Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by mulan »

i dont like grammar-nazi..........

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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I do find bad grammar to be really annoying. I don't generally correct people unless they're my friends (and I absolutely expect my friends to correct me if I write something/spell something wrong and I don't catch it). It's particularly annoying when people just use the wrong words. My brain fills in the word's actual meaning, rather than the intended one, or worse my brain starts accepting the wrong as the right. I have, accidentally, wrote out 'should of/would of/could of' rather than 'should/would/could have' because it's so ingrained into my brain from people who don't know that just because 'should've' rhyme with 'should of', doesn't mean it's the same pairing of words.

I always catch it, and thankfully it has only happened once or twice, but the fact that it has happened at all is absolutely awful in my opinion. But bad grammar does affect others, particularly younger students, who would/should absolutely be penalized for misspellings and poor grammar, particularly in literature based classes, and in work, and anywhere people work who need to be able to read things.

Of course there are people who don't speak English (or any other language) as their first language, or those who have trouble with reading and writing. But then I've also found that those who are at some sort of disadvantage in regards to writing tend to try a lot harder to be understood properly.

Typos happen, mistakes happen, we all make mistakes and if you don't you're a liar. But when it's the same consistent misspelling, grammar issue, use of the wrong word or phrase, it's a problem. At least I feel like it is. It may not be a serious problem, maybe they just don't care. You're allowed not to care. I think you should but I'm one person.

I am also not referring to text speak. I rarely use it (other than lol, or brb and simple common texting phrases like that). Text speak is entirely its own thing, and perfectly suitable for informal situations. I do not like it in roleplays, or where long bits of text (more than a sentence) need to be read. I don't particularly care to read it because with full keyboard smart phones and tablets/laptops I personally don't see it as necessary, but c'est la vie.

However grammar, and at least decent grammar, is absolutely important. It doesn't (necessarily) need to be perfect, but if you're writing 'collage' instead of 'college' (which are two very different words)... Sure I could use context clues to figure out what you mean, but my brain literally stops and tries to figure out what the sentence 'I went to 'collage' today', is supposed to mean. It literally makes no sense in my brain. They're spelled similarly but are pronounced, and mean very different things (you can make a collage in college, sure, but they're not the same word).

More importantly, it is absolutely necessary in more formal settings, grammar should be a priority. Capitalization, punctuation, using words correctly. All are important, not necessarily here (though this is a more formal part of this forum), but in life, actual life where you get judged and graded on papers and writing? When people depend on understanding what a sign, pamphlet, or book says? Yes, spelling and grammar absolutely should be a priority. It isn't just poor grammar in a forum or comment section or role-play, it can affect you and others in real life too.

I am not perfect. I make mistakes, but if I do not catch it, or do not correct it in time, I absolutely expect to be corrected and I do not see anything wrong with correcting others (I tend not to unless they are friends/family but I am starting to grow increasingly irritated with some of the misspellings/misuse of words I've seen). I type very fast, particularly on a phone. I make some weird spelling errors, either because autocorrect, or because my mind blanked on the appropriate spelling or phrasing. It's basically become a game, I says something stupid, my friend corrects it. I would be upset with her if she didn't. It's funny, it's a joke, but if she didn't I'd probably be upset with her for it.

I haven't ever actually seen 'real' grammar Nazis, I just happen to get super annoyed when people write things that, technically, don't make sense, even if the intended meaning is clear.

Confusing your (possession)/you're (you are), or their (possession) /they're (they are)/there (location).
And writing 'should of' (I hate that, hate) are the best ways to annoy me ("If you write 'should of' you should have learned to spell 'should've').

Bottom line, text speak, slang, etc, not an indicator of bad grammar and are perfectly suitable in informal situations like this. But I believe there should be some decent grammar. Spell words properly (look them up if you don't know, you're on the internet already, this is how we learn. I do it all the time. I can know a word, know what it's general meaning it, but not remember how to spell it, it's ok to not know how to spell something or not know what word goes where. Google Docs actually has a grammar checker, which MS Word does not, and it is wonderful).

This is a text based forum. Most of the internet is text based, phones are text based now a days! If one cannot understand what you're saying you're not communicating properly. The entire point of communication is getting meaning and understanding across, if you cannot do that you've failed.

:derp: I have just seen a lot of irritating misuse of words/grammar recently.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Ted267 »

It really depends on where/how they used it/messed up. I personally sometimes use Text Talk, but only if I don't have enough time to fully type something out. Its kinda annoying to be so speific with Grammer at school, everyone floods me with "This is due tomorrow and I need someone to check it over!!!!" and then I feel bad because I say no or there are just so many mistakes just on the first 2 pages that I hand it back and say no. On the internet, it happens so much I don't really care about it.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Jessica »

I get quite annoyed at bad grammar. It's really frustrating to see people mix up their/there/they're, you're/your, and other similar groups of words, AND misuse/abuse the apostrophe (ex. using "battery's" instead of "batteries", when battery is supposed to be plural, and not possessing something). I understand if the person is a non-English native, or is dyslexic or whatever, but if you are neither, there really is no excuse. An occasional mistake is okay. Even happens to me. But if it's constant it gets really irritating and makes me want to correct them. Seriously, and text talk is irritating - maybe it's okay over text messages on the phone...but on forums? No. Not to me.

I refrain from correcting anyone, though, as it would probably be seen as rude/sort of unnecessary.

I can pass on capitalization, as sometimes even I don't capitalize the first letter of a word - at least online.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by atheris »

When I was like 12 I was a really hardcore stan for using correct grammar even on ~The Internet~ but honestly I do not care like at all anymore.
If I can understand what you're saying, you're fine. I think bad grammar can even be conducive to communicating online because it can better portray someone's meaning and tone and inflection, depending on how it's used. Idk maybe it's because I'm from tumblr but I LOVE how language has evolved online like especially the suDDEN MOUNTING EXCITEMENT and Intentional capitalization for Emphasis and lots of other things.

but all that aside, even if someone is using bad grammar for no reason other than it's easier for them, I don't really think people have business correcting them.
You don't know what learning disabilities or anything else thats going on with random people you encounter online, don't try to make them feel bad for something as trivial as the way they type.

and tbh i love text talk its just easier and it makes my tone come off as more welcoming and casual imo
maybe i'm wrong lol
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Sienna »

To be honest, I don't like grammar nazis.
Not that because I'm a Korean, I just don't like people correcting my grammar.(There's Korean grammar nazis too...)
I think it's fine to make grammar mistakes unless they're writing essay or something official.
Language is for communication and if I can understand what people say and they understand what I say, that's fine.
Besides, correcting other's bad grammar would make people feel really awkward and uncomfortable...why would you do that if it's going to ruin your relationship? And also I personally intend a lot of mistakes when I'm texting to my friends because it makes me feel more comfortable and sometimes it's funnier to make mistakes.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by QueenoftheRabbits »

I don't really find correct grammar to be necessary when communicating on the internet. I think that to a certain degree, there is a certain level of communication on the internet that can only be achieved through incorrect grammar, especially in humorous situations. There are situations like more serious discussions or things involving specific/detailed information where it is definitely easier for everyone involved when correct grammar is used.

I also don't think it's truly necessary to use perfectly correct grammar online since the vast majority of people do not speak using correct grammar, especially in english.

I've also found (in my experience as a tutor for people in my grade, and as a student) that many English teachers in the American school system have - to an extent - failed to teach their students correct grammar. I've had teachers contradict each other and themselves when teaching grammar, and many that go against what other sources have said to be correct grammar (like dictionaries, etc.).

For the most part, I don't really think that correct grammar is necessary as long is someone is able to get their point across.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by FishPandaFish »

Bad grammar annoys me a lot. Nowadays there are plenty of crutches - spellchecker is just one of them - so that there really is no excuse (unless you are dyslexic). I think it just shows disrespect - you couldn't bother to go over your post even once to make sure everything is okay? I don't mind a typo here and there, they tend to slip by, but using no punctuation, or misspelling everything - I'm just not going to read your post if it's more than a few words long. English is not even my first language and I get by just fine - surely you can as well.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by GalacticSnake »

I can swing either way when it comes to caring about grammar. Personally, if I'm not writing something seriously I won't pay much attention to things like spelling mistakes or the apostrophes in contractions I also generally won't capitalize words either. Though recently I have been paying more attention to grammar, I mostly only try to stick to it when I'm writing a story, or arguing in a YouTube comment.

But on the other hand some things really bug me when it comes to grammar. Like- I can ignore 1 or 2 spelling errors here or there, especially because I can't type what-so-ever so I'm not going to be a stickler to it. But if it's like a fan fiction or something that has a painfully obvious spelling error in nearly every word I'll have to click away from it before I lose my mind.

Also I can't stand when people do the thing with dialogue where they use apostrophes instead of quotation marks.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by crichton »

I'm mixed. As I'm dyslexic, I'm fairly understanding when it comes to grammar and spelling errors. However, my manager at work has a habit of sending out typo filled memos, letters and so-forth, and it frustrates me as it gives us a horrendous image.

But in general? I have several friends who don't speak English as a first language. I'm trying to learn a few languages. There's countless possible reasons for grammatical errors. And unless someone asks for your feedback, I can't see the harm in keeping schtum about their grammar.

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