Ambitious or Realistic?

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Would you rather be ambitious or realistic?

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Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by raresilverdragon »

I was presented this question a few days ago whether it was better to be ambitious or realistic (I couldn't pick both, but I had to take a side). For me, I automatically argued that being realistic is better than being ambitious for a small amount of reasons. :crazy:

Being ambitious means that people set high goals for themselves, but might not actually find out that their goal isn't really reachable until they fail, or somewhat close to failing. Which, in result, could let the person's confidence lower and keep them in a dream when they might need to see reality. Being realistic is knowing that you might fail, but you know what might come ahead. If you fail, you are not going to be as easily let down as if you were ambitious. Dreaming big is like taking big steps into the future or foretelling, while acting idealistically is like handling the situation within your capacities.

I asked a few of my other friends that I passed after I was asked the question. And everyone I encountered and asked said they rather dream big than be realistic. :woo:

So I'm curious. What do you guys think? Would it be better to be ambitious or realistic (pick a side) and explain why you think so?
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by MothballMilkshake »

I would say - as long as you have the drive to back it up, being ambitious is a good thing. It encourages you to accomplish your goals, for whatever reason.

Then again, I'm a Slytherin in the Harry Potter world so ambition is kinda my thing :P
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by Tekla »

It seems more like you're actually arguing idealism v. realism rather than ambition v. realism to me. Ambition can go hand in hand very nicely with realistic goals; if you think you can be a rock star, the ambition to develop the skills to be a rock star can get you there.

The problem with ambition really only seems to arise when ideals come into play. No amount of ambition is going to get me a Sephiroth, but if I set out for a man with general traits like that I am bound to not only be more successful, but happier. :P /videogamecrushes

There's less disappointment when you find the ambition to follow realistic goals and dreams instead of ideals, because ideals, being perfections, are almost always impossible.

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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by raresilverdragon »

I actually realized that I mixed up my vocab and understanding of the words until later. But oh well.
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

I'd still vote realistic instead of ambitious, because I've seen so many destructive tendencies bound up in ambition. And I'm not a fan of competition, which ambition seems to foster, nor the "scarcity-mode" thinking that I so often encounter alongside ambition. :lol: But really I'd need more context; I'm sure there is plenty of healthy ambition out there which I'd support over realism; I'm just not coming up with any examples at the moment, and so my default would be to pick realistic tendencies over ambitious ones.
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by SmaugTheGolden »

Well, personally I don't really have a strong sense of 'realistic'. I have a very fantastical mind, and a lot of times the goals I set for myself are things that I don't really have the time or ability to achieve. So I would definitly be a more ambitious person.
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by sannesara »

I'll have to lean on the 'Ambitious' side for this one. To me, it matters not if you achieve your goal as long as you have gained and valued the experience of trying to catch it with your best. It seems more comforting for me to be unable to achieve what I was aiming for than do nothing at all and letting the chance to learn to pass by.
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Re: Ambitious or Realistic?

Post by BloodyPuppet »

Although you've specified not to pick both I can be a rebel in such cases and I believe they go hand in hand. Realism is the idea, the saying while ambition is the drive, the doing.

Realism without ambition will hold you back, it's highly possible that there won't be a take off at all. One could say that they'd like to become an elementary school teacher and perhaps they have found that there is a university near them offering a teaching scholarship. This establishes that the goal is obtainable and thus realistic but will it be acted on? That is where ambition must come into play.

Ambition without realism is irrational, blind. It is to want something without weighing your ability to obtain it. Has anyone seen the comedy film 'Just Go With It'? It's eh but it contains a good example of this; the boy in the film who is roughly 8-10 years old was determined to go to Hawaii to swim with the dolphins, but it is revealed when the cast of characters gets there that he can not swim. It's pointed out to him in response that it's a rule of the attraction that you have to know how to swim.

Without realism, ambition is basically just blind faith and without ambition, realism is basically just a suggestion. It can be said that either without the other is fantasy. One needs both to be accomplished.

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