Herbal Grace KS: vote! O:

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Which outfit do you like the best?

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Chapter 44: Oh No, pt. 2

Post by freakazoid »

One month later, and at 2:49 in the morning, I find myself with a strange desire to write more to the story. 8D
  • Chapter 44: Oh No, pt. 2
    The frog bounded off toward the castle, keeping the image of the mermaid in his mind. Her words were foreign, but the panic in her voice made the amphibian want to help. He winded his way around the large castle, seeing an open window and freely inviting himself inside. The frog croaked loudly, leaping onto the floor and looking around.

    He could see a beam of light in the distance, so he bounded toward that and followed it until he found Deathdrop. The frog let out a strong ribbit, smiling on the inside as the naga looked down at him in confusion. Blonde, need help.

    Deathdrop nodded; growing up in the Jungle of Raza in a naga tribe, you were somewhat forced to learn the tongue of the creatures. The naga made her way to the front door, with the frog not too far behind. Deathdrop slithered over to the pond, where she saw Goddess trying to lift April onto the bank. "What happened?"

    The mermaid looked up at her with mixed emotions in her eyes. "I'll explain later, just make sure she's okay." Without another word, Goddess turned and dived underwater, her tail thrashing wildly under the surface. Deathdrop sighed and looked down at the magi. "What have you gotten into now...?"

    She bent down as far as she could go and picked up April, hoisting the magi over her shoulder and making her way back to Herbal Grace. The frog croaked happily, jumping off to rejoin his friends. Deathdrop grinned; frogs were funny little creatures.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    April squirmed subconsciously in her 'sleep,' mumbling words that even the most skilled dream translator could not understand. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, hands clenched in fists and pounding the table harshly. "NO!"

    Deathdrop glanced over at the magi, her wooden staff in hand. She shook her head and slithered over to the cupboard, pulling out a few herbs and approaching April. "Open wide!"

    The magi froze, then relaxed and opened her mouth. Deathdrop chuckled and sprinkled the leaves into the magi's mouth; it was a good thing she responded to people in her sleep. Something about sleep-talking, and sleep-walking. Whatever caused it, it was sure helpful now. Deathdrop had been doing this for the past few hours as April thrashed in her sleep.

    After a few moments, the naga was comfortable in her chair again. A winged cat hatchling meowed gently and flew onto her lap, purring indefinitely and rubbing its head against Deathdrop's arm. The naga blinked in amusement and patted the kitten, letting out a sigh as she sat back in the chair. "Mmm...I wonder what brother would say if he saw the wonderful castle I'm living in..." She thought aloud, "He'd be so jealous~"

    * * * * * * * * * *

    April blinked.

    Pale morning light poured onto her face, previously-damp hair plastered to her cheeks. She opened her mouth and breathed deeply, looking to her side and stretching. Crust had gathered on her eyelashes and corners of her eyes, while dry drool cracked from the sudden movement. The magi lifted her hand to her mouth and licked it, rubbing the drool off. She rubbed her eyes for a few moments and sat up, yawning.

    Her stomach growled, much to her dismay. April really didn't feel like getting up, she actually wanted to go back to sleep. But if she were to go back to sleep, she would get up and go to her bed. The table had worn down her back, and her spine definitely needed a good stretch.

    A black tienko leapt up onto the wooden table and meowed happily, brushing against April's leg with her tail. April recognized Sadie by the red ribbon around her waist and smiled, stroking the feline's short fur with her right hand. The tienko rolled to her side and purred, wriggling around and demanding to be patted. The magi blinked happily and rubbed the cat's belly fiercely before getting up and walking toward her room.

    Sadie meowed in dismay, watching April as she left before getting up and following her. April collapsed onto her bed and sank into the blankets, her ocean blue eyes drooping. She certainly didn't feel good, that's for sure. She breathed through her nose and grabbed for the nearest brush, going through her hair a number of times before throwing it to the other side of the room lazily. Sadie jumped onto the bed and flopped down next to April's face, flicking her split tail demandingly.

    "What, is it my job to pet you or something?" April snickered, rubbing the cat's head before drifting off to sleep yet again.
Filler chapter is filler.

I enjoyed writing about Sadie; her personality is based off one of my cats in real life. :3
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Re: Herbal Grace KS: Ch. 44 {Oh No, pt. 2}

Post by Inspirit »

Aww Sadie sounds cute...Wish i can keep a cat like her. :D

To hatchling only:

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Re: Herbal Grace KS: vote! O:

Post by freakazoid »

Before the next chapter is posted, I need some opinions. Please vote in the poll and tell me which outfit you prefer. Images are under the spoilers. c:
Outfit 1:
Outfit 2:
Outfit 3:
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Re: Herbal Grace KS: vote! O:

Post by freakazoid »

Bumping this up. :)

No bumping in the tea house!
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