Winter Solistice 2019

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Winter Solistice 2019

Post by PrincessOfVampires »


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#1064 Me'chuan Bengolo Image Stream - ROTATING SPRITE

This dark egg and a swishing tail seem to be unfurling from soft folds of fur.

Image Image Image Image (no dimorphism)
(12am-6am; 6am-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12am)
After numerous rounds of unfolding, your egg has finally turned into a small feline. The hatchling likes to lay around, stalk other creatures, and fiercely guard any items their magi might leave around them. The cubs possess the ability to shift their appearance, a skill that they are eager to practice every once in a while usually confusing their magi with their furry makeovers.
Image (no dimorphism)
Image (no dimorphism)
Image (male) Image (female)
Image (no dimorphism)
The Me'chuan bengolo adult is a majestic and impressive sight, its flanks easily measuring up to a man's waist. The bengolos are most often encountered close to some of the long forgotten ruins of the Ixan jungle. The felines keep a close guard of these places almost as an honorable duty they've been doing as long as they can remember. The adults change pelts many times during their life span, as the outer layer of their fur peels off and reveals the next pelt the bengolo has grown under it. Seeing a bengolo in the middle of the pelt change is believed to bring good luck, as the animals shed in order to regenerate, so they are seen as a symbol of eternal rejuvenation.
General description:
At the very edge of the Ixan jungle where the mountains of Me'chuan start to elevate one can sometimes find traces of a seclusive animal. No-one knows how many bengolos there are, as the creature is a master of shapeshifting, so one can never be sure if two separately seen completely different looking bengolos are actually the same individual or not. Some swear that the bengolos find this amusing and do it on purpose, while others are of the mind that the bengolos are too serious and dignified for anything like that, and do it moreso to hide their numbers and appear more numerous and thus more intimidating.
Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description: Rosehill
#1065 Me'chuan Rewana Image Breeding Me'chuan Bengolos - ROTATING SPRITE

This golden egg and a swishing tail seem to be unfurling from soft folds of fur.

Image Image (no dimorphism)
After numerous rounds of unfolding, your egg has finally turned into a small feline. The hatchling likes to lay around, stalk other creatures, and fiercely guard any items their magi might leave around them. The cubs possess the ability to shift their appearance, a skill that they seem to be mostly unaware of, often being just as confused as their magi of their new look.
ImageImage Image Image
(12am-6am; 6am-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12am)
The Me'chuan rewana adult is a majestic and impressive sight, even though they tend to remain smaller than their bengolo relatives. In the wild bengolos are known to hunt down the rewanas, but people-raised individuals can coexist peacefully. The rewanas change pelts many times during their life span, as the outer layer of their fur peels off. Unlike the bengolos however, rewanas don't always have their next pelt ready once this happens, so the creatures may appear gruesome in the middle of their shedding. Due to this it is believed to bring bad luck to see a rewana in the middle of the pelt change.
General Description:
The Me'chuan rewana is much rarer than the Me'chuan bengolo. Their powers of shape shifting are also more limited, and the pelt changes they go through appear much rougher, yet apparently are harmless and painless for the animals. The origin of the rewanas is a mystery, as they are hardly ever met in the wild, and only ever appear as offspring of bengolos who have been raised by people. The most prevailing theory about them is that they are a rare mutation originally caused by systematic inbreeding, and that all members of the species could actually be traced back to one specific individual.
Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description: Rosehill
#1066 Snopal Image Breeding Silvian Otters or Stream

It's a snowball. You've checked several times, there's nothing magical about this one.

Image (no dimorphism)
Snopals are not hatched, but rather created -- by Silvan otters! In the winter, the otters love to play in the snow, shaping it to make wintry companions. While most of these companions are simple snowmen and snow-otters no more magical than any, occasionally they will come to life to keep the otters company. These creatures, affectionately called snopals by the magi, are companions not to magi, but to the otters. They are friendly to all, though, and as long as they stay cool, they are happy to explore the Keep and its grounds.
An adult snopal is not much larger than a newly-made one, though they do seem to get larger at random. Most magi assume this to be the otters' doing, as the otters are constantly fiddling with their art projects, trying to make them perfect. No one is quite sure whether the snopals are supposed to be otters themselves or simply some creature the otter has seen wandering around the Keep. They're affectionate and loving either way, especially to their otter companions.
General description:
While looking through the historical texts in the Library, you stumble upon an image of ancient magi engaged in what appears to be a snowball fight. The caption reads: "Winter of the Year of the Disappeared Manticore: The Great Battale of the Snow-balles. In the early hours of the morn of the fifteenth day since the Wolf's Moon, a mighty snow did falle upon the grounds of the castle Keep which the moppets did run to-ward when a-woken from their slumber. There reaching, they began to pack the snow to-gether, which then they did round into spheres hand-sized and throweable. The moppets did throwe their snow-balles at each other with ferocitie. Within an hour, all combatants cold from the snow, the teams did order a truce to retreat inside to warm themselves with cups of heated milk and co-coa. One child, seeking to pull a frolic upon the others, did hyde behind a garden walle and did make snow-balles to throwe at his colleagues. Reaching for a snow-balle, he instead did grabe a smale snowy creature that did squeak, thus alerting his fellowes to his shenanigans. Thus, also, was he nibbled."
Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: PKGriffin
#1067 Pennant-winged Pegasus Image Breeding Sleighbell and Wreath Confra Pegasi or Stream

This golden egg is draped in ribbons.

Image (no dimorphism)
These small foals are energetic and hard to keep up with, but their enthusiasm is unmatched by anyone else. They can still be frustrating, however, when they try to help decorate for parties. Ribbons of all colors end up strewn everywhere,and quite a few seem to disappear with the foals, but it's hard not to smile at their attempt. Young magi typically braid the stolen ribbons into the foals' manes and tails.
Looking into the piercing blue eyes of a pennant-winged pegasus is said to bring feelings of joy. These large pegasi, who are quite fond of munching on Silva pines, are not known to carry riders, but to carry letters. Their speed is invaluable for this and they never seem to become lost. People across the world know to look for the bright ribbons tied in their manes and tails streaming behind them as they fly over. Magi often tie new, fresh ribbons when a pegasus arrives.
General description:
Pennant-winged pegasi emerge from Silva forest onto the grassy plains after the first snowfall of winter. They are instantly recognizable for their black-pointed golden coats, but their name comes from the long, striking feathers on their wings. These feathers, shed after the last snowfall of winter, have an unusually soft texture and are favored in hairpieces among the wealthy. A pennant-wing can shed these feathers earlier, usually as a cherished holiday gift to a trusted magi.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Tekla
#1068 Ilex Gecko Image Stream

A pile of snow sits atop this brown egg.

Image (no dimorphism)
Hatchling ilex geckos are so tiny they're easy to miss as they cling to any bush or even the Keep walls. They have no magical skill at this age and as a result they are very vulnerable. Magis working the Keep gardens take care to keep birds and predators away in the summer while they grow.
Ilex geckos are perfectly adapted to live in holly bushes, where they cling to the woody stems and rely on their false leaves and color to camouflage them. They are so well camouflaged and slow-moving that they rarely draw the attention of birds nesting among the bush, allowing them to safely rob the nest of eggs to eat. But the small size of an ilex gecko belies its prowess in plant magic. When threatened they can release a burst of this magic into the holly bush they're in, causing dramatic, rapid overgrowth. Because the leaves are hideously spiny, the gecko can escape unscathed; this same technique creates a safe nest for the gecko's eggs.
General description:
Holly bushes around the Keep are infested with ilex geckos during the winter. Although beloved for their cuteness, they aren't terribly smart, and are often found infesting mistletoe as well. Careless magi under the mistletoe may end up with a gecko licking their cheek. This is dubiously considered good luck.
Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Tekla
#1069 Pyrix Image Stream

This can't be an egg, it's a golden pear.

Image (no dimorphism)
Hatchling pyrix are small enough to fit in a child's hand, but they grow quickly, reaching their full size within a few months. They do best with many other hatchlings around them, and adults to tend to their needs. Noisy but shy, they take some time to warm up to magi and other creatures, and can easily be spooked back into hiding in the branches of their tree-parent by sudden movements. However, they can be lured back out by song and have been known to pipe along.
Adult pyrix from a single tree are all siblings, who band together to raise each year's new batch of hatchlings. When their population grows too great, the oldest of the adult pyrix leave the tree and travel to new and empty territories. Once they've found a good area, they die and a new tree grows from the spot where the pyrix died. Adults are fiercely protective of their trees as the death of a tree means the eventual disappearance of its colony; without a tree, pyrix cannot reproduce.
General description:
Pyrix are curious creatures, named for the tree that bears them. Pyrix trees grow mostly in isolated glades and grassy meadows, their branches filling with golden pears throughout the spring. Those who pick a pear and try to eat it are in for a nasty surprise; though they may look like fruit, these pears are actually eggs.
Sprite art: DarrkestDrow | Description: Sochitelya
#1070 House Muris Image Gift from Magistream Staff

This ornament feels heavier than you'd expect.

Image male Image female
You decide to hang the heavy ornament near the bottom of the tree in case it falls, but otherwise leave the bauble alone. A few days later your suspicions are confirmed as you find the ornament has fallen to the ground. A trail of cookie crumbs leads to the makeshift nest and you watch as a scaly tail with a soft tuft of fur disappears inside. It will be a couple of days before the young wyrm grows into its confidence and lets itself be seen for more than a split second, but you plan on being around with pockets full of treats when that time comes.
Image male Image female
The house muris has grown incredibly fast, reaching its adult size in an astonishingly short amount of time. You have no doubt your constant attention and the treats you bring with you helped the wyrm grow quickly. While relaxing by the fireplace or reading a good book, it is very common to suddenly feel something tickling in your hair as the small wyrm curls up on your shoulder to sleep. Your muris appears to have bonded deeply with you and rarely ventures far, and even if it does it comes running if anything makes it nervous, trusting you for protection.
General description:
House murises are close relatives of field murises which have adapted to life among humans. Where field murises are extremely skittish and not often seen, house murises are much more outgoing, curious, and even friendly. Like most reptiles that live in regions where seasonal changes are drastic, murises tend to hibernate in the winter. While field murises dig out dens and pile in by the hundreds to wait out winter, house murises prefer to move into the warm homes of people. Some regard them as pests, but something about their adorable antics and friendliness make most people treat them as tiny guests. It is tradition in many households to leave cookie crumbs and table scraps near the fireplace or under decorations for the murises to eat. Those who use ornaments to decorate will occasionally find a cozy nest has been constructed inside a small ornament. It is thought that these eggs are gifts to those who treated their guests particularly well the previous year.
Sprite art: Lazuli | Description: Lazuli
Solstice Caravan

Image Box of Chocolates 200Image

Image Cookie Jar 800Image (gives 3 random cookies)

Image Fine Tuning Glass 500Image

Image Solstice Chocolate 100Image (every 3rd drink gives adult Sleighbell or Wreath Confra Pegasus)
Last edited by PrincessOfVampires on December 29th, 2019, 8:15:32 am, edited 16 times in total.

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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by fauna »

Me-chuan Bengalo hatchie Image
After numerous rounds of unfolding, your egg has finally turned into a small feline. The hatchling likes to lay around, stalk other creatures, and fiercely guard any items their magi might leave around them. The cubs possess the ability to shift their appearance, a skill that they are eager to practice every once in a while usually confusing their magi with their furry makeovers.

At the very edge of the Ixan jungle where the mountains of Me'chuan start to elevate one can sometimes find traces of a seclusive animal. No-one knows how many bengolos there are, as the creature is a master of shapeshifting, so one can never be sure if two separately seen completely different looking bengolos are actually the same individual or not. Some swear that the bengolos find this amusing and do it on purpose, while others are of the mind that the bengolos are too serious and dignified for anything like that, and do it moreso to hide their numbers and appear more numerous and thus more intimidating.

Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description:
Snowpal hatchie Image
Snopals are not hatched, but rather created -- by Silvan otters! In the winter, the otters love to play in the snow, shaping it to make wintry companions. While most of these companions are simple snowmen and snow-otters no more magical than any, occasionally they will come to life to keep the otters company. These creatures, affectionately called snopals by the magi, are companions not to magi, but to the otters. They are friendly to all, though, and as long as they stay cool, they are happy to explore the Keep and its grounds.

While looking through the historical texts in the Library, you stumble upon an image of ancient magi engaged in what appears to be a snowball fight. The caption reads: "Winter of the Year of the Disappeared Manticore: The Great Battale of the Snow-balles. In the early hours of the morn of the fifteenth day since the Wolf's Moon, a mighty snow did falle upon the grounds of the castle Keep which the moppets did run to-ward when a-woken from their slumber. There reaching, they began to pack the snow to-gether, which then they did round into spheres hand-sized and throweable. The moppets did throwe their snow-balles at each other with ferocitie. Within an hour, all combatants cold from the snow, the teams did order a truce to retreat inside to warm themselves with cups of heated milk and co-coa. One child, seeking to pull a frolic upon the others, did hyde behind a garden walle and did make snow-balles to throwe at his colleagues. Reaching for a snow-balle, he instead did grabe a smale snowy creature that did squeak, thus alerting his fellowes to his shenanigans. Thus, also, was he nibbled."

Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: PKGriffin
Pennant Winged Pegasus hatchie Image
These small foals are energetic and hard to keep up with, but their enthusiasm is unmatched by anyone else. They can still be frustrating, however, when they try to help decorate for parties. Ribbons of all colors end up strewn everywhere,and quite a few seem to disappear with the foals, but it's hard not to smile at their attempt. Young magi typically braid the stolen ribbons into the foals' manes and tails.

Pennant-winged pegasi emerge from Silva forest onto the grassy plains after the first snowfall of winter. They are instantly recognizable for their black-pointed golden coats, but their name comes from the long, striking feathers on their wings. These feathers, shed after the last snowfall of winter, have an unusually soft texture and are favored in hairpieces among the wealthy. A pennant-wing can shed these feathers earlier, usually as a cherished holiday gift to a trusted magi.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Tekla
Ilex Gecko Hatchie Image
Hatchling ilex geckos are so tiny they're easy to miss as they cling to any bush or even the Keep walls. They have no magical skill at this age and as a result they are very vulnerable. Magis working the Keep gardens take care to keep birds and predators away in the summer while they grow.

Holly bushes around the Keep are infested with ilex geckos during the winter. Although beloved for their cuteness, they aren't terribly smart, and are often found infesting mistletoe as well. Careless magi under the mistletoe may end up with a gecko licking their cheek. This is dubiously considered good luck.

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Tekla
Pyrix hatchie Image
Hatchling pyrix are small enough to fit in a child's hand, but they grow quickly, reaching their full size within a few months. They do best with many other hatchlings around them, and adults to tend to their needs. Noisy but shy, they take some time to warm up to magi and other creatures, and can easily be spooked back into hiding in the branches of their tree-parent by sudden movements. However, they can be lured back out by song and have been known to pipe along.

Pyrix are curious creatures, named for the tree that bears them. Pyrix trees grow mostly in isolated glades and grassy meadows, their branches filling with golden pears throughout the spring. Those who pick a pear and try to eat it are in for a nasty surprise; though they may look like fruit, these pears are actually eggs.

Sprite art: DarrkestDrow | Description: Sochitelya
I'm so excited about these <3
Last edited by fauna on December 18th, 2019, 12:33:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by BBkat »

Greatwhite wrote:Me-chuan Bengalo hatchie Image
Snowpal hatchie Image
Pennant Winged Pegasus hatchie Image
Ilex Gecko Hatchie Image
Pyrix hatchie Image

I'm so excited about these <3
wAIT where do you get the Snow Pal?
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by fauna »

BBkat wrote: wAIT where do you get the Snow Pal?
The stream! Still havent figured out the 6th
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by Nekoi »

De hot ...hic... chocolaate ddrink givesh you Wread Confara Pegashi!!!! Yay!!!!

>^_^< V
Egg and Hatchies codes for Ninjas

Code: Select all

Eggs and Hatchies beneath spoiler
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by fauna »

Femaale Wread Confara Pegashush

Malee Shlleighbell Confara Pegashussh

:woo: :woo: :woo:
Last edited by fauna on December 18th, 2019, 12:38:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by pegasi1978 »

Nekoi wrote:De hot ...hic... chocolaate ddrink givesh you Wread Confara Pegashi!!!! Yay!!!!

>^_^< V
It gives both types of Confara
2024 Crystalwings, Diamond Koi, horse-y things and Cypheles Crystalwings please!| Wishlist in profile | Avatar by Munin!
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by BBkat »

Greatwhite wrote:
BBkat wrote: wAIT where do you get the Snow Pal?
The stream! Still havent figured out the 6th
huuuuh, ok that one must be the 2nd one that can be obtained from breeding then (since both 'May also appear in the stream on occasion up to and including December 29th')
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by 12DragonQueen »

Ooooh shnow puppy
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Re: Winter Solistice 2019

Post by SeriousSans »

Chocolatte drink? Ohh ...hic... no, ...hic... ....hhic.... Maagishhtweam ...hic... hhashh leaarned mmy ...hic... weakkneshh... GGoodbyee ...hic... gold... I mushht have all de chocolate... =)

De creatureshh all ...hic... look adoorable!!
To hatchling only please: ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
Thank you so much for the gifts! <3


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