Zara's Keep

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Zara's Keep

Post by Dauntless »

Prologue- The Keep's newest Students

It was early morning, the sun started to awake from its sleep. The suns bright rays were getting brighter and brighter as the sun flew higher into the sky. The rays were shone through the windows of the keep in a young girl’s room.
Miley slowly opened her eyes but shut them tightly as the sun blinded her. Miley turned away from the sun. She stood up from her bed and yawned loudly. Miley picked up a fluffy pillow and threw it across the room onto another girl’s bed.
The pillow landed right on the girl’s head. Zara threw the pillow of the bed and stood up from her bed with her roommate Miley.
“Nice hair,” Miley commented sarcastically to Zara.
Zara rolled her eyes and said, “Look who’s talking.”
Miley smiled as she headed for the bathroom out of the room. “Where are you going?” Zara asked before Miley left.
Miley turned around to Zara. “What you should be doing, come and wash your hair with me,” Miley answered.
Zara smiled back at Miley. They had both just gotten to the keep yesterday. They had both gotten an egg to start with as their first creature. Miley had a delicate white egg with small wings on the sides. It was a Pegasus. Zara had an egg that was all sorts of color. It was like a rainbow. The creature that lay inside the egg was a little Puvia bird.
Zara followed Miley out of the room ready to wash her Chesnut brown coloured hair. Zara and Miley passed a couple of their fellow students. They all seemed to hold their egg close to them. One boy smiled at them as they passed by.
Zara and Miley even bumped into a teacher. Zara was opened her mouth to say something until Miley spoke up and said “Hi Dustin!”
Zara looked at Miley then at the teacher whose name seemed to be Dustin with a confused look. Dustin smiled. “Well if it isn’t young Miley. How are you doing?” Dustin asked Miley.
Zara noticed that a creature was standing behind Dustin. The creature looked exactly like a Jackalope but it was spotted in places.
Dustin noticed Zara and gave a smile. “Hi, you must be Zara, the girl with the Puvia!”
Zara smiled. Her brain couldn’t think of what to say. Zara finally said, “Yes, that’s me. What is that creature you have behind you?” Zara peeked around Dustin to get a better view of the creature.
Dustin looked at his bunny and then looked back at Zara. “This is Juliana, a spotted holly Jackalope,” Dustin answered to Zara. “It can only be obtained by breeding a white holly Jackalope and Back holly Jackalope.”
Zara was impressed. How does he have such a rare creature? Zara thought to herself. Then again, he is a teacher.
Miley broke in by saying, “Well Dustin, we’ll be seeing you possibly later today in class.”
Zara nodded. “We better go get ready, our next class starts in forty-five minutes, Zara explained.
Zara and Miley gave a wave goodbye as they headed for the bathroom.
“How did you know Dustin already?” Zara asked Miley as they approached the bathroom door.
Miley smiled. “Dustin, I met him yesterday after dinner,” Miley explained. She walked into the bathroom and got ready to wash her hair.
Zara followed. “He seems like a nice teacher,” Zara replied despite not knowing much about him.
“Yeah,” Miley said as she took off her head band. “If you don’t make him mad.”
Zara froze in her tracks. “Make him mad?”
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it's where
mydemons hide

PLEASE! Do not call be Daunt, do not call me Less, call me Dauntless.
"What didn't kill me, never made me stronger at all."

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