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Diamond Koi #1500


With their brilliantly faceted scales, as hard and bright as the stone they’re named for, diamond koi are a variety particularly well-loved for ornamental ponds, especially since their much harder scales deter the predators that other koi varieties sometimes succumb to. With the gentle, patient demeanor of most of their brethren, and the same powers, they are a common choice of companion for magi with water and healing affinities. Since their scales are more brittle as a result of their hardness, diamond koi shed and replace their scales liberally. These shiny scales are quite reflective, but the reflections they show are always slightly off, showing the recent past instead of the present. They make potent ingredients for healing and scrying potions - though only for scrying the past - and so are carefully collected for this purpose.


This egg has gleaming, crystalline scales.


With their harder and seemingly more brittle scales, one would think diamond koi hatchlings might be less agile than other types of koi. However, they have no trouble keeping up with their brethren, and delight in showing off their flashy scales by jumping high out of the water, dazzling onlookers with the flash of sun off their crystalline scales. In the water, they keep themselves occupied by exploring with the other koi hatchlings, darting between the many tunnels between the Stream, Lake Lakira, and the larger bodies of water that leviathans and krakens favor.


Adult diamond koi are a lovely sight to behold when they swim near the surface, refracting the light that reaches them through the water everywhere, mottling the water. They are well aware of their beauty, and use their water purification abilities to change the color of the water around them to best advantage when in the mood to show off. Despite their occasional bouts of vanity, they are as helpful and friendly as any other koi, and love assisting anyone who requests help. Diamond koi are most commonly found in the Stream and at Lake Lakira, playing with the other koi and helping to watch over the creatures that share the lake with them.


Obtained from: Stream (common)
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: May 10th 2024

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Breeds with the following:
Diamond Koi + Diamond Koi = Diamond Koi (Easy)

Sprite art: Rijolt/Munin, Munin | Description: Kestrad

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