
MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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Post by sugardr0p »

It's apparent that I haven't written anything in a very, very, VERY long time. I don't really like what I've written but I decided to enter it anyway. It doesn't hurt to try, right? :t-sweat:

How The Phoenix Came To Be
A long time ago, in a far off sweltering desert land there lived a very curious bird named Nix. He wasn't a very extraordinary bird as far as looks go. His feathers were a dull brown color and his eyes, while very sharp, were small and black just like all of the other birds'. What made Nix different was his fascination with the sun. While all of the other birds were busy searching for food or chattering with each other, Nix was admiring the golden sun and basking in its glorious heat. He knew that one day he would fly up and perch right on top of the sun. An old bird, the oldest in all of the land in fact, believed that Nix was crazy. He would not be able to sit on the sun; he would simply burn up and die. Nix shook his head at the older bird and stubbornly went back to his daydreams.

Then one day, while all of the birds were gathered together squawking about this or that, they were interrupted by a loud cry. All of the birds raised their little heads to see just who was causing all of the commotion and there was Nix. He was in the air, rising higher and higher. The birds watched even as his wings grew tired and his flight slowed. Nix never gave up, however. He rose until the little birds were blinded by the sun and could no longer see him. They waited.

Suddenly the air was filled with chirps and whistles and squawks of excitement. It seemed as though a spark had sprung straight out of the sun and was diving straight for the gathering of birds. At the very last second it pulled up and did a magnificent somersault before coming to rest on a nearby rock. The gathered birds hesitantly hopped closer to get a look at this new arrival. Sure enough it was Nix, but he was forever changed. His feathers were like shimmering gold, each one tinged with fire and his eyes shone like onyx. All of the birds thought that he was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen and they would never forget the day that the Phoenix was born.
There's an illness in the family so my activity may be sporadic. Sorry for the inconvenience! I <3 you all.

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