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Re: Self-Injury

Post by HeyItsMaddieHere »

Well, here's my take on self-harm.

I've been self-harming for 3 years now. I haven't really stopped so far, but I've not done it in a week or two. But the minute you self-harm for the first time, you become addicted to it. I became addicted to it. I would self-harm just to bleed. Sometimes I'd do it because I felt a lack of pain. But most times were "real" reasons to do it. People calling me names, just recently I had someone I didn't even know throw a snowball at me, which had ice in it, and hit me in the eye. They'd kept calling for me to look at them. Finally, I thought what was the harm? And I did. I walked around with a black eye for a week. So that's my story on it. I just hope people think of the consequences about they're about to do and decide against it. It's addictive. Please, it's easier if you don't do it.
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Re: Self-Injury

Post by Sienna »

I don't harm myself regularly but when I'm extremely stressed I do.
I have bipolar disorder and during severe episodes I feel extremely anxious and angry at the same time. That intense negative feelings in my mind literally makes me crazy. I automatically have suicidal thoughts.
I hate that. I hate how I feel and how I think. So to prove that crazy state is not what I want, I hurt myself and see me bleed. Then I feel reassured and satisfied.

I know self injury does nothing good. It doesn't prove anything either, but still it's really hard to fight that urge when you're in an abnormal state.

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