Earn Your Scales

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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Earn Your Scales

Post by Snow »

((I'm spawning with plot bunnies! D: If there's a limit to a number of stories, tell me, or else I might be making a lot. XD))

Squinting through the depths of a murky ocean, you spot a glint of indigo passing. A shining tail flicks into sight, but then instantly disappears into the darkness again. Sighing by the little success of spotting the magnificent koi fish, you turn and begin to paddle back to shore.

A lovely call beckons you back. You turn, startled, looking into the nothingness once again. The lonely voice beacons you farther like a siren, though you refuse at the worry of getting lost.

So the creature springs into view. A mystical body, glittering with scales of violet and ocean hues, emerges from the darkness. You can only smile, marveling at the koi's filtering fins, and wonder at how the creature could look so awesome, how it could possibly own the enchanting scales, smoothly reflecting the faint rays of light.

If that is your wish, I will surely tell you the tale.

Koi swam through the waters, flipping her little, ragged tail to propel her way through the waters. She sighed at her musky, brown scales, only the color of the ugly sand below.

She looked forward, marveling at the giant wonders of the coral reef around her. The ocean was so different from the ponds and lakes and rivers! Both were nice, but due to more gentle currents, Koi naturally preferred still bodies of waters. But even though, the ocean was so huge and magnificent! She cold only sigh at it, her one hope and desire being to become like the coral reefs, to possess its beauty and greatness. To be like the ocean would be magical; it would be like royalty.

She only sighed again and continued on her way to nowhere, trying hard to ignore the mocking voices of other, more colorful fish. Why must I have such dirty scales? Even if I clean them a thousand times a day, no grime or moss agrees with me! So she only swam on.

An idea sprouted into her head. Perhaps I can explore! I've heard of many wonders in this world... maybe I can grant the ocean a favor! My life won't be filled with only mocking anymore! Filled with sudden glee, the naive little fish pushed the water back with her tattered fins, doing the same to the other fishes' loud comments.

She passed over many graveyards and territories. One of these was a minefield, filled with hungry sharks, another with many manta rays, flapping their fins like birds, flying through the water with grace. Koi practiced their ways, teaching her small self to be ferocious yet move with such significance. The wise, old sea turtles caught unto currents taught her many things when she helped them in her travels. Soon Koi even knew the whole ocean like the back of her fin.

So the- even more- tattered fish sighed her way on, her only weakness being lack of confidence, beauty and size. Every night that passed, she dreamed of beautiful shades of color, particularly blue and purple shades. And she would wake up every day with a smile, her dreams pushing her on to the next level.

One day, she hovered over many oysters, black and dull like her. She sighed over them softly, knowing how they felt- shut off from the world because everyone judged them from the outside.

She looked on one, very torn and tattered clam, barely having enough strength to keep itself closed. "Hello, oyster... what is your name?"

"I have no name, but the fish around me mocked me with a name of Broken, because that is what I am on the inside and outside," he sighed. "The inside as well, because I have never had a friend in my ending life."

"No... I shall call you Pure!" Koi said comfortingly. "Because I can see inside of you. You may be a battered spirit, but I know you are pure and never tried to harm."

The oyster had his old and weary heart warmed. No other has praised him before. "Thank you, young one. My time has come... and it is now my time to go." The clam's voice faded as its top shell slowly drifted open, lifeless. Koi gave it a freeing hug, then peered inside the mouth curiously. There lied a single, perfect, silky white pearl. Koi stared in amazement, pulling the pearl out and nuzzling it. This must be his soul... be free!

The pearl started to disintegrate into millions of bits and pieces, drifting around her. The little fish looked in amazement as the pure fragments engulfed her body, adding color to her once dull scales.

This once little koi had earned her mystical scales and grew greater in many ways, enchantment, magic and size all equal. Her once tattered soul had confidence and strength pouring into it. She was a literal siren, a calling enchantment all on her own.

Do you think she deserved this possession? I, for one, think she did...

((Sorry for the abrupt ending; I couldn't think of much else. I hoped you enjoyed...))
*-_ ... _-*
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Re: Earn Your Scales

Post by nightbug08 »

Aww it has a happy ending YAY! :D

<3 Thank You for the Christmas Presents <3

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Re: Earn Your Scales

Post by Arimermaid »

nightbug08 wrote:Aww it has a happy ending YAY! :D
But what about the dead clam ... :yarly: But in a way it was a heartfilled ending ... :omg: :italian: ^_^
I love snakes, none for you!
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Re: Earn Your Scales

Post by SolarCat »

Sweet little Koi, she deserved what she got. <3

Poor clam man, but at least he died happy.

Very lovely story.
Not as active as I used to be.


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