Fox and Shadow (Prologue) (Looking for Critiques)

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Fox and Shadow (Prologue) (Looking for Critiques)

Post by AzuelZorro102 »

(Probably gettin' banned for that...)

"One thing everyone keeps telling me is, that everyone is tied to someone else's life in some way; be it direct, or indirect. We all have a purpose, even if we have no idea what that purpose is. In a way, we all know each other; we all affect each other...." - Nukkaen the Third, Leader of FoxClan, Tenth XX Generation
Nukka was borne a fox, unknown at the time destined to be the next
Prince of Ellfa. His clan, nicknamed FoxClan, kept him safe, trained
him to hunt and defend himself from the predators hidden deeper into
the woods, especially from the dreaded, bloodthirsty Wolves.
Nukka was borne in a small bramble-den, where he surely wouldn't be
hurt. Protected.
A few months after he was birthed, a strange tense fell over the land.
Animals hid. The ground shook, as if afraid. Fox's paws trembled
beneathe them as something appeared over the horizon. The Great
Canidae Vulpes War had begun. Sokoi, Nukka's mother, stowed away into
her den, but it was too late. Nukka was stolen away, never to be seen
for years to come.
John, now 21, had had enough. His parents were stupid, his brother a
bitch, and everything else just as horrible. He hid all that in the
depths of his mind as he focused on his music. He strummed his electric
guitar with ease, as he had been doing so for years. He enjoyed his
music so much, sometimes he couldn't help but...experiment. He had
been a druggie for some years, now, and he had done it hard. Heroin,
meth, you name it. He even tried acid a few times. But being stoned
was his favorite; because music sounded amazing. While he rocked out
to that shit, his brother Kevi was bugging around downstairs. He
worked the late shift and was already late to get his things together.
He threw on his trench coat and grumbled as he stepped out into the
cold. "John! I'm goin'!" he yelled through the racket with his fake,
but convincing Brit accent. As he went out the door John stopped
playing. "Good. 'E's out. Now-" he picked out his wallet from his
things and sneaked out the back. His last day on Earth was coming to
an end.
He got to a late night alley, and a man, hidden by the shadows, stood
waiting. He gestured towards a stand and ordered John to sit. John
did, and the man walked away.
Drugs, e realized, that was what he was selling. "Hm.." he had to
restrain himself from using any of it. Luckily he had brought a beer
with him and drank.
after a few hours he was drunk out of his mind still and the man came
back, looking angry. John hadn't realized but he had used up all of
the heroin, as the small bags left lay on the ground by his feet.
The man raised a gun to John's head, but John reacted by swinging a
jackknife in his face. It hit, but only knocked the man back some.
Opportunity shyed away as the man, disoriented, wacked at John with one
hand, but it didn't even phase him. John struck, hitting the man in
the gut with the sharp of the knife, but just as the man fell, John
heard a muffled popping noise, and then a numbing warmth by his upper
abdomen. "Sh-shit..." he fell to the pavement, bleeding and in shock.
John could hear the sound of a car, no, a van, screeching towards the
alleyway. He heard someone yelling at him, but he couldn't make it
out. His senses were fading.
"John!" someone called. it sounded British. "JOHN!" it was Kevi. he
fell to his knees, crying. "John, dammit!" he forced out,
"You....bitch...! Why?! Where were you, wh-"
John put a finger to Kevi's lips, "Shhhh....just let me..."
"J-just....let you?" Kevi didn't know what to think.
"Just let me go...into the light..."


Eli didn't know his parents. Not at all. All he knew was the
orphanage; the people there. All he knew, was the care he got from the
staff. Being 16, he was more than able to leave at his own will. But
he was afraid of the outside. Of the outdoors. The sun. It burned. The
water, it drowned.
He lay on his thin bed, staring outside. oh, how he longed to venture.
Outside. But no. he sat at his bed, mindlessly doodling into his
sketchbook someone had gave him, and one of the staff called him out.
"Elijah!" she called, "Next meet's in ten minutes!"
"Okay!" he called quietly back, still staring outside as he
blind-sketched the outline of a tree.
(Earlier that week,) John had found the orphanage a few years back;
wondered what was in it but was too bored to go in. Today he decided
to. He stepped through the door to the Kuma Leran Foster House; known
for it's hospitality. He looked for someone, but no one was there to
greet him. "Huh..." he wondered aloud, "No one to- oh?" he caught a
glimpse of someone walking through the hallway in the corner of his
vision, "Hey, you!" he called. His voice was deep, a bit threatening,
but calming at the same time.
Eli was caught off guard on his way to the drinking fountain, "Oh?!"
he snapped his head in the direction of the voice, his flaming red
hair flowing along with it, as much as his hair gel would allow.
Chicken fat does some good, at least. "Who-" he caught John in his
eyes, and soon their gaze met. Elijah's face immediately flushed red.
"O-oh, uhm...hi?" he stammered.
"Uh....hi? Iiis...anyone here? Besides you?" he choked, trying not to
comment on the teen's somewhat unnatural girlish figure.
"Uhm...well, the caretakers are out for lunch, No one else.
Everyone else is on some kind of field trip or something."
/Huh?/ John thought, /What?..../ "U-uhm, alrighty then. Wanna sit
down?" he asked, sitting on a nearby bench.
-"Uh....sure." Eli sat down, but not before walking over with a some
what swag-like walk.
After a while of talking they foud out that they had a lot in common.

John found himself in a dark abyss, with no one or nowhere to go.
"Huh?...but...I thought I...?" he had not died. He was being reborn.
The darkness exploded into a rainbow of colors, and then he found
himself, no, felt himself, being transformed into some sort of beast.

Later in the night, once it was time for bed, he lay on his bed. He
felt a deep sadness wash over him. That man, John...he wanted to be
with him. Strangely, he had the feeling that he wanted to...hug him.
Hold him. Do things with him. But then his thoughts gave way to
depression. /Why do I feel so....sad...?/ he thought, finding himself
staring out the window of his room once again. As if in a daze, he
felt himself stepping out of is bed, unlatching the window and
stepping outside. The light breeze hit his skin, and he shivered. He
went back inside to throw on his kimono, in fact he had gotten it that
same day. His birthday. He stepped outside once again, walking past
the trees and feeling the damp grass on his bare feet. "Wow..." he
said, but in a quiet voice, "Cool.." he kept walking.
After a while he had found a small stream, and, oddly, wasn't
terrified of the water. He peered down the edge, but fell. He plunged
into the water, it being much, much deeper than he had expected. As
quickly as he had fell in, he felt calm. But then that calm turned to
panic. He gasped for air, it only turned to water filling his lungs.
Just when he thought it was all over, he saw a great, golden-blue
being appear before him. A foxlike creature, but..more. It stepped out
of the depths of the blue, and stared Eli in the eyes. "You...have a
greater purpose."
And everything went black.
Nukka cried out for help, but none came. Being dragged by none other
than Hash, the Forbidden Dark One. "Let me go!" he barked.
"Not yet, kid." Hash growled, his smallish figure inhumanly carrying
Nukka's body. He ran, and they found themselves in a forest of
—-Elijah woke up to find himself in the body of an animal. "Gah?!" he
stood up, but a bit too fast. "Whoa-" he held his head. This was no
ordinary headache. He fell to his knees, eyes rolling back into his
head as he convulsed, and then his consciousness was gone.

John awoke to find himself in a field of bright green grass. He sat
up, " head..." he groaned. "Where.....wh- am I?.." he
looked up to see a great expanse of castle in his sights. "Whoa...."
he stood up, "Wait....what am I?...?!" he looked down at himself. A
squirrellike creature, with squirrellike hands and hindfeet,
but...something was off. Why was he grey? His fur, was grey—but when
he looked down he saw a dark red maroon fluff around his neck.
"John? is that you?" he heard Elijah's voice. "is that really you?!"
nukka was left there in the field, cold and afraid.
"h-huh....where...?" he yipped, but it came out wrong. less like a
bark and more... strange. more human.
"What the?!"
His paws, they didn't look right. Five long, but stubby things protruded from his...wrist?
His claws, had shrunk. His paws were furrless. His dewclaw had moved up some, connected to it. His paw pads were gone.
"What...a-am I?!" he exclaimed, sitting in the grass in a panic. "H-help!"
He moved his strange limbs to feel his head. Were his ears still there? he wondered.
But they weren't. Instead, a thick, long mat of blonde locks covered the top of his head.
"Ah?!" he walked over to a stream, still on all fours, nearby. He looked into the water to find what stared back at him. Who was it? he thought; it couldn't be him. It can't be.
The creature in the depths of the mirror-like water looked just as scared and confused as he was.
His face had morphed; no longer a muzzle but instead was replaced by a long, thin nose, his face no longer having the beautiful reddish-brown fur it one had the last time he had seen himself.
He tried to stand up, but his body wouldn't let him. He fell back to the ground. His skeleton had changed. Short hindpaws and legs were stretched out, pale and hairless in the sunlight. His toes, too, looked wrong. farther up, even is groin seemed in the wrong place to him.
He stared at it, confused. It looked odd.
In the bright light of day, he realized his back was bare, too. His entire body was hairless, besides the tuft on his head and the pathetic spread around his genitals.
"GAH?!" he jumped up. but was again knocked back down to the ground from his own unfamiliar weight. He never stood on his hind legs before. Nukkaen foxes didn't do that. Any fox didn't do that. Animals didn't do that. But he went against the laws of everything normal and balanced his weight against a tree as he painfully stood up. //Nukkaen never give up..// he thought to himself, //FoxClan never quits!!// he yelled at himself, and before he knew it he stood up, as awkward as his stance was. He forced his odd leg to take a step forward, but it hurt. He fell, catching himself. "What-" he was down on all fours again. "Dammit!..."

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