Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 8 - A Mission from Thane

Post by Kynali »

o-O i pronounced it See-Ob-han well i guess i was off hehe.

and <3 it~! keep it going XP -goes off to write her own chapter-


-gets distracted be Jeff Dunham-
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 8 - A Mission from Thane

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Jeff-fa-fa DunHAM? :haha:

lol sorry.

I pronounced it Sio-ban too XD

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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 8 - A Mission from Thane

Post by sammythethief »

Siobhan has a very dry sense of humour. She's got a lot of personality in my mind, and I hope I can convey that.
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 8 - A Mission from Thane

Post by freakazoid »

*tosses steak to Siobhan*
Nice kitty. :haha:
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 9 - A Peaceful Interlude

Post by sammythethief »

Nine. A Peaceful Interlude

"I'm home!" Red sang. Her voice bounced off the stone walls, which were not blackened like the ones on the outside. The foyer, Nikko thought, looked more like the foyer of a castle rather than that of a war fortress. Windows let in light, warming the space they stood in. His first guess has been right - the windows had been added after the initial construction of the building, more than likely by magic. A double staircase swept up on either side of the room, meeting at the top. On the center platform was an ornately carved wooden door with elegant iron fastenings. A faded, fraying tapestry hung above the door; an imposing man sat astride a regal unicorn, a spellbook in one hand and a sword in the other. Red glanced at Nikko and all but read his mind.

"I did a little remodeling when I moved in," she told him. "Siobhan, will you go tell Raistlin that I'm home, and that we have company?" The Mist Stalker blinked at heronce and dashed up the stairs, veering off to the left and disappearing into the connecting hallway. "Raistlin tends to make a mess of the library when no one is here. He'd want to clean it up before company comes in."

Red began walking up the stairs that Siobhan had just ran up, her hand gliding over the smooth stone handrail. Windows and stained glass murals decorated the wall of the staircase. The steps were made of the same stone that the walls were made of, but some had deep gouges in them from animal claws or chunks missing out of them. Nikko stumbled once or twice, but Red was surefooted and dodged every loose bit and depression.

"How did you come to.. inhabit this place?" he asked as he stared at the stairs with each step.

"It apparently belonged to my uncle. My mom sent me a letter when I finished my classes. She knew I'd be looking for a Keep of my own, and she sent me directions to this place. It was abandoned when my friends and I got here, though for how long I can't say," she told him. She rounded the corner and began to follow the path Siobhan took. The floor was smooth here, much to Nikko's relief. Ahead of them, a door was ajar and there was a warm light pouring out of it, and rustling and thumping sounds could be heard from within. Red pushed the door open and the two of them stepped inside.

The library was magnificent. It was lined floor to ceiling, wall to wall with books. There were little boxes for scrolls, a few globes. Wrought-iron lamps sat on the massive table in the center of the room, carved from dark mahogany and polished to a shine. A large bay window that took up most of the far wall protruded from the castle wall, its bench lined with soft cushions and pillows. Heavy, dark cloth curtains could be pulled across to blot out all sunlight from the room.

There was a large, comfortable looking red couch in front of the huge stone fireplace, which had a cheerful blaze burning in it. A torn, chewed, clawed, and all-around abused leather armchair sat next to the couch, and in said armchair sat Siobhan the Mist Stalker. She relaxed against it, her white claws kneading into the leather, her tail flicking back and forth contentedly. Across from her was a rather futuristic looking chair that seemed as though it didn't belong - it was egg-shaped and deep, and a table was connected around three-fourths of it, forming a flat surface upon which books could sit. And in that armchair was a white haired Naga with piercing grey eyes. The blue scales of his tail glittered like sapphires in the sunlight, his pale skin smooth and unblemished. His long white hair was pulled back away from his face, and his left arm was hooked around his staff.

"You vanished into the desert? That's what the note said," he remarked. His voice was just above a whisper, delicate like dry parchment.

"A fine greeting that is," Red frowned. "Nikko, this is my friend Raistlin. Raist, this is my trouble-making straggler, Nikko," she said brightly. Nikko made a sound of protest at his introduction, but inclined his head to the Naga nonetheless. He'd dealt with Nagas in the past, during his time living on the Raza coast. Raistlin slithered from his chair, moving over to Nikko and drawing himself up so that they were eye level.

"You are the sorcerer," he said quietly. Raistlin's eyes narrowed as Nikko's widened. Then, with a look of casual disinterest, he turned away from Nikko and faced Red. "You'd usually go straight to the kitchen upon your return. What do you not know?" Red frowned again.

"You're grumpy today. Who has bristled your scales?" she grumbled. She flopped down on the couch and motioned for Nikko to do the same. Raistlin settled in front of the fire, positioning his tail in front of it to absorb its warmth. "Thane is sending us to the Arkene. He wants us to check on the Godstone there." A look of confusion flickered across the Naga's face for a moment, then it was gone.

"Why do you need to check on the Godstone? Arkenna is more than capable of taking care of herself," he said, turning back to the fire. Shrugging, Red curled her legs under her and rested her chin in her hand.

"I tried telling him that, but he said that since the temperatures have been unbalanced that something could be amiss. He trusts that the Lord-Governor of Voltar would have sent word of any particularly unusual temperature changes down there, but our contacts in the Arkene aren't as good as they once were. And since this goon dragged me into all this," she jerked her thumb at Nikko, who looked offended, "Thane thought I'd be perfect for the mission."

"I resent that, love. You didn't have to escort me all the way to the Keep. I could have made my way there and talked to Thane on my own, thank you very much," the sorcerer said hotly.

"No, you couldn't have. Unless you had a ranking magi vouching for you, they probably wouldn't have let you anywhere near Thane unless you blasted him out of his tower," Red told him. She could see him contemplating this option, and promptly ignored him.

"Well, what do you need to know?" Raistlin cut in smoothly. He was making his way across the room to a section of books bound in night-blue leather. He looked back at Red, his eyebrow quirked.

"A favourite location of hers? I know the Godstone moves frequently, but there must be some spot she favours above all others," she said. Without a word, Raistlin turned back to the shelf and ran his finger along the spines of several books before stopping at one in particular, which he drew from the shelf. He slithered back over to Red and seated himself on the couch next to her, right between her and Nikko. The sorcerer, looking slightly uncomfortable, shifted over and gazed about the room.

"This book tells of a lake deep within the Arkene, a lake that never freezes. The Arkene Godstone is said to frequent the bottom of this lake." The Naga flipped the book open and scanned through the pages until he found a picture. Nikko leaned over, eager to see what the book detailed. He felt Raistlin stiffen next to him and smiled a little in smug satisfaction.

The lake in the picture was dark blue and drawn to look as if it were in motion. In the center of the lake, submerged beneath the water, was the largest sapphire Nikko had ever seen. Tiny crystals of ice formed around it. Nikko had a feeling that if he were to touch the picture, the parchment itself would be cold.

"Is there a map in this book?" Red asked, sounding a little defeated. It was as if seeing it in this book made it real to her.

"Yes. I can trace it out for you," Raistlin answered. Red smiled.

"Thanks." She looked out the window. The sun was beginning to set, casting orange and yellow light across the land. "I'll be back in a bit. I want to show Nikko to his room before it gets too late," she said. Raistlin nodded and made his way to the mahogany table, where he opened a drawer that Nikko hadn't noticed before and pulled out tracing utensils.

Red and Nikko stood, making their way to the door. Siobhan had left her chair and was following them, jogging next to Red. They turned a corner and made their way up another set of stairs. This stairwell suited the true nature of the building; there were arrow-slits for windows and alcoves for hiding in. These alcoves now held large decorative vases or statues. They arrived at a wide, carpeted hallway with several doors. Red walked to the one directly across from where they were standing and threw open the door. She stepped aside and allowed Nikko to walk in first.

"This will be your room," she said. The interior was huge, complete with fireplace and hearth, a couch, and a table. A desk with a fold down top that locked stood against the right wall, along with a very old looking armoire and a plain wooden door. Against the far wall was the largest four-poster bed Nikko had ever seen. Curtains could be drawn around it for privacy, but they were tied to the bedposts to allow him to view the black and gold comforters and pillows that adorned it. Above the bed was a painting of a forest during a spring sunset. A window against the left wall (magically manufactured) was large and could be opened to provide a stunning view of the ocean. "The washroom is through that door over there. There are clothes in the armoire that should fit you. Is it... okay?" she asked.

Nikko, who thought the room far exceeded that of any Lord or Lady's guest bedrooms, nodded with a smirk that belied his thoughts. "It's satisfactory." Red rolled her eyes, and Siobhan chuffed beside her. He swore that the way the cat's shoulders were moving, she was laughing.

"Well, wash up. I've got a few things I need to discuss with Raistlin yet, then I'll be in and we'll get some food," she said. When Nikko nodded his acquiescence, she backed out of the room and shut the door. Siobhan remained behind, and she jumped up onto the couch and gazed steadily at Nikko.

Slightly unsettled by the big cat's gaze, and presence in his room, Nikko turned and sauntered into the washroom for a much-needed scrubbing.


"Why did I have a feeling that when you left here, you'd end up bringing a man home again?" Raistlin asked. His previous air of formalness was gone, and he spoke more freely when in the company of just Red. The magi put her hands on her hips and glared at her friend.

"That's awfully presumptuous of you! It's not like I went on a quest for him. He just... found me," she finished lamely. Raistlin snorted, bent over a scroll of parchment.

"Your history with men is less than sparkly, Lyn," he said. His tone, for the most part, was humourous, but concern bled into his voice, and Red heard it.

"I don't intend on having a 'history' with him. He's barely a friend," she said defensively.

"And Lucien was a complete stranger," he said quietly. For a moment, he thought he'd gone too far. He looked up at Red, his dear friend. Her arms were crossed, without anger, and her face was troubled by unhappy memories. He sighed. He hadn't intended to hurt her, or make her relive those times. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be." It was her turn to sigh, and she slumped down in one of the chairs around the table. "You're right, Lucien was a stranger. I ignored every sign. Moira almost tore his head off the first time they met - I should have walked away then," she said bitterly.

"Hindsight is always clearer," he said sagely. He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "Siobhan seems to like him." Red smiled fondly at the mention of the Mist Stalker.

"She got a good vibe from him, I think. He passed her test." She grinned wickedly. "He's still got a few more to pass," she said with a wink. Raistlin allowed a rare smile.

"Paladine is going to terrify him," he observed. Red cackled, anxiously amused for their meeting.


Upon investigating the contents of the armoire, he found that the clothes indeed would fit him, and he put on a pair of black trousers and a white shirt (similar to what he had been wearing previously) after he'd scrubbed himself clean. He had flung himself onto the bed, sending decorative pillows flying, to determine its fluffiness. It passed his test; it was a very soft and cozy bed. The blankets were thick and warm and fresh. He piled some pillows behind him and picked up one of the books in the cavity below the end table next to the bed. Lounging back, he flipped it open and began to read. Siobhan had even leapt up onto the bed and curled herself by his legs.

The book was a fantasy adventure about a pirate captain named Greyleg who sailed a grand vessel called The Wayfarer. He was just reading about a savage mutiny when a sharp knock at the door startled him.

"Come in," he called. The door opened and Red stepped in, wearing a cozy emerald robe, gold coloured lounge pants, and black slippers. Her hair was damp. "Oh. Unfortunately for you, I'm clothed. Maybe next time, love." Red rolled her eyes.

"Supper is ready, if you're hungry," she said. "I can show you to the kitchen, where Emma made some food, but I'm not all that hungry." She shrugged. "You can bring the food to your room. If you set the tray on your table and leave your door ajar, one of the maids will come through and take it out later," she told him.

Leading him back down two flights of stairs, slowly, so that he could memorise the way, she made her way to the kitchens. Emma, the petite black haired cook, smiled at them as they entered. Red pushed Nikko forward. Emma rattled off what she had prepared and held a plate in her hands, ready to fill it with whatever he desired. Flashing her a charming smile, he said, "I trust your judgement, love. Whatever you think is most palatable." Emma flushed and squeaked, piling ham and potatoes and beans onto the plate. She handed the plate to Nikko, not meeting his eyes, but smiling widely.

When he turned around, Red held a pewter stein filled with cold ale, her eyebrow arched wryly. He accepted the stein from her with a wink, and walked out of the kitchen. Red instructed Emma to put the food in the cooler, as she would more than likely tear into it tomorrow. Patting her thigh to call Siobhan to her, she too left the kitchen.

They stopped at the top of the second staircase. "My room is just down the hall," Red informed Nikko, inclining her head to the door at the very end of the hall. "Should you need anything."

"I'll be sure to wake you at my slightest want, love," he said smoothly. Red pursed her lips.

"I am sure you will." With a tired sigh, she turned and began to make her way down the hallway. Siobhan padded quietly by her side, her paws making no noise on the plush carpet. "Sleep well."

"And you," Nikko said, raising his stein to her. With a slight smile, she slipped into her room and shut the door behind her.

Okay. It's almost two in the morning but I really owed you guys this. It's a filler, but I thought it was amusing. If the ending seems rushed (and to me it does, perhaps I'll go back and fix this tomorrow), it's because of how late it is and how tingly my fingers feel after typing so much :tard: Hopefully tomorrow I can get up a separate piece (will be posted in here) about the Godstones. That is my goal.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you found any mistakes that my tired eyes missed, please let me know! <3
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 9 - A Peaceful Interlude

Post by Kynali »

Hehe! Cute

Gosh i think i'd hit that boy if he called me love more than once >.< That and baby make me violent XP
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 9 - A Peaceful Interlude

Post by freakazoid »

lol. I don't think Red wants to see you naked, Nikko. Not now, not ever. xP :lol:
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 9 - A Peaceful Interlude

Post by sammythethief »

I. A Tale of Two Lovers

Gather 'round the firepit, young ones. Come on, then, Mama Lita won't bite. I've got a story for you today, a tale of great love and great battle and great sorrow. A tale of the true history of our lands, and of the beings that inhabited it before we did. I'm going to tell you about Arkenna and Voltan, and their cataclysmic love.

Many, many years ago, when the world was young, powerful gods ruled over the people with great wisdom, strength, and kindness. The ice goddess, Arkenna, was a great beauty. Her white hair shone with its own ethereal light, and her skin sparkled as if encrusted with diamonds. She wore sapphires on her wrists and at her throat, and she was as powerful as she was beautiful. The fire god, called Voltan, took the form of a large and powerful man, his black hair falling to his shoulders and his bronze skin shining in the fire he could summon at the blink of an eye. Rubies adorned his crown and fingers, and he was feared and respected throughout the world.

Despite being polar opposites, Arkenna and Voltan found love within each other, as fierce as the cutting winds of the north and as passionate as the fires of the south. For a while, all was peaceful and their love thrived. They watched over their King's creations, the humans, with great fondness.

The humans that populated the world were breaking into factions. Most of them were content to live their lives off the land, farming and selling their fine cloths and jewels. Many prospered, and became lords of great pieces of land. Offerings were given to Arkenna and Voltan in their respective lands of the north and the south, and their children were even worshiped.

Some had developed deep bonds with the magical creatures that roamed the lands, taming them and drawing from their power until the humans themselves came to bear innate magics. These people, who began to call themselves magi, were able to perform great magics and invent useful spells, but this taxed their energy. Over the years, they developed methods of energy conservation, and they gained more magic and energy with each generation.

Others made pacts with the souls of an ancient people trapped in bright stones. Energy could be stored in these stones, the oldest of them being able to hold near limitless quantities of it. This magic could be unleashed to cause devastation enough to crumble mountains and flatten land. These sorcerers were powerful, but they had no way to augment their power, as did the magi. The magical creatures of the land remembered the people that had been turned into the stones, remembered why they were punished so, and avoided the sorcerers.

And a small group, even smaller than the sorcerers, formed as well. They called themselves Druids, and they sought energy and magic from the land itself. They knew what the land needed, and could sense disasters before they happened: earthquakes, floods, droughts, even volcanic eruptions. Their connection with the earth is deep, and they thrive in farming communities, where they use their magics to cause soil to be fertile and smooth.

For many years, the children of the High King flourished, watched over by Arkenna and Voltan and their daughters. It wasn't long, however, before they began to fight amongst themselves. They began asking favours of the gods. Being unaware of the turmoil below them, the gods granted the wishes of the humans. Then one day a phoenix flew to Voltan and told him of a great battle that had started in the plains above his home-city of Voltar. The fire bird spoke of great tragedy and death, and it saddened the god. Then it spoke of how the humans used the gifts he had bestowed upon them for war. Voltan grew angry that the humans, who he considered to be his children, would betray his trust and good will so freely.

Arkenna came to Voltan that night with anger and hurt in her eyes; the sorcerers of the north were fighting as they magi of the south were, using her blessings to fight. After much talk with their daughters, Voltan and Arkenna held each other in the night, knowing that what they were about to do would not bode well for them.

The next day, they bid each other farewell, and departed for their own lands - Voltan went south, and Arkenna went north. During the battles that raged in their respective lands, the god of fire and the goddess of ice relinquished their ethereal forms and hurtled down from the sky, impacting with a force that shook the world.

It took several days for the dust to settle, for people to get their bearings and see what had become of them. In the midst of the once-battlefields were what looked like giant boulders. The boulder in the north was made of sapphire smoother than what any jeweler could carve. A frigid mist emanated from it, and its surface was flecked with bits of ice. Any who touched it would find their fingers numb with frostbite. The land miles around the stone had been flattened, and was a frozen tundra. A lake formed overnight around the stone, which sunk into it.

The boulder to the south was a blood-red ruby, just as smooth and slightly larger than the northern stone. The heat that poured from it disoriented the vision of everything around it, making everything appear wavy and turning the sand beneath it to glass. A massive area had been turned to a desert. All that remained of a city was a small ruins. It was impossible to get close enough to touch the stone, the heat being too intense to handle.

Miraculously, no people were harmed when Arkenna and Voltan hurtled into the earth. They woke up days later, remembering all that had happened. In their dreams, the gods had spoken to them; Arkenna to the sorcerers that fought in the north, and Voltan to the magi that warred in the south.

"We have separated from one another, taken corporeal forms, and have chosen to walk this world as you do. You will never again cause such devastation to the land or one another as you have done in the past. We no longer rule over you - praying to us will do you no good. Our daughters govern you now, and they will be less forgiving than we are, for you have taken their parents away from them. Repent, and live in peace until the High King takes the life from you."

And so the Godstones came to be. The people named the desert wasteland the Etain Desert, and inhabited only its fringes. South of the desert, they began to build a city, which they called Voltar. The frozen north was named Arkene, where only the most hardy of people lived.

And there is the tale of the Godstones, the legend of the gods and their tragic love. But we are here because of their great sacrifice. And if you are in the Arkene, and you see the blaze of a Phoenix overhead, you must know that this is Voltan, for he takes the form of such a fire bird to visit his lover. Or if you see an Arkennian Kitsune wandering through the desert, it is Arkenna, seeking her mate.

And that is how the Godstones came to be. Mama Lita has enjoyed speaking to you, and perhaps in the future, if you ask kindly, she'll tell you more tales.
Does this give you any hint at all as to what's going on? It you squint a little, you can see hints in the previous chapters ;]
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Interlude I - A Tale of Two Lover

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

o3o awesome.

*scrambles off to start a new chapter*
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Interlude I - A Tale of Two Lover

Post by freakazoid »

Mama Lita, would you mind telling us another story? ^___^
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