What do you think of your Zodiac?

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Do you like your zodiac?

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Clowncore »

I'm a Cancer and I love it. I used to hate it, honestly... I didn't resonate with the water element much as a kid and I hated that Cancers were seen as over emotional and sensitive. It made me feel weak. I wanted to be a Leo like I was "supposed" to be (born a month premature). So I suppose as a kid I almost felt cheated. But now as an adult I realize I was just fighting against my own current. I love the water element and I love having depth in my emotions.. it often fuels my creativity.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by vipor »

I am a leo and I am supposed to enjoy attention, be a leader and love the heat.
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible

Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends
Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen

People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier.
I hate attention as in groups. Horrible speaker and stutter a lot when I am around people I don't know. Less with friends, but even then What I want to say doesn't come out correctly or at all. Might be connected to me also having asperger.
Leading people is something I hate. It means knowing the names of the people you work with. I tend to only lead when the group I am with can't make up their mind on who does what.
And as for heat, I always have a high body temp, am suseptible to heatstrokes and light skin so that burns quick too. I do not like the heat at all.
I am creative, Just to lazy to work on things and get beter with them.
Don't have a lot of passion for things, but I do have a dark humor. Which is not something all my friends like.
To people I like I can be generous and warmhearted with some cheerful moments.
Stubborn, check. Self-centered and inflexible not. Mostly low self-esteem and lack of passion about things to be inflexible about them.

I prefer watching theater than being on stage.
Why waste money on going on a holiday if I can relax at home?
Expensive things, I am a cheapskate. I do have a few things I want something that is expensive, but tend to wait for it to be cheaper.
Tend to prefer dark colors, though I do have colorfull avatars in a few games I play with friends. Atleast I like having fun with friends.
I actually like nobody paying atention to me, a lot more relaxing.
Diffucult realities are there to finish off. And treating me like a king is the fastest way to get me to leave the room.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Ch3rry367 »

I don't really follow the zodiac stuff but I am kinda disappointed that I got one with a kinda dull mascot. I'm a virgo and I could've had some sort of animal like a fish, bull, ram, fish-goat, crab, lion, or scorpion but instead I just got a normal human lady. Some of the others aren't awesome either but I would've preferred having the fish or if not an animal at least something more interesting than just the virgin, like the centaur archer or something simpler like just 2 people or a lady with scales, I also don't understand why aquarius is air instead of water, it makes no sense, I'm really not that upset by my zodiac and I do feel some loyalty towards it and while I don't really believe in the zodiac things (I'm supposed to be organized based on my zodiac but I'm the physical embodiment of the opposite of organized irl) I do think the zodiacs are pretty cool in concept and I have nothing against believing in them, I really come across as hating zodiac signs here but I really just felt like ranting about anything, I think there might be some validity to the concept of zodiacs in the sense of them being categories of personalities that can tell you more about your compatability with other personalities, just not based solely on your birthday. I wrote tooooooo much
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Vilefruit »

I love my Zodiac sign for an odd reason. I feel that being a Scorpio prepares people for my worst and most intense traits, and that in of itself makes them less like flaws and more like features of my personality to prepare for. We're the most iconic villain on the Zodiac, but our anger always has to be instigated. We're associated with deep colors and ravenous rages. We got a dang scorpion! Scorpio is so cool to say, you'd almost want to be named it.

That, and it makes meeting a sweet-hearted Scorpio who just wants the best for you all the more rewarding. My Scorpio co-worker is the mother hen of our department, and I can't love her enough for it.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by lemonissourUwU »

eeeeh- i dunno. people say virgos are supposed to be like, caring and stuff. and sure, thats fine, but why do all those weird things on instagram involving virgos always say that? like theres more than just being a nice person. and honestly as cool as it would be to be a jadeblood if i was a troll from homestuck (i mean they become vampires after death, why wouldnt it be cool), it just seems like the only thing virgos are known for is being a mom. or a mom friend. being known as a nice person is boring.

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by AnbuAnimagus »

I'm a Cancer and I feel that's pretty true to my personality. Cancer's are the mothers. We see everyone and everything as someone we can nurture and soothe, no matter if they need it or not. I have three human kids and lots of pets. I have also found myself wanting to mother someone shorter than me, even though she was older. My philosophy is that, even if I can't make everyone's day better, I can at least be sure not to contribute it to being worse. We don't know anyone's struggles aside from what they share, so it's important to be kind.

Also, Cancer have that hard outer shell but soft interior. This is also very true for me. When in public situations with new people I come off as aloof. I have a habit of listening and observing while not talking much myself. After some time of getting used to a group of people, I know what to say and do to fit in. When visiting with friends, most of their parents loved me commented that I'm so quiet. My mom never really believed them, because at home I am far from quiet.

That soft interior is representative of both my nurturing side and my emotions. Because of the shell exterior, when I'm upset, I try to bury it, especially while in public places. At jobs I've worked, this has made me successful. My bosses recognize that I work well under pressure and don't take anger or nervousness out on others. It also usually takes me weeks to really mourn someone that's passed because grief comes in it's strongest waves at the most inconvenient times (most often at work when I'm forced to talk about it to explain an absence or what have you).

So yup, Cancer fits me very well.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Nightshade1588 »

Virgo here, I find that my personality matched my zodiac quite a bit, I’m logical and almost always follow the rules, but that doesn’t mean I like my zodiac, often I feel very pressured trying to do everything well but nothing turns out the way I want it, I try to be creative but everything ends up wrong(this might be just me not my zodiac). I’m not sure if this relates to zodiacs but I would often feel like everyone was judging me and saying things behind my back. I used to be a very zodiac obsessed person so some of that has stayed in me and it doesn’t help that we’re often seen with hardly any good points and almost always ranked as the worst zodiac.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by bookrage »

I'm a Scorpio, which for reasons below that I will explain, means I'm a Libra. I don't believe in Horoscopes or the Zodiac for a number of reasons I will explain below.

1. people talk about how they fit their zodiac, whereas most people are actually the sign before their supposed zodiac because the stars have moved in relation to us and each other since they were codified. Unless you were born right at the end of your sign's period, you are actually probably the previous one in the cycle.
2. the world is round and because of this, the stars don't shine on any particular part of the earth quite the same way or exactly at the same time, which brings the whole validity of predictive qualities of the stars into question when all cases are extremely unique.
3. when people talk about their signs, they often fit the details to fit the sign, rather than the other way around.
4. the constallations of the zodiac have their assigned qualities based on what they are supposed to look like. However, if you look at the positions of these stars in 3d, their supposed shapes are lost entirely, furthermore, these constelations will not look the same in a few thousand years to the point of not even being reognizable as any formation of stars in the sky only lasts for a few thousand years because the stars move around in relation to one another and the stars have already moved significantly since the zodiac was divised.
4. I have heard that either radiation from the stars, or the gravitational pull of these stars are the reason these stars affect us. However, though it weighs only a few pounds and is not nearly as energetic, all of you are getting more electromagnetic radiation and gravitation effects from the laptop I'm typing this on than you are any of the stars or planets associated with the zodiac, with the single exception of the sun.

so what I think about my zodiac? I think it is something that I would try to apply to mself if I believed in such things, but because I'm a highly scientific thinker and have many reasons not to believe in it, I think nothing of it.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by AliceMorte »

I'm Sagittarius. Things I've read seem pretty accurate, at least in my opinion lol
Creative, enthusiastic, loyal, caring... the only thing I dont match is the extrovert part... I am extremely introverted, at least until I really get to know people.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Mockingbird13 »

I'm Cancer and I'm really not a fan of the name and I don't think it really fits me but it could be worse so I'll live with it. If I did get to pick my zodiac I'd probably pick Capricorn.

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