Sex workers

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Sex workers

Post by MissMurderPaws »

Hoping that this is an appropriate discussion, as I'm going to try and be as pg13 as possible.

Hello my Magi friends and acquaintances! I wanted to talk about a possibly awkward topic, because I've noticed it is very up and coming in internet society, and is being more widely accepted. But, as it is becoming more accepted, it is also being more publicly shamed, and disgraced.

Sex working.

Sex workers are basically people who trade adult services for payment. This could be through roleplay, email, pictures, telephone, webcam, videos, or physical things, like exotic dancers escorts, or corteseans.

I wanted to know how other people felt about people, especially women, who choose to trade their sexuality for money, or other goods and services. I'd like to keep of very open minded here, so please, if you could , even if you don't agree with my opinion, give some real feedback. "I don't like whores." Is not necessarily an appropriate response. "I don't agree with selling your body because___" is.

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[b]What is your opinion of Sex Workers?[/b]

[b]Do you think there is a male/female bias?[/b]

[b]Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?[/b]

[b]If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?[/b]

[b]Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?[/b]

[b]Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?[/b]

[b]Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?[/b]

[b]Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?[/b]

[b]Thoughts not previously expressed?[/b]
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Re: Sex workers

Post by BradTheMad »

I think it is appropiate as long as we stay away from details as we are on a site where many minors are present. Folks; keep it clean and nice. Mod-hat off

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
Neutral. They definitely have their uses as there would be many more frustrated people out there who might resort to more drastic measures to fulfill their needs. I'm not overtly pro or con.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
I think there is. Most men are probably looked down upon unless they are actors in porn-movies. Society wants macho-males and I think their male friend would look down upon them for being ' subservient'.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
Nope, never. I just could not imagine it and I have been in pretty bad financial straits before. Personally I find it to be degrading. Not that is actually IS degrading but I would not be comfortable with being an object of lust for somebody I don't even know.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
No, not at all but I would like to know why they have chosen such a profession. Just to sate my curiosity as I really could not image why anybody would do such a thing.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
I don't think so. I mean people who need them know where to look. It shouldn't be some dirty, dark secret either because that's where crime flourishes. There is a middle ground that works. Not in your face on billboards every day but also not back in some dark alleyway where young and vulnerable people are easily forced into such work against their will.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
One of my ex-girlfiends was an exotic stripper.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
Not at all.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
I think it really depends on where you'd want to draw the line personally. I have no problems with 'look don't touch' but find I take more issue with porn-actors, prostitutes and such. Probably more due to the fact I have no idea why somebody would do such a thing. It's an alien mindset to me. I do not think they are ' not okay' though.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by mkutano »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
I don't really have one? I don't mind them. I mean, it's what they want to do-so let them do it.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
I think females are seen as the ones who are sex workers, though there are no doubts tons of males.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
Nope! it's just not something I'd do.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
It might be a bit awkward at first, but I would have no problem with it.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
they should be! As long as it involves nothing illegal, then there's nothing wrong with it. It should be encouraged and shown as something that you do because you want to do it and it's something you enjoy.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
not at all

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
nope! they're perfectly fine just the way they are.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
nope. they're all the same to me, really. they do what they want and that's all that matters.

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Re: Sex workers

Post by anyanka »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers? I support all sex workers, regardless of what kind of work they do. I am of the opinion that it's important to listen to and amplify their voices as there's a stigma attached to doing sex work (and also a risk of violence)

Do you think there is a male/female bias? I have no idea tbh. I do however, believe that misogyny (and transmisogyny and racism) fuels negative stereotypes against sex workers. Idk if that was the question, though.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker? Nah, but that's just because of my personal boundaries re. sex and my sexual orientation. Idk, maybe I could only offer services to women? I have no idea, as I know very little about the industry.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable? No, I'd fully support their choice and help them stay safe.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not? I think sex work should be recognised as actual work, and be just as respected as any other kind of job.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working? No, I have not

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty? No.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not? I believe involuntary sex work (aka. trafficking) should be abolished. Otherwise, I see no reason to hate on only aspects of it.

Thoughts not previously expressed? Decriminalize sex work. Criminalization of the workers/their clients only puts sex workers at risk and further stigmatizes it.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by AnaYamazaki »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
I think is a fine and to some degree much needed occupation just like barbers, cashiers, etc.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
If by biased you mean as in it is mostly thought that there are more female sex workers than male then yes. Otherwise not really, there doesn't seem to be from what I can see a stigma against male sex workers compared to female, its just seen as odd or out of place since again the normal thought is sex workers are all if not mostly female.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
I've had one of those "I could probably make like 10x more money if I sold ma body" thoughts but those are passing and never really serious contemplation. Personally I don't see why not since I enjoy sex like any other person and if I could get paid for doing something like this in a safe and controlled environment then sure.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
Nope. I'd e obligated to poke a little fun at them from then on but I would encourage them to be safe and do their best.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
Definitely. I feel that sex in it of itself is so stigmatized and looked at as dirty and wrong when really its a very natural and very pleasing thing to do if done right and done safely. I feel that it would benefit many to be able to legalize and control sex services like many other services are controlled and taxed.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
I have never personally had experience either with a sex worker or being one.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
It depends on how the person. Some sex workers can be dirty and some can be clean. I do not tend to judge them all as dirty but I do always warn to be wary should any person I know bring up the contemplation of wanting to experience being with one.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
The only time I would consider sex work not okay is when it involves things like human trafficking, heavy/harmful drugs, and/or abuse. Any of those can create an unsafe and uncontrollable environment and that's when people, mainly the sex worker(s), can come out harmed or even worse.

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Re: Sex workers

Post by Agentofthe1Truth »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
I have a healthy respect and appreciation for "the oldest profession in the world". It takes a lot of confidence and self respect to put oneself out there, I think. It can be both a lucrative and dangerous job, both from the standpoint of cut-throat business and when one thinks about attracting potential stalkers. Props to the people who can handle that. Major props.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
Yeaahhh - maybe. There seem to be a lot of females on camera as opposed to males, but cams alone just give part of the whole. For all I know, a lot of people who pay these ladies are ladies themselves. That also leaves out a large number of other types of sex-workers, who should be counted too.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
Nope. I am literally incapable of getting into the sort of mental state needed to perform.

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
Not at all. In fact, I do have at least one friend who is sort of a sex-worker.

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
Yeah, I do think so... or at the very least they shouldn't be condemned. If they're having fun, and their clients are happy with their work, why belittle them?

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
See above answer regarding being a sex worker. Never hired one, either.

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
Not in the least. I do however think that due to the nature of their work, regular health check-ups are necessary. Nothing ruins a booming career like accidentally giving a client something you didn't know you'd caught from the last one.

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
Nah, they're all okay as far as I'm concerned. If there's a market for it, it'll be sold. It just needs to be sold safely. No one getting forced into the job - no one being used. You know?

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Re: Sex workers

Post by Revan014 »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers?
I really don't have a problem with it, unless it is forced or child sex working, its up to them.

Do you think there is a male/female bias?
Definitely, the common sex worker image is a female.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker?
No, it doesn't appeal to me.
If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable?
No, its their choice.
Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?
Depends really, there are pros and cons.
Have you ever had any experience with sex-working?
Apart from video game references, no.
Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?
No not at all.
Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not?
They are perfectly fine.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by Eliah1102 »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers? I am not against consensual sex work(unless its underage which is not at all okay even if its with consent). but I would probably not be in a relationship with sex worker of any line, even if its minor like exotic dancers etc...
Do you think there is a male/female bias? I there is a bias against Females because most people only bash females when it comes to sex work.
Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker? not at all, I am a rather reserved guy.
If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable? It honestly depends on the reason of why they choose this specific profession.
Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not? It should not be encouraged but it should not be looked down upon either.
Have you ever had any experience with sex-working? no, I have not.
Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty? It depends upon the reason of why they went with that route as well as their personality&attitude.
Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not? any type of non consensual, forced and underage sex work is not at all ok, moreover underage is not okay even with consent. Everything else is ok.
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Re: Sex workers

Post by myultimateanswer »

What is your opinion of Sex Workers? Ok if consensual

Do you think there is a male/female bias?yeah like whores and jiggaloes are treated veeery differently, but also if they take or give, like people are far more acception of the male givers

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker? nope

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable? more like confused, most of my friends aren't really sexual people

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not?encouraged... no, not really.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working? nope

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty?nope, strange and confusing to me but i'd actually just want to know their story

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not? nah i'm fine with everything as long as it's consensual for everyone

Thoughts not previously expressed? i think it should be more managed to ensure their safety if it is their chosen profession and if they can't chose then they should be helped
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Re: Sex workers

Post by MissMurderPaws »

My own two cents:
What is your opinion of Sex Workers? If there are people who want to sell 'sex', and there are people who want to buy it, and they are both fully consenting adults, let 'em go for it!

Do you think there is a male/female bias? I definitely think it is a lot easier for a woman to get into the sex industry than the man, so yes.

Do you think you would ever consider being a sex worker? I am one. It's been kind of awkward to admit it, but I am in fact a sex worker. Amateur going pro soon, I work as an online model, for pictures, videos, and live shows. If you're honestly curious about it, feel free to message me, I have a little bit of experience, so hopefully I'd be able to answer your questions

If your friend came out to you as a sex worker, would you be uncomfortable? Not at all! Both my partner and my best friend are sex workers :D

Should sex workers be more encouraged in society, or not? I definitely think so! It is a legitimate business, it's a lot harder than it looks, and it's a lot of hard work.

Have you ever had any experience with sex-working? Of course I have :D

Do you find people who are sex workers distasteful, or dirty? Only if they want to be seen that way, haha

Do you think some types of sex work are okay, while others are not? I think all types of true sex work is okay, when it involves two--or more--consenting adults, but not if it involves inebriation, underage people, pets, or anything that can't enthusiastically give you consent.

Thoughts not previously expressed? Not really :D Though, like I said, if anybody has any questions, or maybe curiosity about getting into the industry yourself (So long as you're of age) you can message me any time
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