The Pride Alliance

The place to converse with other members of a guild or club.
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

If anyone has any ideas for activities and such to do in here, let me know! I want to try to revive us since things went so quiet. >.>

I've been trying to think of some stuff to do but I am notorious for not being great at it.

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by mossblin »

Hi people :wave:
Unfortunately I don't have an idea for activities or other revival-measures either, sorry, but I love the idea of this thread anyway! An explicitly queer & queer-friendly space? This is absolutely what I want to be a part of :D

Edit: qasdfgfds I just saw that apparently on my first look into this thread I overlooked the member/introduction thingy so here we go (better late than never, right? :facepalm: )

Username: Mossblin although I like to go by just Moss online. He/him pronouns preferred although I don't mind they/them much either!
Mini Bio/Anything You Want To Tell Us?: The short version is I'm queer and the longer version is I'm a bi/ace trans dude (nonbinary?? maybe? gender is a weird thing!). I don't think anyone ever thought I was straight so I never formally came out as bi. I've been out as trans for... oof, about six years now? That's way longer than I would've thought! I've been pretty lucky regarding coming out and being out, harassment was never that big of an issue, luckily. (Ignorance? Deliberate but "accidental" exclusion? Absolutely - but direct harassment? Little of that.) I'm also not really out as ace irl because I'm afraid people will think I'm "hogging" labels. Anyway, despite transitioning for a while now and often passing (which is. not always very comfortable tbh - but being misgendered is worse! Whether or not I have to deal with the latter strongly depends on how I dress though: Bright colours and/or non-baggy clothes? Yeah, still an issue) I'm absolutely clearly out as trans to basically everyone who's not a stranger or just an acquaintance. To me, being visible is an important thing and I'm always super happy about meeting other queer people. So, here I am, meeting more queer people hopefully <3
Thank all you lovely people for the gifts you gave and the flowers you threw <3

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by crazyflight »

hi all! i think it's been literal years since i've been here. i do hope this can be a supportive place fr queer magi who need support. personally, this group has been a huge part of my own development. i probably first joined this group while i was in middle school, probably seven or eight years ago, and i think i said that i was straight but was just an ally. then i think i came out as bi in this group. later i finally admitted that i was gay, to myself and my friends and family, but this group probably heard it first.

so y'all had an impact on me <3 and i don't just want to pop in and say that and then leave for another years-long hiatus, though it's hard to say when/if that will happen again. y'all are special though, and we queer folx need to stick together.

mossblin, welcome! gender is a weird thing lol you're not wrong there.
ace identity is too! i identify somewhere on the gray-ace spectrum, though i can't really identify it because it's not really black/white for me so i tend not to tell anyone about that aspect of my identity. i've dated and hooked up with people but my sexuality definitely doesn't manifest on the same level as a lot of other people. my brother is asexual and aromantic, though, much more on one side of the spectrum than i am. we've had conversations about it. it's a tough label, though, because a lot of people (including our mom) don't really believe it exists.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Welcome Mossblin! I must admit that I am very... underqualified person to be leading this group/thread lmao. Welcome none-the-less! I really hope you enjoy hanging out with us, though it's fairly quiet most times.

Crazyflight!! Welcome back, welcome back!!

In my own life, I've had some developments and a lot of breakdowns. I've come to terms with leaning towards being more masculine than feminine gender fluid, I've discovered that I don't like being referred to as 'she', and I've 100% confirmed that I am very much asexual but something like demiromantic? Idk it's weird but that's me in a nutshell.

I've also actually started making progress as an artist now- something I never thought I could do. I've sold 3 commissions now with another 3 in the works. It's a weird feeling.

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by crazyflight »

thank you love <3

congratulations!! selling commissions sounds like a big step. that must feel very validating -- as is finding some clarity with regard to your gender identity.

it's a tricky thing. i feel like in the past year i've pushed past some of my personal, ingrained barriers towards femininity as a gay man, because i grew up (and was encouraged by my parents) to be very masculine-presenting despite being gay. i mean honestly it feels like since i came out there was even more pressure to stick to gender norms because they didn't want me to fit into a stereotype or face discrimination or what have you, and while i understand where they were coming from it was definitely not healthy. but this year i began to embrace it a little bit more and while i'm still working on loving myself and my voice and the way i move around the world, i think i'm making progress.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

My parents are very much not open-minded so I'm still getting to play two different people and keep up most of a lie so I'm too tired to really focus on anything. It's something I've long been used to but it doesn't get any easier. -.-'''

Commissions are their own kind of stress since I'm dealing with drawing someone else's pet, character, family, etc. Plus tax stuff. lol

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by Rekkushi »

Good day everyone!

I've been away for a long, long time. I decided to check back in and I'm so happy to see this group is still open even if I was a very quiet member back then. It helped me put words to my feelings as a pansexual woman, who leans a little curiously about my gender. It also inspired me to further seek out and help others in my local community and use my privilege of both coming from an accepting home and being a white woman for people to listen and while I was the manager of a local small business, everyone knew they could come and be safe in my shop.

Now that I'm older, I've found myself in love with the most amazing woman who I plan on asking a very special question to this year for her birthday. :) She's from a very different culture and upbringing and though I come from a very mixed racial background I don't think I was ever ready for super pentecostal Puerto Ricans, especially when my lovely lady was raised as a man and expected to be the pastor of said Pentecostals. lol.

With all that said, I can try to brainstorm some ideas for reviving the group! I'm still attempting to refamiliarize myself with everything, so if anything catches my eye I'll take note of it!

I'm really glad to see everyone doing well! <3 It makes me so happy! :t-hugs: :t-swoon: :t-:)
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

<3 <3 <3

I'm so glad to hear the news! That's amazing!

Also so glad that even though we've quieted down a lot, people are still coming back. I'm still trying to figure out ideas for things, and am getting a new computer so things are kinda crazy right now. I haven't given up at all however~~

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by HiddenMystic »

And I still read and drop off cookies for everyone so I don't bother anyone. :t-blush: :t-hugme:
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

You'd never bother me!

We're having some intensely wacky weather lately....

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

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