Religion- Read first post please

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Re: Religion- Read first post please

Post by Silenxia »

I am not religious, but somewhat. I mean I do have one, but I don't let it get into the way of my daily life. For some people it's good, but for others having it around your throat like a collar just isn't right. But I do sometimes have...feelings when science tries to get into the way of religion, it just doesn't seem right. Many people believe in certain things and I feel like science shouldn't be used in those cases because it would bring bad light...I do sometimes wonder about things.

But many religions are interesting, wheither based on principals or other things. I wonder if this might be a part of Mythology which I hope to take in the spring. Each religion comes with tales, of how it came to be and such. It only is up to a person to decide how to view those tales.
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Re: Religion- Read first post please

Post by ShadyPaws »

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Re: Religion- Read first post please

Post by MinervaClay »

I am an eclectic pagan. I read and incorporate aspects of Hermetic and Thelemic texts to my life, while ultimately scrounging through broader ranges of materials. I enjoy drawing the lines of relation between religions across the world. I think I made someone's head pop when I explained that Shamash of Babylon was Shemyaza of Semitic/old Jewish/Enochian scripts, was Ashmedai of mid-late hebraic writings by Solomon who renamed elder gods of other lore, was also summarily Pan, Horus and Odin, and even the angel Asmodel. People generally don't like this challenge to their singular belief systems, but I find the anthropological evolution of religion FASCINATING. I need to redo my charts--my soon to be ex husband destroyed my computer I had this all mapped out and detailed on. Cry.
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Re: Religion

Post by LunatheDragoness »

LunatheDragoness wrote:
I agree. Im not Christian though. Im an Episcopalian. I find that believing in Him it gives me comfort, even though I have depression I am happy on the inside,and I hold back my tongue now when I want to curse the living daylight out of people. I still curse but only at home or when Im alone lol. I dont feel as angered as I used to feel. Feels like I have a huge mountain lifted off my chest. I do not believe in Him 100% though. Not yet. I lost my faith when my great grandma died and I thought it was God's way of telling me that He hates me and that Im being punished. I dont think that anymore. It was just her time to go. I understand now what "To fear God" means too. Thank goodness for grandmas :italian:
Updating this..

Since I have posted this I am now an Agnostic Atheist. I just have not seen any reason for me to believe in Him. In my personal view He has done nothing in my life. I have tried multiple times to believe and get back my faith but I just couldnt. My faith never came back

"Agnostic atheism, also called atheistic agnosticism, is a philosophical position that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism. Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact."
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Re: Religion- Read first post please

Post by Jakestate »

I don't believe in god, I believe in the darwin fish.(the darwin fish is a fish with legs symbolizing evolution)
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Re: Religion- Read first post please

Post by Eschaton »

Personally I fall into the box of atheist, sometimes even one of those who like to take parts in arguments and fights. I am very interested in certain kinds of spirituality associated with more pagan religions, though. I also enjoy learning about religions in general, even though I do have a great dislike of organized religion as a whole.

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