Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Blue Asaento Butterfly
Birthday: Thursday, March 1, 2012
Owner: wingsofsilver

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Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

This egg is beautifully iridescent, with odd veins reminiscent of a bug’s wings running over its surface.

Asaento butterflies are prized companions, as many appreciate their beauty, but they are especially loved by fire magi. Their masterful control over this element is a highly desired power. Magi who have studied for years and dedicated their life to mastering the power of fire are not as skilled as one of these companions. Asaento butterflies are helpful creatures, and work well with other fire creatures, magnifying their magic. These small companions befriend easily, as their personalities are friendly and cheerful. Asaento butterflies lay their eggs in any shelter they can find late in the fall, usually high in a tree or some secret place in the castle. When spring finally approaches, the eggs begin to hatch. They are one of the first creatures to awaken after winter, their warm bodies suited to the chilly first days of spring. A few late snowstorms have little effect on them, as they heat themselves with magic. When first born, asaento butterflies are ravenous, but still finicky. Magi always have their favorite meals growing in the garden, and new foods are constantly introduced. They are most lovely creatures to behold, with their flaming wings leaving trails of light behind them. At night, you can see flocks of them dancing in the gardens, spirals of fire twisting and twining together in their wake. Often, magi will train their butterflies to perform air shows. The butterflies are more than happy to comply, as they love to create shapes in the night air with their multi-colored flames.

Sprite art: Lazuli (egg) | Description: Lazuli