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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by Fennir »

Repeat after me: the world does not need anymore fanfiction. M'kay, self? That means no Tron, Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Quest IX or Robin Hood.

Now that out of the way... Does anyone know any ideas that I can write on? ;.;
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by TxCat »

Anira wrote:Absolutely nothing important. Depressed BS. No need to read or comment.
My current thoughts somehow made me ask myself why I'm even still on MS.
(Generic 'you' ahead...I'm not speaking to any one person, just responding to comment contents. :headdesk: )

I hate to sound callous, but I probably do: it's not the game. If you're depending on a game, particularly an online game, to make you happy and be your life it probably IS time to stop playing and go do something else. If your life is so bad, you probably do need to tend to it: get help, get some exercise, get your responsibilities in order, get yourself straight.

A game can't do any of this for you. Fact is, no matter how close the friend made on line, most of them are still just on line and can you say you really know 'em? I've seen quite a few people --- including myself at one point --- throwing away obvious support around them because the 'net support withdrew or didn't work out.

Even though the 'net is my primary form of contact with the world right now, I still don't rely on it. If I want help, comfort, or anything REAL I go to those around me, those physical people who actually care. They might be few and far between, but most people have at least one. It's only my own pride and the feeling that I would 'bother' them which kept me from doing so.

As for the MS community: been here almost a year now and I really don't see the 'degrading' of the community everyone talks about unless that translates into 'Wahhh, I can't get everyone to agree with me all the time any more' or 'Gee, I can't manipulate all of MS to my whim any more' because the game has grown and more people have come and that's made large cliques impossible.

If you want a really dysfunctional community with no freedom whatsoever for players and cliques galore, I could direct you to a pixel pets game with such. It also has truly crappy management, very few new additions to the game, no improvements, nothing really to do except that same biased community interaction, AND you have to pay to play if you want to keep your account longer than ten days.
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Fennir wrote:Repeat after me: the world does not need anymore fanfiction. M'kay, self? That means no Tron, Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Quest IX or Robin Hood.

Now that out of the way... Does anyone know any ideas that I can write on? ;.;

... Kingdom Hearts. :yarly: /shot XD

No- just write something you'd like ^_^ That's the best part about writing- you can make whatever you want :3
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by NKfloofiepoof »

I knew I'd regret bumping at midnight :tard: So why did I do it? Because I'm an idiooot~ :crazy:
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by Wolfsister »

This is a silly rant, but...I never get to report anything! It's always already done by the time I get to it. T_T
*stalks off pouting* People doing what they're supposed to and ruining all my fun...
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by ignite444 »

@TxCat: That's all fine and dandy for some, but some of us are surrounded by people in RL who couldn't give a shit either way about you. I only have my mother, but I never go to her with my problems or comfort. I turn to my animals for that.

I feel if I die right now the only person who would care would be my mother. T_T
Last edited by ignite444 on May 14th, 2011, 7:51:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by Fennir »

Phoenixwildfire wrote:
Fennir wrote:Repeat after me: the world does not need anymore fanfiction. M'kay, self? That means no Tron, Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Quest IX or Robin Hood.

Now that out of the way... Does anyone know any ideas that I can write on? ;.;

... Kingdom Hearts. :yarly: /shot XD

No- just write something you'd like ^_^ That's the best part about writing- you can make whatever you want :3

I forgot them... But don't let me write that either! otherwise it'll be ffvii madness all over again. :.;

I know, I wanna write something, I really do, but I want it to have readers who are genuinely interested in the story not the pairing. (well, perhaps not just the pairing.)
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by oceanmist »

Wolfsister wrote:
oceanmist wrote:Tomorrow's going to be a bad day for me. I just know it. Tomorrow would have been her 13th birthday and I was hoping to remember it this year. T_T I miss my kitty...
That first year is always hard. My baby dog was only 9 when we had to put her to sleep, and I could not stop thinking that she should have at least made it to her 10th birthday. She would have turned 12 this fall.
I guess it's hitting me so hard because I feel like it's my fault. I could tell something was wrong for months, but I didn't get the courage to force my dad to take her to the vet. I'd ask him and he'd say he'd get an appointment and then he never would, and I'd try to go in there and just yell at him until he realized how important it was to me but I couldn't. It took until December to get her to the vets after she hadn't been eating as much. And right after Christmas too. T_T And I feel like I abandoned her. I promised to try to be with her when she was put under for surgery(she was put to sleep during the surgery), but I just ran out crying instead of asking if I could be with her. I wanted to be the last one she saw and I wasn't.
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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by shadowlugia »

TxCat wrote:
Anira wrote:Absolutely nothing important. Depressed BS. No need to read or comment.
My current thoughts somehow made me ask myself why I'm even still on MS.
(Generic 'you' ahead...I'm not speaking to any one person, just responding to comment contents. :headdesk: )

I hate to sound callous, but I probably do: it's not the game. If you're depending on a game, particularly an online game, to make you happy and be your life it probably IS time to stop playing and go do something else. If your life is so bad, you probably do need to tend to it: get help, get some exercise, get your responsibilities in order, get yourself straight.

A game can't do any of this for you. Fact is, no matter how close the friend made on line, most of them are still just on line and can you say you really know 'em? I've seen quite a few people --- including myself at one point --- throwing away obvious support around them because the 'net support withdrew or didn't work out.

Even though the 'net is my primary form of contact with the world right now, I still don't rely on it. If I want help, comfort, or anything REAL I go to those around me, those physical people who actually care. They might be few and far between, but most people have at least one. It's only my own pride and the feeling that I would 'bother' them which kept me from doing so.

As for the MS community: been here almost a year now and I really don't see the 'degrading' of the community everyone talks about unless that translates into 'Wahhh, I can't get everyone to agree with me all the time any more' or 'Gee, I can't manipulate all of MS to my whim any more' because the game has grown and more people have come and that's made large cliques impossible.

If you want a really dysfunctional community with no freedom whatsoever for players and cliques galore, I could direct you to a pixel pets game with such. It also has truly crappy management, very few new additions to the game, no improvements, nothing really to do except that same biased community interaction, AND you have to pay to play if you want to keep your account longer than ten days.

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Re: Ranting thread? BAWWW.

Post by Imposibibble »

"Come on, honey. Don't feed the dog corn (canned corn). Dogs don't eat corn."

Yeah, says the dude who has a big hulking bag of Dog Chow in his garage. :tard:
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