The God of Magi

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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The God of Magi

Post by luckyluna3131 »

A long, long time ago, there was a wise old man. He lived by a peaceful lake where nothing made a sound. The man thought that living alone quietly was fine. However, the man soon became bored and wanted a friend. He looked around to see if there was anyone he could be friends with. As he was looking around, he found a mysterious stream. Slowly floating down the stream was a small container. The man lifted the container out of the stream and opened it. Inside was a small egg and a scroll. The man took the egg out of the bottle and wondered what it was. He took the egg and the scroll back to his small little hut. There, he left the egg in a basket with cloth to kee it warm. He opened the scroll and read.

The man didn't understand the scroll at first. All he saw was a star shaped figure inside a circle. The man went outside and picked up a stick. He drew a star and a circle around it. He then imagined creatures such as gryphons, phoenixes, dragons, unicorns, pegasuses, and many other mythical creatures. Suddenly, a flash of light came fron the stream. The man quickly went to the stream and saw many eggs floating down it. The man ran home and saw that the egg has hatched into a golden dragon. With the golden dragon, the man flew up and up and up. In the sky, the man saw a portal. He went into the portal with the dragon, knowing that he is scared. Soon, he came out of the portal and found that he is now above clouds. He looked around for more friends and met another man who he had considered as god.

God came up to the man and said, "Congratulations. You are now a God. You are the God of Magi."

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