The Origin of the Magistream

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Royal »

Before I post, I want to say a few things.

1. I spent the last four days writing this story and that's the longest I've ever spent on a writing project I don't plan on publishing.
2. It's over 3000 words long, so if you just skip parts, don't even read it at all. Don't say it's too long because it's the right amount for a legend or story like this.
3. If anyone plans to name one of their creatures after any in this story, please ask my permission first! All the creatures in my story, EVERY creature is one of my creatures, so I want you to ask permission before naming a creature after any of my characters. I'VE HAD THIS HAPPEN BEFORE ON A DIFFERENT SITE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND THAT'S WHY I'M SAYING IT HERE.
4. Enjoy!

To Administrators: I don't know when you're going to pick the winners, but I won't be online from July 25th to August 1st.

The Origin of the Magistream

“Young Jared, have you heard the story of Edmund and Creital?” an old man asked, his hair tinged silver and gray with age, rocking in a small armchair. Jared, a child just under ten sat on his lap with an egg in his hand. It was brown and tan – a Gryphon egg.

Jared looked up. “No, I never heard the story, grandpa.” He said.

“Would you like to hear it?” Jared’s grandfather asked, smiling. “It’s the story of how friendship can create one of the greatest areas in the world.”

“I want to hear it! I want to hear it!” Jared chanted, hopping up and down on his grandfather’s lap.

“Very well then,” his grandfather spoke as he pat his friend, a Soot Gryphon which lay on the floor next to him, on the head. “This is how the Magistream came to be…”


The day was hot and Edmund, cloaked in a pattern outfit walked across the grassy field. A small creek ran next to him, sweeping small rocks, dirt, and pebbles into the stream. The water was crystal blue, reflecting the hot sun into cool rainbows that glittered over the stream like little pieces of crystal. Purple, pink, and all kinds of flowers swayed around the stream as if they were dancing to a song.

A glitter of silver and gold caught Edmund’s eyes. The young boy quickly turned his head and saw a small oval-shaped object lying by the stream. The object was silver and had two white, bat-like wings sticking out of it and wrapped around the stone like a blanket.

Crouching down next to it, Edmund put both hands to the stone and picked it up. It was a heavy stone and unlike anything he’s ever seen.

Suddenly, the rock started to move in his hands. The wings started to stretch and something in the egg started to squeak.

Edmund gasped and dropped the rock which quickly shattered. A creature, silver and gold screeched as its body came free from the egg. It was about the size of an adult cat and as it got up, it shook its golden mane. Several pieces of the shell flew off its thick fur.

“Wha-?” Edmund gasped. The creature turned to it, its aqua blue eyes wide with fear. It seemed that this creature was much more afraid of Edmund than Edmund was of it.

The creature squeaked in alarm and stepped back, standing up on its hind legs.

“Oh… no, it’s okay,” Edmund spoke, putting his hand out palm up. The creature landed back on all four feet and looked at Edmund’s hand. It cautiously stepped forward and sniffed Edmund’s hand. It jumped back, squeaking once more. Edmund was amazed of how agile it was for a newborn… whatever creature it is.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Edmund said slowly, crouching down low to the ground.

The creature stepped forward cautiously before putting its head on Edmund’s head. Edmund smiled.

“Do you have a name? You must want a name,” Edmund said, stroking the fur on the creature. “How about Creital?”

The creature chirped loudly as if that was already its name. It curled its wings around its body as Edmund held it warmly. A deep rumble in its chest indicated that it was purring.

“Alright Creital, um, you must be hungry,” Edmund whispered, looking around. A small creature with two long horns was grazing in the small several feet away. “You must be a carnivore with those claws, fangs, and that agile body. Let’s go-“ But before Edmund finished his sentence, Creital had launched himself across the clearing, wings outstretched, gliding. He had landed on the back of the horned creature, squealing hungrily.

The horned creature began to screech as Creital cut into its body with claws and fangs. In a few minutes, Creital was chomping his meal happily. Edmund just sat there, bewildered.

“Dang,” he gasped, blinking, still shocked by the creature that purred in his arms just a minute ago.


Edmund turned his head to stare at the creature. It was looking at Edmund excitedly and continued to squeak, “Da! Da! Da!”

Months and weeks passed as Edmund and Creital traveled. Creital grew to be a huge beast and allowed Edmund to ride on his back. They had traveled lands faster that way. However, to travel farther, Creital and Edmund needed to cross the great ocean.

A small wooden shack was built on the edge of the ocean and a man sat outside. His head lifted up as he saw the two travelers and he opened his mouth to reveal a toothy grin.

As the two friends edged closer, the man had gotten to his feet, his grin spreading wider each second.

Edmund got off the back of Creital and took a step forward. “Do you have boats to cross the sea?” Edmund asked

“Yessum, but they don’ come wit’out a price,” the man said. Edmund reached in his cloak and took out his sack of gold shards.

“How much?” Edmund asked.

“Jus’ fif’y gol’ shards a day.” The man said.

“Alright,” But as Edmund was about to open up the money, the ground under his feet rumbled. The ground under Creital crumpled and a pair of green jaws shot up and caught Creital. Creital roared in pain and shocked as he was pulled under into the hole.

“Creital!” Edmund shouted. He turned to the man but the man had already fled into his cabin.

Edmund turned back to the hole and looked down. It was filled with dark ocean water and there was no sign of Creital anywhere.

“Creital! Creital!” Edmund yelled into the water.

“Who’re you calling for?” a voice asked from under the water. A purple and blue head appeared in the water, its shining eyes watching Edmund.

“I’m calling for Creital, my friend,” Edmund said. “He was taken by a green beast!”

He can understand me? The creature asked itself, but quickly shook its head. “The Forest Leviathan! It’s a greedy creature that’ll do anything like killing and eating another creature’s young. I can help you find your friend.”


“I am a Koi, a magical fish that allows any other creature to breathe underwater for short periods of time. But with help from my family, we’ll be able to find your friend.”

“Thank you,” Edmund said. “What is your name?”

“My family calls me Zana.” The Koi fish said. “Now jump in the water, my ocean Leviathan friend is waiting. She’s one of the fastest swimmers I know that can carry you through the sea.”

Edmund nodded and without a second thought jumped into the sea. The salty waters stung his eyes but with the Koi’s magic, he could see all the way to the bottom of the ocean cave. Edmund noticed a large creature next to him, its skin blue like the ocean but its crown and patterns on its body as blue as the sky on a sunny day.

“I am Sky Visitor,” the beast said. “I watched with my own eyes as your friend was taken. I am one of the fastest Leviathans in this ocean so please, get on my back, we will rescue your friend.”

“Thank you,” Edmund said. He was shocked that he didn’t choke while speaking. It was probably the Koi’s magic still at work. Edmund grabbed Sky Visitor’s crowd and sat down on her neck and the group swam to the open sea.

Zana’s family, the Kois, had joined in the search. However, with each passing moment, they could not find Creital and the wretched forest Leviathan called Warrio.

The group turned their heads as they heard the calling siren of a Narwhal. There, to their right was a vast herd of Narwhals. Edmund and Sky Visitor swam up to them.

“Great Narwhals of the sea, I have a question for the leader of your herd!” Edmund said to the Narwhals. “We have not come to harm your young. We only came to find our friend who was taken by a forest Leviathan known as Warrio.”

Out of the herd came the largest one, its skin brown rather than gray. A long silver horn grew from the center of its head. “Young human boy, you speak our tongue. You are special,” he spoke, his voice booming. “We know of this creature you call Warrio. He has taken our young many times and has feasted on them right in front of our eyes. We’ve all tried to kill him but we could not. My family and I will go with you and find Warrio and send him to the abyss where the Krakken lays.”

“Thank you great Narwhal,” Edmund said with a nod of his head.

The group continued through the ocean now accompanied by five Narwhals at their side, each having a silver horn growing out of their head. They have come across many creatures as they traveled and the creatures pointed out the direction where Warrio went. They said that Warrio had carried Creital over the mouth of the abyss.

As they neared the mouth of the abyss, a group of green Leviathans, forest Leviathans, crawled out of the bushes.

“Good travelers, do not cross the Great Mouth!” they warned. “Hornet waits in the shallows for creatures to swim over. Then he grabs them with his long tentacles and swallows them up whole!”

“Who is Hornet?” Edmund asked.

“The Krakken!” another forest Leviathan shouted.

“Please don’t cross! We’re trying to warn everyone not to cross! We tried to warn one of our kind not to cross but he kept on swimming!”

“Warrio!” Sky Visitor gasped. “Did he cross the Great Mouth?”

“Yes! He also carried something white in his mouth.” The lead forest Leviathan said.

“Creital!” Edmund shouted. “Sky Visitor, we must cross the Great Mouth! Creital needs our help!”

“You would risk your life to save something called a Creital?” a forest Leviathan asked.

“Creital is my best friend. Of course I would.”

The forest Leviathans were silent for a few seconds. They were exchanging anxious looks.

The leader turned back to Edmund and the group. “We wish we had a friend like you, and we’ll help you find your friend even if it means losing our lives to Hornet.”

Edmund smiled. “Thank you, but you shouldn’t.”

“We want to.” The forest Leviathans told him.

The group stopped at the edge of the Great Mouth and looked down into the darkness below.

“Le-let us distract the Krakken.” One of the forest Leviathans said. “He won’t go after you if we attack its tentacles.”

Edmund nodded. The Leviathans waited on the edge as Edmund help tightly to Sky Visitor’s crown.

“Alright,” he rasped. “Now!”

Sky Visitor launched across the clearing and as she did, two gray tentacles with purple suction cups shot up from the darkness.

“Get it!” the forest Leviathans shouted as they launched off the side of the trench. They wrapped their bodies around the tentacles and bit down with their razor-sharp teeth. There was a roar from the darkness and the tentacles were pulled under, the Leviathans going under with them.

Edmund gasped and turned to the group that had crossed the abyss. “Everyone wait here! Zana, come with us.”

“Where are we going?” Sky Visitor asked, alarm in her voice.

“To speak to the Krakken.”

“You must be crazy Edmund!” Sky Visitor hissed.

“Don’t worry,” Edmund said. “Just go.”

“A-alright,” Sky Visitor nodded and launched herself down into the darkness.

“Great Hornet, the Krakken of the abyss and the Great Mouth, I wish to talk!” Edmund shouted into the darkness that enveloped him, Sky Visitor, and Zana.

“That creature you ride, what is she?” a voice that rumpled like a volcano asked.

“I-I’m an ocean Leviathan,” Sky Visitor said, her voice shaking.

“Ocean Leviathan? You mean there’s more of those despicable sea snakes?!” the voice roared.

“Great Hornet, those forest Leviathans you hold do not mean any harm. They were helping us cross.” Edmund shouted back.

“The seaweed crawlers do not help! They steal, murder, and wound.”

“No, great Hornet!” Sky Visitor shouted. “You only speak of one in particular! It’s Warrio you speak of!”

“Did he hurt you, great Krakken?” Edmund asked.

“Yes. He crippled two of my arms as I tried to free a Narwhal hatchling from its grasp.” The voice roared. “A wretched being, it is. Hear, have you seen it?”

“He kidnapped our friend. We’re trying to find him.” Edmund said.

“Ah, sorry I am.” The Krakken spoke. “Your friends are free from me. Go, find your friend.”

“Will you help us great Krakken?” Zana asked. “We could use someone like you in our group.”

“Alas, I would agree to that but I cannot leave the deep.” The Krakken said. “But can I ask one thing of you, young travelers? Bring that wretched beast Warrio here so I can make him lay in the darkness and cold forever.”

“Yes Hornet, thank you.” Edmund said.

The group continued through the ocean and several hours passed. The water was darkening as night was approaching. Suddenly, they saw the movement of a green creature and something gold and silver shown in its mouth.

“There! That’s Warrio!” Sky Visitor hissed.

“I will bring its hide to Hornet!” the lead Narwhal roared. “Family, let’s attack!”

“Get Creital free too!” Edmund shouted.

The group charged forward through the water at Warrio. The beast had turned its head in surprise just as the lead Narwhal’s silver horn penetrated its hard, scaly stomach. It opened its mouth and screeched. Creital, who was a limb shape in the water, was grasped by Sky Visitor. The ocean Leviathan swam to the surface and he looked around. A small island was several feet away.

“Over there!”

Sky Visitor placed Creital’s body on the beach and Edmund got off Sky Visitor and ran to his friend.

“Creital! Creital!” Edmund shouted.

“Edmund, I – I think he’s dead.” Sky Visitor whispered.

“He is dead,” a voice said. Edmund looked up into the eyes of a black creature with a bird-like head and a lion-like body. Two black wings were folded onto its body.

“No!” Edmund hissed to the creature. “What are you anyway?”

“I am Stoneteller,” the Gryphon said. “The spirit of the leader of the Gryphons. I’ve watched you through this quest young boy. You’ve risked your life to save Creital’s but he’s already dead.”

“What are you talking about?” Edmund hissed.

“You are a powerful Magi, young one. You understand us, the creatures of the world, not just your partner. You must know you control magic too?” Stoneteller explained.


“You can bring your friend back to life but you would have to sacrifice your own life.”

“Tell me how!” Edmund demanded.

“Very well,” Stoneteller sighed. “You must focus all your energy, your entire life, your entire being and make it flow into your partner. Your life will end but his will start again.”

“Edmund, think about this!” Sky Visitor warned.

“Sky Visitor, Creital’s my friend. I would sacrifice my life for him and for any of my friends, even you.”

Sky Visitor lowered her head.

Edmund put his head on his friend’s golden mane. “Creital, I’ll be there for you always. We’re friends, always remember.” Edmund whispered. He closed his eyes and Sky Visitor counted away the seconds that passed. Edmund’s breathing became fainter and fainter until it stopped altogether.

“Edmund? Edmund!” Sky Visitor shouted.

“Do not worry, young ocean Leviathan. Edmund, the first magi, will rest amongst the Great Ones for the rest of eternity but his magic will flow through Creital and the stream he first found the egg.” Stoneteller said.

“What egg?” Sky Visitor asked.

“The egg that hatched Creital,” Stoneteller said turning around. “Edmund’s story will be told for generations to come, Sky Visitor. You should help spread the word of his great sacrifice.” And then, Stoneteller’s form faded into the night as if he was just a cloud of mist to begin with.

Suddenly, Creital started to cough. His giant head lifted up as he spat out water that was stuck in his throat.

“Creital!” Sky Visitor shouted, shocked.

“Do I know you?” Creital asked.

“I-I’m a friend,” Sky Visitor said lowering her head. “I knew Edmund.”

Creital followed her gaze until her said Edmund’s body with his arms wrapped around Creital’s golden mane.

“Edmund!” Creital gasped. “My – my father!”

“Sky Visitor!” a voice shouted from the water behind the ocean Leviathan. A forest Leviathan appeared at the surface. “Warrio is dead!”

Sky Visitor did not turn.

“What is wrong?”

“Edmund is dead,” Sky Visitor whispered. “Why – why did Stoneteller tell Edmund the only way to save you was to sacrifice his own life?”

“Where is this ‘Stoneteller?’” Creital asked.

“He was in front of you, but he disappeared.” Sky Visitor said lifting her head. Her eyes widened at what she saw. There were dozens of creatures all like Stoneteller looking at the body of Edmund, but they weren’t just black – they were gray, gold, and gray.

“We have come to honor your friend.” A gold Gryphon spoke. “We saw what he did for you. He’s a great magi, the first human magi.”

Creital lowered his head.

“Let us burry him next to our leader, Stoneteller.” They said.

“No, he won’t be buried here. He’ll be buried at the stream where we met – at the stream.

The Gryphons lowered their heads. “We will follow you to this stream you speak of. We will honor your friend with our children and we will spread the word as Stoneteller commanded it.”

With the body of Edmund on his back, Creital flew off across the ocean, Gryphons following in the sky, as well as Leviathans, Kois, and Narwhals in the ocean. Word had spread as quick as a wild fire and creatures from all over the world had come to follow. There were the fire Phoenixes from the volcanic lands, the Pegasi from the grassy fields and dark forests, and the Ibex from the mountains.

The creatures all gathered with Creital as he laid Edmund’s body next to the rainbow-reflecting stream. He lowered his head and flexed his wings, covering his friend from the hot sun.

“We’ll be friends forever here,” Creital spoke.

“Behold the Magistream!” the creatures behind him chanted.


“Over thousands of years, Edmund’s body became the stream and Creital’s body became the trees leaning inward to protect the stream.” The grandfather said. “The water sparkled with the magic bonding Edmund and Creital together.”

“But how’d the eggs get there?” Jared asked.

The grandfather smiled. “The creatures that Edmund befriended had put their eggs there in honor of Edmund’s bravery, friendship, and Edmund himself. Some creatures that have heard the story have also put their eggs in the stream. That’s why the stream only has Leviathans, Kois, Narwhals, Krakkens, Gryphons, Pegasi, Phoenixes, and Ibex.”

“So my eggy is the offspring of one the Gryphons that helped Edmund and Creital?” Jared asked.

“Maybe Jared,” the grandfather smiled. “Maybe…”
Last edited by Royal on July 22nd, 2009, 4:50:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Nyte Scythe »

:hooray: this better get chosen, I loved it :woo:
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Royal »

Thank you! That comment made my day!
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Iceclaw »

Good luck to you, I loved it.
Mining my Keep is encouraged! Have at it!
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by SolarCat »

How embarrassing, you made me cry. *Sniff*

Beautiful story, with lovely characters.

:t-cry: I need to find a tissue, now... :t-cry:
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Royal »

SolarCat wrote:How embarrassing, you made me cry. *Sniff*

Beautiful story, with lovely characters.

:t-cry: I need to find a tissue, now... :t-cry:

Yes it's sad. Don't all legends have sad parts?

The Odyssey has sad parts...
The legend of the four Chinese rivers has a sad part...
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by SolarCat »

Royal wrote:
SolarCat wrote:How embarrassing, you made me cry. *Sniff*

Beautiful story, with lovely characters.

:t-cry: I need to find a tissue, now... :t-cry:

Yes it's sad. Don't all legends have sad parts?

The Odyssey has sad parts...
The legend of the four Chinese rivers has a sad part...
All have sad parts, some are sad the whole way through, some are mostly happy, all have emotions somewhere or they wouldn't be remembered.

Wasn't saying it was a bad thing, just mildly inconvenient when there's other people around... :P
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by Royal »

Haha, yes that's true.
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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by SolarCat »

Royal wrote:Haha, yes that's true.
:P At any rate, I've recovered now. It is a beautiful story.
Not as active as I used to be.

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Re: The Origin of the Magistream

Post by PhoenixStarr »

It's wonderful. You have a gift for writing.
You are a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.

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