The Story Behind it all

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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The Story Behind it all

Post by Vexous »

The story behind it all,

Gather round everyone, and listen closely, it’s time for you to learn the magical history behind the Magistream and the creatures it holds………

A long time ago all the creatures lived together in one place, it was known as Fantasia, us Elves didn’t even know of their existence and believed them to be only Myths as did the many humans of the world. The creatures were not born out of eggs; they were born and raised as any other animals. Fantasia was a beautiful place, and was filled with vast amounts of magic that protected it from outsiders; it was what you would call a floating island that moved right around the world spreading its magic here and there, keeping the world in balance.

In the center of the land was a stream, it’s the one thing that remains of Fantasia, the stream is the life force of all the creatures without it they would have surely died. It was the Islands Magic.

Many people had heard about the stream and sort it out for its magical abilities, some even thought it to have the gift of eternal youth, but none could find it and if they did, we don’t know about it because they would just vanish. Some said that after Visiting Fantasia they didn’t want to leave and so they never returned home.
But one day the earth shook and volcano’s erupted, someone had found it, some one that knew how to use such magic for their own personal reasons. Many say he was a Wizard and that when he entered Fantasia he tried to leave with water from the stream, Apparently Fantasia didn’t like that at all. The island became visible that day but not for long as it broke off into many pieces spreading itself over the world, trying to protect what it help inside. The stream took all the creatures of the island into itself and held them as eggs

The Stream was sent here, to this forest where we protect it, and raise the creatures from tiny eggs that the stream gives us, more and more species are coming to us as we raise others. The Stream is ancient, scared and a Secret that we must keep from the outsiders, they already know of the creatures as they are now flourishing right round the world, but they must never know the stream still flows.
We must be weary of the wizard, as many believe he is still out there trying to find the stream and capture the life force of the creatures for himself.

Us Elves are given a huge reasonability we must care for the stream, we judge those worthy to raise the eggs of the Magical stream, and watch over them until they are fully grown. Our Forest gives us Magical protection, but unlike Fantasia we do not mean to hide, only to keep our own kind safe.

Now come closer little ones and choose one of the eggs the MagiStream offers you.

i hope thats okay...... :sweat:


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Re: The Story Behind it all

Post by nightbug08 »

This is great! :D

<3 Thank You for the Christmas Presents <3

Stones crack, and Hanging Gardens rot. 'Tis only change that changes not.
There's one enduring truth to learn: That things will change.
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Re: The Story Behind it all

Post by Vexous »

Thanks ^.^



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