Wishlists All Around

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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Pugnacious »

My Wishlist

Username: pidbell
Birthday: June 6th!


SB or Bred

Here, I'm putting it under a spoiler, hopefully this gets across well what I'm wishing for! Creatures with exclamation mark(s) next to their names mean they're the ones I'm wanting the most. ^_^
You can also find a more detailed/longer version including which donis I'd kill for in my profile.
-Pink Rose Imp
-Yellow Rose Imp

-Akvo !!
-Blue !!

-Corazin !!
-Heartbreak Corazin !!
-Daius Esplendit !
-Lucinis Bird!
-Pink Rosa Dove!
-White Rosa Dove

-Vesperbat !!
-Tidal Wraithe
-Tsaanguir !!
-Wikken Cat
-Sangue Dracul!!

-Ornamental Blue Penguin !!
-Ornamental Rockhopper Penguin !
-Sintervos !!!
-Krampen Beest!!
-Frigaes Reindeer !!!
-Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl
-Calidaes Reindeer !
-Bell Squirrel
-House Muris

-Any Amagnaes, besides the originals

-Luparies !!!
-Flecked Sceap !!
-Dismots !!
-Gragas !!!
-Wolpertinger !
-Snow Shoe Jackalope !!
-Angora Jackalope !
-Cacao Jackalope
-Antelope Hare Jackalope
-Yecu Covisflower

Dark Shop:
-Delroch !!!
-Alius Spicalx
-Abyssal Dunkleosteus
-Fia Puca !!
-Dark Serendin
-Black Tundra Tyullan
-Ebbene Shark
-Fogo Kelung

Herbalist Shop:
-Tarax !
-Euphotic Dunkleosteus !
-Aevum Spicalx
-Earth Serendin
-Nachtkoningin Tulip Snail
-Silvian Serpaen
-Gebruind Tulip Snail
-Pine Nulorn
-Eira Kelung !

Black Market:
-Nightshade Hearthhound !
-Rose Gold Alicanto !
-Cobalt Alicanto !
-Alasre Peryton

Remy's Inn:
-Donec Fish
-Alpine Yale

-Dragon Koi !

-Ouranian Koi
-Demon Fish
-Rose Snails
-Tenabre Foxes
-Torveus Dragons

Any felids, birds, pigs, fish, and canids are always great. ^_^
And as for ultimate dream creatures; Pugeons!!! As well as Akhlut, Nightshade Hearthhounds, and Luparies! My absolute loves <3 <3 <3
Last edited by Pugnacious on December 22nd, 2020, 3:43:04 pm, edited 6 times in total.
~*Multum in Parvo*~
Pug - Agender (They/Them, please!) - Bisexual - Gemini
Here's my wishlist!
Check out my tabs! I'll trade anything in my trade & frozen tabs, and will breed anything for you in my normal tabs!
Please PM me!
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by crazyflight »

My Wishlist

Username: crazyflight
Birthday: january 8

my goal here is to be able to breed every hybrid creature as my personal keep completion mission, so while i'm not interested in every single streamborn creature, if they can breed a cool hybrid then i'm in! i recognize that many of these involve giftborn creatures that are expensive, but i will include them here anyway (partially for my own sake of keeping track!). i'm also somewhat of a purist so i'm not looking for SB hybrids (whether crashborn or from the magiversary event that i missed)!

for magiversary 2021: always happy to get any of the new crystalwings!!


Stream: parentless diamond or opal gemstone kirin, cervinus deer, (green) farir,
Shop: any shopborn creature that i don't have in here or here! also asesina orcae of any generation <3
Hybrid: green crystalwing
Quest: any and all parentless!
Event: arkai (2010), pink mohlaris elephant, flint/oaxacan citellan, sangue dracul, vahti
Gift: coal/tinsel wyrm, ornamental penguins, sonerus dragons, pteira crystalwings, wikken cat,
Donation: purple/gold crystalwing
Special: damascus tinsel wyrm

sorry my requests are very specific! i only really collect parentless creatures that can breed hybrids or event/quest/BM creatures for my shop. i will always take extras of the parentless breeding pairs that i already have, but of course i will love ANY gifted creatures and welcome them to my keep with open arms. :t-swoon:
Last edited by crazyflight on May 6th, 2021, 6:53:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Tanya9771 »

My wishlist is on page 11 of this thread and linked in my signature, otherwise I'd love any of the new birthday creatures please :) I'm on my phone at the moment, so can't sort the links out yet.
Wish List

25/25 gifts - Thank You!

Ignore the Wish List in my profile as it's out of date and I can't find a way of changing it at the moment - please use the list in the link above :t-:)
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by 12DragonQueen »

My Wishlist

Birthday:25th of november



Stream:the new crystal wings
Shop:the new duck/swan otter from the outpost or anything really
Hybrid:any special event hybrids
Pond:anything really
Quest:anything really
Event:anything but I also wouldn't say no to any old creatures from before 2018
Donation:anything but a sunburst kirin would also be nice



Stream:the new crystalwings
Shop:the new duck/swan otter creatures from the outpost
Hybrid:any special event hybrids would be awesome
Pond:anything really
Quest:anything really
Event:anything really but any old events before 2018 would be nice
Donation:anything really..but a sunburst kirin would be nice



I would like...
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Doglover2509840935 »

My Wishlist

Username: Doglover2509840935



Stream: Anything
Shop:Anything but especially donnec
Hybrid:Anything but especially albino direwolf, the wasp, ice grpyon, and ice phoenix.


Stream: Anything
Shop:Anything but especially donnec
Hybrid:Anything but especially albino direwolf, the wasp, ice grpyon, and ice phoenix.



I would like...

feel free to mine my keep
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by abiartemis »

My Wishlist

Username: Abiartemis
Birthday: Jan 18th


SB & Bred
I do not mind where these come from as I do not care about breeding these :)

Axolotl #94
Fiorellan Hedgehog #808
Koredanuki #852
Peleides Cyon #903
Nightshade Potooto #917
Silkhound #1108 // Desert Courshound #1107

White Tundra Tylluan #279
Kamitori #704 // Sora Kamitori #705
Svetku Lynx #729
Ona's Skjoeldus #1052


Albino Eshmeri #1086
Me'chuan Rewana #1065

Galactic Ray #1024

Blue Pygmy Pheonix #201
Bread Creature #581
Satura #838
Corazin #856
Sintervos #956
Moraz Covisflower #991

Kuras Tiger #96
Calico Tienko #158 / Black Tienko #157
Temple Dog #213
Light Atramentum #298 / Dark Atramentum #299
Moonlight Spectral Wolf #341
Northern Light Fox #357
Timber Wolf #427
Blue Emperor Phoenix #469
Falx Owl #449
Alasre Nekomata #498
Stelera Eagle #508
Ghost Leopard #549
Fire Kitsune #544
Zaya Kenhound #584
Stargazer Cat #676
Solwearg #717 / Maniwearg #716
Alucinari #818
Taiyang #858
Masked Heligre #898
Fenrir #900
Temple Trickster #908
Rebalin #933
Leporis Rabbitsune #949
Dark Umbral Fox #983 / Penumbral Fox #982
Synaranian #1020
Silvan Tamina #1029

Light Raiju #98
Kiwi Bird #232



I would like...

My MOST WANTED creatures are: Kollinus, Nikollus, Kiwi Bird, White Fenrir, Timber Wolf & Light Raiju... yeah a lot to ask for haha! Thank you :wave:
Last edited by abiartemis on December 22nd, 2020, 3:50:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I wish to start a dog, bird and cat empire...
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by ScuroFenice »

I've been on here for years and JUST realized there was a WL thread...woops! Anyways, here's my own. I prefer SB but I won't turn away a bred creature. Honestly I'm on here to collect, so if I don't have it, I'm usually going to want it. I'm particularly fond of Dragons, Feline, Avian, or Equine type creatures.
My Wishlist
UPDATED May/19/24

Username: ScuroFenice
Birthday: Feb 24

These are the uncollected ones I have. If it says hatchling or egg, that means I'm going to freeze it that way. If it says all, I haven't gotten that particular creature yet in any of its forms. I enjoy collecting every outcome and gender of a species.


Kraken (Female adult and hatchling, egg)
Gold Gryphon (Female adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Ash Gryphon (male hatchling, egg)
Onyx Gryphon (all)
Ibex (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Forest Leviathan (Male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Dark Narwhal (Female adult, female hatchling, egg)
Coral Hippocampus (Female adult and hatchling)
Savannah Alphyn (all)
Xand Bear (Male adult and hatchling, egg)
Farir (Female adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Axolotl (Male hatchling, egg)
Black Pearl Wyrm (both gender hatchlings, egg)
Copper Pearl Wyrm (all)
Northern Raza Cobra (Female adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Southern Raza Cobra (all)
Balance Hydra (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Opal Gemstone Kirin (Male hatchling, egg)
Diamond Gemstone Kirin (Male hatchling, egg)
Jungle Myrrokat (female hatchling, egg)
Ice Phoenix ( 1 more for quest)
Storm Leviathan (female adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Light Narwhal (male adult, both genders hatchlings, egg)
Arkenian Kitsune (Male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Roc (both hatchlings, egg)
Silvian Alphyn (all)
Noctis Enox (Male adult and hatchling, egg)
Niveus Enox (male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Tenera Dog (all)
Ebbene Shark (all)
White Tundra Tylluan (all)
Black Tundra Tylluan (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Jaktus Dragon (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Silvian Serpaen (all)
Savannah Serpaen (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Etainan Serpaen (all)
Arcanum Serpaen (all)
Dark Serendin (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Earth Serendin (all)
Water Serendin (all)
Labradorite Synaran Aericorn (all)
Are you able to get SB Hybrids? o.O
Charaen (Male adult and hatchling, egg)
Aurean Globefish (Male hatchling, egg)
Solar Koi (Female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Emerald Wyvern (all)
Nareaun Quetzalcoatl (Female adult, female hatchling, egg)
Raza Quetzalcoatl (all)
Hellhound (Male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
King Foenaran Nimbii (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Aurora Whale (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Dead Decessus (adult, egg)
Coal Wyrm (all)
Bell White Elk (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Chain White Elk (female hatchling, egg)
Arkai (all)
Snow Dragon (all)
Saerulis Crystalwing (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Mohrior (all outcomes, both genders)
Black Rose Imp (all)
Light Lapis Crystalwing (female adult, female hatchling, egg)
Clostra Crystalwing (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Tidal Wraithe (all)
Flint Citellan (all)
Oaxacan Citellan (all)
Pandorum (all)
Otrovian Amagnae (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Giant Sylph (all)
Varja Crystalwing (female adult, female hatchling, egg)
Akvo Crystalwing (male adult, male hatchling, egg)
Teiro Crystalwing (all)
Crystalcoatl (male hatchling, egg)
Ornamental Blue Penguin (all)
Glyceris Drakeling (all)
Crycoris Drakeling (all)
Pocket Sylph (all)
Foxfire Skulk (normal (gold) male adult, both normal hatchlings, need all for 'rare' versions)
Striped Taedan Gryphon (all)
Winterlight Wallatrice (all)
Darkfrost Wallatrice (all)
Tinsel Wyrm (male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Golden Tinsel Wyrm (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Damascus Tinsel Wyrm (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Sintervos (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Prasinis Wyrm (male adult and hatchling, egg)
Frigaes Reindeer (both hatchlings, egg)
Golden Pteira Crystalwing (male hatchling, egg)
Purple Pteira Crystalwing (egg)
Golden Sonerus Dragon (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Bronze Sonerus Dragon (all)
Seriously, anything draconic, equine, avian, feline or canine. I am unable to personally buy donation pets so if anyone gives me something from here I would absolutely love it. I love blue and purple colors, things with feathery wings, Halloween themed (such as skeletons or black colored creatures) and swirly designs. My favorite mythical creature of all time is a Phoenix, so fire themed (whether blue or orange) is great too!
Diamond Wyrm (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
NA - I'll honestly be happy with whatever. I'm not picky with specific percentages or lineages.



Any of the above
Any of the above
Ice Gryphon (15 more for quest)
Ocean Leviathan (Male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Albino Dire Wolf (Male adult, both gender hatchlings, egg)
Chimera (all)
Solar Hippogryph (all)
Tidal Capricorn (all)
Meridian Capricorn (all)
Hallow Capricorn (all)
Golden Pearl Wyrm (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Tevera Enox (all)
Albino Nandi Bear (egg preferred for quest)
Fog Vevex ray (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Pygmy Gemdragons:
Blue (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Bronze (all)
Green (all)
Saerulis (female adult, female hatchling, egg)
Golden (all)
Purple (all)
Light Lapis (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Dark Lapis (both hatchlings, egg)
Clostra (both hatchlings, egg)
Varja (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Akvo (both hatchlings, egg)
Teiro (all)
Jinglong (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Spectrum (all)
Fluorowing (all)
Hadros (both hatchlings, egg)
Kuanos (all)
Kobaldibar (all)
Sacris (all)
Hexapo (all)
Moroi (female adult and hatchling, egg)
Rauna (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Osanyin (all)
Accipito (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Cypheles (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Dionych (egg)
Komainu (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Iwan (all)
Lesoni (male hatchling, egg)
Sacer (female adult and hatchling, egg)
Onuchsia (all)
Venox (all)
Gerbera (both hatchlings, egg)
Lilias (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Kitanchosa (both hatchlings, egg)
Vilodaes (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)

Pygmy Crystalwings:
Blue (Male adult, male hatchling, egg)
Bronze (all)
Green (all)
Saerulis (all)
Golden (all)
Purple (all)
Light Lapis (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Dark Lapis (all)
Clostra (all)
Varja (all)
Akvo (all)
Teiro (all)
Jinglong (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Spectrum (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Fluorowing (all)
Hadros (all)
Kuanos (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Kobaldibar (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Sacris (all)
Hexapo (all)
Moroi (all)
Rauna (female adult and hatchling, egg)
Osanyin (all)
Accipito (all)
Cypheles (male adult, female hatchling, egg)
Dionych (female hatchling, egg)
Komainu (all)
Iwan (all)
Lesoni (all)
Sacer (both hatchlings, egg)
Onuchsia (all)
Venox (all)
Gerbera (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Lilias (both hatchlings, egg)
Kitanchosa (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Vilodaes (both hatchlings, egg)

Atoll Leviathan (all)
Reef Leviathan (all)
Silt Leviathan (all)
Opaline Synaran Aericorn (all)
Harpy Eagle Hippogryph (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Tetzcotal Eagle Hippogryph (both hatchlings, egg)
Settian Drakeling (both hatchlings, egg)
Albino Direcore (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Aquamarine Gemstone Kirin (Male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Ruby Gemstone Kirin (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Peridot Gemstone Kirin (all)
Tanzanite Gemstone Kirin (all)
Citrine Gemstone Kirin (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Alexandrite Gemstone Kirin (male adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Any of the above
Any of the above.
Rose Imp (all colors, both genders)
Candle Ayoti (female adult and hatchling, egg)
Aurora Whale (female adult, both hatchlings, egg)
Any of the above
Any of the above
Any of the above
NA - I'll honestly be happy with whatever. I'm not picky with specific percentages or lineages.


I would like...
Gold is always nice since I don't have a lot of time to mine it ^.^

Will add more and erase periodically.
Last edited by ScuroFenice on May 28th, 2024, 1:44:34 pm, edited 52 times in total.
For anyone wondering, you pronounce my username as Skoo-row Feh-nee-chay!

Clickies please?

My Wishlist

Also on: ChickenSmoothie, Faenaria, ValleyofUnicorns, and FlightRising with the same username.
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by eurylike »

[last updated april 2023]

username: eurylike
birthday: aug 11

(creatures that are in italics are my favorites!)

- meowls and winged cats for my collection (can be bred too ^_^ )

- any pygmy crystalwings or gemdragons, especially from the pre-2016 crystalwings

- spirit deer for my collection!

- 1st gen sangue dracul hatchie, can be frozen or unfrozen (massive dreamie :aah: ), giant sylphs, alt color foxfire skulks, hollowjack hatchies (especially blue ones), forgotten unicorn hatchies, all holly jackalope hatchies, SB covisflowers for my lineage

king foenaran nimbii and foenaran nimbii for my collection (can be bred too!)

- any of the new crystalwings but ESPECIALLY the life, light and void ones, they're gorgeous :well:
1st gen jinglongs for my collection (i am absolutely OBSESSED with these), moroi, rauna, dionych, ferrofluid, vernal, sommar, autumnal, vetur, any pre-2016 crystalwings
my favorites are the above but i'll honestly take most crystalwings! the only ones i don't like are plushie, hexapo, marinerva, iwan, and lesoni crystalwings

donis: (up to date!)
- LUNAR ECLIPSE KIRIN, LETHE KELPIE, SYNARAN LAGONAGA <3, nazar owl hatchie, ortus lunestre dragon, vescatur, sasrael resurrection horse, harvest quilin, lonaris dovala, constella

a big thanks to everyone who has gifted me, i love yall :)
(working on a list of my wishlist gifters AS WE SPEAK)
Last edited by eurylike on May 10th, 2023, 2:18:20 pm, edited 29 times in total.
prince, he/they
my shop, my wishlist

<3 any and all clicks appreciated <3
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by PitchBlackRaven »

My Wishlist

Username: PitchBlackRaven
Birthday: N/A


SB or Bred

Stream: Opal Gemstone Kirin (female), Mohlaris Elephant (female), Ibex (male), Manticore (male), Nandi Bear (male)
Shop: Any.
Hybrid: Any capricorn except amethyst and tidal, Chimera, any hybrid requiring a shop pet.
Pond: Any.
Quest: Any.
Event: Blue, Purple/Golden Pteira, Light/Dark Lapis, Clostra, Varja, Akvo, Teiro, Fluorowing (female), Hexapo (female), Moroi, Dionych (female), Komainu (male) Crystalwings, Golden Sonerus Dragon, Crystalcoatl, Ouranian Koi, any of the seasonal event creatures (missed a lot of them) tho have a preference for Halloween ones.
Gift: Any.
Donation: Any.
Special: Any.
Extra: Pretty much any wolves. Honestly my activity is extremely sporadic so there is a bunch of creatures I never got, even common ones, so you can even take a stab at the dark and send me something random, there is a chance I don't have it yet.
Last edited by PitchBlackRaven on May 20th, 2020, 11:37:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Kastilla »

Kastilla wrote:Wolfie's Wishlist

Username: Kastilla
Birthday: August 28th


Stream: Meowls, Kitsune, Winged Cats, Borean Wolves, Abeoth Frogs, Axolotls, Korez Seals, Karst Gemfrog, Seahorses, Onchopristis (need a female!), and Myledaphus (also need a female!), Narasads.
Shop: All from Black Market, Dark and Water shops, Artificer's shop.
Hybrid: Narasads, Simurghs, etc.
Pond: All! Love me fishies.
Quest: Rose Wyverns,
Event: From all events, seasons, and holidays!
Gift: All!
Donation: All, I have an ever-growing list. Temple cats, Alicantos, foxes, Kitsune, dragons, horses and unicorns, gryphons, drakes, dogs, wyrms, brids, Kelpies, owls, etc etc.
Special: Crystalwings, pygmies!
Extra: Gifts are all kinds are welcome! They make me feel so fuzzy and loved. I love all Magistream pets/creatures, even the spiders 'n bugs.

Gold is a great thing, too! ^_^ And thank you to all who have gifted me in the past, present, and future.

I would like...
avatar by me ♡ WolfieImage

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