Halloween Creatures #621-626 & #629

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Halloween Creatures #621-626 & #629

Post by umbreon241 »

Looks like the new critters are out!
The mortifelis, decaying mortifelis, tsaanguir, and jax are limited. The pesadelo are both permanent.

Details in the Creature Release News thread!
Rosehill wrote:Regarding Halloween creature breedability:
The Mortifelis will not be able to breed. All others (Jax, both Pesadelos, Tsaanguir and Dusk Bunny) will later on be able to breed.
621 - Mortifelis:
Limited, will flood up to and including November 1st.
This egg is unusually soft and smells rotten.
Your egg is slow to hatch, never really cracking but instead becoming soft enough for a limp tail or limb to burst through the shell. You would help it along, if not for the horrid reek emanating from inside. At times, you suspect the hatchling has perished and is simply rotting away, but eventually the sides of the egg start to peel, revealing a small dark body. The kitten is listless at first, unmoving even if gently prodded, yet come nightfall, it awakens with glowing white eyes and stilted, unsteady movements. It doesn't meow so much as it groans, calling out in a high pitched drone long past the waking hours of the night. It refuses to feed on anything fresh, but devours long-dead meat with fervor. Whenever it feeds, it seems to grow faster and more precise in its movements.
In the dark of night in autumn, a hunter waits patiently for the skittering of a rotting rat to pervade its own shriveled ears. Small and nimble, yet uncanny in its walk, dragging its body along haphazardly if it has gone for more than a week without a meal, the mortifelis haunts the Stream when the moon has waned. Unnerving to most, even those fond of cats, these beasts are harmless to humans but unpleasant to be around, for their appearance and their smell, but also their constant, unending hunger. Their flesh seems to fall off as they go about their lives, leaving traces of tissue and rot behind as a calling card for the other creatures to identify them by. Their own rank scent is only a minor deterrent in the hunt, for the mortifelis can always find rotting meat, scavenging carrion to build up strength for its favored prey, the decessi. In active pursuit, they rely on speed and strength, with no worries about biting too hard or pushing themselves to harm; they are held together by magic, and have few physical limitations.
All decessi fear one creature above all else, the dreaded mortifelis that devours them by the thousands come the autumn harvest. The mortifelis were produced centuries ago at the Keep, experiments to imbue a living cat with the ability to kill the hordes of undead rats that flooded the countryside each year. The experiments were an astounding success initially, but soon the magi who had created them started noticing that the cats were behaving oddly. They refused to eat regular food and appeared to stop breathing - yet they were still alive. Their skin would slough off in putrescent chunks, even down to the bone. Their eyes would decay and their noses would shrivel up, their ears eaten away by maggots and other insects that feast on rotting flesh, yet the cats seemed unaffected, clinging to life in much the same way as the decessi. Given free reign like other creatures of the Keep, these cats would occasionally come to scratch or bite other cats, spreading their condition, and their love of dead flesh. In due time, the existing cats were relocated to far corners of the world where they wouldn't pose a threat to living cats, but occasionally they find themselves back at the Keep with the onslaught of decessi.
622 - Decaying Mortifelis:
Hatchling (decaying) (obtained from normal eggs)
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You watch patiently after the egg, ensuring it is kept in optimum conditions, but despite your efforts it hasn't so much as wobbled. You fear the hatchling inside was never truly alive to begin with, and soon your worst fears are confirmed. The sides of the egg have started to rot and peel away, revealing a small kitten's corpse. The creature doesn't move, even when gently prodded, but its body refuses to fully decompose either, suspended in a state of perpetual decay.
All decessi fear one creature above all else, the dreaded mortifelis that devours them by the thousands come the autumn harvest. The mortifelis were produced centuries ago at the Keep, experiments to imbue a living cat with the ability to kill the hordes of undead rats that flooded the countryside each year. The experiments were an astounding success initially, but soon the magi who had created them started noticing that the cats were behaving oddly. They refused to eat regular food and appeared to stop breathing - yet they were still alive. Their skin would slough off in putrescent chunks, even down to the bone. Their eyes would decay and their noses would shrivel up, their ears eaten away by maggots and other insects that feast on rotting flesh, yet the cats seemed unaffected, clinging to life in much the same way as the decessi. Given free reign like other creatures of the Keep, these cats would occasionally come to scratch or bite other cats, spreading their condition, and their love of dead flesh. In due time, the existing cats were relocated to far corners of the world where they wouldn't pose a threat to living cats, but occasionally they find themselves back at the Keep with the onslaught of decessi.
623 - Jax:
The creature is limited. It will be available up to and including November 3rd.
A thin tail and two horns poke through the shell of this cold egg.
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Hatchling jaxes are clumsy like many young creatures. They rely entirely on their parents for food for the first year, by which time they'll have developed sufficient strength and speed to hunt for themselves. They communicate by sound and vibrations through the ground, and many magi quickly learn that young jaxes enjoy being spoken to and will learn to recognize specific voices. Due to their weak eyesight, they have be supervised around smaller creatures because they're prone to mistaking someone's pet for food and lunging suddenly.
The wings of jaxes are remnants left over from ancient times when they were light enough to still fly. Modern jaxes use their wings for balance, in threat displays, and most importantly for extra warmth and some shielding against wind and driving snow. Their eyesight is poor; rather than needing to see their prey they only need to tell if it's moving and if it's close enough, so they cannot distinguish their magi from another except by voice. Many magi who own jaxes constantly talk to them. Their only magical skill is the ability to disappear, a little-used ability except as a last ditch effort to try and escape from a threat. Jaxes can be ridden, but as they move slowly and are easily distracted by anything that moves, they're not the most useful mode of transportation. Typically not dangerous to magi, it's advised to still remain cautious around them, for if they feel threatened they can easily kill a magi with a swipe of a claw.
Jaxes can be found across Arkene and the northern reaches of the Silva forest, almost never venturing into warmer regions. Despite their impressive size - on average twice the height of a magi - finding a jax is almost never as easy as anyone thinks it will be. In addition to being various shades of grey and white - perfect for blending into snow-covered ground and grey skies - they excel at simply standing still. With endless patience, a silent demeanor, and alarming reflexes, a jax can simply wait for days for an unwitting animal to pass close enough to grab. They can stay this way for days on end, weathering subzero temperatures and being blanketed in snow. Their branchlike antlers contribute to many travellers simply dismissing them as trees; many peculiar things live in Arkene - why not the trees?
624 - Medonho Pesadelo:
The creature will flood up to and including November 1st. The creature is permanent.
Image Image (Night /Day)
This egg is covered in flickering flames.
Image Image (Night / Day)
Pesadelo hatchlings are not social creatures, and prefer to run and explore on their own. Magi are hard pressed to tame them, and many have failed. If a magi cannot win the respect of their pesadelo hatchling before the creature's first birthday, the hatchling will run off, never to be seen again by their one-time magi. The hatchlings do not make this process easy, either. They will give their magi unsettling dreams, said by some to be advice or guidance, and by others to be merely cruel jokes. Touching the hatchling in their first year of life will always result in a burn, and they will never take a halter. However, if one does impress their pesadelo hatchling by being fearless and authoritative, they will have a powerful companion.
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Pesadelos are shrouded in legends. The oldest tales speak of fiery horses who will give people rides to the underworld, and only those near death could see them. If a healthy person saw a Pesadelo and no one nearby was old or ill, the horse would choose that person as a victim and torture them with nightmares until the person died of fright. As a result, people often report sightings of this creature to the Keep, begging the magi to rid their village of the cursed horse of death. However, despite the legends, the Pesadelo typically wants little to do with humanity. They tend to stay near cemeteries, which is likely what engendered the legends, and the shine of their blue and green flames at night will make a person look sickly and cadaverous. But magi have established that they do not kill with nightmares, nor have they ever harmed humans of their own volition. However, they do consume meat, and some say that the preferred food of a wild Pesadelo is rotting flesh and bone.
625 - Temeroso Pesadelo:
The creature will be in the Halloween shop up to and including November 3rd. It is permanent and will be available in the Trading Post after November 3rd, but at a higher price.
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This egg is covered in flickering flames.
Image Image (Night / Day)
Pesadelo hatchlings are not social creatures, and prefer to run and explore on their own. Magi are hard pressed to tame them, and many have failed. If a magi cannot win the respect of their pesadelo hatchling before the creature's first birthday, the hatchling will run off, never to be seen again by their one-time magi. The hatchlings do not make this process easy, either. They will give their magi unsettling dreams, said by some to be advice or guidance, and by others to be merely cruel jokes. Touching the hatchling in their first year of life will always result in a burn, and they will never take a halter. However, if one does impress their pesadelo hatchling by being fearless and authoritative, they will have a powerful companion.
(Night / Day)Image

Pesadelos are shrouded in legends. The oldest tales speak of fiery horses who will give people rides to the underworld, and only those near death could see them. If a healthy person saw a Pesadelo and no one nearby was old or ill, the horse would choose that person as a victim and torture them with nightmares until the person died of fright. As a result, people often report sightings of this creature to the Keep, begging the magi to rid their village of the cursed horse of death. However, despite the legends, the Pesadelo typically wants little to do with humanity. They tend to stay near cemeteries, which is likely what engendered the legends, and the shine of their blue and green flames at night will make a person look sickly and cadaverous. But magi have established that they do not kill with nightmares, nor have they ever harmed humans of their own volition. However, they do consume meat, and some say that the preferred food of a wild Pesadelo is rotting flesh and bone.
626 - Tsaanguir:
The creature is limited. It will be available up to and including November 3rd.
This small egg tends to sink through the top of your sock drawer if you leave it there for too long.
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Newly-hatched tsaanguiri are no larger than ducklings, though they are far more devious. Their natural instinct is to flock with other hatchlings, a useful defense in the deserts and woodlands where they normally live. In the Keep, packs of dozens of small tsaanguiri may be seen wandering the halls, and occasionally interrupt classes when they choose to materialize through the doors or walls. Despite valiant efforts by instructors, no known substance or spell can stop the march of a determined group of fluffy tsaanguiri, though offerings of crickets and other insects may coax them off in another direction. At this size, they are not yet able to catch anything larger than an unfortunate earthworm, so the hatchlings rely on adult tsaanguiri or students to feed them. Even at a young age, the dexterity and balance of these creatures is well-developed, and they can be easily trained to perch on one's shoulder or climb into a pocket. The hatchlings learn quickly, and grow easily bored, so keeping them entertained is a constant task for any magi trying to care for one.
Image (female)
As a tsaanguir ages, it becomes more selective in how it phases through objects, using its ability to climb and jump after other creatures and unfortunate magi throughout the Keep. The tsaanguiri are kept under the watchful eyes of their magi, and most are trained well enough to be more of an irritation than a real danger. Wild tsaanguiri are a different matter; though lo larger than an amagnae when fully-grown, they hunt in groups and use an arsenal of sharp teeth and infamous curved claws to bring down their prey. Of interest to most magi, however, is their ability to pass through walls, apparently unhindered by the materials present. Even the valaska minerals which halt the powers of cehual boars only seem to slow tsaanguiri, perhaps because of their smaller size or because they use a different sort of magic. Whatever the case, this power does have limitations. Tsaanguiri cannot spend much time embedded in any solid surface, for if they lose their concentration, the results can be disastrous. They are also unable to carry anything with them when they phase, and their willingness to go through a particular object can vary greatly. Once seen as useful for spying on enemies, many unlucky wizards have proven that though a tsaanguir can get into a fortified castle, it is unlikely to do something useful once inside.
The tsaanguiri are adaptable creatures partial to arid habitats, and can be found in habitats ranging from volcanic deserts to open woodlands. Tsaanguiri belong a very old group of animals whose fossils date back to a time when the continents were fused into a single land mass. They are thought to share a common ancestor with birds and dragons, and tsaanguiri boast many features found in both groups. Their own wings, though vestigial and useless for flight, can be used in intricate courtship displays, where the males raise and lower their flowing frills while waving their wings to impress females. The features for which tsaanguiri are best-known - their sickle-shaped rear claws and their ability to phase through any material - are used for hunting. These intelligent creatures often work in teams to chase larger animals, drawing them into an area with overhanging rocks or trees, which other tsaanguiri will phase through to drop onto the unsuspecting animal. They then dig their claws into the prey and use their weight to pin it down, sometimes with all of the pack members piling on to help. The social structure of the tsaanguiri is not fully understood, but they seem to have good memories and keep in contact with their own pack members as well as other packs through sharp, piercing cries.
Dusky Potions
629 - Dusk Bunny:

Obtained by using a Dusky Potion on an unfrozen Tenabre Fox egg.

This dark egg looks weirdly familiar, except for the ears on top.

Hatchling dusk bunnies look bigger than they are, mostly because their fur surrounds them in a protective black cloud. A magi that picks one up will find that they're actually quite slim and almost fragile beneath all the hair. They are very adept at hiding in the smallest crack or corner; when they sit still they seem to fade into the shadows and dust, except for their bone faces and the bright blue glow of their eyes. When they are in motion, they bounce more than they walk and occasionally entertain themselves by rolling along, especially right into the path of a walking magi. Easily spooked, dusk bunny hatchlings need calm, capable magi to raise them, and especially like their magi to be a bit lax on cleaning behind the furniture.
Dusk bunnies are strange creatures, almost never found in the wild but instead created by alchemy and magic. Legend states that the first dusk bunny was created accidentally, thanks to the combination of a tricksy prankster and a table full of magical chemicals. However it happened, dusk bunnies are interesting companions; not overly affectionate to magi and generally useless in a fight, but entertaining to watch and soft to pet, when they allow it. They're very good at hiding themselves, especially in dusty corners, and with patience can be trained to retrieve things that have fallen down narrow cracks - though if it's shiny their magi might have to chase them around to get it back.
Last edited by umbreon241 on November 5th, 2015, 8:33:17 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Halloween

Post by randomname »

3 new ones in the Halloween shop!
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Re: Halloween

Post by Tekla »


-madly begins hatching things-

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Re: Halloween

Post by Lex »

And two in the stream, yes?
PLEASE stop clicking through creatures I buy in the forums. Thank you.

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Re: Halloween

Post by Enchanteddil »

Scrambles to get her eggs hatched. I have families and families and families to complete :woo: :woo:
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Re: Halloween

Post by ArrowAssasin »

ooooh a green spooky horse!!!!
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Re: Halloween

Post by randomname »

Yeah, I got all my eggs hatched this afternoon in anticipation!
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Re: Halloween

Post by Tyrannogon »

So exciting! ^.^
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Re: Halloween

Post by ArrowAssasin »


Pesadelo hatchlings are not social creatures, and prefer to run and explore on their own. Magi are hard pressed to tame them, and many have failed. If a magi cannot win the respect of their pesadelo hatchling before the creature's first birthday, the hatchling will run off, never to be seen again by their one-time magi. The hatchlings do not make this process easy, either. They will give their magi unsettling dreams, said by some to be advice or guidance, and by others to be merely cruel jokes. Touching the hatchling in their first year of life will always result in a burn, and they will never take a halter. However, if one does impress their pesadelo hatchling by being fearless and authoritative, they will have a powerful companion.

Pesadelos are shrouded in legends. The oldest tales speak of fiery horses who will give people rides to the underworld, and only those near death could see them. If a healthy person saw a Pesadelo and no one nearby was old or ill, the horse would choose that person as a victim and torture them with nightmares until the person died of fright. As a result, people often report sightings of this creature to the Keep, begging the magi to rid their village of the cursed horse of death. However, despite the legends, the Pesadelo typically wants little to do with humanity. They tend to stay near cemeteries, which is likely what engendered the legends, and the shine of their blue and green flames at night will make a person look sickly and cadaverous. But magi have established that they do not kill with nightmares, nor have they ever harmed humans of their own volition. However, they do consume meat, and some say that the preferred food of a wild Pesadelo is rotting flesh and bone.

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Re: Halloween

Post by randomname »

3 in the shop, 2 in the stream? Is there a sixth? or did I miscount? Maybe a hybrid?
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