Jenna's Creature Entry: Angha

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Jenna's Creature Entry: Angha

Post by Jennaraz »

This looked like fun so I thought I would try my hand at creating my own creature :D
so here we go
My creature is called the Angha and crits are welcome :3

~~~the egg will be a dark gold in color with three peacock feathers wrapped around it they will have the same coloring as these feathers here ... eather.jpg ~~~

On closer inspection, spite the three large feathers sprouting from the egg it does not look quite like a bird’s.
Tried doing a basic sprite of the egg >.< did not work out that well
~~~ The hatchling will be facing the left and will look like it is getting ready to pounce. Its head will be jackal like while it's body should have the look of a lion cub. it's eyes will be completely filled in a light blue or a cyanish color it's large pointed ears will be back flat against it's head and it's paws will be slightly too big for its body. Its tail feathers will be the length of its body they will also be peacock feathers they will be trailing on the ground. But its wings will be colored the same as it's tail feathers they will b very small and in the pose they will be folded up against the Angha's side. It's fur coloring will be the same as the cub in this picture ... zhNvUl.jpg with the light spots fading away. ~~~

The young Angha’s beautiful tail feathers are growing more and more each day, and tawny spots that were coating its body when first hatched are already disappearing. But the cub’s small wings are still not large enough to sustain itself in flight for more than a few seconds. Your Angha enjoys following you around and watching you intently as you perform your daily tasks. Although you discovered when it is put around other hatchlings it enjoys brandishing its beautiful feathers

Adult:~~~ It's face will be facing you and it should be the same jackal like structure of the hatchling, it's eyes will also still be the same. It's body will be turned to be facing the right it should be more muscular and more like a full grown lion then the hatchling, it also should look like it is walking. The wings will still be too small for the body but the paws should have evened out, also it will have more tail feathers than the hatchling and the will be fanned out but still facing downwards the coloring of the fur should have darkened and all the spots should be gone. Also the feathers will be the same coloring as before as should the wings~~~

In front of you stands an intimating creature, now over six feet tall it still enjoys following you around, watching you with it’s pale blue eyes. All the spots that had one covered its body have now disappeared and have been replaced by a beautiful golden coat, although since it’s small wings still have not grown it seams to be incapable of flight. Very proud and vain your Angha hates to get dirty, rather it loves flaunting its beauty to the less favorable creatures. But when you have brought it around other humans it has grown distant and easily irritable. You have found it very useful when you have brought it on expeditions with you as a guardian and it is unfailingly loyal often willing to put its life at risk for your own.

General: Anghas are rare and allusive creatures often keeping to themselves. Taming an adult Angha is an impossible task; from the moment they are hatched they are taught to hate humans due to an old and long-forgotten grudge. Although some have been known to show themselves, and due to this some ancient cultures honor them as gods. With the head of a jackal, the body of a lion, and the feathers of a peacock they are truly beautiful creatures, though extremely vain. Despite this Anghas are very capable hunters easily taking down foes over double their size. They are most commonly seen in tropical area's, although it has been said that some have been spotted in desert like claimants or the mountain ranges. When tamed by humans Anghas become lifelong allies, always at their master’s side protecting them from everyone and everything.

oh and the design concept came from this I liked the idea of a dog-lion-peacock creature :yey:
Last edited by Jennaraz on September 13th, 2009, 1:37:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jenna's Creature Entry: Angha

Post by Jennaraz »



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