Companion sizes

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Companion sizes

Post by Whalefall »

I love reading and rereading bestiary entries and while the vast majority of the companions do have some reference to to their size (or a real world allegory for comparison) what are some of the sizes of your companions that are.. a little less well-defined?


I see skywreaths as being somewhere between condor-sized and size of kites used to kite surf. Come to think of it I quite like the idea of a young magi with a lead surfing over the lake or "shield-surfing" across grasslands while their skywreath pulls them along.


Tidal wraiths seem to me like they'd be about the size of an elephant seal on the larger end, but with most of the population being about the size of an adult human.

Wumpyrr are definitely about the size of an elk if not just a touch smaller, large enough to be imposing, but not really so large to be ridden (plus with their disposition I don't think they'd make good mounts anyway).

Described as large, Ridged Setovas definitely give me the vibe of being a dragon about the size of an african elephant and the squalls being closer to paleoloxodon. Ridged Setovas do best with a singular rider and a specialized harness and the Squalls can carry two adults with ease, but struggle with a third.
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