Thanksgiving 2016 - Ocellata Amagnae

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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by BBkat »

Arrias wrote:
Danafox wrote:Image
This iridescent egg is surrounded by a fan of bright feathers.

General Description
Ocellata amagnae are found mostly in the Jungle of Raza and around Tetzcotal, where their bright plumage makes them stand out against the greens of the foliage around them. This colouring is a warning to most predators: ocellata are bold birds, with an unending curiosity and a sharp beak - and, in males, long spurs - should they run into trouble while exploring. Their forked tails earned them the nickname 'snake birds' and they can use this tail like a whip, especially the female. Both males and females also have eye-shaped spots near the ends of their tail feathers, which some say they can use to see what's truly in someone's heart.
Female hatchling

Hatchling Description
The ocellata hatchling is a slim little bird that's surprisingly independent from almost the moment it hatches, though hatchlings will stay in family groups while they grow. While not particularly good at flying, they are good at gliding, which comes in handy when ocellata roost mostly in trees. Even as hatchlings, ocellata are wary around other amagnae and each family group has its own strict territory that the adults defend. During their first molt, the hatchlings lose their camouflaging brown feathers and begin to grow their bright adult feathers, during which time magi should probably avoid them as much as possible, or risk kicks and deep scratches.

Ahhhh so dang pretty. I just want the eggs. O.o
Species: Ocellata Amagnae

Ocellated turkeys omg. Those are going to be stunning adults then.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Arrias »

^^^Those are the bomb.
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Marta »

I just love the eggs :well:
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Enchanteddil »

Sometimes, it really pays to be a hoarder :lol: :lol:
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by ExplicitiveUhoh »

Haha, I forgot to hatch my eggs from early this month (whoopsie), but I can't wait to start collecting the new turkeys. They are adorable & I always enjoy the new turkey sprites. The colors on the eggs look wonderful! Can't wait to see the adults too!
Sometimes, life requires introspection. The questions of 'why am I here?', 'what is my purpose?' and 'why the hell are there clowns!?'. The important questions, obviously.

To hatchling, please:

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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by magestream »

You know, just the coloring of this year's egg makes last year's amagnae look pale in comparison. These will hatch into gorgeous adults indeed. Too bad I missed the start of the event, gotta catch (and stock) up. :lol:

edit; Just realised I gotta keep an eye on the amagnae eggs to catch them when they hatch, before reaching adulthood.

Also, there doesn't seem to be a gender dimorphism for the new flashy amagnae when it's a hatchling.
it's been so long.. i've grown. :t-puppyeyes:
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Enchanteddil »

Froze 4 eggs at 0% and got 4 more. Hope I'll get a male/female hatchling pair lower than 1% to freeze for my family. Love the egg so much and the hatchie is so adorable <3

I have no idea how, but I have 5 live eggs now. I will have to freeze one. I already have the frozen eggs I want, ugh :facepalm:
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Merkwerkee »


Will I get me some of them eggs? Likely, but not as many as I'd like, prolly xD

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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by NyxNoire »

Yay! The eggs are so pretty. :t-swoon: Off to hunt. :bounce:

Edit - am cracking up over a piece of the quest text as it reminds me of a tumblr post about wild turkeys. :lol:

Quest texts:
As the Keep is getting ready to celebrate the yearly Harvest Festival and the wild amagnae start swarming the nearby fields you decide to take a stroll to the harvest grounds to go visit the resident Amagnae keeper, Aderyn.

You find her near her enchanted shed and amagnae pens examining a giant Wugu Amagnae.

"Hello!" Aderyn greets you as you get closer. You exclaim your surprise at the size of the Wugu, as the ones you've seen before were tiny compared to the one Aderyn has.

"Oh, yes," Aderyn says and you detect a hint of steel in her voice. "Last year I had to leave to Synara City in a hurry. I had gotten a few Wugu Amagnae from the north and was experimenting with a breeding program. I had managed to get quite a few promising individuals but also a lot of very small eggs. The smaller eggs showed signs of more magical properties though, so before I had to go I left them here. A Keep's spellmaster was supposed to pick them up for their studies but alas, she never got them as someone had gotten to the eggs before her. I hear this person traded the eggs for other amagnae, right in public!" Aderyn scoffs, finding the idea clearly preposterous. A moment later a mischievous smile creeps on her lips, though. "I do hear the perpetrator got what he deserved, in the end. I hope he learned his lesson that wild amagnae are not that easy to handle, especially in big groups."

Aderyn ruffles the soft feathers of her Wugu and then picks it up.

"I do have a new breed to study," Aderyn says and glances at you. At the same time a magnificent gleaming bird rushes up to you and starts strutting and prancing in front of you. Baffled you stare at it only to realise after a moment that it seems to be... courting you?

Aderyn laughs and shoos the bird away.

"They sometimes do that, yes," she says, still chuckling. "I'll give you one if you bring me three wild amagnae hatchlings. Unnamed if you please."

With a final smile she waves and takes the massive Wugu inside.
Years of trying to outsmart wild amagnae have made you something like a master in the field.

The three birds under your arm are giving you the most telling stink eye but remain otherwise calm.

Once you get inside Aderyn's domain the amagnae hatchlings leap from your lap and scatter in different directions just to return shortly when Aderyn comes in through the side door.

"I see you found me some new little friends like I asked," Aderyn remarks and rummages through her pockets.

"Here, take this. A small token of my gratitude."

She hands an iridescent egg to you.

"If you're feeling up to it you can always bring me more wild amagnae hatchlings. I'm always happy to give a home to a few more."
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Re: Thanksgiving 2016

Post by Zeilera »

Managed to get four of the new birds almost right away. The eggs really look stunning. <3 Can't wait to see the adults!


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