Aspartame, the Hidden Poison

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Aspartame, the Hidden Poison

Post by Ktanaqui »

Do you drink diet soda? Chew gum? Consume sugar-free items?
Have you, since you started taking in "sugar-free", felt head-achy, stiff, sick?
Have you, since you started consuming artificial sweeteners, been diagnosed with something like Multiple Sclerosis?
Do you know anyone who has?

Well, chances are - they are suffering from the aspartame intake! Aspartame is a poisonous substance that is put in almost every single sugar-free substance (and now some non-sugar-free substances, too). Aspartame is marketed under these names: NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and AminoAcid. Aspartame is linked to very, very serious health issues that were announced in the '90s. However, today - the FDA is trying to hide how dangerous this substance is. Don't believe me?

Check this out: ... 000199.txt
In an epidemiological survey which appeared in the Journal of
Applied Nutrition (Roberts 1988), 551 persons who have
reported toxicity effects from aspartame ingestion were
surveyed. The adverse effects found cover a subset of reported
acute and chronic toxicity effects from aspartame.
What follows is a listing of the adverse health effects
which were found.
The FDA and NutraSweet have claimed that the number of reported
adverse reactions have declined substantially since the mid-
1980s (Pauli 1995, Butchko 1994). In addition, the FDA recently
claimed that the number of reported toxicity reactions for 1995 was
only 11 (WSJ 1996)! It is important to realize that during the
mid-1970s the FDA was investigating wrong-doings of the aspartame
manufacturer and stated the facts exactly as they found them:

"[The manufacturer] lied and they didn't submit the
real nature of their observations because had they
done that it is more than likely that a great number
of these studies would have been rejected simply
for adequacy. What Searle did, they took great
pains to camouflage these shortcomings of the
study. As I say filter and just present to the
FDA what they wished the FDA to know and they did
other terrible things for instance animals would
develop tumors while they were under study. Well
they would remove these tumors from the animals."
[FDA Toxicologist and Task Force member, Dr. Andrian
Gross (Wilson 1985)]

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, a number of key government and
FDA officials left their jobs to work with companies related to the
aspartame industry (GAO 1986). This included key FDA officials such
as the head of the FDA Bureau of Foods becoming a Vice President of
the National Drink Association and the FDA Commissioner becoming a
high-paid consultant for the manufacturer's PR firm, Burston
Marsteller (Gordon 1987). After this period of time, there was no
scientific evidence and no amount of serious toxicity reports that
could get the FDA to seriously consider funding independent,
properly-conducted (e.g., chronic exposure) research. That
appearance of the FDA being under the total control of the
manufacturer, Monsanto, continues to this day.
And here, where the FDA stated that they quite recording the number of aspartame reports:
I include these comments about the FDA to demonstrate why no
independent scientist familiar with the aspartame issue takes
statements from the FDA such as "11 reported reactions in 1995"
seriously. There are many people, including myself who have received
that many toxicity reaction reports in a single day during 1995.
The reality is that independent organizations have noted that
aspartame toxicity reaction reports given to them have *increased*
every year since the late 1980s (Stoddard 1995). It is also
important to note that in mid-1995, the FDA admited that it had
stopped recording aspartame toxicity reactions (Food 1995).
may have something to do with why the numbers that the FDA reported
to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ 1996) were so small!
Do you have any idea, whatsoever, what Aspartame is made of? Aspartame is made up of Aspartic Acid, Phenylalanine, and Methanol. What Aspartame Is Made of

I am trying not to copy+paste all of the information, so I am providing links for you to go read it for yourself, instead. Please, please make use of these sources. Inform yourself; Protect yourself.

I implore you - read this and if you are suffering from any of the listed side effects, check your ingredients. For two months, avoid artificial sweeteners. Just sixty days, no more diet soda or sugar-free or anything that contains artificial sweeteners. (Aspartame is the worst for you, but the others are bad for you too. This includes Acesulfame and Sucralose.)

From Personal Experience
I am insanely sensitive to aspartame. More so than most of you will be, probably. I could be considered "allergic" to aspartame. Fine, okay. Well - it didn't used to affect me this bad. It just got progressively worse. I used to drink diet soda, all the time. I was okay - for awhile. Slowly, it got to where I always hurt, everywhere. I was sore, my joints hurt, my bones ached. My head always hurt. My mother thought I was a hypochondriac because the doctors could find absolutely nothing wrong with me in the blood work. Somebody suggested that it might be artificial sweeteners to my mother, when the lady heard of my plight.

Within 24 hours of hearing that, we cut all artificial sweeteners out of my diet. No more diet cokes for me. (Although, I loved them.) It took nearly three months before the aspartame was completely out of my system. However, week-by-week, there were tremendous improvements! The headaches went away, completely. The stiffness, the joint and bone aches... those went away too.

So did some other issues (shortness of breath, lightheaded-ness, lack of stamina and energy) that I hadn't even noticed were an issue. (I mean, I was a child. I didn't connect the dots when I was always sleepy.)

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Re: Aspartame, the Hidden Poison

Post by Morgaln »

I'm afraid this topic is not fit for the Hall of Speakers the way it is presented at this point. You are not promoting an objective discussion but are posting a very one-sided view loaded with negative bias (as is already evident in the title). Therefore, I'm going to lock this.

If you want to post this again, the Popsicle Stand will be appropriate. If you want to have an actual discussion about this substance without starting it off as a full rant, you are welcome to have a new thread with an objective first post in the HoS.
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