Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Platinum Torveus Dragon
Birthday: Friday, April 15, 2022
Owner: CrossYuyite

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Stage Progress: 23.74%
Overall Progress: 61.87%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Platinum torveus dragon hatchlings are usually calm and content with observing the things around them. The hatchlings take great interest in their green and gold relatives. However, they are rarely allowed to spend time with them for fear they would become aggressive. The hatchlings do not appear to have any aggressive thoughts, but most magis prefer to take precautions by keeping logs around them. While some hatchlings spend time with their own kind, others are more inclined to play with these logs. The dragon hatchlings sharpen their claws or gnaw on the bark, content to create plenty of woodchips. Those that take delight in this activity are sometimes trained to carve simple things, shaping wood and easing the job of carpenters.

Extensive breeding of the green and gold torveus dragons has led to fascinating outcomes. Most of the offspring kept their green and gold scales, but mutations inevitably appeared. Their scales are instead silver in color, shining like mirrors. Calmer than the usual breeds, the platinum torveus dragons rarely have outbursts of extreme violence. Even so, some of their habits are present. They also enjoy destroying things, and magis have to train these dragons from a young age to ensure they remain calm when reaching maturity. Instead of risking the destruction of villages or herds, they are taught to use their force in more creative ways. The dragons are asked to demolish old buildings or break large boulders into smaller pieces. If behaving, they are allowed to break apart old and unneeded furniture. Although they are careful not to harm those they care about, these dragons will not back away from starting a fight with one of their kind just for fun. Platinum torveus dragons are smaller than their gold and green relatives, but they look just as fierce. However, they lack some of their magic as their blood no longer enhances the effects of potions.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Real/Damien