Halloween creatures 2021!! 1270-1274

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Halloween creatures 2021!! 1270-1274

Post by pcysmiles »

up late and haven't seen a post about this yet hope no one minds



#1270 Saltwater Kelffy
This saltwater taffy smells divine. You attempt to eat it but every time you pick it up a strange song comes from it.

Image male/female
You are uncertain about keeping your saltwater kelffy hatchling into a fishbowl, afraid it might dissolve. But you have seen others do the same, and it appears to be the norm. Barely the size of a goldfish, you would like to pet the kelffy the entire day, but it needs to be in the water if you want to keep it alive. Carrying it around in the fishbowl seems to be the only way in which you can listen to its beautiful songs. The kelffy sings almost the entire time it is awake, sometimes cheery songs you often sing along to, sometimes humming to itself almost inaudibly. When it hums, it is a strange song. It gives you a bad feeling, something between dread and anxiety. But before you know it, the hatchling will switch to singing something cheerful again, and the strange feeling is gone. You never see the hatchling leave its bowl, but you slip on kelp that looks suspiciously like its mane too often for that to be the case. It is only then when your uncertainty that the kelffy hatchling might actually be a taffy is completely gone.
It is really impressive how something as small as a goldfish is now reaching up to your hip. You would like to have your saltwater kelffy around more often, but it requires to be in the water most of the time, and the moisture it brings when on land is usually hard to stand. You can pet it now, just like you wanted when the kelffy was a little hatchling, but the kelp in its mane is wet and slimy, not suitable for petting. In the hours the kelffy spends on land, it sings beautiful songs. They range from lullabies to heart-aching songs; and from rapidly-paced tunes that are perfect for parties to eerie and sinister melodies that send chills down your spine. The saltwater kelffy's preferred time for visits is at dusk, spending many night hours by your side, singing you to sleep. Sometimes it disappears before morning. Other times it waits until you awake. When the kelffy is still there in the morning, you expect the worse. It hums to itself, watching intently, waiting. The hum turns into a laugh-like sound when you unknowingly slip on the kelp it strategically left for you to find. The kelp is never in the same place, and you only find it when it is too late. The top of the stairs, in doorways, and right next to your bed are some of the most common places slippery kelp can be stepped on.
General description:
The saltwater kelffy is a relatively small creature with an abundant kelp-like mane, iridescent body, and a tail that puts even the most beautiful capricorn to shame. Whenever a kelffy is around, a heavy, salty humidity lingers in the air, and an excessive amount of kelp shows up in random places seemingly out of nowhere. Despite its summery colors, the kelffy prefers cold autumn nights when its entrancing songs carry for miles. People often wander the swamps - a place the kelffy likes to lurk in - as if lured by the creature's songs. Although it likes to sing a specific variety of songs, the kelffy can be trained to sing in groups and even hold full-on concerts. The kelffy is a sociable creature with an immense curiosity. It willingly follows strangers around, humming to itself while it accompanies travelers. If the kelffy becomes comfortable enough around people, it will continuously visit their homes, delighting everyone with its songs. It also has the bad habit of leaving its kelp in the most unexpected places for people to unwittingly slip on.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Real


#1271 Carapopricorn
This is a delicious-looking cluster of caramel popcorn. It smells enticingly sweet and you want to eat it, but the caramel is so hard you're afraid you'll break your teeth on it.

Image male/female
Carapopricorn hatchlings are as sweet as they smell, and happily crawl out of Lake Lakira to follow their magi about clumsily on land, dragging their tails awkwardly behind them. They start out small enough that some strong magi simply pick up their hatchling and drape the tail around their neck, carrying their companion around on their shoulders this way. This does have the unfortunate side effect of sometimes giving the magi unexpected haircuts and new holes to patch in their robes, as carapopricorns eat absolutely everything, and hair, clothing, and homework are no exception. They're so cute and smell so nice, though, that the magi raising them often don't mind.
Carapopricorns grow more cantankerous as they age, until only their magi can approach without risking a painful headbutt. With their magi, they will suffer scritches between their horns and also deign to accept their company. Others who approach had best bring treats as a peace offering - the sweeter, the better - and still may end up getting chased out of the creature’s territory. Carapopricorn adults are very fast, regardless of whether they are on land or in water, and their horns are very hard, so they are capable of knocking people far away and leaving nasty bruises. It's considered a mark of good character if a carapopricorn belonging to someone else tolerates your presence, though how good a judge of character such grumpy creatures are is up for debate.
General description:
Carapopricorns are a strange variety of capricorn that are slightly smaller but much more densely built and generally much, much more ill-tempered. They also can spend an indefinite amount of time on land with seemingly no ill effects, though they still prefer to be near a body of water. Carapopricorns seem inviting, with their shining golden scales and sweet caramel aroma, but will charge at high speed and give a nasty headbutt to anyone they don’t like - which is most people. They also eat pretty much everything, including cherished clothing, precious jewelry, and rare spellbooks. However, they are mildly affectionate towards their magi and their cast-off scales can be ground into gorgeous gold ink that holds fast through any abuse and also retains their sweet smell, so many magi find them to be a worthwhile companion. Every twenty years or so, some aspiring magi gets the idea to use carapopricorn scales to make jewelry or armor, since the scales are quite hard and lovely. However, though it is indeed possible to make beautiful crafts from their scales, so far no one has ever found a way to stop it from turning into a sticky, melted, unrecognizable mess the day after it is finished.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Kestrad


#1272 Dire Trufwolf
This chocolate truffle is beautifully shaped and smells divine. You really want to eat it, but something tells you that you shouldn't.

Image male/female
Your chocolate truffle has hatched into a cute little wolf pup that smells every bit as sweet as the candy did. Its disposition is every bit as sweet as it smells, always curling up in your lap for pets, and bringing you your things when asked... except you're pretty sure it also hides your shoes, socks, and other odds and ends whenever your back is turned, and everything it fetches for you is always covered in drool. It also sheds all over the place, turning your clothes and your room into a constantly sticky, chocolate-y mess. You've learned an endless array of cleaning and anti-staining spells as a result, and you suspect you'll never stop needing them as long as your trufwolf is nearby.
You were hoping your trufwolf would grow out of its more annoying habits, but alas, your adult wolf doesn't even bother pretending anymore that it's not the one running off with your left shoe and either chewing it up or hiding it. Its shedding has also gotten much, much worse as it grew larger - there are awkward brown stains all over everything you own these days. It still begs you for scritches, though, and will bring you the things it's hidden in exchange for sweets, so you can never seem to stay mad at it for very long.
General description:
It's unclear how dire trufwolves came to be - they hatch from eggs that are indistinguishable from chocolate truffles, and look and smell as if they are made from chocolate despite feeling soft and fluffy just like other wolves. These traits lead to speculation that dire trufwolves are created rather than a naturally occurring species, but no account of their creation has ever been found, and magi can't explain why anyone would create such a purposefully obnoxious species. Dire trufwolves delight in stealing and hiding their companion's items, especially when that item is one of a pair. They also shed everywhere, the fur turning into long, sticky, melty chocolate strands all over everything - but strangely, hair that is brushed off or clipped merely feels and acts like regular wolf fur, foiling any attempts to make use of this trait. Still, they're so cuddly and sweet in both disposition (aside from the tendency to steal and hide things) and smell that magi often find having one as a companion worth the hassle.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Kestrad


#1273 Candy Corn Batcoon
This candy corn-like egg smells sweeter than any other dessert.

Image male/female
If you ever see a candy corn batcoon hatchling hopping towards you with its arms and mouth wide open, expect the worse. It looks as if it wants a hug, but if you try to pet it, you might receive a nasty bite. The batcoon hatchling's only intention is to steal candy. It has no need for hugs or pets, nor does it want your love. If you have candy for the batcoon hatchling, you are the best person in the whole wide world. If you have none, then chances are it will ignore you completely. The hatchling looks silly, trying so hard to appear spooky, and you cannot refrain from rewarding it with a small piece of candy for its hard work. This angers the little batcoon, but it will still take the candy from you, acting like a grumpy child. Not yet understanding that their hugs have calming effects on people and what benefit those hugs can bring them, the batcoon hatchlings can act a little crazy. They will jump at people, make weird faces, hiss, and growl, anything to scare those who have candy. Best to give them what they want.
Adult candy corn batcoons are highly intelligent and patient. They will watch intently, coming up with new ways to scare people and cause chaos. Their preferred targets are the children, who are the easiest to scare. The batcoons will swing off branches, jump on people, and pop up from holes in an attempt to make people drop their sweets. Cowardice is not something the batcoons are familiar with. They are unfazed by groups of people and will easily break into homes to steal more candy. It is not that uncommon for the batcoons to try and buy candy, either. They climb on top of counters, offering golden objects such as leaves and torn pieces of fabric, expecting to be given candy. They never receive any, being shooed away instead. In return, the batcoon jumps on the person who refused it, hissing, growling, and spitting, digging its sharp claws in the person's hair. In the attempt to remove the batcoon, candy jars will go flying, juice cans will spill, and bottles of caramel syrup will break. The damage is costly, and the batcoon will run away with as much as it can carry. Such messes can be avoided by giving the batcoon something in exchange for the golden items. However, the batcoon will not be pleased with a small taffy or a colorful lollipop. It will demand more and more, still causing a loss of sweets.
General description:
The arrival of candy corn batcoons marks the start of fall festivities. Their strange looks raise a lot of questions, and there are always debates over whether they are a failed hybrid or are simply the way they are. With thick orange fur, ears and wings of a bat, and the body of a raccoon, the batcoons make for a strange creature. No one knows where they come from. They show up when the fall festivities begin and slowly disappear once the celebrations end. Their only interest is in sweets, therefore loving the season of trick-or-treating. Their orange bodies offer them the perfect camouflage, hiding among pumpkins and jumping out from behind them to scare those who pass by. Normally they would be considered a nuisance but cuddling one of the batcoons has its benefits. They give a strangely relaxing feeling, making those who hug them feel mellow and at ease. As the batcoons like to pickpocket those who cuddle them, most people keep some candy hidden in their clothes. A batcoon that steals candy is a happy batcoon, and everyone wants a cuddly creature rather than an angry, ready-to-bite one.
Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description: Real


#1274 Trycorys
These soft, tri-coloured twists smell sweet and slightly spicy... but you probably shouldn't eat them.

Image male/female
Hatchling trycorys love to snuggle, especially in warm spots and with their magi. When raised from an egg, they are intensely loyal and enjoy expressing this love loudly, frequently, and often in the middle of the night. Magi should be careful not to leave their trycorys hatchling out in direct sunlight for long, as they tend to get a bit sticky, especially when snuggling with other trycorys. Hatchling trycorys are always up for fun and play, although they have no real sense of appropriate timing; magi have reported trycorys hatchlings climbing into beds, onto desks, and even into hot - and occupied - baths.
Trycorys adults are willing to go anywhere their magi wants to go, making them invaluable travelling companions - especially as they're very warm to the touch. They're also friendly, though they have a keen sense for danger, and a knack for appearing just adorable enough to take the edge off their constant yowling and howling. Their scent also helps with this: a mix of sweet and spicy, it can cause relaxation in many magi, from just enough to settle a stressed mind to completely limp muscles, usually in those who may mean harm to their magi.
General description:
Although only the size of a large dog, trycorys make excellent guards and travelling companions. Of their three heads, at least one is awake at all times, ensuring that nothing can sneak up on their beloved magi - especially since they also constantly make noise and keep their magi awake. To counter this, many magi make use of mute spells and earplugs, accepting that this means a trycorys jumping up and down on them if there's real danger. Trycorys cannot fly due to the small size and softness of their wings but they're quite fast on four legs when they want to be, often found racing happily up and down Keep hallways, barking and shrieking and yipping at top volume.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Sochitelya


Liquorice Daiguiri - 649 gold, Remy's Inn

The thick dark liquid of the drink makes your mouth feel sticky

The sticky feeling seems to extend to your right shoulder. Taking a glance there actually is something stuck there.

Gives current event hatchies!!!

catshe/herjust a mess

grateful for any clicks ≧◠ᴥ◠≦
*♡+:。.。help us grow。.。:+♡ *

feel free to gold mine ~wishlist; anything from previous events before 2020~
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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by OverlordVOX »

The Trufwolf is the best ones
<3 <3 <3
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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by Auriene »

So many gorgeous creatures :woo:

Good things come to those who click! :)


150+ Creatures Auction! :bounce:
Event Born Yule Castor and other parentless Stream, Event and Quest creatures!
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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by Butter »

XD What YUMMY Looking Eggs!
Awesome Artwork!!!

My Favorite Adults are Carapopricorn, Saltwater Kelffy, and the Cute Dire Trufwolf.
My Favorite Hatchlings: Saltwater Kelffy, Carapopricorn and Trycorys.

Thank you all so much for this event! <3
I Snap Click Everything On The ENTIRE Page!
~ Happy New Year 2024 ~

1 of 25 Gifts

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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by Apariah »

My favorites are the trufwolf and the batcoon. Oh lord are they cuuuute

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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by vividmirage »

I got a 0.00% hatchie!!! Alsho I dink I’m drunk :*gigglesnort**:
★ hi, i'm mirage! any pronouns; active on chicken smoothie & pixel cat's end as well
★ currently returning from a year-long hiatus and no longer have a good grasp on values
★ (or any idea how half the creatures in my keep ended up in my possession lmao)
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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by Bloopalooza »

I love that the Trufwolf has the saltwater kelffy candy wrapper in its mouth haha
♥Please click my eggs♥
Thank you

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Re: Halloween 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by Silenxia »

Dey alll look sho good annd are tweat demed.....darn.
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Halloween creatures 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by RicFule »

Do we know how many gifts give the badge?

25/25 Presents I'm full up. Thanks everyone
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Re: Halloween creatures 2021!! 1275-1279

Post by vividmirage »

I have the badge & I’ve given 35 gifts if that helps :)
★ hi, i'm mirage! any pronouns; active on chicken smoothie & pixel cat's end as well
★ currently returning from a year-long hiatus and no longer have a good grasp on values
★ (or any idea how half the creatures in my keep ended up in my possession lmao)

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