Sex workers

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Re: Sex workers

Post by Goldenwings »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
Although I feel I would personally not consider that line of work, I can understand why someone would. I don't think sex workers are necessarily immoral. For some it's a financial need, for some it's a personal preference I imagine.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
There is definitely a different perception of male and female sex workers.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
I don't think I will ever consider being a sex worker because I have issues with intimacy and contact with people I don't know. I prefer not to as much as touch people I'm not in a relationship with. Even with close friends it's pretty awkward.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
I would definitely be uncomfortable, mostly because of the reasons listed above. In the current state of rules and regulations, I would be more concerned with the friend and hope they stay safe, as that is the priority, not how they prefer to earn their living.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
Encouraging someone to be a sex worker is never a good thing I think. It's not like pressuring more people to go into bio engineering because the industry needs growth. I believe encouraging sex work can lead to abuse of the system and abuse of the workers. There are people pressured into going into healthcare by their parents but pressuring an individual into the sex industry (no matter how gently) can negatively affect their idea of sex and intimacy. The key to a successful industry is effective legislation and regulation and above all, workers that are willing to work in the field. Sex workers shouldn't be encouraged, they should be accepted and stigmas around the profession removed.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
I have not. I'm not a very intimate person to the point that I don't like even touching people, so it's really not the right career for me.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
I don't at all.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
I'm not very educated on the types of sex work available, so I'll need to do my research.

Thoughts not previously expressed?
I'll edit this section if any other thoughts come up.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by Fuiuki »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
They make me uncomfortable, but I don't have anything against them or what they do.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
Probably. Since men (or rather, the male body and brain) work slightly different from women, making them easier to excite, so it makes sense in my mind that they'd get more frustrated easier too, seeking sex workers because of that.
That's not to say that women does not want things too though, but the bias that men are more sexual than women is still living on in porn I think.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
Absolutely not. My body is a temple to me, and just someone touching me is uncomfortable, no matter who it is. I would never be able to let anyone else see or touch my body, and I would not RP or anything either.
This is part of the reason I am uncomfortable with sex workers, it's simply that I wouldn't be able to do it myself, and I automatically imagine myself in someone's place when observing or thinking about it.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
I would be uncomfortable, but I would accept it. They aren't a completely different, it's really mostly just a job. I'd mostly be surprised.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
I don't think they should be encouraged, but I don't think they need to be discouraged either.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
Not really.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
I find it a bit dirty, but that's just mental.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
I think any work that is volountary and something you don't regret is ok. Anything forced is never ok, or something someone does because they feel they have to.

Thoughts not previously expressed?
I don't think every sex worker is someone with bad self image or worth, but I feel really bad for those who do. I only hope that there is help to get for those who feel bad about themselves. I also feel bad for those who do something and come to regret it later.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by Chaoticx »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
Whatever works really. I can respect them as much as I can adrenaline seekers or athletes that put their bodies on the line night after night. I think that an act so intimate and making it a normal procedure for you takes a lot of courage sometimes.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
In hiring a sex worker, maybe, maybe not. Both males and females have needs and I think both genders will have hired a sex worker in probably equal amounts that you would have to look across several companies to find because really even if you had statistics, two or three companies would not be representative.
As for being a sex worker, oh most definitely. Whilst females tend to be called the usual slurs, you know the ones, males tend to have a stigma attached of being either submissive or incredibly lucky, it brings a sense of distance between a male and another male due to either jealousy or disgust. Whilst there is no doubt in my mind that females get this too, but it is much like the porn industry, a good looking female gets fairly far but a male needs many many things to succeed and it adds more stress and more anxiety that they can't vent to others because of the stigma. Being a male, this is the only point I can really fully say.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
Not for money and not for a wider group of individuals, I am comfortable in having a friend ask, should they really need relief. I have no friends who currently do this and I do not plan to gain any, but I like to feel I am a little more open about my body and sexuality than most.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
Not at all, it is their choice and I have no right to judge them on it, although I would politely ask them not to share details. That is a given as I do that with all my friends who work.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
I think it should always be an option and like all options, should not be pushed more than any other.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
No I have not.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
Not at all. Most people who work in the industry have likely chose it for whatever reason or whatever circumstance, I can not judge them for their choices.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
If anything is forced, I consider it the lowest form of scum work, if you are in work as intimate as this then you should really have the choice of what clients you take on and be comfortable with what you do, being forced to do something you are uncomfortable with, or being in the sort of stereotypical back alley gang sex ring in the vein of TV shows and Police and gang films is also not ok.

Thoughts not previously expressed?
I live in a poor area, in a poor town, I am poor. I have seen people do things they want and don't want to make a living and it has made me very open to a lot of different ideas and careers. I do believe that a majority of sex workers have nowhere else to go and that is unfortunate, there are also some who like the work and that is okay. Respect the individual and not the job they do is my philosophy.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by PinkPeach »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
They are human beings who all have different situations
Do you think there is a male/female bias?
Eh, I don't really wanna get into it
Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
If I had no other option, yes
If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
It depends on the friend. If my best friend did, I would be uncomfortable just knowing that I had no idea and couldn't help them sooner. I would try and help them financially if that's why they were a sex worker
Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
I think they should not be more encouraged because it can be very demeaning and quite dangerous. If teenagers looking to stir up trouble get involved it could be very bad. I also think we should have more support for the people who have been forced into prostitution and society should put way less shame and guilt on these people.
Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
I don't find them dirty as people but the sex is a bit unsavory in my opinion. I just am incredibly disgusted by sex(even just the thought) and take intimacy very seriously
Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
Anything illegal/unsafe is not super great but maybe agency (or club) seems ok in my opinion
Thoughts not previously expressed? People can do what they want I guess :t-shrug:
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