Porn - Yea or Nay?

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by Cyrelijean »

What is your preferred media?
Written, sometimes professionally drawn comics and such, like manga. I dislike the RL thing since I feel like I know and see things I'm not supposed to see. But for writing, most of the time (90%) I read well written literature/fanfics. I almost exclusively read smut, fluff, whatever you call it, that involves characters or pairings from the Assassins Creed fandom, simply because they are awesome. As for pictures, I have high standards, it's hard to get me to like a picture unless it's very well made.

What are your views on porn, in general?
As long as it's RL and within the laws of physic, I see nothing wrong with it. Written/drawn porn is alright. However, if Rl porn gives young teens the wrong picture of sex, then I'm against it. It should be an act of live, not some competition.

When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?
I started when I met my current boyfriend. He actually got me to start watching/reading by showing me, and we often watched it together, commenting and joking about it. I turned from his style to mine, and I've been reading/watching since at least 4 years back. Ain't too sure about the correct amount of time, though.

What type do you watch/read/write?
Gay and in rare cases straight. I like gay porn simply because it's appealing to see two men care for each other deeply. Straight is ok, lesbian is meh.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?
If the video/picture is a genuine one with two people that actually enjoy it, I believe that it represents men and women in a somewhat correct way. If it's mass produced porn, then no, men aren't always ready to go, and women aren't always willing to sleep with whatever man comes by.

Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
See above. If it's genuine porn, then no, it's good that they watch/read because they won't be as embarrassed about it later. If its mass produced, it might give young girls and boys the wrong picture and turn a loving act into something you do for credits and fame.

In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? (Friends, Spouses, etc.)
I don't really know about this one. It might, might not be, but I don't really know how to explain myself.

How old are you?

What gender are you?

What is your sexual preference?
Straight (gay if I were male XD )

What general area of the world are you in?
50% Viking, I live in Sweden. The southern northern part of the 3/4th of the top middle part, to be exact.
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by DragonMando »

For those of you for porn:
What is your preferred media?

Written, but well drawn stuff is a good runner up.
What are your views on porn, in general?
It can be very beautiful and visually appealing for more than just animal drives, and when it isn't, I don't want it.
When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?
Too young to be legal, but older than most of my peers.
What type do you watch/read/write?
Typically homoerotic themed fantasy or sci-fi

For those of you against porn: (filling this part out too)
Why are you against it?
I hate cheap, sleazy porn. I don't find it appealing in any way and it just feels foul. Keep the presentation quality, please.
Are there religious bases in your refusal to divulge?
No, I'm just picky on what kind of art quality I can stomach >_>
Are there only certain types of porn that you are against?
Live video period. The actors are always terrible and usually are really ugly. Don't care much for hentai, either.
What are your views on porn, in general?
When done well enough it can stand as art in it's own right, then keep it coming. If it doesn't meet that mark, kill it with fire.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?

It can, but that's also part of my pickiness. If it doesn't seem believable, I don't care for it.
Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
Riddle me this: is it better for them to be at home, safe, and looking at naughty pictures...or actually out on the streets looking to fulfill the pubescent drives in more dangerous ways?
In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond?
Absolutely. I don't think my girlfriend and I would have even gotten together if it weren't for the same porn tastes--it was part of how we got to know each other as people.

How old are you?
What gender are you?
What is your sexual preference?
pansexual, leaning toward women
What general area of the world are you in?
New Mexico, USA
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by BradTheMad »

For those of you against porn:
Why are you against it? (unrealistic representations of women/men, find it vulgar, etc.)

I'll begin by stating that I'm personally against it but also feel that others should be free to pursue whatever they feel adds value to their life. I might not like it but I won't condemn others for liking it. I had a wild life myself due to all sorts of circumstances. I'm not a religious nut that condemns it simply for it being against my religion I just don't want to be confronted by it anymore.
With me it's mostly about being confronted by it everywhere I go, its vulgarity and it's unrealistic representation.

Are there religious bases in your refusal to divulge?
Yes, in a relationship we should concentrate solely on a sexual relationship with our partner and not anyone or anything else. If porn helps in making that part of the relationship improve it might be done according to some authorities but I can't see how it would help as what I have seen had nothing to do with what I would call a healthy sexual relationship between lovers.
There's also very strict laws on modesty that might seem ridiculous and medieval to others but to me they actually add so much that was lost to me.

Are there only certain types of porn that you are against?
I'm not against any of it but do feel it should be kept private. There's just too much out there I'm confronted with and it really is tiring. I don't want to see other people doing it, if I feel the need to I know where to look thank you very much.
Over here in the Netherlands it's really, really bad though. I cannot set one foot outside the door without seeing a big billboard with a half-nude, sometimes even topless, woman on it. I'm starting to understand my relatives living in closed off Orthodox neighborhoods better every day. It makes living a religious life impossible for me at times and I even hear atheists complaining about it on talk-shows that it is getting out of hand.

What are your views on porn, in general?
I'm a guy, I can understand the appeal but I want to be able to choose what I see and the last couple of years you cannot watch a normal movie without nudity or a sex scene that doesn't even add anything at all to the story. It's annoying and I even stopped going to the cinema completely because of it. I have a television with many blocked channels.
I much prefer the teasing over a full-blown nude scene anyway. I like to unwrap the present not get it tossed all mangled up in my lap. The excitement of it has completely gone. I find a woman in full dress with a pretty face much more tantalizing than one in a mini-skirt and high heels that flaunts her body around. I actually stare at the ground almost all day long when I'm outside. Nowhere is safe to look and though I do not find my thoughts going to what would be considered unclean I just get angry or really annoyed by it. How would they feel if I ran around dressed like that?

Porn movies I find to be very disgusting. I don't think sexuality itself is disgusting, it's a beautiful thing (and enjoyable duh) but porn is usually about seeing how far people can go and as disgusting as possible. To each their own preference and fetishes but it's all carnal without any emotion, that bothers me the most. There's no emotion in there, no love at all.
You also grow cold from it all, normal sexuality becomes "boring" and everybody feels they need to at least do *whatever* to be cool. It's no longer about enjoyment but some sort of weird record that needs to be broken.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?

Definitely. Research has proven many times that many men feel insecure because of this and women also. The fashion industry does its part as well but the porn industry is even worse. It's sad that two people who love each other very much cannot have a good time in bed because they aren't like that couple in the movie.

Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
Yes, see my answer above. It paints an unrealistic picture most feel is or should be their own reality. Normal sexual behavior is hardly discussed with them and I'm not surprised by the huge numbers of teenage pregnancy, abuse, feelings of needing to just do it as fast as possible with as many as possible etc. Porn has replaced regular sex-ed in most countries. A very damaging development IMO.

In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond?
No, if you want to bond with somebody you should bond emotionally first. That's the most important base, it's great if you match up in that way too but if there is no emotional bond to begin with you will never have a real relationship.

How old are you?
What gender are you? male
What is your sexual preference? pansexual (though "straight" now because of my religion)
What general area of the world are you in? Western Europe, Netherlands
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by Ktanaqui »

What is your preferred media?
It depends on what I'm looking to do with it. If I'm looking to get off, I prefer written works; my mind is able to take the ideas and present them to me in a way that turns me on. If I'm looking at research or general curiosity, then I will look to pictures and videos since it's easier to understand something if I can see it. Generally, I turn to to attend to my sexual-related desires, but it isn't uncommon to find me among the videos when I'm doing research - thanks to my insatiable appetite for knowledge and curiosity.
What are your views on porn, in general?
It depends on what you're actually asking after. Snuff houses? I'm not too big on those. Straight, true porn? Not big on that either, really. Erotica, however... I think erotica is fairly awesome. It allows for the mind to wander and experiment. Since I'm not worried about how I look to society as far as sex goes, I'm willing to experiment physically too, which erotica gives me the material for.
When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?
I started around the time that I met my fiance, Benjamin - that was at 14. He's the one who actually introduced me to porn and erotica, and also the one who earned the right to take my innocence.
What type do you watch/read/write?
It really depends on the mood I'm in. My absolute favorite falls under exhibitionism, but I've also read bestiality, incest, multiple-partners, and many other categories that would be considered odd. Mostly though, when I'm looking to get off, I seek exhibitionism.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?
Being that I've not watched straight porn, I can't provide an answer to this. However, if you're actually asking after Erotica... No, I don't. This is because erotica tends to represent the raw sexuality that tends to be hidden in humans, thanks to society frowning upon it.
Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
I believe that porn & erotica is only damaging if it is let to be. I started having sex before I even found out about porn or erotica, so no one can blame porn or erotica for getting me into sex. I use it for educational purposes, stress relief, and sexual tension relief. That's not damaging, is it? However, people who take it too far, who try to real-life-represent things that shouldn't be (necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality with large creatures that could cause permanent physical damage, etc.) is damaging. It all, honestly, depends on the child.
In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond?
I've found that porn is, indeed, a good way to bond. I've only had sex with one partner, but all of my friends are open to sex and anything sexual-related. We don't frown on it, and we will sit down and watch it or read it together. Afterwards, or even during, we tend to discuss it or even masturbate together. Nothing wrong with that, right? It's fun, relaxing, and it helps us to be closer.

How old are you? 18
What gender are you? Female
What is your sexual preference? Bisexual
What general area of the world are you in? Alabama, USA

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by BloodyPuppet »

What is your preferred media? (Written, Videos, Pictures, other)
I myself don't actually engage in porn. The closest I have really gotten is creating and viewing manipulated images of my favorite actor with a group of friends on a certain website and a very graphic fanfic some years ago(although I never finished it because it was not complete at the time and then I lost interest I am not real big on reading fanfics I prefer to just write them).
That fanfic was a pretty good turn on though, if the detail is described in good enough way I can almost feel what is happening on the female character's end.

What are your views on porn, in general?
I don't see it as a problem, it's not bad to be curious and have sexual urges it's only human. As long as you are not in a relationship or being disrespectful about it.

What type do you watch/read/write? (Gay, straight, lesbian, bisex, fantasy, etc.)


Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?

Not necessarily if they are merely curious and feeding their urges in a respectful way. Then again what isn't damaging youth these days?

In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? (Friends, Spouses, etc.)
I suppose that it can be, discussing sexual fantasies and enjoying content with others can be a great outlet.

Personal: (not necessary, just wondering if there is a link between age, location, orientation and/or gender, and opinions)

How old are you?
What gender are you?

What is your sexual preference?

What general area of the world are you in? (Country, state/province (US, Canada, and any other applicable areas)):
California, U.S
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by flamekaat »

For those of you for porn:

What is your preferred media? (Written, Videos, Pictures, other)
I love to write smutty fanfiction. If I am wanting to get off I like animated hentai videos, and some things I found via net of the real people in the video variety

What are your views on porn, in general?
Wow some of it can be so dumb the only reactions I have are "she's not into this so whats the point?" and "Gah hahahahahahaha! LAME!" Quality is better then quantity. Which is why I like things that are such and such volume 6 or 7. means that it has been found popular and added to in a way that means they put some work into it. Some of the people though... specially the ladies cause 99 out of 100 do not have a big organ of male sexual type... if you's ugly why are you in porn?

When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?

Let's see writing it...12 or so watching it 18 or so cause grandma over the shoulder syndrome does not give one much time to ones self.

What type do you watch/read/write? (Gay, straight, lesbian, bisex, fantasy, etc.)
Fantasy types for writing mostly for the situations or backgrounds of the chars though. unrealistic sex is something I only brush against. If I or a friend have not been capable of such an act nor done it I rarely write it and only if it fits some plot or dream in my head
I watch Fantasy types and Mulitples for my personal physical happiness
Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?

For Sure! Mostly I think thats the point ne?
Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
This culture set and everything is apparently damaging to our youth. My kids can have their porn if I ever have any though. "This is not really how relationships work and is mostly a tool to get you riled so you can get off. Explanation over enjoy."
In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? (Friends, Spouses, etc.)
Yep. I have watched my favorite hentai with my friends. Lets see 3 guys 2 girls and my lover at the time and me. yeah i think they were all there at the time.

Personal: (not necessary, just wondering if there is a link between age, location, orientation and/or gender, and opinions)

What gender are you? I am female
Age? 30
What is your sexual preference? Straight, but capable of telling you if I think a gal is pretty.
What general area of the world are you in? (Country, state/province (US, Canada, and any other applicable areas))
Nevada Utah border town in USA :bounce:
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by CavyLoverAli »

For those of you for porn:
What is your preferred media? (Written, Videos, Pictures, other) Written & video
What are your views on porn, in general? hmm well i really dont have one
When did you start reading/watching/writing porn? I think I was 15 or 16 years old...
What type do you watch/read/write? (Gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, fantasy, etc.) Mix of bisexual, fantasy, & lesbian.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way? yes, but what does show people in a realistic way these days?
Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth? no
In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? (Friends, Spouses, etc.) depends on the person I believe.

Personal: (not necessary, just wondering if there is a link between age, location, orientation and/or gender, and opinions)
How old are you? 20
What gender are you? female
What is your sexual preference? bisexual...I have genophobia (wiki) so I dont really know.
What general area of the world are you in? (Country, state/province (US, Canada, and any other applicable areas)) Washington, USA

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by Lusive »


For those of you for porn:
What is your preferred media? EVERYTHING
What are your views on porn, in general? It does the body and mind good
When did you start reading/watching/writing porn? Unnnh the 5th.
What type do you watch/read/write? Everything.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way? Unh yeah, it's porn. Everyone in every kind of porn is equally ridiculous and misrepresented, in my opinion.
Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth? Not at all.
In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? Not really. I don't want to watch porn with other people. I don't want other people to watch porn around me. Porn is something between me and my computer.

Personal: (not necessary, just wondering if there is a link between age, location, orientation and/or gender, and opinions)
How old are you? 22
What gender are you? pan
What is your sexual preference? bi
What general area of the world are you in? (Country, state/province (US, Canada, and any other applicable areas)) Washington USA
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by Jongarakun »

For those of you for porn:
What is your preferred media? (Written, Videos, Pictures, other)
Written. Short stories, that type. But sometimes I like cartoony pictures if I can't find any good short stories.

What are your views on porn, in general?
Don't see the problem with it. As long as it's all consen and the people know what they're getting in to, let them.

When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?
Hm, let's see... probably would have started when I was about eight to see what it was all about. Only started looking at it and enjoying it when I was, I think... 11/12?

What type do you watch/read/write? (Gay, straight, lesbian, bisex, fantasy, etc.)
Everything BDSM related (whited out because I'm not sure if that is appropriate or not for this thread) as long as a male isn't sub. So, yeah, straight, lesbian.

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?
Of course it does, but so do Hollywood movies. Point?

Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
Everything is damaging our youth. Seriously, though, I don't honestly get that. If it's around, kids are going to find a way to see it, end of story.

In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond? (Friends, Spouses, etc.)
Haha, if they want to that way, sure, why not?
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by Sapphire Phoenix »

For those of you for porn:
What is your preferred media?
I'm not a real stickler, but that's because I view/read it for entertainment a vast majority of the time. If I want to "get off," I watch videos or read stories. But in all honesty that rarely happens.

What are your views on porn, in general?
Being an artist it's just another genre of art to me. I use to believe that it degraded women to sexual objects, but I don't think that as much now.

When did you start reading/watching/writing porn?
Watching/reading/looking when I was 11; drawing when I was 17 akaafewmonthsagocough

What type do you watch/read/write?

Bisexual, straight, gay, fantasy, rule 34, incest, furry, "masturbation" (between a character split in two, i.e. Zekrom/Reshiram, Roxas/Sora, etc) BDSM, Yaoi, hentai... basically as long as there is a male involved I'll enjoy it. For me creating it, I do sketch some minor scale stuff when I'm bored (or when my boyfriend nags at me to).

Do you feel that straight porn represents women, or even men, in an unrealistic way?
Yes, I have seen so many scenarios (mainly in written works and pictures) that are unrealistic in so many ways, even if it's to enhance the image. The same can be said for normal movies, magazines, video game, and every other kind of media out there.

Do you feel that porn is damaging to our youth?
I believe that it's only damaging if you let it to be. I've been enjoying porn for almost 7 years now, and while I have a feeling it's made me to go and immensely love sex in general, it hasn't left any damaging or negative effects on me. But I've heard that other kinds of media have damaged kids, so I wouldn't be surprised that if porn was one of those 'culprits' as well.

In your opinion, is porn a good way to bond?
Before I started to date my current boyfriend, I believed it did. I thought it would cause a rift between a couple (that one partner would feel inadequate because the other was looking at porn... akin to one partner imaging his/her partner to be someone else), but after I started to date my boyfriend (and look at porn together), it made us closer. It was like doors opened, and that there's no secrets at all between us. So yes, if a couple can use porn to bond emotionally and sexually, then it is a good way to bond.

How old are you? 17
What gender are you? Female
What is your sexual preference? Straight
What general area of the world are you in? Indiana, USA
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