Do you have anxiety???

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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by LunatheDragoness »

Ive had ADHD since I was like 6. Ive been in and out of therapy since I was 9 or 10. I've also had depression since then. It wasnt until I turned 14 that I was diagnosed with anxiety.. Been taking medications since then. I'm still on them and Im 21 now. Its so bad that Im not able to keep a job. I recently quit my job because I couldnt take the fact that my manager was always on my butt about not being productive. I told her about my mental disabilities and we tried to work things out but it just didnt work. I was only getting 8 hours a week..8! I was trying my best and my manager even told me I was doing better! I cant help the fact that my emotions go up and down. Or the fact that I have messed up legs due to being born with knock-knees and have had surgeries since I was in 6th grade. I cant carry anything more than 20 pounds. Im afraid of ladders. My manager told me that if I did better she would give me more hours but that never happend. She was telling me for a week that I was doing so much better but still nothing happened. So I just quit. I couldnt take it anymore. The manager and the managers on duty just did not understand my mental needs. Plus It was my first job. I had to run the register, run go backs, and do whatever task the manager on duty assigns me. Id get in trouble for not getting "anything" done. I just...ugh! No body understands mental disorders unless they have it or have someone they love go through it. It makes me so upset that my coworkers and managers made me feel like an outcast and that I was somehow the cause of everything that went wrong in the store. I tried. Thats all I can do.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by dekubean »

I have MAJOR social anxiety. Not only that but severe depression and my stress levels are through the roof. I have a psychologist, but it doesn't help me at all. I hate being in public, around people, and I am even anxious when alone in my room and have heart palpitions, sleep paralyasis, sleep anxiety, and night terrors.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by mkutano »

bonjour! i have social anxiety and false memory ocd, though i find it affects me mildly compared to other people. thought, with social anxiety, i find it hard to do simple things such as asking a question unless i know a clear outcome or have a friend with me when doing the task. with false memory ocd, it often gets hard to think about major moments. arguments and words can twist themselves in my mind until i'm no longer sure if i remembered the moment correctly. >.>
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Taehyung »

I have social anxiety and separation anxiety. With social anxiety, I usually explain to people who I become friends with about my anxiety so if I ever say something off or something of the sort, that's why. I don't really cope with it, either, I either have accepting friends or I just make an embarrassment of myself.
With separation anxiety, it's harder. I feel exhausted trying to follow around whoever I'm with. If I'm in the city, (A big one, NYC) with family, all day I'm just struggling to keep everyone together. It's pretty annoying. Though I try to just tell myself that they have minds and they won't wander off.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by awesomeumbreon »

Wow after reading a lot of these posts I don't really feel alone anymore. I have generalized anxiety disorder and I seriously think it's linked to genetics because both sides of my family struggle with anxiety. (Well that AND my birth mom died when I was 8, so I was thrust into a very awkward, abrasive family situation) I see a therapist weekly to help me and just listen to me in general. My family has a very over-bearing, controlling structure that spikes my anxiety like crazy, making it hard to escape from. I actually ended up failing college 3 semesters in a row because I would flat out avoid it due to panic attacks. It wasn't a good time in my life and I really regret digging a huge hole for myself, I was also in a toxic relationship at the time. But on a happy note I've been turning myself around! I try push myself out of my comfort zone each day and I'll pat myself on the back for it. I can finally say that I'm no longer failing school, I'm actually thriving in it. I've realized my anxiety is something that I'll have to cope with for the rest of my life. I'll probably always have a fear of social situations, crowds, phones, the list goes on. But I'm working through it the best I can.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by lochjessmonster »

hello hello!!

i have GAD with a side of chronic depression which is honestly awful bc in a lot of ways they're total opposites of each other so it's just this gross cycle of lethargy and tension and so on and so forth.

medication helps a lot for me, as does therapy. personally i'm a writer; and i like photography as well - having some sort of similar outlet is a really good way to express all your "stuff" healthily. that said i'm still learning every day and i'm far from having completely overcome all of it.

i've been going through a real rough patch depression-wise over the past month or so, and not for any particular reason, as depression sometimes goes, lol. my best friend had to point out to me that i was pushing her away, and i had to admit that she was right.

idk i could go on for a while but i have to get ready for work ahaha

i guess i'll wrap this up with if anyone ever needs to talk i am 10000% here and willing to be a shoulder to cry or whatever u need?? c:
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by AnaYamazaki »

I don't know if I am officially anything of what I mention. I look up things and see a lot of traits I have but in terms of going to a psychiatrist or having a physician diagnose me with anything, no.

I personally think I at minimum have social anxiety because public settings terrify me. I am so nervous and constantly questioning my actions and overthinking what those around me think of me or see me as that its sometimes caused me to go into minor panic attacks. Its not fun. Especially when I want to do things like go to the gym or just walk around a mall by my self and window shop. I think of those scenarios intially and like them but then I consider all the people and the looks and it just makes me want to make a pillow fort and hide there forever.

My friend mentioned I have some kind of ptsd I cant remember because of some very personal incidents that cause me to really shut down and go into small panic attacks. I've also had nightmares about it and just over all its really affected my life. I also like to peg my self as mildly OCD since I have an incessant need to keep things in a specific order for as long as I can but due to my apathy and just over all laziness, the order is not maintained for long. I also peg my self as ADD since I have a very hard time focusing or staying still or keeping on topic. I jump randomly from one topic to another or will suddenly interrupt a group conversation with something completely different that has suddenly appeared in my head and I must talk about it. I have a hard time keeping with certain tasks and am easily bored with them if they are not engaging or interesting to me. I would really like to take the time to be evaluated properly though and learn what I am in terms of these disorders or conditions. It would be nice to have a solid label for whats wrong with my
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by bluecass »

I've never been properly diagnosed by, well anyone, and I don't really know exactly how to put most of what i feel into words but I'll try. I have panic attacks maybe once a month or sometimes week depending on how busy I am, usually when I'm busy and have things to focus on I'll be all set and I won't even have to worry about panic attacks, although my social anxiety does keep me from doing really simple things like asking to go to the bathroom or get a pass from a teacher. I've never actually had a panic attack due to my social anxiety and I really hope it stays that way but over the past year my anxiety has really started to rear it's head. Panic attacks for me usually are caused by me overthinking situations when I'm alone and it's late. I worry contently that my friends don't actually like me and the last full blown panic attack I had was because my whole group of friend was getting together and they forgot to invite me. I wouldn't have even known if my gf hadn't asked if I was going. Usually how I cope is by doing anything to distract myself from what is freaking me out. I'll text people or write in my diary or binge watch various shows. It's really rough and I hope everyone here has a wonderful anxiety free day.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Revaencore »

I have minor social anxiety along with horrible Major Depression (MDD) is a really bad mix. When I want to go out with friends I get anxious and over think everything I'm wearing or what time I should be there or if I should have worn red instead of blue or boots instead of flats, thinking that someone will dislike it and it makes me horribly distressed (Even though I'm excited about having social interaction since I don't really have any friends near me). Then there's the other end of the spectrum with MDD, I feel like I'm not good enough to be their friends, that I just want to curl up in bed and not exist, I'm extremely tired because I don't usually sleep all that well, to add to that 95% of the time I feel like even though I know that they like me, I still get that horrible guilty feeling that they hate me and they always have, etc. It ends up causing a whole lot of paranoia so I end up feeling worse, so a lot of the time I end up not going just because it's easier for me to just stay home and watch shows because I'm not anxious or feeling guilty about things I never did to begin with.

It's maddening, isolating, and unhealthy, but of course it's not something I can just snap out of. I do end up crying a lot because of how horrible that little voice in my head makes me feel and it does make me question how far I can push myself, hence the 1 side effect of MDD that's dangerous, but I won't go into that bit.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by FlamboyantFox »

How do you cope?

Sometimes, I really don't cope at all. :/ Unless you count holding my breathe as a means to try and calm myself, which is probably dangerous. Whenever I'm in reach though, my dog will come over and force me to pet him when I'm having an attack, which surprisingly helps me out a lot. Headphones also help, especially when I am in school attempting to take a test. It's almost like having super hearing and it puts my nerves on edge, so I have to wear headphones in order to focus on anything. I don't know what it is called entirely, but I also have Social Anxiety with it (and depression, insomnia, paranoia, ect).

I don't have medication for it though, even though I've been told that I should be taking it. In a sick and ironic way, I have anxiety about taking medication designed to help with anxiety, but I also have that about taking depression medication. It is also a phobia of mine that I will be judged in some shape or way for taking said medication.

Does it effect your livelihood?

It's ironic, because while it does stop me from doing basic things and such, it also helps to put me in gear. For some reason, I can trigger an attack by doing homework or RP in a space that isn't clean, so before doing such activities, I must clean the room in order to feel less anxious about it. It definitely has its bad effects, but it can sometimes have good effects for me as well.

Does it hold you back from doing anything?

All the time. Making doctor's appointments, hanging out with a group of friends, asking anyone for anything. It holds me back from going out and getting a job or a driver's license because I constantly think that I'll mess up in some shape or form. When I was working, I would get anxious about having reviews even though they were constantly good and I would be told ahead of time that there was nothing bad on them. People screaming or small children crying (especially babies) make me anxious. Shopping at the store with my husband and son together makes me anxious as well, probably from a fear of not wanting to be embarrassed or judged by others for their behavior (my son has ASD/ADHD so he often doesn't listen in public).
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