I have this idea....

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What do you think of a "Buyers Union" guild? (see my post on the 5th page)

I think it would be a good idea!
I don't think that's a good idea.
I'm not really sure yet....
I don't really care :P
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by BluMajica »

personally for me Contract = BAD. I avoid them in RL why would I want one in a game?

I'm not going to have any kind of contract - voluntary or not - for me to sell my donation pets at a set price. There is no Magi Gold to Real life - aka "I've worked hard to get some spare cash to blow it on a game" exchange.
Also considering that I am not in the US there is a real exchange rate I have to be concerned with - yes I am lucky it's $1AU to $0.95US at the moment (which i am taking advantage of atm lol) but that changes daily. So for me ten US dollars for 10 shards is more like 10.50 on a good day, when the exchange rate is 75c to the dollar its over 13$AU for 10 shards so I am spending more for less technically, so less inclined to sell for cheap. and thats just the Australian dollar - I have no idea what it's like for others - like European countries or the UK both of which have had some economic problems recently.

10k per shard is a reasonable amount and many players go for that - but when demand from non-donators is high (like atm because people are all "OMG SO CUTE! I WANT GIMME!") then why not profit from 20k per shard if people are willing to pay it?

As for stream/shop/Questborns...most of those have an agreed on price which fluctuates with demand/cuteness/newness/or any uses eg quests, and Giftborns seem to be well in stock, so I don't really see this as being anything more than "Donations are too expensive for me to buy with my magistream gold - so give me a set price and lower it from what it is currently." this may or may not be the reason you started this post, but it defiantly feels that way to me personally, and Im not attacking the OP over it. just stating opinion.

And then what happens with the older donations? Like a TC? or an old Unicorn? do you want the price to scale? if so how? But with these very rare pets, it is definatly up to the seller to set a price they think is fair, after all there were not many people donating back when these were released compare to this month alone.

so I say leave it alone - Supply/Demand works fine - yes some are greedy but find those who are willing to price lower. They are out there.
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Tinni »

What I do not like about this is that the donor ends up being a loser.

Yes Cobalts were sold for 2500g when they were in the shop, today no one sells one for less than 250 K. In the real work 2500 g will not appreciate to 250000 in one year.

If the donor is forced to sell at whatever is a fair price, can you enforce that the donis will not be sold for these atrocious prices a few months down the line.

It will make more sense for me as a donor to hold the creatures and sell them 3 or 4 months later.

But, one thing you have to realise is this, a seller can sell at a given price only if the buyer is willing to buy it. If every buyer refuses to buy at a rate above say 10 K for a doni, no one will be able to sell beyond that rate.

You should get buyers to agree not to buy at higher rates, rather than pressure sellers to sell at lower rates.
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Meow »

Niwer wrote:Prices are really dependent on the buyer, not the seller. Something's only worth what people will pay for it. To reiterate what Soleil said, until the buyers decide what is and isn't acceptable pricing, sellers are going to continue to profit from buyers' desperation.

But we understand that its "REAL MONEY" you dont have to keep saying it. It costs money, thats noted. But did anyone force you to sell at all? Did anyone tell you to sell at incredebly high prices? I will probably hate myself for saying this but:

"If you are gonna sell for massive prices, nobody will buy. So untill you can decide what is actually a good price why do you bother selling if people keep complaining. Why dont you just buy for your own wants not to sell for massive prices and then complain over other people wanting lower prices. Just buy with real money for yourself, and shush. I see where you come from but I dont understand why you get mad when people ask if there will be a lower price for donation pets. Becasue when I joined donis were 18-25k each."

I miss those times, but thats not my decission. :sleep:

  • Message to buyers, stop being so desperate.
    Message to sellers, dont complain.

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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Tinni »

kbeancass wrote:
Niwer wrote:Prices are really dependent on the buyer, not the seller. Something's only worth what people will pay for it. To reiterate what Soleil said, until the buyers decide what is and isn't acceptable pricing, sellers are going to continue to profit from buyers' desperation.

But we understand that its "REAL MONEY" you dont have to keep saying it. It costs money, thats noted. But did anyone force you to sell at all? Did anyone tell you to sell at incredebly high prices? I will probably hate myself for saying this but:

"If you are gonna sell for massive prices, nobody will buy. So untill you can decide what is actually a good price why do you bother selling if people keep complaining. Why dont you just buy for your own wants not to sell for massive prices and then complain over other people wanting lower prices. Just buy with real money for yourself, and shush. I see where you come from but I dont understand why you get mad when people ask if there will be a lower price for donation pets. Becasue when I joined donis were 18-25k each."

I miss those times, but thats not my decission. :sleep:

  • Message to buyers, stop being so desperate.
    Message to sellers, dont complain.
Exactly, fewer people are selling. Because they are just buying for themselves due to various reasons.
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by ellysketchit »

No contract, lol. I don't even think this would fly even for a second, but I'll add my two cents: you can't control costs that way, and shouldn't. When I had money I bought pets to hold so their value would appreciate and I could earn a little back here. That's the way things work in the real world, too. Value goes up, regardless. You can't control that as much as you'd like.
Exactly, fewer people are selling. Because they are just buying for themselves due to various reasons.
Yes. I've been buying only one of each for myself lately because I just don't have the money.

I really hate seeing people buy things at inflated prices. It's easy, just don't buy things! Cobras were 20k when they came out, I just saw one today no one wanted at 2k. See? Prices drop for various things if people don't buy. xD

It's supply and demand. You don't "need it" immediately, even donation pets. People 'need' to realize they can't be so desperate, otherwise sellers are going to scalp them.

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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Soleil »

ellysketchit wrote:It's supply and demand. You don't "need it" immediately, even donation pets. People 'need' to realize they can't be so desperate, otherwise sellers are going to scalp them.
Exactly this... and nothing, not even the Coalition, is going to or can compete with supply and demand because there will always be a group of people who are that desperate that they will keep paying the high prices.

I completely agree with what was said early. Instead of attempting to force the sellers to lower their prices, try convincing the buyers to not be desperate and "hold out" until the prices lower. It may not work, but that's the only way DP prices are going to lower.
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by wolfeyedangel »

Just for the record, the point of the Coalition is to create the economic force the 'supply' that is lacking, which is why if you look at their list there are certain things they don't deal in because there's no practical way of influencing the price of say... gift born pets. A group of sellers getting together can influence the price of the offspring of gift borns such as the Elks or crystalwings, but not so much so things such as the Tinsel and Coal Wyrms.

I'm not sure how much good the Coalition will be able to do in the short term, and the donation pets are definitely going to depend on the real-world economy, as well as someone or several someones deciding they'd rather sell now than later even if it's at a lower than they can make 3 months from now. *shrugs* Does it have the potential to make a lot of difference yes. Will it? That remains to be seen. But the only way to make a difference in the prices without strict regulation is to provide an economic force that is large enough to influence either the Supply (to lower prices) or the Demand (to raise prices). Right now Demand is winning.

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Re: I have this idea....

Post by umbreon241 »

I'm seeing a lot of "the donor would still be pressured"s and "the donor would be the loser"s. Well, the donor being pressured is a lot like middle school. There is peer pressure to wear the newest trends, but in the end you don't have to do it. Also, the donor chooses which price to sell things at. It's the buyer's decision to buy donies at that price or find someone else. However, if that person has a low/reasonable price for a doni, the buyer will buy it. And like Wolf said, there will always be the users who absolutely love the new doni and will pay 50k extra for them. But just because a lot of people are willing to pay 50k extra for a doni, that doesn't mean other users want to.

I also saw a "why not profit from 20k more when people are willing to pay it?". Well, my response to that is fairly simple: there are users who are not fawning over the new donies but still wish to buy them, but they cannot find ones within their price range because everyone else is paying so much for them.

EDIT: I just noticed a lot of people who are objecting are current donors. Hmm....
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Soleil »

Lets use a real life example here.

I want a new pair of jeans, the cheapest pair is $50. I go to other stores to find cheaper jeans. You don't have to pay $50 for that pair of jeans. You have the free will and choice to walk to another store to buy a similar pair.

Same basic principle with donation pets. No one is holding a gun to your head saying "You HAVE to buy this DP for 50k!" All the people who are "griping" (term used loosely) about the prices can pick up their crap and walk off to find somewhere else to buy them from.

"donor chooses the prices to sell them at"

Yes, we do, but we do it based on what things are selling at. It would be utterly stupid for us to dock our prices by 10-30k if it's blatantly obvious people are buying at the high prices. That would make us lose money.

It's the donors choice what to sell at, no one can say anything otherwise. No one is going to be able to force anyone to sell for a set price until the ENTIRE MARKET price lowers. However, you do have the choice to "walk away" and not buy from the ones who sell high.
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Re: I have this idea....

Post by Firepaw »

umbreon241 wrote:I'm seeing a lot of "the donor would still be pressured"s and "the donor would be the loser"s. Well, the donor being pressured is a lot like middle school. There is peer pressure to wear the newest trends, but in the end you don't have to do it. Also, the donor chooses which price to sell things at. It's the buyer's decision to buy donies at that price or find someone else. However, if that person has a low/reasonable price for a doni, the buyer will buy it. And like Wolf said, there will always be the users who absolutely love the new doni and will pay 50k extra for them. But just because a lot of people are willing to pay 50k extra for a doni, that doesn't mean other users want to.

I also saw a "why not profit from 20k more when people are willing to pay it?". Well, my response to that is fairly simple: there are users who are not fawning over the new donies but still wish to buy them, but they cannot find ones within their price range because everyone else is paying so much for them.

EDIT: I just noticed a lot of people who are objecting are current donors. Hmm....

So what if the're donors? They are the ones paying their real money.
And since I don't see you donating...

Anyway, no. Short simple.
You should get buyers to agree not to buy at higher rates, rather than pressure sellers to sell at lower rates.
The answer. :srs:
In turn, that will pressure sellers to sell at lower prices.

Yes, I've had trouble finding well-priced donis lately. But that doesn't mean I should go demand lower prices.
That's like saying;
"I want to be a millionaire. I only earn 10k a day. You millionaires, get rid of your gold so I, too, can be rich."
Or something :angel:

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