Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

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Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

Post by Alexica »

This is mainly for me but for everyone as well.

~ Characters ~

Alexica~ Klutzy Magi with short auburn-brown hair and silver-blue eyes. Very caring towards her creatures.
Sabre~ Chipper young Albino Direwolf male. He gets excited about the littlest of things.
Cole~ Black winged cat female, sort of lazy and wicked but she'll always do what Alexica tells her.
Tundra~ Wise Ice Gryphon female, slight temper but has a weakness for small creatures.
Saphon~ Female Kitsune, she's happily adorned by small children and does well with all sorts of Hatchlings. Her personality resembles that of Alexica's
Dankana~ Quiet young Direwolf of the same family as Sabre. She seems very rueful and is only loyal to her previous Magi
Pantera~ Proud and very successful hunter of the Telvian Panther breed. Male, and very suave towards the felines. A sort of "savage gentleman".
Knight~ Playful Gryphon of a rather small stature. He enjoys the company of Tundra quite a bit. He's easily distracted.
Teal~ Black winged cat. He's true to his family in that he is highly unlucky. Very self absorbed.
Alura~ white winged cat, very shy and kind.
Lyss~ Proud direwolf female. Lyss is very friendly and playful.
Tali~ Little Kitsune hatchling. He has boundless energy and i always on the move.
Beast~ Telvian Panther Hatchling. He loves stalking everyone and playing with Cole.

More characters will come as I get more pets!

~Special appearances~
The only way you could ever be featured here is if we had some sort of interaction. other than that you don't exist in my story. Sorry folks that's just how it works.
Last edited by Alexica on December 26th, 2011, 4:16:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

Post by Alexica »

"Alexica! Alexica!"
Her eye opened slightly. "What now Sabre?" She asked.
"I spotted an egg down on the stream. It was beautiful." Sabre bounced around. For a direwolf he was pretty kitten-like.
"I'll get my things and check it out. Hold on Sabre." She reached for her coat and sighed. "Cole, keep an eye on the little ones."
"Yes, master." Cole bowed her head respectfully. She had not been Alexica's pet for long but the female Magi had a lovely air about her that made Cole was to just purr the day away. Cole remembered, she was part of a giveaway, unnamed by her other Magi. Alexica requested her specifically, along with Sabre and Tundra. From her previous Magi, ThatDeadGirl. Cole liked ThatDeadGirl, she was kind to her growing up. Now that Cole was in the paws of Alexica though, she was happy. Cole flinched as she was pulled away from her thoughts by the slamming of Alexica's massive door. Then she remembered.
The little ones. Cole got up off the end of Alexica's bed which was long, despite the Magi's small stature. Cole stretched each of her legs in turn and then her wings. She yawned a massive yawn and padded to the other end of the room. She climbed on the table and uncovered three eggs. "Pegasus, Raza Quetzalcoatl, and Nareaun Quetzalcoatl." She whispered. Her ear fur shivered ever so slightly, detecting the tiny hearts forming inside. "You are lucky, to be raised by someone who will always love you." Cole spoke softly. She poked the peal-like one, the Nareaun Quetzalcoatl, "I wonder if my shell was so pretty, so... shiny..."
Cole resisted the urge to play with the egg. She desperately wanted to bat the egg around as if it was a childs small ball. "How wonderful." She moved her head side to side, gazing at how the sun that shone through the window of the keep danced on the egg's shell. She quickly wrapped the eggs up in the blanket they were covered with and took the off the table and onto the bed where she curled around them protectively and was soon asleep again before the sounds of morning began.

"Cole, Cole wake up."
Cole felt the sensation that someone or something was shaking her. She opened a green eye and stared. "What is it Sabre? Do you have a habit of waking everyone up when they're not needed?" She got up nonetheless and uncovered the eggs again, making sure that none were smashed during her nap.
"Good afternoon, Cole." She looked up and saw Alexica with something in her paws. "I've got a new one, I was going to get two but... You know the rules."
"Only four." Cole remembered. "But what kind of creature did you get?"
Alexica unfolded the cloth that protected her bearing from watchful eyes outside the keep. Cole stared at it and then at the Magi.
"You got an Ashevor." Cole was unimpressed. The egg was pale and white. It's perfectly round shape was nothing to gawk at.
"Yes!" Alexica took her other eggs and placed them on the table, she joined her new one with the others. "I saw another Magi with one about a month ago. I thought it would be neat."
"But it's not the pretty one..." Sabre whined. He put his head on his paws and blinked disappointingly.
"No, someone got to the Caeralis egg before I did. But then I decided to wait awhile and see if another one would come along." She went to Sabre and stroked his head with her pink paws. "Their were none. But then i saw two Ashevor eggs. I've only seen eggs. I want to hatch the egg I managed to grab and see what it is."
Cole blinked slowly, taking the young Magi's story in. "I'm glad you had an eventful day." She told her master. "Can I go to the top now?"
"Their's still a few hours of sunlight left. Sure. Could you take Tundra her dinner please?" Alexica asked the black feline.
"Sure, if it's not too heavy to fly up there." Cole remembered having to take dinner to the Griffon once before, it was agonizing. She almost didn't make it to the top. Cole stroked her wings with both paws, carefully balancing on her hind paws to do so. She kept aware of the movement of her companions. Sabre was now begging for a snack, though Cole was sure that he caught some poor creature coming back from the stream. She was aware of the eggs on the table, her favorite one covered so that the sun could not touch it and make it shine once again.
Cole cracked open her blue eye and spotted Alexica preparing some meat for Tundra, wrapping up the food in a useless piece of cloth that wouldn't return and putting it in a satchel that made it easier for anyone to carry and protect.
"Here Cole," Alexica put the bag around Cole's head and behind one of her wings. "It's warm but not cooked, just the way Tundra likes it."
I didn't need to know that master. Cole thought but kept silent, she judged the weight of the bag wouldn't be too much of a burden and leaped onto the window, her head was welcomed by the constant wind that swept around the towering stature of the keep. "I'll be back before dark." She promised before leaping out the window and, gracefully, she started to fly.
Cole went with the wind this time, keeping her head higher than the rest of her body to catch some of the wind that helps her reach higher in the sky. She looked down and spotted Magi's and creatures alike underneath her. Cole quickly rose to the top of the keep, landing with the same grace as she flew with, first her left front paw, then her right. Then her hind feet. She folded her wings and blinked, recognizing the blue and silver form of Tundra.
"It's about time. I spotted Alexica and Sabre early. They headed towards the stream. What egg did they come back with winged one?" Tundra spoke slowly, she blinked her red eyes twice.
"Alexica brought back an Ashevor egg. She now has four and cannot bear another one until they hatch or she gives one away." Cole took off the satchel with one paw skillfully and opened it. She presented Tundra with the meat.
"Thank you." She dipped down and nipped the cloth open, devouring the meat quickly. "I will retire now. The sun is bothering me." Tundra waved her tail as she walked majestically to the other side of the tower and laid her head to rest in the shade of a sort of lean-to.
Cole however, found a good sunny spot and took a nice nap in the last rays of the sun.
Last edited by Alexica on December 18th, 2011, 5:52:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

Post by Alexica »

More newcomers.
That's what Alexica said, when she brought in Dankana, Saphon, and Pantera. Cole glared at the Telvian Panther that stared at her with calm yellow eyes. She turned away sharply and stretched her wings. "Whatever you want, Pantera, just keep away from me." She warned him quietly. Alexica was out with Tundra, on some sort of trust quest. She left the new three with Sabre and herself. And the eggs that Cole was now being protective of. She didn't trust the newcomers, even if they were originally from the same Magi she was.
"Aw but Cole, what if I want you?" He answered, strolling up to her.
"Never going to happen, if I mate with anyone it'll be another one of me, just like me. But a wingless runt like you." Cole eyed Sabre and Dankana. She wished that Alexica chose one of her breed instead of another dog.
"I am of purebred, but I hear you have some white in you, little one." The male feline hopped on the bed next to her. Cole's eyes narrowed.
"My children will not have white, they will be black and beautiful. Not gray like you." She hopped off the bed and over to the door, "Sabre, watch the eggs, I've heard Telvian Panthers like to eat them." She knew the stupid pup would protect them if she said that, dogs are stupid that way.
Cole easily opened the door with a skilled paw and took a look around the keep, she passed many doors and some were open, revealing other Magi's with their books or hatchlings. She spotted a pair of Direwolf adults lounging in the corner of an old Magi's room, a hatchling lay asleep between them. Cole sighed.
I wonder if I tell Alexica my want that she'll grant me a male to mate with. Cole quickly shook that thought away. She wouldn't want her tainted blood in the gene pool of the winged cats. Why would my parents curse me with this tainted blood? She jumped inside when she suddenly noticed Saphon next to her.
"Hello, I saw you out for a walk, I was wondering if you would accompany me to the top." She asked. "I was tired of hearing the gossiping hounds and rather snoopy kitty. But I like you, you seem to enjoy the eggs Alexica has collected.
"Just one, the shiny one." Cole replied. "It's warm out, sure, I'll accompany you to the top of the tower." She lead the way up the stairs.
"That's a Quetzalcoatl egg isn't it." The kitsune looked up and appeared to think for a moment. "I believe that that specific breed will also stay 'shiny' throughout its life."
"The color attracts my eyes." Cole noted. She quickly scaled the first stretch of stairs quickly. Half flying up them. She turned and waited for the many-tailed fox.
Saphon was in a huff. "I was a lazy little pup." She reminded herself. "I suppose with a Magi with so few creatures, I'll be getting into shape soon though."
"It depends really," Cole started again at a slower pace. "I mostly stay in the keep and watch the eggs while Alexica goes and does who-knows-what. Yesterday she fished out an Ashevor egg but she returned it early this morning. Don't ask me why though, it sure stumped me." She paused to let Saphon catch her breath again.
"I like hatchlings, they're all so cute!" Saphon played with one of her tails. Cole watching it and felt time stop. Just orange, fluffy, moving...
Cole blinked and looked up at the taller creature. "I prefer eggs, no feeding, no tugging on my tail, just good silence. What's you favorite hatchling."
"Winged cat hatchlings, they're so fluffy when they first hatch! Like little puff balls."
"That actually explains a lot Saphon." Cole started up a pace again, this time at a nice walk. "Say, when the eggs hatch, do you think you could volunteer to take them off my paws. I've been aching to spend a day in the sun. Normally I only get a few hours." She glanced up at the female, noticing the wide smile that played on her jowls.
"I guess I can do that for you, It must be agony to sleep the day away." She paused. "But I suppose you don't sleep the day away when you're watching little creatures that never seem to sleep."
"Exactly." Cole stopped and listened. "We'll have to hurry to the top. I fear something has happened." She stretched her wings and took flight quickly, leaving Saphon behind. She pushed open the large wood door and spotted Alexica, her leg was wrapped. Tundra was in even worse shape. "What happened?" Cole commanded, flying to her master's side.
"Well, we encountered some very unfriendly Direwolves, wild. They don't like it when untrustworthy creatures happen upon their territory I suppose." Alexica laughed, she winced as she tried to put pressure on her leg. "I twisted my knee, but it's Tundra who saved the day." She turned to the Ice Griffon, "thanks for saving my skin Tundra. But I'm not taking you out until you heal."
"That's a splendid idea, Master." Tundra spoke with the same soft slowness, only this time it was more harder.
"I'll fly down for some stuff to help her." Cole told Alexica quickly. "Saphon!" She called for the kitsune who had just reached the top. "Help Alexica down to her room. I'll send Sabre up to help." She leaped off the side of the Tower and spiraled down to Alexica's window. "Move it Pantera!" She bowled him over and fell off the bed, Pantera just under her paws.
"Oh how sweet, the little black angel has fallen from above straight into my paws!" He cooed.
Cole dug her nails into his fur. "My Master is hurt, Pantera. Let me go or you will lose your life." She sprang away from him and took to the cupboards, "Sabre, I need you to hurry up towards the top of the tower," She spoke without looking. "Alexica and Saphon are all ready on their way down. Hurry and meet them. Get her back here so she can take care of her injury." She detected the sounds of paws and claws on stone and knew he was hurrying. She threw bandages and medicine in the satchel used to carry food up to Tundra. Cole found it difficult getting it on but she managed. She shot a glare Pantera before launching herself out the window again and up to the top of the tower.
"It's about time, blood clashes with my blue feathers Cole." Tundra was plucking away some feathers to get at her wounds. "Just leave that there and I'll take care of myself. Go help the Master." She opened the satchel with her beak and took it from Cole. "Go on. I'm a fully grown griffon. I can do this."
Cole sighed, she quickly flew back to the room and waited for Sabre to brink back Alexica. She watched Pantera out of the corner of her eye, noticing his solemn features. "You can't be worried about Alexica, you hardly know her. She dropped you off and then high-tailed it to the tower before she even had time to tell me your name."
"She's still my master, that doesn't make me any less concerned." He replied simply. "Although if I had a cuddly buddy..." Cole slapped a paw down on his tail, smashing it with the little brute strength she watched as he jumped high in the air. "Ouch! Why'd you do that?"
Cole stared at him for a moment, his eyes... Bother were a shade of yellow she had never seen before. She turned her gaze to the door and waited.
Dankana jumped up and howled. "Alexica's coming! And I think they dropped her."
Cole opened the door wide enough for the Magi and watched as Saphon and Sabre guided her to her bed.
"I'll sleep, I think I'll take a few days of rest and watch over the eggs myself, Cole." She propped her leg up on her pillow and Cole let herself be used as another pillow for her head. "I'll see you all in the morn-" Alexica yawned and then stroked Cole's long silky fur. "Good night everyone." She whispered and fell into an uneasy sleep.
"It's bet time everyone." Sabre hopped up on the bed and cuddled close but on the opposite side of Alexica's injured leg.
"I'm going to ignore that you dropped Alexica, Sabre." Cole felt Alexica move in her sleep. She purred to comfort her master. "I'm going to sleep now. Everyone else should as well." She continued to purr, even after she was well beyond the dream world.
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Re: Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

Post by ellebellie »

Please continue! It's really good!
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Re: Alexica's Keep: Through the cat eye (Comments are okay!)

Post by Alexica »

I will, I just haven't had time to think about what I'll write next. :P

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