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Re: Pets

Post by Brynmala »

Ted267 wrote:
Brynmala wrote:we lost our little white and black cat, Minou, yesterday because of a careless driver :( ...
Oh I'm sorry ): Sadly some people are so careless, and Its a hard way to loose a pet.
Thank you, its been a rough couple of weeks, but we are slowly coming to terms. The other cats (3 of them) seem to have sorted out the new pecking order without too much fuss I'm pleased to say.
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Re: Pets

Post by sammythethief »

Brynmala, I'm sorry to hear about your cat T_T Had she escaped, or was she an indoor/outdoor cat?

An update on my animals, I suppose, since it's been a while.

Sora (Boog) is doing great. He's three and a half years old now and I wish time would slow down. He's a marvelous, wonderful, sweet dog and I can say with 100% faith that I wouldn't be where I am now without him. My ex and I are getting a divorce, but I got my Boog. I'm his primary caregiver. I know what vitamins and supplements he takes, I know which food he eats, I know what medicine he takes when his hips act up, I'm the one who insisted on and picked out his insurance policy. The ex may have been the reason we got Sora, but I trained him, I took care of him, I sat up with him every night when he was sick, I made sure he had his flea/tick/heartworm preventatives. He didn't even put up a fight, he just let me walk away with the dog. That's fine with me, anyway. I may not make as much as he does, but I take far better care of him. He never runs out of food and he gets walks whenever I have the spare time, and at least twice a week. I'd like for it to be more, but it's more than what the ex used to do.

Unfortunately, I couldn't bring Slash, the ball python, with me. My mother is deathly afraid of snakes. She can't even look at a picture of one on the internet. They absolutely terrify her, so living with one would be out of the question (and I'm back at home with my parents). I'm worried that Slash won't ever be handled anymore. I told the ex's mom that if he ever doesn't want to take care of the snake anymore, to please keep him at her house until I can move out, and then I'll take him. One of two things will happen: either he will keep the snake out of spite to me, or the snake will get aggressive because ex never handles him, and he won't want to deal with him anymore. There's a 50/50 chance of me getting my noodle back one day. Breaks my heart. I'll get another ball python one day, to be sure, but none will ever be my lil snoodler who wagged his tail when he was happy.

I also have eight bettas: Bowie, Mercury (not intentionally after Freddie, more because he's red and black, but it just fit too well!), Tardis, Midori, Midas, Exxon, Shade, and one as-of-yet unnamed dragonscale betta that I smuggled into my house after my mom said that seven was enough :splat: I also was allowed to set up a 55 gallon fish tank in the basement, which currently houses a pictus catfish which I've named Kaetus, after the pond fish here on MS :D (Seriously, look up a pictus catfish. Definitely the model!) There are also three silver dollars named Larry, Moe, and Curly. Eventually, an Oscar will be added. I will name her Octavia, whether she's male or female. I'll be upgrading to at least a 75 gallon eventually, but the 55 will do. It was free, after all. The ex's mom had the tank, and she's been storing it for me for about six years now. My mom thought that setting it up would be a good idea for me, to keep my thoughts entertained and preoccupied. It has been good, too. It's nice to sit in the basement with my dog and my laptop or a book and just enjoy the fish swimming. Well, not really swimming, more like cowering because SD's are strange, and the pictus won't come out from under his little hidey-hole.

And, uh, I think that's it for the pets. My mom won't let me get a leopard gecko or a bearded dragon, she says I have too many pets in her house. That's fair enough, but man, I'd love to have a lil beardie. Name him Sammich. Put him on my shoulder when I walk Boog on warm days. One day!
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Re: Pets

Post by tirial »

We had two pets, Stephen and Matilda, rescue tabbies from Cats Protection who we've had for seven years now. They're getting on for fourteen.

Matilda is a typical tabby, likes sunlight, sleeping and posing for the cameras. She once won me £5 pounds in a loacl cute pet competition.

Stephen was a unique cat, a huge 7kg tabby with opposable thumbs and incredibly bright - phoned my husband and left a purring message on his answer machine, once locked us out of the house, bookmarked xkcd on my PC among many other stories. He died yesterday. It was incredibly unexpected, routine bowel surgery following an ultrasound that showed a blockage because he'd stopped eating the day before. Instead it uncovered stage 4 cancer and a massive tumour. He'd been in the vets the week before, had a full blood panel done and nothing showed. The cancer was totally asymptomatic literally until it killed him (details hidden)
They couldn't find his right kidney in the tumour, it had crushed his bowel and part of his stomach and spread to liver and pancreas, and was now attacking his eyes.
. They gave him 24 hours to live and he would be suffering, so we made the decision to bring him home, settle him on his favourite cushion, and let him go. We're devastated.
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Re: Pets

Post by LightningDragon »

I'm so sorry to all of you who have lost pets, for whatever reason. They were lucky to have you in their lives, and they'll never truly be gone. <3
We adopted a puppy today! Her name is Nona, and she's a four-month-old husky/retriever mix. She's all black with little white toes. My Doc is so happy to have a permanent doggy sister finally. <3
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Re: Pets

Post by Brynmala »

Tirial, I'm so sorry to hear about Stephen, what a horrible shock for you, but at least you were able to let him go gently in his own surroundings, and he had a good long while with you. I hope Matilda copes with losing him - were they close?

MadamRed, Min was an indoor-outdoor cat (it is more or less a given that cats in the UK will go out, far more unusual to have indoor only cats here, unless they are owned by breeders). She turned up as a 5 month old stray, but we are fairly sure she was farm stock... and there's no way we could have kept her in. When we did keep her in after she was spayed she virtually destroyed the room she was in. to this day there is a hole in the carpet by the door. She was an out and out hunter too. I have to say I don't miss the mouse/bird present a day. Her real catches (given she was tiny, under 3 kg) were several wild rabbits, a mole and an adult rat, all of them alive. I'd never seen a mole before, and the rat, on Christmas eve, we consider her contribution to Christmas dinner... but that's a tale in itself.

I remember you getting Sora - I'm so glad to hear you've been able to keep him, but sorry to hear about your other problems, and losing Slash :(

LightningDragon, thank you for your kind words, and congratulations on the puppy - that's going to be an interesting mix to live with! Good luck with training her!
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Re: Pets

Post by tirial »

Brynmala wrote:Tirial, I'm so sorry to hear about Stephen, what a horrible shock for you, but at least you were able to let him go gently in his own surroundings, and he had a good long while with you. I hope Matilda copes with losing him - were they close?
I'm so sorry for your loss of Minou. Like her, Stephen and Matilda are indoor/outdoor cats, and we always dreaded that would happen to us.

Matilda isn't taking it well. She's never been an only cat, and she spent Friday looking for him. She's now adopted a stuffed toy cat and seems to be trying to pretend it is him, grooming and snuggling it :( We may have to get a new cat sooner than we'd like to keep her happy, if we can find one she'll accept.

LightningDragon, congratulations on the new puppy!
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Re: Pets

Post by Brynmala »

Poor Matilda. We had something similar happen to one of my first cats who lost her brother and sister on the same day (he to kidney failure, and she to heart failure under anaesthetic for a routine teeth cleaning) - she spent weeks overgrooming in stress. Eventually she was ok, but it was distressing for a while. Cats don't tend to enjoy living in groups, but there are always exceptions. I'm sure Cats Protection (or RSPCA/Blue Cross/any other local rescue) will have an older cat used to being in a group if you do decide to find her a friend. worth holding out for the right cat though, not just taking the first one you like the look of...

We aren't seriously looking for another cat, though we did see one we liked but it turned out she is a cat flu carrier and I'm not prepared to bring that into the group, especially as we've got one who is potentially immuno-compromised.
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Re: Pets

Post by NorthernLady »

Those wanting cats to accept another, some shelter places would allow a pet to come in and see who they'll accept. My local one would even accept previous pets to come and visit. They have visiting areas, especially welcoming dogs.

As for pet introductions. Take it easy and slow! let each cat have their own safe place.
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Re: Pets

Post by Jade07 »

my puppy jade i love her a long time ago dad if i got this right my mom said dad looked at her picture on facebook and read that was how do i word this the guy couldn't keep her and was posting her up for adoption and dad said aw look at her she's going to have to go to the pound so he got her for us is it not a cowinacadine that i always talked about dogs and that i wanted one back then any way here's a funny story about her she used to cuddle with our cat and our cat when they were cuddling nobody could touch her because he would push them away with his paw i'm gonna try for a horse maybe if i just keep wishing they'll open up a public stable in town and my parents with get me a nice bay arabian horse incase you don't know what a public stable is its a place in a town where you don't have to lie on the outskirts to have horse because they keep them there if they open one i might just get a horse and i really love them
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Re: Pets

Post by Beguiled »

I've had a lot of pets over the years. My first one that I can remember was a dog, a Chow/Shepherd mix named Pearl after my great grandmother. She was a great dog, but has sense passed away. I've had a horse named Ginger, then traded horses over to Bodie after she was too much for me to handle. Bodie is a great gelding, but he lives somewhere else now. I've had my babies (cats) Buddy, Jack, Pumpkin, Cupcake and Kaiser. They've all passed on. Now I have a new cat named Max and I adore him. He's black and white. He also serves as my familiar for magick. <3
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