If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet.....

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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by GoblinShark »

Ziraafa, no contest. I want a corgi-giraffe in real life.

Though I wouldn't say no to a yatagarasu raven/coria alagos, as long as I could figure out a way to keep it entertained enough to not mess with me and my stuff too much. The latter because I like the color scheme, the former because it'd be really cool to have a three-legged bird. People'd probably find that freaky, which would only get worse when I teach it to talk.
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by Exxthus »

My immediate thought was that I'd go for something grand like a big dragon or a giant serpent or something, but for some reason I could only pick a decessus. I'd have an intelligent, loyal fuzzy palm friend with none of the drawbacks that come with normal mice/rats, you'd only have to keep away any mortifelis. No sickness or short life spans, you'd never have to worry about them dying or saying good-bye. They'd just be a little less warm and fluffy is all.
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by PaleoMage »

First thing that came to mind was a chupacabra, but then someone mentioned bats and now IDK.
Probably a chupa, though. They look so fuzzy... and no one's going to mess with you when your dog has spines and fangs. The, um, dietary requirements might be inconvenient, though.
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by Brynmala »

Well if space and feeding considerations were no object I'd have gryphons. Lots of them. If I have to be more practical though I'd probably go for a pair of Temple cats (or at least I'd try to provide suitable accomodation and hope they decided to stay...) or winged cats, flying cats would be neat. I think. Maybe. Or maybe they could be a complete nightmare. Perhaps I should stick to a pet rock!
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by Reima »

A Nikollus for sure :D Image
They're so fluffy, warm, and their description is just... They're amazing, and I'd love cuddling up with one

Another one would be the Zaya Kenhound Image
I love Borzoi, I Adore Them. I want one. And here would be one + it could locate every item I need and help me pack and ensure I'd never be late and all that :D What a good boy~~

Any of the Alphyns would be nice too ImageImageImage
They're loyal, said to be small so I'd say owning one wouldn't take a lot of space? They're energetic though, that might be a thing for my lazy self. Buuuuut... I like the fierceness and the whole stealth and speed aspects of them. It's just like 'if I'd be put to somewhere, I'd want to be like them' so they fit right and nice

Yeah, I got a couple xD
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by SnowGlow »

Uhm, I have no idea if I could possibly choose! So far one of my favorite creatures is the winged cat, but I also really like the colorful puvia. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to get a ride on one of them? Plus you could travel with your puvia and visit far off lands, which would be really fun.
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by Unidove »

Hmm... It's a tie between the rewin dragon and the albino direwolf. Hmm... Not sure.
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by TheNewBlack »

Way too hard to decide! Im looking at all the creatures in my keep and changing my mind every time I see another one lol.
Maybe a jackalope. Or a hydra. Or a Llamhigyn y dwr. Or a Manticore...
Thank God we have Magistream and dont have to choose, huh?
A jackalope would probably be the best pet though.
Haven't been on Magistream in several months. Any gifts of recent creatures would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by Zailee »

If we mean like real life pets, no magi-world or anything of the sorts... I think the smaller birds like Agaori or Winged Cats would be more convenient. XD But I mean, real cats can be jerks, could you imagine a WINGED Cat causing trouble in someone's home/apartment? :lol:

If we could have any pet without any restrictions or whatnot, I'd definitely want a few hundred kitsunes. :D Have you seen the youtube videos about Fox Village in Japan? It's amazing. :t-swoon:

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Re: If you had a Magistream creature as your real life pet..

Post by blockEdragon »

Something that can carry you in flight but isn't too aggressive

-A pegasus sounds like a good one but like unicorns, they also have very high standards before you can actually have one as a companion and I honestly don't think I meet those insanely high standards of goodness and purity and such.

-A gryphon sounds even cooler, they are cooler, have fewer requirements, and they even feed themselves!
but again with the undefined standards!
kind "enough"
how kind is that? I don't mind being kind but what is their standard?
Is it like a lot of love and affection? Borderline worship?
I'm willing to befriend one but I'm not worshiping them, I have things to do, internets to watch, chairs to spin in!

Plus there's just life, I have a family, I have dogs, we all get annoyed with eachother sometimes, even the dogs growl at us on occasion and once in awhile i'll get annoyed with my family or dogs and might even have an argument, that's not kind but that's life!
So are normal relationships below them? Are gryphon keepers just in "relatives are visiting so act perfect mode" but permanently and with a gryphon as the relative?

Plus gryphons can hunt in magistreamland but here that would be poaching and they would probably put it to sleep D:
I can't feed I predator of that size, and if it tries to feed itself it will be illegal hunting at best or angry WV farmers armed with guns at worst!

-a puvia might work but they're HUGE, I don't know how to care for a bird that big. What do they even eat?!
They would be a cool bird to have though, beautiful feathers, seemingly nice personality, but it LEAVES D:
I'd miss it :t-:(

-A manticore might be cool, a lion with dragon-wings that is large enough to carry a rider in flight but a good personality might be awesome but again, how do I feed a giant lion?

-i'd probably enjoy a Niveus Enox they look a bit dragon-like and are able to carry a rider but aren't as demanding of perfection as the unicorns and pegasi and are a bit lazy from what I understand so they probably don't need as much exercise, and they are herbivores so they're probably easier to feed then a manticore.
I know a horse isn't cheap but if you look at the grocery store which is more expensive? the veggie section or the meat area?
They seem a bit down to earth, require reasonable space for a horse-ish animal, but are still really nice
Of course, horse care isn't cheap and I don't own a field, and I'm not by any means rich so I couldn't afford a horse unless it didn't need a field and a stall, and 200$ a month (minimum!) in food.

-a ruby koi, koi get huge and require a pond, and magical creatures tend to be bigger then their mundane counterparts, while the relaxation, water breathing, healing and being a magical version of the most adorable fish species out there (<3) all sound great I couldn't keep one

-a Maraegian Nizari
a spinosaurous that can shrink to the size of a hen or be 50 feet long and they don't seem overly aggressive for what they are, and they have bright colors on their sail to communicate with and they can change color.
of course they have ravenous appetites so it would be hard to feed, and I don't live near water so I couldn't keep one

But these are all unrealistic wishes, I've always wanted a pet that I could fly with but they are always big and expensive, and not to mention mythical.

More realistically:
-An alba meowl two very interesting animals in one but small and sweet
-A white tundra tullian, I find owls interesting, plus they're smart and having a smart bird-person around that can teach would help me out, plus they're nocturnal like me!
-A rewin I love dragons and they're small and sweet enough to keep safely
-A Nikolous, I love dogs and hate being cold!
-A Sacris Crystalwing, a relaxing little dragon would be a great help
-A Lakiran Platypus, Two words: lottery. tickets. (then I CAN get my enox!)
-A plushie bear, it's a bear made of plush, that can be hugged, never needs cleanup, and only eats cloth, I WANT ONE!

There are so many choices though, so these are all is just guesses.
Last edited by blockEdragon on October 6th, 2017, 3:51:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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