very long ice kitsune related one-shot

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very long ice kitsune related one-shot

Post by salt »

brought to you by Kat Valeros, your least favourite fire mage

ISK8 as Francine
AFLAME as Victoria
Karzar'ill as himself

and the star of her own show, RUZIO as Kat.

She's not sure when exactly it began, but all Kat knows is that she's -- once again -- come across the incorrigible problem of her living space being entirely inhabited by kitsune fur. It's three in the morning and her sneezes are echoing across the room, which, thank the gods, she isn't sharing with some other poor soul. She can only imagine what they must think of her. Or what anyone else with a right mind in the Keep must think.

"Carmine, please," she groans, rolling off her bed painfully. Only the day before had she did all that running around with eggs in her hands, and now her backside is so sore it hurts to move a muscle. "Gods, can you just stop shedding fur for like, the rest of my life?"

The kitsune blinks at her, and shakes its fur out again, licking a paw in satisfaction as it watches more hairs tumble out of its nine, sleek tails.

"Okay. You know what? I hate you. I hate every single one of you," Kat grumbles, and sneezes again. She mumbles a quick wind spell, and the stray hairs gather themselves in a mini-tornado and settle inside the rubbish bin next to her desk, upon which she bangs a cover down with grim satisfaction. "Gods, why did I even bother with you kitsunes. So entirely useless."

Carmine stares at her and floofs her tails in response again. Kat groans. Sneezes.

This is not the beginning of her problems. As Kat limps back into bed, she tries very hard not to think of the sixty-odd other kitsunes that need tending to.

...maybe later. For now, she needs sleep so badly.



Kat isn't sure she's heard correctly, but apparently no one knows where xand bears come from, and - "aren't you supposed to know that stuff? Like isn't it a part of your whole repertoire or whatever?" She waves her arms in the air, and the other mage glares at her, shoving his glasses further up his nose.

"No. And for your information they came directly from the Stream. Nothing has been recorded." With that line that he seems to think was a decent answer, he huffs and stomps off back to the gigantic stone castle. Or where he thinks it is in his little fit, anyway.

"If you're looking for the Keep, it's that way..." Kat points behind her, and the flustered mage turns and goes in the right direction. She stares after him. "Wow."

She carefully tucks the last four xand bear eggs she's fished out of the stream into her bag, and beckons to Carmine to follow her.

"Well, I guess that means it's off to Master Belmos we go," she mutters to herself. He did mention bringing a globefish for some kind of magical science experiment, but at this point she's too tired to find one from her own stock. Maybe Francine will lend her one. The girl has way too many spares of everything.


A couple hours later, Kat finds herself having to come up with an entire bunch of creatures she hasn't cared to own at all in any point in her life. Ever.

It's a little bit of an exaggeration -- she's only missing an elk and the anaugi, but she figures she can just count her quota from Francine's stock. Because, again, she has spares of just about anything and everything the library has recorded of being in this world.

Kat and Francine were logged into the offense team in case the expedition ran into any sort of trouble. That meant that she would have to go and "socialise with mages your own age", but "socialising" was a term that had not yet impressed itself upon her mental vocabulary. Besides, Francine could do more than enough talking for the both of them, given that she was the more "sociable" of the two.

"Yeah, thanks." It's a quick and easy purchase of the supplies that she needs for the trip. Kat didn't actually volunteer. More like she was dragged along because Francine wanted to go and see new things and promised that Kat might be able to find a special new creature or two along the way. She only agreed, also, because it meant that she could get away for a while during shedding season and get someone else to deal with all that fire kitsune fur.

Kat had been very glad to pay. The price wasn't even that bad, and in the end she was able to breathe for the first time in weeks, so her nose was blessedly unblocked.

She loads the winter gear onto the back of Areon, her Hipponox, and gets on, trotting back in the direction of the Keep.


"No, Francine, for the last time, I will not," Kat groans, and adjusts her earmuffs in a vain hope to keep the bespectacled younger girl from talking her ears off.

Obviously, because she is Francine, she ignores it. And it doesn't work, anyway. Why did she even bother to try. "But you have to! The crystalwings only come about once every year and it's gonna be so worth it. Come on," she whines, and Kat gives her a vicious glare that even the people around them veer sharply away with their steeds.

Except Francine. Because she is immune to anything Kat does. "Please? For me? I'll take all those Cerverids off your hands."

Kat stares gloomily ahead. If there's anything she really wanted, it's probably to rid her collection of all the stinking beasts she has. Plus, Francine said something about wanting to get six hundred and sixty-six of them. For what reason, Kat doesn't want to know. Knowing her, it's definitely for something weird. Maybe she wants to raise demons or something. Kat doesn't want to know.


Francine cheers. "I knew you would do it!"

"But you take all of them, and I want first news of any non smell-inducing creature you come across in the merchant district," Kat adds, well aware that she's basically being a sellout at this point. She just won't admit to herself that she might have a soft spot for the chatterbox sitting on the hippogryph to her left. Besides, getting a couple extra crystalwings for her collection would really help her gold pile.

"That's nothing! Done deal!" Francine says in delight, and sighs in happiness. "I needed more Puvia."

"Fran, you have more puvia than I have kitsunes," Kat points out. "I'm sure you don't need any more than a million rainbow birds to satisfy your cravings."

"Yeah, but I could say the same about you and your fire kitsunes, given how expensive they are."

"That doesn't really count -"

"Kat, you have what's called a hoard of a creature that's about as rare as a unicorn. I'd say it counts."

"It's my only bad habit," is all Kat grumbles in response. Plus, fire kitsunes made her look like a better mage, anyway.


Since she's mostly combustible with her fire magic around plants (especially with Carmine by her side), Kat has decided to leave the food growing to her younger companion, who clearly has a lot more experience in the area than she does. Although her preferred affinity is shadow, the girl has shown an aptitude across the other elements, while Kat herself tries mostly just to stick to the natural four, with fire being the most outstanding one.

"See, I told you this would be fun," Francine says, a huge grin splitting her face in half. She's sitting by the gigantic fire-lizards, a plate of bean stew in her hands.

Kat cannot see what is "fun" about travelling in the disgustingly cold weather and eating only vegetables to survive. They are all decked out in thick furs and she is surrounded by unfamiliar creatures that aren't even her own. As possibly the only fire mage in the Keep that doesn't own an Anaugi -- instead preferring to use Fire Kitsunes to fuel her spells -- she is famous for only appearing in the Merchant District whenever one of the creatures come up for sale.

She spoons another bit of soup into her mouth, choosing to not reply to Francine.

"Anyway. We're flanking the main group, on the left side, so looking at where the weather is headed we're taking the brunt of it, sadly," Francine continues, consulting a parchment she's taken from her backpack. "Supposedly we are to watch over the ones lagging back a little, and catch up if we can then."

"We're splitting up?" The idea seems stupid, especially if there really is cold weather coming in.

"Nah, not really? More like since we've got a stronger offensive and fire-magic based team here we can defend the weaker against any troubles that might happen to pass us by."

"I guess that makes sense," Kat allows. "If only we weren't pressed for time..." She doesn't admit it, but she does want to know what happened with all the globefish and the xand bears flooding the Stream and what not.


"Well -" Kat lets loose a loud expletive as the first wave of the snowstorm hits. "This has gone absolutely brilliantly so far."

"I'm sure it's going to pass over soon," Francine offers with a wince. She had an unfortunate run-in with the sharp end of the sticks they used for the tents earlier, while they were scrambling for cover, and now her leg is bleeding all over the place, a large scrape right down her thigh visible where Kat has ripped the fabric away.

"Are you okay?" Kat asks her in genuine concern, and removes her gloves, a spark lighting up her fingertips. "I can -"

"Woah there!" Another one of their travelling group darts in front of her and positions himself in between them, and Francine pokes her head out from behind his leg inquisitively. "I wouldn't be too hasty about using fire to heal those wounds."

Kat squints at the intruder. He's tall and lanky, a sparkle in his gold eyes, and she already doesn't like him. Mostly because he's trying to talk to her. She's always been the type of person to never really like anyone who even tries to strike up a conversation with her. "And who in the hell might you be?"

"That's one way to welcome someone," he laughs. "I'm Ty. Nice to meet you. And as a fellow mage who practices the use of fire, this young lady's wound is definitely not deep enough to seal with heat."

"He's right -- it's really not that bad, Kat, don't worry about me," Francine pipes up from behind him, and pats Ty's leg away from her face. She grins reassuringly. "I'll be fine!"

"Only if you're sure." Kat shakes the sparks out of her fingers, but stuffs her gloves into her pocket. The anaugis have started heating up the area within the mana-shield, and the roar of the snowstorm outside has been dampened to a strong gust. Well, at least the sound of it.

"See? She's doing better already," Ty says, jerking a finger towards Francine. "Anyway, I'd get some rest if I were you guys. The storm doesn't look like it'll be dying down any time soon, so I'm glad I brought something to drink..."

He wanders off to talk to someone else, and she glares at his back. Francine waves goodbye at him, and turns to Kat. "Why are you always so grumpy? He was just trying to be nice, you know."

Kat frowns at her. "I'm not here to make friends."

Francine sighs. "There's no saving you from this shell that you always tuck yourself in."

"Your leg," Kat prompts.

"Yes, yes, I got it." It's not bleeding heavily as much anymore, thankfully, but Francine winces as she gingerly removes the blood-soaked bandage and quickly wraps a new one around it. "There, better. Oh, hey!" She waves at another mage, and Kat glares at her. One person was enough. Now she wants to talk to more?

This time, it's another girl with long dark hair, the edges of which are dyed a bright blonde. She has a large grin on her face, and practically bounces their way, an opulus velox hopping after her, its white feathers reflecting the dim lighting of the fires. "Hey, Fran!"

"Victoria, this is Kat. Kat, meet Victoria," Francine dutifully introduces the two of them.

"Hey," Victoria says.

"Hi," Kat replies, trying to keep the frown off her face.

"You look like you're about to have a seizure," the girl quips, tapping a finger on her chin. Kat squints at her. She's pretty much right, though.

"I'm trying not to."

Victoria laughs. "Don't worry, I won't take up much of your time. Fran just mentioned koi tonic earlier, so I'm just here to deliver." She hands over a bottle of the said medicine, and Fran accepts it gratefully, downing half of it in one swallow.

"Is that even...oh, never mind."

"Oh, it's -- yeah, it's diluted, it shouldn't have much of an -- oh." Victoria and Kat both stare at the now asleep Francine, who is snoring away on top one of the anaugi, which blinks at her curiously before dipping its head to snack on more berries.

"Well, that was fast," Victoria comments. "Do you need anything, Kat?"

"I'm good," she mumbles. And just because she might not actually hate company since Francine's now asleep -- "did you want to stay around a while?"

"Sure," Victoria says with a smile. "I'm new around here anyway."


Because of the snowstorm, their team had been separated from the main group, but thanks to Peaches' (Victoria's velox), a message had been sent ahead to Talyn, letting them know they would eventually catch up once they figured out their resources and people. Quite a few had gone missing, and everyone on the team has agreed to go back and look for the rest of them.

Kat doesn't agree or disagree; she just stares mournfully in the direction of the main bulk of the expedition, because what are they doing, and she wants to be a part of it.

"Don't worry, Kat, we'll be there and back quicker than anything," Francine says, her eyes shining through her glasses. "Then we'll go find out more of the whys and hows. For now, let's just focus on finding people who we hope are alive."

Kat nods in response, too uneasy to say anything else. Victoria glances in her direction, and holds up a bottle. "Need a drink?"

"I haven't, uh, really drank," Kat admits.

"...what? But you're legal age," Victoria says, staring at her, swishing the liquor in her hand. "And I'm not -- I'm pretty sure you're older than me and even I drink."

"Amen to drinking," Ty pipes up, the alagos hatchling perching on his shoulder. It gives a beady-eyed stare to Kat, and Kat returns one as best as she can.

"Amen." Victoria takes a deep swig from the bottle, wipes her mouth, and offers it to Kat. "You sure?"

She stares at it warily. "Oh, why not." The moment it touches her mouth, she wants to spit it back out, but even that, she knows, is considered rude. Kat swallows it back with a wince. The heat of the alcohol almost scorches her throat. How can liquor even be spicy. "What in the hell. What is that?"

Victoria giggles. "It's a little something I got Remy to whip up for me. I went on a trip once and brought back a couple of Voltarian peppers -- but with the right amount, they can spice up a whisky pretty damn well."

"I should try that some time," Ty comments.

"By all means, take a sip."

The bottle goes around a couple more times, but Kat declines it, mostly because she can't feel her tongue anymore, and that is not a feeling she would like to have lest they encounter any trouble along the road. Francine stares at the bottle hopefully, but Victoria keeps it out of her reach, claiming it's too strong for "anyone younger than herself".


When the snowstorm finally clears up completely, the group gets on their way to where Archmage Thane and the others have likely arrived at already.

They don't go far before they encounter the haietliks. One of the experts brought on the trip was worried about such a thing happening, and it could have posed a huge danger to those who had found it better to return to the Keep under these extreme conditions.

Well, it looks like they ran into that bit of trouble just when things didn't seem like they could get any worse. A tall, lean man steps into view, eyeing the nest. His height is abnormal, even for a human, but that's not the most eye-catching thing about him -- it's the long, scaled tail that's attached to his rump.

And in normal circumstances, she would've snorted.

Even though these are not normal circumstances, Kat snorts anyway. The man gives her a glare, his tail flicking irately. "It isn't time for jokes, Valeros. One mistake and we could potentially all die."

"Well...that's a bit pessimistic, isn't it?" Francine interjects hopefully, but is only backed up by a couple of half-hearted nods and agreements.

It's true, though. Haietliks are well-known for their freezing capabilities, and without a mage around to actually know how to handle one, they would be in a little spot of trouble. And those were the ice snakes that were raised in captivity.

Who knows how dangerous the wild ones are.

"And no one ever lived to tell the tale," Victoria quips, sauntering to Kat's side. "I won't be of much use here, since I specialise in the illusionary arts, so the most I can really do is just confuse them while you work for a better angle to attack."

"That's more than sufficient," Ty says, rubbing two orbs in his hands, as they start to glow a bright hot red. "With three fire mages on this squad I'd say we've got a decent chance at taking the haietliks down before they get any one of us."

"And find out if anything happened to those who went back from here," Kat added morosely, strapping her gauntlets over her own bare arms.

They're about a couple hundred feet away from the nest, in all actuality, but any closer and they would've been discovered. Thanks to a pair of far-seeing lenses, Francine had managed to warn them before they got too close for comfort, so at least now they would have the element of surprise.

If...haietliks even get surprised, that is.


"That didn't turn out as terrible as I thought it would," Ty comments, dusting his hands off. "But then again, we did have Kepesk on our side."

Karzar'ill's gigantic dragon blinks at Ty, who blinks back, and grins.

"I'm just lucky he actually decided to come around, honestly," Karzar'ill says. "Otherwise the fight might've taken a turn for the worse."

"Always fun to have a brawl, though," Kat says cheerily, which is extremely uncharacteristic of her. But her face is red from extertion and the adrenaline is running through her veins and gods, she feels good.

Francine grins at her and Kat finds herself grinning back, because it's Francine, and why not.

"Still, that doesn't really answer the question, if whether or not these haietliks were a problem for the rest of the team," Ty puts forth, and everyone has to agree with him, because he's right. Kat is starting to slowly warm - hah - up to him, though. He proved quite not-incompetent in the fight, and she might look into getting those firebombs if she can.

"Well, from their remains, it looks like they haven't really eaten anything humanlike," Francine says out of nowhere, and Kat turns, nearly screaming when she sees her younger companion squatting down next to the corpses and poking at them.

"Francine! What on earth -" She strides over and pulls the girl up. "What are you doing?"

"They don't retain their powers anymore, and I had my gloves on. I was fine. Either way, look!" She points at the corpses and the bones lying next to them. "At the most, my science instincts are telling me that these are not humans or mages, more like animal remains. I mean, I'd need to take samples to be completely sure, but I've seen the difference and I know that's at least eighty percent non-human bones."

"Does that mean the other group that headed back is safe, then?" Victoria asks. "Because if so that means we can probably go ahead and catch up with the rest of them in Boreus, wherever they are."

"I mean, it would be better to confirm it...but Francine is right, I've worked with these snakes before and they would definitely go for creatures over humans. Besides, the mages should've been able to protect themselves, so they would've gotten out alive, even in the worst case scenario of the creatures being eaten," Karzar'ill says. "I say we should go on ahead to Boreus. Anyone objects?"

No one puts their hand up.

"Well then, off we go."


It takes them another two days to trek painfully through the snow and wind, but they finally make it there, where the main part of the expedition has already settled in and introduced themselves to the locals. Apparently people live in Boreus. Kat cannot imagine it, being this secluded, because as much as she hates people...there has to be people around to hate.

They stay a couple weeks, updating Thane on the situation and helping out with the creatures. Victoria acts as messenger, heading back to the Keep with her Velox, layered with weather protection spells that bring her back safely with news that all the people who had to turn back are at the Keep unharmed.

All in all, it has been a decidedly happy ending for everyone.

"You okay there? Earth to Kat." Francine puts her face up close and squints. "Helloooo."

"Yeah, what?"

"Nothing much, Maili wants to see you, though. I think she has something for you," Francine tells her with a cheeky grin, and then flounces off. "She's just up ahead at the main hall, and go now!"

"Alright, I guess." Kat waves away Francine and makes her way to the main hall -- Maili's standing there, waiting for Kat, a polished wood box in her hand.


She nods in greeting. "Maili, hi."

"I know you are all going to leave soon, but before you go, I'd like to give this to you." Kat is handed the box, and she traces her fingers gently over the xand bear pattern on the lid. "It's a gift from us as a thank you. They're very rare, and they can channel magic to strengthen spells. If anyone can appreciate them as much as we do, it would be you and the people of your Keep."

Kat lifts the lid, and inside are three beautiful snow-white eggs, several soft, sleek tails pushing out through the cracks. "No way. No way. Kitsunes? Maili. This is...thank you so much. I've seen them around with you but I didn't think...thank you."

Maili smiles. "Everyone's who's helped us out here deserves them, and they've been a staple in the spells that we use in Boreus. The elders think they would be of use down in the Keep, and we have many eggs than we need, so they do make extraordinary parting gifts."

"Thank you," Kat says again, because she can't really say anything else, because ice kitsunes. She had been looking for this particular breed for so long...and now they were just being handed to her.

"No worries," Maili says, grinning. "Francine did say you were going to like them."

"Well, I work with kitsunes a lot, so this...yeah, this is an amazing gift, Maili. Thank you again. I'll make sure they have a good home with me," Kat promises, and reaches out to hug Maili with her free hand. "Thank you!"

"Alright, now off you go! Safe travels," Maili says with a laugh. "I hope I'll see you again soon!"


They make it back to the Keep, and everyone in their team is exhausted after the long and taxing weeks spent in Boreus. Victoria heads straight up to her room, declaring that she's going to sleep for three straight days, while Ty makes a beeline for Remy's with several flasks that he nicked from the Borean stores after the celebrations were had. Karzar'ill, who seems to be the only one with energy still left in him, heads to Master Belmos to give him a status report, so in a couple minutes after everyone disbands, only Kat and Francine are left standing there in their winter gear, staring at each other morosely.

"I'm really tired," Francine comments. "I really want to sleep."

"So do I, but..." Kat glances back in her bag where the eggs are safely nestled. "I kind of have something else -"

"Yeah, the kitsunes. I get it." Francine laughs. "Maili handed them out to everyone who helped with the xand bears' return, so I got some too." She lifted out her own box, and hands it to Kat. "Do you wanna keep them for me?"

Kat stares at her. "But aren't these yours?"

Francine shrugs. "We all know you're better with the kitsunes than I am, and besides you still have all those cerverids you haven't parted with yet..."

"Yeah, but they're not even close to worth - are you sure? Fran, you could get a lot more for these," Kat protests, though she already has a hand on the box. "I can't just take these from you."

"Honestly, just take them!" Francine says with a laugh, pushing the eggs towards her. "Look, if you really want to pay me back, you know what I want. You've been a good friend and mentor to me for ages and it's not like I'm losing out on anything with giving these to you because it'll make you happy. And besides, it'll give you a head start in the Merchant District, because I just know Ty is going to start buying all the kitsunes too, and soon enough they're going to cost more than I ever want to deal with, so -"

"I love you so much." Kat has grabbed the young girl and hugged her tightly to her chest. "You're the best thing to ever exist."

"I love you too," Francine replies, albeit muffled against the furs from Kat's coat. "Now before people think you're murdering me, do you think you can let go so we can all go back to our rooms and get some rest?"


Francine was right. The fight over Maili's gifted ice kitsunes has never been more intense, and Kat is grimly adding to her hoard of kitsunes while watching her gold pile diminish further into the ground. She even had to sell her light unicorn for a couple of kitsunes.

Everyone said it was her fault they cost so much, mostly because she offered so much. Kat has no regrets, except for the fact that she might have gone a little overboard at the beginning because now Ty is catching up in number of kitsunes and this means war.

"You're going to have to drop out of the race soon, Kat," Francine comments, propping her feet up on the wooden stall, and Kat smacks them down.

"Feet off. And I know, I can't actually afford anymore. But I don't understand why Ty is trying to outbuy me," Kat adds miserably.

"I'm only doing it because I know you want them," Ty calls out from over at his stand. His legs are crossed, propped up on a chair, and he's tossing one of the firebombs he had used during the fight against the haietliks. He winks at Francine.

"Why does he get to do it and -"

"No. And shut up, Ty," Kat says, frowning at him. "No one even knows how you make half your deals. It's not even fair I come by all this gold in a decent way. You probably steal from the dragon under the Keep, and the only reason Master Belmos hasn't stopped you is because you have Graellsia moths and it's kind of impossible to stop you, anyway."

Ty grins. "Didn't you want these firebombs?" is all he says.

Kat throws a shoe at him.

studying HARD MAN
watching: myself procrastinate really hard

come shopping at the holy trinity xo

selling lots of stuff | buying SB fire/ice kitsunes
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Re: very long ice kitsune related one-shot

Post by LightningDragon »

Love it!!! <3

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