Pit Bulls

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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by bookrage »

1. I own a dog that is about 1/8 pit bull and he was used as a baiting dog before we got him.
2. We got him when he was old and rescued him from a shelter. He's as sweet as can be though.
3. I think only if the pet is not held to standards of behavior that it should be banned breeds should not be banned. I've met rotwielers who were teddy bears and then there was one who tried to kill me on a dailly basis. The care of the owners is what needs monitoring and basic precautions need to be taken.
4. It is foolish to say that some dogs aren't more prone to violence than others, but good training can make any dog safe, though wolf hybrids should perhaps be handled with more caution, though I've met wolf hybrids that were cuddlemonsters rather than killers too.
5. Some dogs are more aggressive than others and careless breeding, which became common with pit bulls in the 1970s has contributed to bad temperament. Being wary around pit bulls isn't stupid or paranoid, but also keep in mind that up until the 1970s, nobody ever thought of pit bulls as anything other than perfect family dogs that could be trusted with kids of any age.
6. I was attacked by a rotweiler once but I got inside before it got me. I looked like someone who tormented it so it was too angry every time it saw me to reason I wasn't the guy giving it grief. It wasn't the dog's fault, or mine.

7. it is foolish to ignoare that some breeds of dogs are more violent than others, but it is also foolish to underestimate how much the human element comes into play.
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by Sheraxia »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
I do not as the breed is banned over here in the UK, the closest thing we have is the Staffordshire bull terrier.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
See answer to question 1

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
Honestly, I feel it's kind of unfair to the dogs themselves. For it is no the dogs that are the problem but ill natured humans who wish to look tough in front of others like themselves. A properly trained member of those breeds can be an excellent loving animal.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
Yes. In the hands of someone who has done no research on the breed or dogs in general and just grabbed one because it looked cute or fierce. For someone experienced with the breed or has done their research in a very thorough manner? No. It all depends on the owner and what they do with the dog.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Far too many cases of careless indviduals messing around with dogs they do understand or leaving an untrained dog to do as it pleases. Never helps that the news likes to jump to the conclusion that every dog attack is a pitbull.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
I can't say I've been attacked, I've been bitten a few times but never attacked.

7.) Anything else?
I like to watch dog videos and the pitbulls I see are often daft individuals with big hearts and even bigger brighter personalities. They are often the best and biggest softies who have so much love to give. My down low is that people are ridiculous and we do not deserve dogs
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by bookrage »

I read a book a couple months ago that shows how bad we humans can be in relation to dogs. A guy rescued a dog in the book that was deliberately put at the bottom of a chasm (it couldn't have gotten down there by itself) and it had also been shot. He rescued it and it loved him.

Another thing along those lines comes from a Mark Twain quote that I like from "The Tragedy of Puddinhead Wilson."

"If you make a starving dog prosper, it will not bite you. This is the primary difference between dogs and humans."
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by KamiWarrior »

I’ve never owned a Pit myself, but my grandparents had one for several years. Her name was Honey and she was the most chill dog ever. And very friendly, too. She got along great with their cats. They got her when she was just a puppy after my aunt found her next to a dumpster in the rain one day.
She had to be put down last year, though. Health problems due to old age.

Honestly, my opinion regarding pit bulls is the same as it is regarding all dogs: they’re all different and some of them are aggressive and can be dangerous while others are sweet.

One of my other aunts tried to take in an Australian Shepherd (or cattle dog, I forget which) mix that ended up being too aggressive towards her, her husband, their cats, and their elderly dog. The Aussie Shepherd mix ended up being surrendered to a shelter where she (the dog) was eventually put down.

People have been killed by Dachshunds. Golden and Labrador Retrievers. Pomeranians. Any dog can be dangerous if not properly trained, or if trained to be dangerous.

Honestly, though...I’m more of a cat person than anything. I like dogs but I could definitely do without the barking. Still love my dog though.

Although the UPS drivers probably have a different opinion of her.
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by bedfordblack »

i can't even answer these questions this is going to give me an aneurism.

I own a bully mutt of some sort. Not from a puppy but have trained him myself. I don't believe breeds should be banned but I understand why they are, due to stupid people pushing the "iTs aLl hOw yOu rAiSe tHeM my pRecious furbaBy" rhetoric.

Yes, APBT can be dangerous.
a LOT of APBT are DA by nature, due to their genetics. Theyre gamedogs. You do realize what they were bred for intentionally... right? That's like saying border collies herding isn't due to genetics.

AmStaff and APBT were once the same, the only difference is selective breeding and varying registry. APBT have been selectively bred with certain bloodlines, and same goes for AmStaff. Far enough back many overlap but there is a clear difference in genetics now. Although some are dual registered/bred with APBT lines, they are still a different breed.

I don't personally know anyone attacked but do know poor/irresponsible/backyard breeding, poor genetics and lack of training all contribute to human attacks. But I will say, a lot of the dogs labeled as APBT are untested, unknown mutts. Pit bull shouldn't be used as a blanket term.

It is NOT "all in how you raise them." Most APBT don't like other dogs, and that's okay. It's up to the owner to responsibly train, potentially muzzle and manage said dog.
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by Cashmere »

1.)We have an American Bull Dog, but she looks like a pit bull to most people.

2.) Not much beyond potty training and not to chew on certain things. Shes a huge baby, shes so sweet.

3.) I think its ridiculous, certain owners should be banned from having animals, not the other way around.

4.) No.

5.) Stereotypes and misconceptions.

6.) I was bitten on the leg and dragged a few feet by a golden retriever when i was 8, i was in my friends backyard playing and they accidentally let the dog out.

7.) Nope, but pit bulls dont deserve a bad rap.
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Re: Pit Bulls

Post by absentdeparture »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?

Always have! Bullie/boxer mixes to be precise.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?

One of them yeah!

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?

That depends on what you mean by "banned." As in like, banned from certain rental properties? It depends. Most places I've seen don't just ban pitties, they have a broad ban on either weight (so no dogs over a certain weight) or cover other breeds known to cause damage or other liability issues (like shepherd breeds, dobermans, boxers, poodles, etc etc). If it's JUST pitties then like that's weird.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?

This is a complicated question, because it depends firstly how you define "pitbull." Pitbulls aren't a "breed" in the same way that other AKC breeds are recognized. They're mixed breeds and should be treated as such. Most of their lineages come originally from hunting and sport (terriers), so you're going to have an animal with a high prey drive. But you'll see this prey drive in any other hunting dog.

Then comes the "no no" topic everyone avoids, which is fighting lineage in pitbulls. Yes it's real and yes it should be talked about. This is why it's SO important to only adopt bullie breeds from reputable breeders who know the lineage several generations back, or another type of agency that can give you that information.

Let's put it this way: You have two dogs in a shelter, right? Both are extremely large and strong dogs. One was a voluntary re-home from an owner who moved away. The dog is a few years old, well trained, has a history of being good with kids and other animals, and the previous owner provided a good amount of information about the dog's lineage, so you know there wasn't any fighting, lots of training, and no serious health issues. The other dog was a mill puppy, who's around the same age. It's had extremely minimal training, shows serious signs of separation anxiety, nervousness around strangers and other animals, and has no lineage history recorded. The first dog is a pitbull, the second is a German shepherd. Which do you think is gonna be more "dangerous?"

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?

I think people just really don't understand like..what dogs are I guess? They're domesticated wolves for crying out loud. When you make the operative decision to invite a big animal with teeth and claws into your house, you accept the responsibility of that animal. A dog isn't just a breed. It's about the genetics of that breed. Pitbulls, by their nature, are just dogs that tend to have a higher rate of traits in their lineages that make them more prone to high prey drive and even aggression. Getting a pitbull without considering all of these factors and without being an already experienced dog owner/handler is just a recipe for disaster. It's the same reason we don't recommend getting a macaw if you have zero experience with parrots, or a beta if you have zero experience with fish. It's about knowing the breed, knowing what you're getting into, and knowing how to handle them. That all being said, there absolutely ARE pitbulls who's genetics are so screwed up that they just can't function safely around the average handler. That's why a lot of them are only owned by professional trainers. But we see this with other breeds, especially breeds that have been screwed over by "I want my dog to look a certain way" brainworms. Pugs for example. Some of those little guys are born with genes just so messed up that their health problems demand very special care. An average handler adopting one would spell serious trouble for the safety of that dog.

Agree to disagree, but if you're steadfast on the whole "pitbulls are just naturally aggressive" kick I want a five page essay 12pt font single space on the history of Labradoodles and the insane genes those guys have (seriously, someone somewhere really said "hey let's take this high prey drive dog and this high energy dog with crazy intelligence and put them together - surely this won't create one of the most stubborn, outburst prone breeds ever right?)

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?

Bitten? Yeah plenty of times! I own pitbulls! Outright attacked? The only time I've ever seen that was my old aussie mix being fully attacked by a German shepherd. He was fine don't worry. Guess the guy didn't know about their prey drives when he brought one into his house willingly.

7.) Anything else?

Seriously I lived in Mexico for a while. Got pitties just walking around the sidewalks there and never heard of anyone being attacked. People in their little suburban homes in the US and UK need to stop imagining that some evil pitbull is gonna come in the night and eat their babies.
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