Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by tinkerbees98 »

It isn't really a phobia but for some reason getting on ladders terrifies me! I have no idea why as I have never had a bad experience with a ladder i.e. falling off of one and neither has any of my family members so I'm not sure where the fear stems from. I am able to get on them but I hold on so tight that my knuckles are white and it takes me forever to get to the top where I then refuse to look down and don't want to let go of the ladder to do anything.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by tenorsax »

Water. Large bodies of water. The idea of drowning terrifies me. In around fourth or fifth grade, maybe sixth I was at the pool with friends. Another friend of mine was there but we weren't hanging out as we weren't terribly close. She had epilepsy. Simply forgot to take her medication. She had a seizure in the pool and drowned. I can't go into water over 4ft deep without freaking out.

When I tell people I'm terrified of water they laugh and say it's cute which only frustrates me.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by QueenBirdy »

I'm terrified of ice. I never used to be terrified of it, until I was in middle school. I used to walk to school with my neighbor every morning, even through the horrendous winter weather we always get in the northeast. One day I was waiting for my friend to come out of her house, so we could walk to school. (She was usually always late.) She came outside and started walking down the stone steps in front of the door, when she accidentally stepped on ice, slipped, and fell on her butt. She had to go to the hospital, and it turned out that she broke her pelvis.

Ever since then, I'm always super cautious whenever I walk outside in the winter. I always walk so slow, it annoys people. If I have a family member with me, I always have to hold on to them whenever I'm walking on an icy spot.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by LadyJhudora »


I developed it after spending years in the hospital on and off for still unknown stomach issues, which ussualy resulted in me 'getting sick.' Now any time i'm around anyone else who even mentions throwing up my it stirs my anxiety, if i'm around someone who 'gets sick' i freak out and any time in nauseous it just throws my anxiety into full tilt. I always get scared that somethings going to happen and i'll get some kind of stomach bug and have to go back to the years in and out of the ER and just nope, can not do it.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by WarriorsRock2010 »

Not sure if it is a phobia, but I am a bit more scared of certain things than others.

Spiders. I hate them and if I lose sight of one in my bedroom or in the house it freaks me out and I can't relax right away after the fact. If it touches me, it is an instant reaction to get it off me. If I find it, I'll get rid of it and then I can relax. If I can't, I get paranoid and suddenly everything could be 'that spider'. I think I became afraid of them after a stablehand told me that there are spiders that will attack you and lay eggs under your skin. That was when I was a kid, but it stuck ever since even though I know that he was probably joking. That and I spaced out and a big milky-grey spider almost crept into my mouth at a summer camp (not a morning person, so I was mentally 'gone') and it only didn't because the girl next to me freaked out and alerted me to my...almost snack.

Deep water/dark water/things touching me in the water that I can't see. I blame horror movies for it, even though nothing is going to grab me and drown me I still feel nervous and it spikes a lot even if I try to stay calm.

The basement and having to turn my back and go up the stairs. Especially if the lights are off/power goes out and I just bolt up the stairs as fast as I can. Flight mode is instantly activated going in the basement.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Sharl »

Fluttering moths. Static pictures I'm.... kinda okay, but if you put one alive and active near me I'll run away screeching every time. I blame the one time I went to camp and the place was just mobbed with the little jerks. Trying to fly up under my hair, diving into people's food, needing to be herded out the cabin doors with a flashlight before anyone could get to bed... bleahhhhh.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by HobbitFeet »

I just discovered I have a mild case of Submechanophobia. It's the fear of man-made objects that are submerged in water. This usually pertains to ships, submarines, sunken planes, etc., but if it's something that has a face on it, I'm 10x more uncomfortable.

I never really thought about it, or that there was a word for it, but I first noticed it when I was in grade school. My class went to a science center for a field trip, and there was a dark room with a huge statue of Poseidon partially submerged in water. I was terrified to be in the same room as it. I didn't want to be near the water.

The second time I noticed it was when I played Banjo Kazooie as a young person. There's a room with a large, rusted shark named Clanker. It's cartoony, and tame looking, but the fact that it's large and underwater gave me the heebes that I couldn't explain.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by redryne »

i'm agoraphobic, but i have no idea why :woo:

i hate open spaces of all kinds ^^" if you seat me on the last table of a long row of tables, i will probably freak out ^^"

my worst nightmare would be finding myself in a completely flat plain with endless blue skies >>
i also sorta have lepidopterophobia, i'm afraid of butterflies for unspecified reasons O.o can stand drawing one or seeing one from really far away, but if they're close...
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Sharl »

I'm terrified of the collapse of civilization (maybe why I like zombie novels, because zombies cannot exist). This has not been a fun couple of years for me :t-fear:
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by pawspark »

I've never really considered myself to have a phobia. If anything, I guess I have mild trypophobia? I don't freak out or anything, but it does make me extremely uncomfortable, like chills going up my spine kinda thing.

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