Summer Adventure Time (Sucks, sorry..)

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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Summer Adventure Time (Sucks, sorry..)

Post by Amethysts »

        • To Emander Tyris,

          I thought since your letter was so neatly done and filled with very precise information on what you were looking for or going after. After I read I seen that you wanted a letter back on what I do in the Summer Time on Magi. Well, I'll tell you this, I'm always wondering and gazing up at those blue skies filled with white puffy clouds. Wondering how can one fellow magi bond with one creature and it be so perfect than thee others. I must tell you I do truly wonder why. These creatures are all the same and wonderful.

          I usually don't celebrate summer times. I don't do anything. I just lounge around and see what I can create it experiment on. I hate celebrating. I don't like celebrations. This is going to be but here go:

          xxxxxLike other fellow Magi I don't bond or say what I want. I don't see what others see. I'm a shadow that's distanced from others in sunlight. When I try to communicate and bond with them and their creatures, it's like a harsh burn I get from the sunlight as I try to reach out to them. They can't see me- it's as if I'm just transparent. I see them. Yes, I seem them very clear, but I can't get the thought through of how they bond so well with other Magi's out in the world so well. Like I said before I'm a shadow that's transparent, friendly as can be, but distanced as the sunlight closes on me.

          xxxxxTheir creatures are so marvelous and well behaved, but I can't still not bond and think other wise on whether they'd like me or not. I still wonder on how a creature so small and fragile can be so fierce and scary, but on the inside its just so lovable and gentle. As I see the others play together and their creatures play rough with others, I still wonder why mine are so distanced from them. Even distanced from me. I try my best to bond with them, it's like, I've done something wrong to them all this time. Have I abandon them? Did I hurt them? But it's just all in my imagination as my lunstre licks me on my cheek and whimpers as to a sight for me to see, he is worried about me. I can't get the thought through on why I'm so distanced from other Magi fellows.

          xxxxxThis may sound like a poem or it doesn't, I don't know. But apparently I made it so deep in emotions, feelings, and even thoughts, that I'm continuously wondering whether I should stop talking and just start bonding. I am very sorry, Emander Tyris. I know this isn't what you were looking for at all, or maybe it was and still is. But I need to know if this was truly worth the wait for the gift you're trying to send me. I didn't tell you what you wanted or did I? I guess in meaningful words as the words I prescribed in this letter to you is a way of saying what I've done for Summer this year in magi. I'm not done saying what I need to say but I will before I end this.

          xxxxxMy Lunestre here is still a baby: fresh out of the bowl, (better, yet, egg) but he's smiling as a smile crosses my face, too. I didn't know what friendship was or even meant until I met him. I guess I was bonding with my creatures from the beginning. Maybe my feelings as to what I described was fear to what I think could happen, or maybe it did happen already. My feather drake and Lunstre are playing with others, but do I have the courage to gather and talk to others? I don't think I do. Maybe my nightmare just began. I'm sitting on a hill to tell you this next to a tree filled with life. A life that just began or is ending. My smile that came across my face has vanished into thin air and fell off like dripping water. I don't know whether to be happy or to be excited. I'm lost as to either known fact is true. Emander Tyris, please tell me I've done what was needed. I'm not good with explaining or even writing a letter. I'm going to end this with that I hoped you enjoyed your summer since I made a new best friend and he's my favorite.


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