The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost - Critiques?

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Necronomitodd Is Everywhere

Post by Inkeyu »

First off I'll need a list of all the words that work with "todd"
Minnotodd (minotaur)
Toddilus (nautilus)
Toddacus (Spartacus)
Comatodd (comatose)

((More coming soon!))
Last edited by Inkeyu on June 19th, 2015, 4:52:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Women Hormones - Rant

Post by Inkeyu »

Ah to find oneself with emotions and feelings with no basis. Tis one of the curses of being a woman. It is our biggest downfall and one of our redeeming qualities. But damn they suck sometimes. A woman who denies this fact I've found to be in rather large denial. I'm not even just speaking of those who identify as the gender, I'm speaking of those with the hormones and more often than not the one they were born with. It's the hormones. And our food is the biggest complication of our hormones. Milk? May as well take hormone pills. Not contraceptive hormones, but ones that affect our moods and our acne producing ones. Have acne problems? Try not drinking milk (almond, rice, soy and SOME organic milks not included) for a month. See what it does to your acne. You don't need fancy products to take care of yourself. You just need to understand your own body. I'm not talking about getting advice from doctors. It's unfortunate, but here in the US most of them are only after the largest paycheck they can get, and/or are obligated to sell you products that pay for the facilities and implements they use, as well as their paychecks (in many cases). That's all besides the point though.

We are told from a young age that certain emotions are unacceptable to express. That's not right. What we should be taught is how to PROPERLY express those feelings/emotions. Bottling up emotions is a fantastic way to lose your mind. I'm not speaking figuratively. There are several studies done that confirm that varieties of suppressed emotions can cause any number of psychoses.
Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:25:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

A half an hour of resetting my wing, putting it in a splint and talking about his family and we were at our destination.

The extravagant limo that carried me and the three supervisors pulled up to the front of a gate about two stories high itself, made of steel and guarded by two body guards with mean looking, muzzled dogs. The driver got out of the front of the car, obviously familiar with the guards who greeted him, and the guards walked to the door of the limo and opened it. The dog growled viciously at me, making me shrink away from the door, instinctively hiding my injured wing and partially opening my uninjured one. This spooked the dog into a barking fit and pulled frantically at the leash in the guard's hand. The guard ignored me and the dog he held and acknowledged the other men in the car with me with a nod to each. Without a word, the guard closed the door again and motioned for the limo to pass through the enormous gate.

"H------how...many guard dogs....are there?" I asked, still trembling a bit. I didn't dislike dogs, but I knew well how dangerous they could be.

((To be continued in a bit!))
Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:17:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

"At any given time there are up to a dozen dogs and handlers around the perimeter. Sometimes that changes, but not often and only for good reason." The man who had been speaking to me the trip here explained as we rolled up the extremely long driveway. His voice changed as he considered my question again. "If you're thinking of trying to escape, don't. There is an unprecedented amount of protocols in place to prevent escape of his...cohorts." He said with disgust. "And even if you ever did succeed, he'd track you down again and clip your wings." My wings ached and twitched at hearing that. "He'd....he'd really....clip my...wings?" I trembled again and looked worriedly at him before looking down at the seat beside me.

The limo finally pulled up to the front doors of the mansion and all the doors opened. The three men across from me got out of the limo and placed themselves on either side of the door, the one who had been kind to me reached in and offered me his hand. Blushing lightly, I hesitantly took the hand offered me and got out into the bright sun. I shaded my eyes with my uninjured wing, the sun warm on the feathers.

"Welcome to your new home." The blond duke stepped down the grand staircase towards me, a large, kind-seeming grin on his face. I knew better. Someone who would willingly clip the wings of an annon was anything but kind. The limo door closed behind me, cutting off the only path I knew could get me away from him. As he drew closer, he looked at my injured wing with feigned concern. "Did they hurt your wing?" He turned angrily on the man who had been kind to me and pulled his hand back to strike him. Without hesitation I knocked his hand away from the man with my good wing and stood between them. The kind man put his hand on my shoulder and stepped around me. "We did not injure her wing. It was injured in her capture. I set it while we were on our way driving here."

The duke's expression softened again and he smiled at me. "Is this true my sweet?" The words rang like a death toll in my ears, causing me to cringe, but I nodded. "Well then lets go inside shall we? I would like to give you the tour of your new home." Holding his hand towards me, I shied away from it, looking up at the kind man. He gave me a barely noticeably reproachful look and nodded his head towards the duke as if to say Just do what he wants. Feeling like a scolded child I looked down at the ground and sheepishly put my hand in the duke's.

The tour took what seemed like forever, twisting and turning through endless corridors, enormous gardens, and various secret passageways, until they came to the top of a tower. The room was the most exquisite of all of the other rooms she had seen with its own black marble fireplace, green stone tiled floor covered with thick-furred animal pelts, curtains of the finest golden silk and an enormous four poster bed as well as a wardrobe made of almost black wood that could only have been ebony. "This is your room my dear. I hope it is to your satisfaction." Ignoring him I walked around the room, exploring it. For a cage, it was a fantastically comfortable one. After a few moments of not getting a response from me, he bowed to me and said "I will leave you to wander then. Come find me when you are ready to be cordial. Until then, don't expect any meals." With that, he closed the door behind him and left.

Sitting down on the bed, I put my head in my hands and began crying. Though the girl and my mate had gotten away, I feared I would never see them again, and be doomed to be the play thing of this sick, entitled prick. I don't know how long I cried before I fell asleep, but once I was all the dreams I had were nightmares.

Last edited by Inkeyu on December 12th, 2020, 4:34:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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MagiStream Donor
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Stop This End

Post by Inkeyu »

Come and find me when you're ready to apologize,
I'll be hiding in the space behind these eyes.
If you truly want to know me
Then you'll stay and try to decode me.

fly me off to yester year,
And swear you'll never leave me here.
For in my heart such pain is felt,
So lets just play the hands we're dealt.

Why do I even bother
To try and improve the lives of others
When all it does is bring me strife
It's all I have to not end this life.

No matter what I do
No matter how I try to hide
Nothing's ever good enough for you,
Wonder if you'll even notice when I've died.

So here I sit alone again
Hoping someone will stop this end.
Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:22:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
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Flametail Hellunds
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MagiStream Donor
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

The following morning I awoke to the warm sun streaming through my window and across my aching wing. I fluffed my black wing feathers to allow the sun to reach the pale skin underneath and to reduce the heat locked against my skin. My injured wing ached from the feathers being ruffed and I was jerked into full alertness by a shooting pain through the muscle. Sucking in my breath through my teeth, my jaws set and I resolved myself to get up and move into the shade. If nothing else than to escape the feeling of the need to tense any muscles.

With another wince, I pulled myself to the edge of the bed away from the window and looked around me. There was a full set of red leather riding clothes laid out on the dressing screen with matching boots, helmet and crop. On one side of the dressing table sat a china pitcher full of hot water, in a matching bowl. On the other side sat a silver tray adorned with a white rose, laden with various steaming pastries, and a complete tea set of china to match the washing set. All of the pieces were rimmed with gold and painted with delicate vines that partially hid cherubs.

Suspicious of the food and drink, as well as the washing water, I picked up the rose and began eating the petals. They were very light in flavor and weren't very filling, but it left my mouth with the taste of what I could only compare to as spring rains. Finishing that, I stepped over to the water basin and tested the water with my pointer, and rubbing it between it and my thumb. After about five minutes of waiting for any poison to become apparent, I resolved myself to washing my hands, face, and what I could reach of my wings.

I found everything I did to seem as if all the time in the world was barely passing by me. Five minutes felt like an eternity and I didn't even have any idea of the time, only that it was morning still. It wasn't quiet by any means though. I could hear dogs barking at the perimeter as well as somewhere under the many trees in the yard below. There were horses in a stable around one of the mansion's corners, as well as somewhere near the front of the house. And foot falls. Many foot falls on all of the levels below me, I imagined as I could only hear about two floors below me.

I dressed in the outfit set out for me as slowly as I could, careful not to nudge my injured wing. The shirt as well as the jacket seemed to be made tailored to my exact measurements, which caused me to shiver some. It had three lace-ups; one under each wing, and one down the front. The pants were padded on the inside of the thighs with durable leather and the rest, stretchy red cloth matching the jacket. After finishing with the knee-high lace-up boots, I took the crop in one hand and one of the sugar cubes provided for the tea, and stepped silently from my room.

Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:22:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
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Flametail Hellunds
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MagiStream Donor
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Karma's Had Enough

Post by Inkeyu »

Between the lines
There are negative twines
Stretching from one voice to the next
All the undertones
Are pulling me undone
Only one way for it to be fixed

I gotta end it
I gotta go
Before I go and
Lose control
When you smear me
Know that heads will roll
Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:23:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
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Flametail Hellunds
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MagiStream Donor
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

Closing the door behind me as quietly as I could, I was surprised by a loud voice yelling down the hallway. I stopped and turned around to see where the shout had come from. A small servant was bustling down the hallway towards me, giving loud and frantic directions to the other servants lining the hall. It appeared to be that everything was getting cleaned today for some sort of special event. The small, yelling servant came to a stop only a few steps down the hall from me and stopped, looking around at everything being cleaned, like a hawk searching for it's next meal.

"Um, excuse me." I ventured, hoping not to startle nor enrage her. She turned around frowning fiercely, but her expression softened as she realized who she was looking at. "Hello m'lady. What can I do for you this fine morning?" Her hands were clasped in front of her, making an odd pleat in her smock. I realized then that all the maids and butlers were wearing the same dark red with white accents. "I was hoping you could tell me, what the big event is." At this request, the little lady's face lit up completely, like turning a spotlight on a stage. "Oh well dear we're getting ready for the engagement party!" She was so excited, I was a little afraid of her bursting and sprinkling me with confetti and glitter. She was still rather distracted with the doings of the other servants, but I had to know what was going on.

"What engagement party?" I asked and her face went from near bursting to confusion back to nearly bursting in a matter of seconds. "Ohh like you don't know! M'lady, you are a funny one!" She turned to scold one of the maids and before I could tell her I had no idea, she had run off in the direction of the maid to lay into her. I felt sorry for the girl, but there were other more important things to figure out. I continued through the bustling halls, dodging this tray and that, making my way towards the front of the manor. Somewhere through the main hall, I was intercepted by what I could only assume was a footman, based on the clothes he wore, in the same dark red and white.

They directed me towards the back of the manor, out heavy solid oak doors and down an enormous flight of steps. We continued down a narrow, paved pathway to an adjacent building. As we grew closer, I could smell the alfalfa and hear the horses and my heart leapt. I think I shocked the ones leading me when I shot past them at a dead run. I got to the gate before my wing ached too much for me to continue at that speed, and entered the barn, looking every which way. There were paints, sorrels, duns, grays, blacks, chestnuts, and many, many others. I was playing with the lips of a particularly beautiful chestnut when a voice behind me made me cringe.

"Good morning my love. I see you find the stables to your liking." My spine ached as the shiver ran down it, causing my wing to twitch painfully as well. Setting his hand on my shoulder, he firmly turned me around to face him, but I refused to look up into his face. "I see you're still reluctant to trust me." Putting his free hand on his forehead, he continued, almost exasperated. "I suppose I can't expect more quite yet. After all, your wing hasn't even healed from the ordeal quite yet." I was dragged along by his arm as he turned and walked further into the barn, where I found there were two tacked, albino horses waiting for us.

Last edited by Inkeyu on December 12th, 2020, 10:36:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
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MagiStream Donor
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

They were the most beautiful animals I had ever seen. They were solid white with pink noses, eyes and hooves, with well-kept and freshly cut feathering around them. Their manes and tails were intricately braided with dark red ribbons of silk, tied in a bow at the bottom. The saddles were the same shade of dark red as everything else I'd seen today. Without even looking at the duke, I walked quickly up to them and pet their shoulders. They felt as silky smooth as they looked and were very gentile, their sweet breath washing over me as they nuzzled at my shoulders.

The duke seemed pleased as he stepped up beside me to pet the horses as well. They nuzzled at his pockets, obviously looking for treats, which he produced for them promptly. "They are lovely aren't they?" He asked, both horses eating the sugar cubes offered them. "It took me a very long time and quite a lot of money to acquire them. They were well worth it. Don't you think so?" I looked up at him and only nodded. "Good. Then this one is yours." Leaving off petting the one on the right, he turned his attention to the one just in front of me. "Her name is Nova, and now she is yours. Do take good care of her won't you?" Staring at me expectantly, I had to answer. "I will." I replied meekly. "Nova will want for nothing."

The duke smiled and kissed my forehead before turning back to the other horse. "This is Apollo, he's Nova's mate, though they can not even produce offspring. It seems to make no difference to them though." With that, he mounted Apollo and looked at me expectantly. It was then I decided that a ride with him would be better than no ride at all, so I mounted Nova and nudged her to the doors of the barn.

Last edited by Inkeyu on December 6th, 2020, 10:51:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
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Flametail Hellunds
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost

Post by Inkeyu »

lips of an angel by hinder
You and Me By lifehouse
You found Me By The Frey

Saving for the moment, to be titled later (playlist suggestion!!!)
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
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Flametail Hellunds
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Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]

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