Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure! *CONTESTS*

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure! *CONTESTS*

Post by Duragi »

I've been wanting to do this for a while. Allrighty, so basically, I post parts of the story, and leave a few choices at the bottom. Then I let you guys vote on the best choice, and the choice with the most votes will determine the next part of the story!
I will put all the parts of the story in this post(So if you join late, you can still get to know what's going on!), but I will always post the newest ones with their choices.

Your Team
- Scratch, Tail Whip, Smokescreen, Ember
Your Box
Violet's Team

The story so far...
You wake up in the morning with a large yawn. You sit up in your bed and look around. Your room is a mess. Clothes scattered in one corner, Pokemon strategy guides in the other. You get up and trudge to the kitchen, feet scraping the floor. You grab a box of Pika O's and pour yourself a bowl. You go in the fridge and get some MooMoo milk, fresh and imported from Johto. Your mother walks in as you munch on your meal.
"Well look who's awake. I was afraid you'd miss your big day." She says with a smile. You look at her with a confused look, and she points at the Tauros themed calander. You see the current date, August 11, which is your birthday. And also the day you get your first pokemon!
You remember six years ago, when they changed the age for the pokemon Liscence from ten to sixteen. The day before your tenth birthday. Hopefully they wouldn't do that again. You couldn't deal with the dissapointment twice.
You are suddenly excited! You wanna rush to get your first pokemon, but you are hungry...
You jump up outta your seat and run to the door. On the way there you see a couple of cereal bars. You pick them up and begin to eat one as you run out the door. You soon arrive at Professor Oak's lab, and you walk in. You go up to the Pokemon League official and fill out your form to give you your license. He inputs your information on the computer and creates your license. "Here you go." He says as he hands you your license. He also hands you a Pokemon badge case. "Now go to Professor Oak."

You walk up to the Professor's office, but he is nowhere to be found! You hear some shuffling nearby. That must be him. You think, and you walk over. But instead of the Professor, you find Violet! Violet is your long time friend and rival. You always compete with her on everything.

"Sorry, Great Grandpa Oak isn't here." She says. "I'm here for my first pokemon too! Wanna wait here with me? I heard Great Grandpa was out in the wild, doing research. If you're really impatient, you should look for him!"
You decide to go looking for Professor Oak, eager to get your first Pokemon. You walk around Pallet town, calling his name. You look around and your eyes fall on the grass right outside the town. He must be there. You think, and you walk over into the grass.

"Wait! Don't go in there you fool! What, do you have a death wish!?" a voice calls out to you right before you enter the grass. You turn around and see Professor Oak! He jogs up to you. It's amazing he can jog at his age, what is he, 200 years of age!? He grabs your arm and walks you towards his lab. "Kids are so impatient these days. I can't believe I'm trusting you with a Pokemon. But," He turns to you with a smile "You'll need that bravery on your journey, so I guess it's fine." You enter his lab and find Violet, still waiting.

"Grandpa! I've been waiting all day! Let us pick our Pokemon already!" She shouts, obviously a little ticked from the wait.

"Ah, sorry dear. I'm gonna have to make you wait just a wee bit longer. Trainer, since you're so eager to get your Pokemon that you would venture out into the grass alone, you can pick first! Now choose, between Squirtle, The water type turtle Pokemon. Bulbasaur, the grass type plant Pokemon. And last but certainly not least, Charmander, the fiery lizard Pokemon.
Your ponder on what Pokemon to choose as your first partner. You move your hand over the poke balls. First it hovers over Squirtle; then Bulbasaur. But then it picks up the ball containing Charmander. "This one." You say.

"Excellent choice! I chose Charmander myself when I was young. That Charmander you got there is actually My Charmader's kid." He chuckles to himself. He then turns to Violet, with a smile. "Now deary, it's your turn to choose. Choose wisely."

Violet puts her hand on her chin as she walks over to the Poke-Balls. "Let's see... I choose... hmmm, this is a tough decision... I think I'll pick... Squirtle!" She picks up the pokeball lightly and puts it on her belt.

"Funny, that's the same Pokemon your father chose. And trainer, not only did you pick the same Pokemon I chose, but the same starter as a fantastic trainer I'm sure you'll meet someday. Yes, I think you both will go far! You may even take on the Gym league!" The Professor said. "Now both of you, go tell your mothers and start your journey!"

You begin walking out, but then Violet stops you! "Let's battle!" she says, excited. "As practice of course!" You of course agree, you can't refuse a trainer battle. Now, for your strategy...
You decide to go on the all out offensive. Violet sends out her Squirtle and you send out your Charmander. The two square off. The professor hands you both a strange device he calls the Pokereader. They look kinda like sunglasses and tell your Pokemon's moves and HP. You put them on and you examine your Charmander. It's moves are Scratch, Ember, Tail whip, and Smokescreen. Since you are going out all offensive, you don't pay attention to Tail whip and Smokescreen. You decide to make the first move.

You use scratch, because it is the most effective attack move you have against Violet's squirtle. Your Charmander charges at the Squirtle, claws extended. At the last minute, Violet shouts out "Withdrawl!" and the Squirtle goes in it's shell. Your Charmander's claws bounce off the shell, and is knocked back a bit. "Bubble!" Violet shouts, and the Squirtle comes out of it's shell to shoot a spray of bubbles right in your Charmanders face. Your Pokereader says CRIT and your Charmander's HP shoots down. But now you are up close. "Scratch!" You shout, and Charmander scratches at Squirtle downward. Squirtle's head goes down a bit. "Tackle!" Violet shouts, and the Squirtle rams it's head into your Charmander, making it faint.

After both your Pokemon are healed, Oak goes up to you. "That was a nice battle! Trainer, you need a little more work though. You need to develop a stratagem! What do you value: Attack or Defense?"

You think about this a bit. What do you value?
You tell Professor Oak that you like a balance of attack and defense.
"Very good, That's an excellent, alll around strategy. Violet, what do you value?" Oak says, turning to Violet now.
"Hmm, I guess I'd choose balance too! It sounds like an awesome strategy!" Violet replies.
"Excellent! Now you two..." The Professor starts, but is interrupted by your mom and Violet's mom, Mrs. Oak.
Your mom steps up. "Hold on Professor, we need to hand our childeren their gear!" She walks up to you and Violet's Mom walks up to her. They are both holding bags. "In here is the gear you'll need on your journey! There's a pokeseeker, a nifty device that finds trainers who also have pokeseekers. There's a pokecell, which you use to talk to people from afar. There's a berry bag and a tm case. There's a map, and a watch radio so you can keep up with the times and use music to affect pokemon." She hands you the bag. "Oh, I can't beleive you're going on your journey! I'll be rooting for you the whole way!" Both moms then leave the lab, a little teary eyed.
"Well now that that's taken care of... Here you two, have a pokedex!" He hands you the device. "It's an encyclopedia of pokemon that Violet's father completed. Well, it's pretty much completed. There are some blanks, but don't worry about those, they're just myths."
"Now..." He starts "It is time for you to go on your journey! Wether you take part in contests or gyms, may lady luck be on your sides."
You and Violet walk out the lab and go up to the gate leading to Route 1.
"Well, this is it! Our journey begins... Hey." She says, and turns to you. "Do you want to travel together? We could help each other out and stuff."
"I think I'll go on my own, Violet." You say.
"Oh. Well, ummm... Just promise me one thing, K?" She replies.
"What is it?" You say back.
"Just promise me that whenever we meet, we'll battle!" She says, a smile on her face.
You smile and agree, you two even shake on it.
"Well, I got a few things left to do in town. Go on ahead, I'll let you get a head start on me." She says before running back to Pallet town.
You take your first step onto route 1. You feel a breeze against your face; you hear the sound of buzzing insects and the chirping of Pidgeys. You walk along the path, and come upon a fork in the road. You scratch your head and take out your map, but it only says there's one path. You decide to just wing it and pick one, but which?
You decide, eh, why not? You call out your new partner. After it gets oriented it looks at you quizzically.
"Which way should I go, Charmander?" You ask. It appears to be happy that you're asking it, and turns around to examine the roads. It gets down low and notices thaT the right road is more worn then the other. It begins walking along the path, and you follow it. You soon notice that the other path is right next to you, except lower. You then come to a ravine with a bridge, and guess what? The bridge is on your path! If you would have gone down the left path, you would have to walk all the way back, because you wouldn't be able to climb up the ridge Yourself.
You walk across the bridge and soon arrive at Viridian. You look at the three path's you could take. You could take the path straight to the pokemon league, but they wouldn't let you in, and you'd just give Violet the chance to get ahead of you. Or you could go to route 2(?), and get straight to the "official" first gym. BUT you could also challenge Violet's father, Mr. Blue Oak, at the gym. But you've been told he was supposed to be the last Gym leader you challenge...


Main Contest: Draw Violet!
Rules: She must have Purple hair.
........Please don't rape my eyes. Keep it appropriate.
........Multiple pictures are fine, I'd like different pictures of her.
Prize: 5,000 magistream gold for best one. And your name and work will be immortalized in this first post.

Mini-Contest: Name Charmander! Because I think he deserves a name.
Rules: Keep it appropriate.
........Send me only one (1) Nickname per person.
Prize: Your name will be immortalized in a special section of the first post. As will the nickname you sent me.

Last edited by Duragi on July 10th, 2011, 8:59:08 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Duragi »

You wake up in the morning with a large yawn. You sit up in your bed and look around. Your room is a mess. Clothes scattered in one corner, Pokemon strategy guides in the other. You get up and trudge to the kitchen, feet scraping the floor. You grab a box of Pika O's and pour yourself a bowl. You go in the fridge and get some MooMoo milk, fresh and imported from Johto. Your mother walks in as you munch on your meal.
"Well look who's awake. I was afraid you'd miss your big day." She says with a smile. You look at her with a confused look, and she points at the Tauros themed calander. You see the current date, August 11, which is your birthday. And also the day you get your first pokemon!
You remember six years ago, when they changed the age for the pokemon Liscence from ten to sixteen. The day before your tenth birthday. Hopefully they wouldn't do that again. You couldn't deal with the dissapointment twice.
You are suddenly excited! You wanna rush to get your first pokemon, but you are hungry...

Will you

Stay and finish your breakfast.


Rush to professor Oak's Lab. You can always get breakfast afterwords.

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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Raneth »

This is cool.

I would...hmm...Probably rush to the lab. I'm impatient, and I can always grab a candy bar later.

Pretty ponies...
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by crazyflight »

Stay and eat breakfast. You've got a big day ahead of you!
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by shadowlugia »

I'd run for the lab. See what's there, and pick. Maybe yell at my friend to hurry up and pick one. Then we battle for the strongest. Mwahahaha.
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Kriever »

Breakfast can wait, today's the day of days! :crazy: To the pokemon lab! :haha:

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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Duragi »

To the lab it is then! Voting is closed, I will post the next part tomorrow afternoon.
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Dermatillomania »

Can't wait for the next one, this seems fun. 83

PM me if you want any of the creatures in my 'extra' tab.
Thread links in my profile.
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Duragi »

You jump up outta your seat and run to the door. On the way there you see a couple of cereal bars. You pick them up and begin to eat one as you run out the door. You soon arrive at Professor Oak's lab, and you walk in. You go up to the Pokemon League official and fill out your form to give you your license. He inputs your information on the computer and creates your license. "Here you go." He says as he hands you your license. He also hands you a Pokemon badge case. "Now go to Professor Oak."

You walk up to the Professor's office, but he is nowhere to be found! You hear some shuffling nearby. That must be him. You think, and you walk over. But instead of the Professor, you find Violet! Violet is your long time friend and rival. You always compete with her on everything.

"Sorry, Great Grandpa Oak isn't here." She says. "I'm here for my first pokemon too! Wanna wait here with me? I heard Great Grandpa was out in the wild, doing research. If you're really impatient, you should look for him!"

Will you

Wait for the Professor at the lab.


Go look for him.
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Re: Pokemon Kanto-YOU Choose the Adventure!

Post by Raneth »

Go look!

Pretty ponies...

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