African's Witch Child

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African's Witch Child

Post by ImNotOkay »

if you don't know what witch child are in Africa, they are children that has been labeled of being a which or possessed by demons.The parents has 3 choices, drive them out of the home to die, abuse them over and over again till they confess or just for the fund of it ,or send them for the bishop for cleaning.How are they labeled as a witch or are possessed?

By misfortune of there families, been born in a different way, diseases around there families.Types of abuses would be burning by flame, acid,beaten,torture, lashes, and much worst. Children and people who are labeled as witches or of the supernatural are always rejected by the community. By law witches are supposed to be killed,this condition is not only UNACCEPTABLE and UNNEEDED .NOT only 15,000 children are labeled as witches but adults, teenagers as well,They are abused by people around them not only their own but the people around them and their families and friends.

As you know bulling is also a problem in the world where suicides has increases.The children accused of are also rejected from schools, and almost every place.I can not say how much i feel of rage,anger,and sadness.I ask my mom what she thought of it, she replied "that there are some people like this and it will be like this and there are things that we can't do about "

THIS IS NOT TRUE.Dr. King helped the colored skins and now we have a better community instead of being seperated by skin we are mixed in school.If we got though that conflict then we can certainly help the children and people out in the world and Africa.

Now then what are your opinions of this?What i said is only the start of it.
please reply on your thoughts down below
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Re: African's Witch Child

Post by Emerarudo »

It's terrible how far some people will actually go because of their believes. I have heard that if a poor African family gives birth to an albino child they can murder them and sell their body parts as ingredients to perform hoodoo (African witchcraft). I do believe in magic, I am a spiritualist with a lot of influences from Wicca. However, I do believe an important part of magic is to follow the saying "An it harm none do as ye will".

It really makes me angry to see how they treat these children. Misfortune and deceases in the family isn't the child's fault, so they shouldn't be punished by it.
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Re: African's Witch Child

Post by ImNotOkay »

Emerarudo wrote:It's terrible how far some people will actually go because of their believes. I have heard that if a poor African family gives birth to an albino child they can murder them and sell their body parts as ingredients to perform hoodoo (African witchcraft). I do believe in magic, I am a spiritualist with a lot of influences from Wicca. However, I do believe an important part of magic is to follow the saying "An it harm none do as ye will".

It really makes me angry to see how they treat these children. Misfortune and deceases in the family isn't the child's fault, so they shouldn't be punished by it.
Luckily now parts of Nigeria has a law against labeling a child witch or etc and they have to go to jail for 10 years but that does not mean the problem is solved.Sadly it is still happening right now and honestly the government need to take action.Its not only human and child abuse but it is also human curlty as well as inhuman( well to me at least).

also yes thats true the poor faimilies can do that do there own children and it is not against law.Well from my knowknolege of this
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Re: African's Witch Child

Post by Marras »

This is interesting topic to discuss imo. I've also read about the witch cildren in Africa. There is danish(?) group that helps children in need and especially witch children. I once wanted to go there as a volunteer, but i got to the university instead :derp:
ImNotOkay wrote:(...) she replied "that there are some people like this and it will be like this and there are things that we can't do about "

This quote is why i answered to this topic in the first place. I aggree with you (:

It is our job to change the culture where bullied children are put to new school/bullies stay in the old one, where bullied children are not getting proper conciliation or where even teachers or other authorities cannot or doesn't want to do a thing.

I think the most permanent / long-term solution is that we grow our own children that way, that there is nothing cool in bullying. (Or our siblings/nephews/grandchildren/etc. - all children in our lives) It has more power when we teach that for example "gay" is not even an insult, so it looses it power.

We also need to understand that children needs to 'try the ice with a stick', so they always will be unthinkful about the result of their actions. We need to teach them how to stick togethr and help the bullied one, because that is more cool.

Ok ok now i think i will stop because otherwise it's off the topic i think? :D if the original thing was African witch children.
I like to discuss about things that matter. I love it here that there is own section for serious talking.
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Thank you if you click! c:
(No need to tho, hehe)
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Re: African's Witch Child

Post by Jade07 »

i believe in magic,and that you should be able to have beliefs,and that witches can be bad but they can also be good and labeling is just is just cow poo [sorry i don't like to swear so i improvised] you should not label someone because of how they act,where there form,their skin or who their family is its also mean to abuse or abandoned them because of this
please help them hatch or grow

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