Kitsune X Tenabre Fox (name to come)

A Damaged Beastiary
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Kitsune X Tenabre Fox (name to come)

Post by StarscreamsGirl »

General Description

Egg Description
Hatchling Description
Adult Description
Can be found here!

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Re: Kitsune X Tenabre Fox (name to come)

Post by MidniteScy »

Aye! I had the same hybrid as you, just that I did a description.
MidniteScy wrote:Tenabre Fox x Kitsune

Shadow Kitsunes are the result of a mischievous companion breeding with an even bigger troublemaker. These stealthy foxes are masters of stealth, having inherited the tenabre fox ability to morph into shadows. Shadow kitsunes love causing trouble even more than their parents do, and are fickle beings with no intent to obey anyone. Their sleek black fur makes them impossible to find--and even more so when they choose to turn into a shadow. They have nine tails, whose primary purpose seems to be scaring oblivious pedestrians on dark, windy nights. Shadow kitsunes are powerful creatures. Not only are they able to turn into shadows themselves, but they can also manipulate the darkness around them. Their rebellious and rambunctious nature makes them rather difficult companions to raise, but with training, shadow kitsunes are the loyalest of them all.

This egg looks like the shadow of the egg in front of it, and you would have never noticed it had it not been the bushy black tail poking out.

Your well-camouflaged egg has hatched into a creature even more difficult to find. Your shadow kitsune in constantly on the run, fluffy tails bouncing as it scampers away from you. You chase it everywhere around the keep, only to find it right where you left it, amber eyes sparkling with mischief. The black kit shows signs of powerful shadow magic, flickering in and out of tangibility. Right now, it has difficulty controlling its powers, and often vanishes with an alarmed yelp; but this stage won't last long, and your shadow kitsune will soon be able to transform at will.

Your mischievous hatchling has grown to be quite large, larger than a kitsune, but still a bit smaller than a tenabre fox. It has mastered its shadow powers, and is now even better at running away from you. Not only can it turn into a shadow, your shadow kitsune can now manipulate shadows around it as well, making it appear as though someone is following, only for you to turn around and find a pair of amber eyes glinting in the dark; the same pair that belonged to that kit who had stolen your shoe so many times back at the keep. It has now grown into a beautiful adult, with sleek black fur and nine, flowing tails that seem to fade into nothing at the tips. Although rebellious and unwilling to obey you, your shadow kitsune is loyal to the bone, and always seems to know when you're in trouble.

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