Azami High

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Azami High

Post by Monosomo »

This is just a random piece I did a few years back. I don't neccisarily hate it, but I'm discontinuing the story for now :3
Read on~

Kim's P.O.V
Brittany finishes her breakfast and grabs her bag. "C'mon Kim!! We're gonna be late for our first day!" Brittany whines. "Ugh! Fine! Give me a minute!" I refill my cat food bowl and jog to the balcony. Brittany taps her foot at the front door "Seriously? Again! Another NEW trick?" Brittany said. I giggled "Yep".
I lean over the balcony, almost touching the tree near my window. I spot Brittany sitting on the bench near my window. I wave at her "HEY BRITT!" . She looks up at me alarmed "KIM!! GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" she yelled. I giggled. "NO!" I yell back. I wave again and pretend to fall forwards, as I slip I hear Brittany yell again.
As I'm about to hit the ground I reach out and grab a branch, swing over it twice, as I fly off the branch and flip, then land perfectly. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU KIM!" Brittany yells. She knocks me over while im still crouching. "Aww, you're no fun!" I complain. "Oh well, c'mon, we're gonna be late!" she complains. I huff and wipe the sand off. I check my bag, nothing's broken! Phew! I stand up and jog after Brittany.
Britt's P.O.V
As we reach the road to school a HUGE group of kids run past us. Kim and I grin like crazy. We run with the group and more people join in on the way. As we arrive the group completely disappears and leaves Kim and I alone.
"First day of school again, hopefully today will be a chill-day!" Kim says. "Yep, I want this YEAR to be as chill as possible!" I say. "I'll be back, I need the bathroom" I run to the bathroom.

Kim's P.O.V
"Okay... lets see... Locker 107" I check my schedule. I follow the locker's until I reach my new locker. "Oh cool! Right next to the gym class! And the vending machine!" I squeal. My stomach rumbles. "Hmm... I am a but hungry... I'm sure the teacher won't mind!" I walk over to the vending machine and buy a bag of Doritos. "Mmmmm! My favourite!" I say. I put the Doritos in my bag.

Britt's P.O.V
"Hey Kim! I found my locker! Worst locker ever!" I complain. "Okay. What class do you have?" Kim asks. "Umm... I have art! Then science! What abut you?" I reply. "I have the same!" Kim says. We follow eachother to art class.
Kim's PO.V
We walk into class, only a group of girls swarming two guys, and a few random people are here. Only a few seats are taken because the other girls are too busy to choose a seat. Britt and I choose two seats near the front of class. "So, how has Summer been?" I asked Brittany.
"It was really fun! I went to Australia, and I went to the Australian Zoo and played with koalas and watched the emus running around! I also saw a Bengal tiger, she was really small and adorable!" Britt said.
"Wow! I had a boring summer, I played COD2 and COD3 and some Minecraft. I also took Kiki to a cat program so she can have some cat-friends! She made friends with a white she-cat and a tabby tom-cat! They live down the street too!" I said.

Britt's P.O.V
"Maybe they could have a kitty play-date!! So cute!!" I squealed. "OMG! YES!" Kim squealed. We giggled and chatted about cute kittens and clothes.
"Alright class! My name is Ms Glare! I am your art teacher and I have VERY important rules! I will hand out a book with the rules!" a lady in a white dress, pink knee-socks, and black hair walked into the classroom. All the swooning girls groaned and grudgingly sat in their seats.
Ms Glare's P.O.V
Once all the students were seated I began. "Welcome back everyone! My name is Ms Glare. This lesson is going to be simple! We will be painting! And we will specifically be painting your love interest!" I squealed. All the kids either blushed, squealed, or groaned. "But BEFORE we begin painting, we need to introduce ourselves!" I said. I looked at all the kids, they had blue, brown, orange, black, or blonde hair.
I spotted a girl with brown hair, "Introduce yourself!" I pointed at the brown-hair girl.

Brittany's P.O.V
Ms Glare pointed at me and said "Introduce yourself!". "Me?" I whispered to Kim. "Hehe, yes you!" Kim whispered back. "You better be next!" I whispered to Kim. I stood up and walked up the front. "What's your name?" Ms Glare asked.
"Um... My name is Brittany Coure. I am Italian and moved to America seven years ago" I said. "And what's your favourite colour and food?" Ms Glare asked. "My favourite colour is gold and my favourite food is... cupcakes!" I finished. "Okay, you may sit down" Ms Glare said. I sat down and looked at Kim.

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