Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Eleuthyian Hellenic Pegasus
Birthday: Monday, May 16, 2022
Owner: Kestrad

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Stage Progress: 2.42%
Overall Progress: 51.21%

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Hatchling eleuthyian hellenic pegasi are lovely and graceful, capable of getting up and running about immediately after birth, without the awkward gangly stage of trying out their legs that other foals tend to have. Even so, they follow their parents about everywhere, and adults in their herd take turns caring for foals. Young eleuthyian hellenic pegasi are bolder than adults, and may be willing to allow magi to approach them. However, the adults nearby usually flee, and foals will follow suit. Hatchlings raised from an egg take their cues from their magi, and seem able to sense if their companion has trepidations about someone. Only their magi’s closest friends are able to approach, and fewer and fewer people keep this privilege as the foal grows older. Eleuthyian hellenic pegasi are notoriously picky about who they allow to be their companion, and so it is not uncommon for a magi raising one to simply find one morning that their adolescent pegasus has simply disappeared into the wild. Unscrupulous mages have tried clipping their wings to prevent this, but the procedure is not only inevitably a failure, but also guarantees that the pegasus will leave.

Eleuthyian hellenic pegasi are gentle, elusive creatures, so filled with life magic that their every step is trailed by the sprouting and blooming of wildflowers. Wild ones travel in small familial groups, always passing through the lands near the Keep during the transition between spring and summer, though sightings of them are rare, as they are incredibly shy and bolt at the slightest provocation. Being able to ride one is a mark of deep respect and trust, most commonly a privilege only granted to magi skilled in both healing and herb lore. Eleuthyian hellenic pegasi are peaceful and will never carry their rider into battle, but tales abound of gentle healers and peacemakers who have forestalled entire wars by landing between gathered armies and appealing to their better natures. Those who have been able to approach an eleuthyian hellenic pegasus confirm that they exude a calming aura, though it is unclear to what extent they can use and focus this ability.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Kestrad