizes that Kieran had made the book himself.

He can't help it. His vision blurs as tears threaten to overflow, and he buries his face in his hands. That is, he buries his face into the soft down of the phoenix chick, which beats its fuzzy wings against him in protest.

It's not until the screaming in his head dies down and he peeks above the feathers that he realizes his cheeks weren't the only thing that were on fire.

Kieran's cursing up a storm, trying to smother the flames that had burst into existence on his desk with a blanket—to no avail, mostly: the flames had a purplish tinge to them, and ate through the cloth even in the absence of air. So this was what peacock phoenix magic could do. "Donovan, you little shit, turn them off already!"

Donovan's eyes widen, and he forcibly cuts off his magic—he can feel the overflow slapping against the inside of his skin and he suppresses a shudder at the burn of it, but the study returns to its usual drab lighting and his breath stutters out of him in relief. "I—fuck—okay." He inhales shakily, choking on the ashes in his throat. He scrubs at his eyes with the back of his hand. "They're gone now."

Kieran snorts, tossing the charred blanket aside. "I can see that," he says, walking over to yank open the windows. Before he does, he glances back at Donovan. "Judging by that light show, you two are bonded now, right? She won't run off?"

Donovan reaches into himself and feels a bright thread of something where there wasn't anything before (and now that it's here, he can't fathom how he used to live with its absence): he nods mutely, and Kieran lets the cool evening air inside.

He moves to his desk and pinches the corner of one of the books that had been on it, wincing as it crumbles to ash. "Though I could've done without the impromptu bonfire, I'm really glad that you like the gift so much." He adjusts a charred lampshade cautiously, relaxing as it holds, and peeks up at Donovan. "You did like it, right? That wasn't a demonstration of how much you hated it?"

"No! I love her and the book—" and your face "—very much!" What an ungrateful bastard he must seem—crying and then lighting someone's whole room on fire generally wasn't the polite thing to do. He screws his eyes shut as a wave of heat rolls through him, suppressing it violently. Damn it, the solstice was supposed to dampen fire magic, but of course his dumb, haywire body didn't get the memo. (He does count his blessings, however, that the main leg of puberty has passed him already. He'd had to sit in the river for a few days during the worst of it.)

Kieran sniggers, and Donovan opens his eyes to see him sitting on his desk, patting the space next to him with one hand and holding a bottle in his other. "Alright, I get it. C'mere, let's drink and celebrate the solstice!"

Donovan takes the bottle when it's handed to him, raising an eyebrow. "Eggnog? What are you, twelve?"

"Twelve out of ten," Kieran sings. "This is the real good stuff: free-range dismot eggs, fresh delroch milk, and—" he leans in conspiratorially—"half a bottle of the liquor I found in the headmistress's not-so-secret stash."

Donovan's already halfway through a swig, and the burn hits him like a manticore to the chest. It's only his frequent practice poker-facing his way through magic flare-ups that enable him to swallow it all down.

Kieran is cackling, wiping at his tears as he reaches for the bottle. "If you could've seen your face!" he howls, taking a few cautious sips of his own. If his grimace is anything to go by, he's just as inexperienced as Donovan is. But Kieran is stubborn to a fault, and he manages a couple gulps before handing it off to Donovan again.

They're on their third round when Donovan starts getting stupid thoughts. The ring burns in his pocket, where he'd shoved it as Kieran yanked him into the shadows. Soon, he promises himself. Once he gets his own shop, he'll propose. The thought of it sends giddy pleasure coursing through his veins, and seems to raise the temperature around him by several degrees too, if Kieran leaning closer was any indication.

Ah—nevermind that, then. Kieran's head drops heavily against Donovan's shoulder, and a sleepy sigh passes through his lips. His cheeks are flushed, the alcohol and the magical exhaustion finally catching up to him (but Donovan lets himself pretend there's another reason, just for tonight). Gently, Donovan caps the eggnog and lowers it to the ground. And if he decides to wrap a cloak of warming magic around Kieran (if anything, the one thing he appreciated about his magic was that it seemed to know not to hurt Kieran) and shift his shoulder so that his head was better supported—well. It's just what anyone would do for their friend after such a long day, right?
Also thank you so much for the gift!

Lorelei, thank you so much for the cat and the peacock phoenix! I will love and treasure them forever <3

Y'all are the best. Looking forward to an awesome new year RP-ing with you! :bounce:
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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Foleo »

@Kestrad thank you so much for the kind words!!! the greasy validation goblin inside of me is partying right now i hope it managed to mesh with the Hungry Keep 'verse somewhat! (donovan is somehow even more of a fucking gay disaster than before. character development)

also i found that it was unreasonably difficult to write swears/exclamations without referencing some sort of religious figure or like, modern-day vehicle. luckily the concept of hell exists in the magistream world, since hellhounds have to have gotten their name from somewhere

(did u know the temptation of writing kieran throwing up in a bush was the impetus for this entire ordeal)

Also YES I would love to actually start up a new rp with y'all in 2018!!! It's been too long....
Last edited by Foleo on March 16th, 2018, 2:06:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Karzarill »

Well gifts are gonna be delayed a bit more due to stuff happening IRL, cat died and now I need to clean up the apartment to prepare for the possible next animal that could end up living here.

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