The Story of Kasandra on her Quest to Tame a Dragon (generat

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The Story of Kasandra on her Quest to Tame a Dragon (generat

Post by Ashblight »

The Story of Kasandra on her Quest to Tame a Dragon (generated by an AI, that is doing surprisingly well edited and partially written by me)
A work in progress, I also might have put it in the wrong section oops. I would greatly appreciate feedback. If something genuinely doesn't make sense, let me know through pm. Or some trope that you think would be cool, I just can't do romance (idk how to write it, as I'm not very romantic myself)
Okay, story time!

The prompt: Kassandra was a mage, and a strong one at that. She was the first girl in generations to graduate from Sasmodus' College of the Arcane Arts with full honors. Today was the big day, she was to use her magic to tame a dragon. She had become an expert at handling magical creatures, but had never dealt with something as powerful as a dragon. She was allowed a single companion on the journey, and chose her phoenix Ashblight. His feathers blazing, she rode on his back prepared for the adventure of a lifetime.

They approached the gates of Wessex. From the air it looked green and fertile. The land was dotted with village as they reached the outskirts. There Kassandra dismounted her phoenix and was ready to greet the people of this land. She looked out on the town, smiling she walked towards the main gates. "I am Kassandra of the Waraburg Realm." she called out to the guard in the gatehouse. The man had never seen a mage before, he asked her to repeat herself.

"I am Kassandra of the Waraburg Realm, I am here to tame a dragon for the King of Wessex."

"What's a waraburg?"

"My family's legacy, it means 'Sky of the Phionex'. I am to tame a creature of the Dragon Realm, and an ancient dragon, before I can tame it I must prove my skill as a wizard by meeting a challenge." Kassandra looked down at the old man, he had no idea what she was talking about.

"You will tell me all about the quest when you have completed it." He looked at her, he had no choice but to grant her request.

"You shall have your reward."

The man bowed and walked off to find his master. Kassandra walked up to the steps of the King's castle, the guards saluted her as she walked past. When she reached the door it was opened by the King himself.

"Kassandra, what brings you here?" He asked, Kassandra bowed and gave a small smile.

"I'm here to tame a dragon, I'm afraid I don't have much experience with dragons, but I can learn."

"It's that you're a mage, not a dragon tamer. You would be ill-equipped to tame this creature. You will return with the help of an experienced Wizard, he is a friend of mine and a very skilled wizard."

"I see, well if I get my hands on an experienced Wizard I'll be sure to come back."

"Excellent, you are dismissed."

Kassandra smiled as she walked out of the castle, feeling like she had accomplished something major. When she entered the library she was surprised to see Sampson Circe standing there with a book in hand.

"Master Circe. I am Kassandra of the Waraburg Realm, I have a quest that I must complete before I can start on my own quest."

"I've never heard of a quest like this. Have you encountered any dragons yet?"

"Yes, we're in the forest near Wessex."

Sampson moved closer to Kassandra, "So that means the goal is to tame a dragon?"

"Yes, and I don't have much skill with dragons, but my magic has helped me tame many creatures. That includes my Phionex Ashblight, who is my companion on this great quest."

Sampson started to tell her what she had to do. He explained the task wasn't as easy as she thought, the entire task seemed impossible. In the end she would have to obtain a rare key to an ancient stone tower, she would have to enter the tower in the land of the dragon and find out the location of the vial of flame that would kill a dragon.

"How many dragons are you going to have to tame before you can find the vial?"

"Two to tame and one to kill."

"Let me see if I can tell you how this is going to be accomplished. You will travel to the land of the dragon, the monster will arrive and then you will tame one of them. You will also have to go into the dragon's lair. You will have to put the dragon to sleep with your spells, and then you can put a charm on it. That will tame it."

"What types of dragons will I have to tame, and which shall I give to the king of Wessex? I hope that I could tame a water dragon, or a forest dragon for myself, and a great golden dragon for the king."

Sampson began to tell her what she may encounter.
" You may encounter those dragons along the way, as there are many types of dragons in these realms. I want to make beastiary, much like this old one of mine, it contains information about many of the dragons in the world."

"It shall take me a very long time to collect all of the knowledge of these dragons."

"I think you should spend more time trying to tame dragons, than trying to get them to obey you."

"I will try, it would be such a great honor if I could tame one of these creatures."

"You will have to get the dragons to believe that you are their friend, for they will be cautious of you, but you need to tell them that you are their friend, and that you are the one who will end their misery."

Sampson grabbed the old bestiary and said

"Now go with all haste Kassandra, and good luck."

With that Sampson turned around and left.

Kassandra left the library to find out where the vial of flame was located, she stopped and turned around to go back in, but her friend stayed in his position.

"Thanks for everything Sampson."

"I just wish you'd accept your magickal form one day, you would be a real warrior."

Kassandra looked to him, "I want to be a hero, not a warrior."

"You have more strength than you know, you the skills of your Phionex to the fullest. It is one of the few creatures that can communicate with them."

"Thank you, that is all I ever wanted."

Kassandra then ran off to find her future dragon companions.

Kassandra traveled to the very spot in Wessex that the Phionex Ashblight lives. She arrived at his tree and looked around. She realized that this forest was made by the dwarves. It was a place that was much different than the forest of her home. While Waraburg was a mostly dark green forest, the area of this forest had areas that were golden, and dark areas of darkness. The yellow and blue colors were what marked where the dwarves and the Phionex lived.

Kassandra moved up to a waterfall and began to listen to its noise. She heard what seemed to be a war cry from somewhere in the distance, the war cries of the Phionex.

"I have to go and find them."

She jumped down to the ground and looked around. She knew that to get anywhere else she would need a boat. She looked around and saw that there were boats in a clearing.

"That is going to be my place of work, I have to find out what the Phionex is doing."

Kassandra ran across the water and jumped on the first boat that she saw.

Kassandra made her way in the boat to where her dear companion Ashblight was. He was fighting a Griffin who came into Kassandra camp.

"Come here sis."

Ashblight walked over to Kassandra and collapsed. She picked him up and he told her that he was very hurt, and that she had to help him. Kassandra tended to Ashblight wounds while he talked about the battle he had fought against the Griffin. Kassandra used some of the feathers Ashblight had lost in the fight to make a healing ointment, as his feathers have magical healing properties.

"It was a hard fight, but I chased it off in the end." Ashblight explained, stretching his wings.

"Ash, do you think the Griffin is okay? It seems a bit more on the evil side than the one I fought earlier."

"I'm afraid that it is the one you fought earlier, it seems that it was aggravated by something in the area. It might have been a dragon that encroached on it's territory."

"We need to get moving," exclaimed Kassandra as she began to pack up camp "we don't want to miss the our chance of encountering a dragon!"

Kassandra left her half finished camp and flew away on Ashblight . She knew that they would have to run in order to escape the Griffin. It was a land on the edge of the realm, so they had to be careful. The edge between to realms is unstable, and serves as a hiding place for vile creatures. When she arrived on the shores of Wyvernmire, Kassandra left Ashblight to follow from the sky and began to run on foot.

Kassandra looked around to see if the Griffin was still following them. She did not see any sign of it, so she continued to run.

"We are almost to the border, but if the Griffin is nearby, we may not be able to escape."

Kassandra looked up and saw two Frightmares flying over the surface of the ground, heading towards them. The Frightmares glided on their bony wings, scales clinging to their ribs. Their scales, a sickly green, glinted in the sunlight.

"Ash, keep your eyes on them, they might try to attack us!"

Ash's eyes followed the Frightmares as they landed and prepared to attack. Kassandra told Ash to use his metal claws to battle the Frightmares, so he began to hold the claws up in front of him.

"I'll take on the first Frightmare with you." Ash answered.

Kassandra and Ash clashed against the Frightmares as they began to fight, each taking on the opposing Frightmare.

Kassandra charged at the Frightmare in the front and pulled her sword from its scabbard. The Frightmare leapt out of the way and swung a back-handed swing at Kassandra. Kassandra twisted her body in a sudden motion, preventing the attack. She lifted her sword into the air and parried the blow. She turned around and kicked the Frightmare back, it landed on its back. She looked around and saw a Frightmare and Ash go after it.

"Hurry and attack the Frightmare in the back." She shouted.

Ash leaped in front of the Frightmare and swung his flaming metal claws at it's back. The Frightmare screamed and landed on the ground, Kassandra fired a light spell from Ashblight's back at the Frightmare. It fell to the ground, lifeless.

"A powerful enemy defeated." Ashblight said, breathless.

"It's awful fighting cursed enemies, even in life or death situations." Frightmare were a cursed line of horse like creatures with dragons wings and scales. They were feared creatures that feasted upon corpses to maintain their curse, as it gave them incredible strength.

"You're never going to catch that one." Ash said, pointing to Kassandra who was hovering in the air with a Frightmare in the distance.

"Wait, you want us to fly after that one?"

"Yes, if you don't fall to your death."

"We don't have the time, we need to get back to our quest. I don't want to fail my trail to tame a dragon." Kassandra steadied herself on Ashblight's back, and he took off into the sky towards Wyvernmire.

With enemies like the Griffin and Frightmares behind them, they flew on towards the castle.

The castle was made of strong stone, with walls fifteen yards high. The stone had carved images of dragons, each incredibly detailed. They made their way towards the castle, but stopped at the the tall spires.

"I need to get a right of passage from the dragon king to continue on our journey. I cannot go out into the wilds to find wild dragons. I must tame them to complete my quest." Said Kassandra, looking towards the castles gate.

"How should we go about this?" Ashblight asked.

"I don't know, they may be alarmed by a phionex's presence. I'm afraid they might attack us."

Then Ashblight landed and burst into a ball of flame, alarming Kassandra. He spun around, and suddenly he disappeared. He turned himself into a blazing feather, so that Kassandra could bring him into the castle without alerting the guards.

Kassandra made her way to the castle gates, but was stopped by mounted guards.

"Halt stranger, what is your business here?"

"I am here to ask for the king's permission to continue on my quest to tame a dragon." She touched the phionex feather on her cloak, fearing that they may turn her away.

Suddenly, the guards bowed.

"You are the Lady of the Phionex, the great mage, from the Waraburg Realm, is that right miss?"

"Yes, I am." Kassandra said startled, she had not expected the people to the dragon realm to know of her family's lineage. Or let alone respect it. Kasandra removed the feather from her cloak and held it up in the air. It began to burn even brighter, encasing itself in a ball of flame. Ashblight burst out of the flame, giving a mighty cry.

"You may enter the castle, miss. We hold you as an honored guest in our home. But we ask the your Phionex returns to it's feather form, as it may cause the castle to burst into flames. That would be an awful tragedy."

"Of course that is only fair. Ashblight, if you will."
And so Ashblight returned to his form as a feather, and Kassandra pinned it to her cloak. They made their way into the castle to have an audience with the king.

The king was a young elf with long flowing black hair, and piercing green eyes. He was well dressed, as was most of the kingdom.

"I would be most pleased to meet with you, my lady." He said, bowing deeply.

"Ah, so you are the king." Kassandra said with a smile.

"Indeed I am. And how may I help you this day?"

"Well, I have come from the Waraburg Realm, seeking a right of passage through your realm. I am on a quest to tame dragons, one for the king of Wessex, and at least one for myself."

The king looked over her with a curious expression.

"Waraburg is in an extremely terrible state, recently being attacked by the Tairia Empire. But your name is Kassandra, the daughter of the chancellor of Waraburg. You must be most dedicated to your subjects."

"Certainly, I am most focused on magic creatures and that is why I am out to tame a dragon." Kassandra replied.

"Well, you are most welcome here, in the castle, for as long as you wish. But please, I will give you the privilege of having a mount. My trusted friend here, Wilbert, is a hippocampus that has served me well. He can get you to the homes of water dragons, where your trusted Phionex cannot. When you are ready to move on from the seas and rivers, simply tell him that he may return to me and he will come."

"I will most certainly accept the offer, I thank you, and I will make haste to arrange for Wilbert to make his way back to me. Wilbert, what say you?"

"As you command, my lady, and with great joy. My gratitude will always be yours."

"Wonderful. So how are the seas?" Kassandra asked.

"Most are calm, and occasionally there are waves on the surface. The greatest danger lies in the shallows, where a creature called the wrym can make the waters rise and flood the island."

"Really? How do they become so?"

"There are many stories to be told, but I believe that many were discovered, but never told. In any case, take care of yourselves, and I will return."

"Of course. Will Wilbert return with me?"

"I hope so, but he is a very loyal friend. If he can't, I hope you will remember our previous encounter, and will come for me."

"Of course." Kassandra replied.

"Very well then, you may rest here in the Nobels chambers. You can set out on your quest in the morning. That is when Wilbert is strongest."

"Thanks, thank you, and I am sorry for the trouble." Kassandra said, bowing.

"There is no need. It is an honor to have you here."

With that the king bid them a good night and then returned to his chambers to rest. Kassandra walked Wilbert over to the bedroom, and the Phionex lay down for a nap.

In the morning she walked outside to meet with Ashblight and Wilburt.

"Very well, I am well rested and Wilburt is eager to join you in your travels." Ashblight said.

"I look forward to that. Ash, would you mind telling him the circumstances of our predicament, and how I am to tame the dragon." Kassandra asked.

"As you wish. Now, as you might have heard, recently there was a beast of a beastly nature, named the wrym. If you go to the shallows at dusk, you may spot a creature of these proportions. Only he knows how to tame them. You must kill him, though. If not, the beast will run wild. Do you understand?" Ash asked.

"I do, how is it done?"

"Most simply. Just tell Wilbert that he is to serve as your assassin, and that you want to kill this wrym. If you can reach it, do not hesitate to do so. Now, we must set off to tame the water dragons. We will fly over a river so Wilbert can follow us out to sea. Then you will mount him, and I will watch from the skies."

"Sounds great." Kassandra replied.

"Wonderful. All right, that is all for now. Now go and grab Wilbert." Ash said.

"I will." Kassandra said, picking up the spellbook and the dagger she had left behind. Then Kassandra claimed into Ashblight's back, and they flew over the river as they had planned. Soon the made it to sea and landed on the beach to prepare for their underwater adventure.

"Ashblight, you cannot come into the water since you are Phionex. I don't want to risk you getting hurt or weakened, so you will watch from the skies. Wilbert, I will ride on your back and we will find a water dragon to tame. After that point, everything will be made up on the fly." Kassandra explained.

"This is an excellent plan, Kassandra. Do not fail us." Ashblight said.

Wilbert agreed. With that they both started running.

Days went by, and Wilbert and Kassandra found many islands, all inhabited by various creatures. When Kassandra and Wilbert made their way towards the seaside they came upon a strange sight.

"Oh look there is a water dragon!" Ashblight yelled.

"It doesn't look as intimidating as the others. Do you want me to ride Wilbert?" Kassandra asked, looking at the massive beast.

"Yes, you can ride Wilbert. As you can see, I am much smaller." Ashblight replied, giving her a gentle nudge with his beak.

"Are you sure? This dragon seems like a different sort of dragon than any I have ever seen. Of course I've only seen them in books, but that is not the point." Kassandra said.

"Trust me, we have worked hard to make it this far. Now, part of our goal is in sight. Now ride upon Wilbert the mighty hippocampus, and tame that dragon!" Ash exclaimed.

"Okay, that sounds fun!" Kassandra replied, giving Ash the Phionex a nudge to get him to move.

"Begin the spell!" Ash blazed.

"Wilbert, fetch the book." Kassandra commanded.

"Wilbert, charge forward! Use your powers as a hippocampus!" Ashblight declared.

Kasandra got into position on Wilbert's back, and called to get the dragons attention.
"Uh, hello. Water dragon." Kassandra said.

"Ahh! I see you have come to visit me. So what brings you here?" the dragon asked.

"We are here to tame you, the wrym. We want to release you from your cage so that you may roam around the land, and defend the humans. What do you say to that?" Kassandra asked.

The dragon did not answer, but instead climbed upon the back of Wilbert.

"It's done." Ashblight announced.

"You can change the form of my mount? That is not possible!" Kassandra said.

"Many minds have been changed in the past, many times have they had to be rebuilt afterward. You are to be proud of yourself." Ashblight declared.
The next thing Kassandra knew, Wilbert was carrying the dragon on his back. Then, it happened.

"Ugh! This beast is heavy!" Wilbert complained.

"Sorry, but now we have to work fast!" Ash exclaimed.

"Umm, let me try!" Kassandra offered.

"Uh, you sure?" Ashblight asked.

"I can use a spell to strengthen myself so I can carry the dragon. Great water dragon, what is your name?" Kassandra asked.

"I am Stormcaller, and I can call upon great storms that rage across the sea, hence my name." the dragon answered."

"Stormcaller? That's a rather poetic name. Say hello to the rest of your clan!"

"Yes, he is definitely my clan." Ashblight responded, and then Kassandra and the dragon went sailing through the air.

"We did it!" Ash shouted.

"I hope you don't mind, but Wilbert decided to take me on his back for the rest of our journey. But in case he gets tired, I'll be going for a bit too." Kassandra explained.

Kassandra, Ash, and Wilbert rode to the nearby docks where they saw many strange ships, all carrying their party.

"What's this?!" Wilbert asked, looking at a ship.

"That's one of our ships!" Ash exclaimed, pulling on his seat, causing the ship to start floating.

"Great, let's go get to Blackmoon Island so we can meet with Lordael!" Kassandra exclaimed.

"Kassandra, with so many powerful dragons out in the world, you are making quite a name for yourself. I am proud of you." Ashblight said, nuzzling her.

"It's good to be so praised. Thank you, but I've got a dragon to find." Kassandra said, riding back onto Wilbert.

"Then why don't you ride with Wilbert? He'll look after you." Ash suggested.

"That's okay. I think I'm going to go for a run. I'm getting too excited about this. Is there anywhere you want to go?" Kassandra asked, not wanting to leave her dragon behind.

"I'd like to see this island. The Blackmoon stronghold might have answers there," Ash said, giving Wilbert a nudge.
"All right, let's go! Onward, Wilbert!" Kassandra exclaimed.

They left the docks, and flew to the edge of the island.

"Here we are!" Ash said.

"Thank you!" Kassandra said.

"And this is my ship," Ash announced, and then jumped onto a small boat. "You want to come on?"

"Yes!" Kassandra said, and jumped on with Ash.

The two flew to another part of the island.

"Let's go to the throne room. It seems we will meet the Blackmoon dragons soon," Kassandra said, nuzzling Wilbert.

"Oh, of course. You know you can't miss it," Ash said.

"Let's go! The Blackmoon dragons. I wonder what they will be like," Kassandra muttered.

Stormcaller flew overhead, watching for any sign of danger on the island. The great dragon quickly dived under the water.
"The dragons seem to be all right," Kassandra said, looking over the side.

She saw a few small yipping animals.

"Not just any animals. Dragon cubs," she muttered.

"Wow! What are these?" Ash asked.

"They are Dark Ones, creatures made from Dragons' blood and light. The elite warriors of the Blackmoon dragons." Kassandra said, before turning back to the ledge of the island. "I wonder what they are saying."

"Probably some idle nonsense to help pass the time. You're right, I hope they aren't getting themselves into trouble." Ash said.

"Don't worry, Wilbert would never let them get hurt."

Ash and Kassandra landed in a clearing, where a hut stood, with a sign hanging out the front saying:

"Ranger's House"

They headed up the steps, and knocked on the door.

"Good afternoon!" The door opened. "Hello! I am Lordael! I'm sorry but the two of you look a little lost, what can I do for you?"

"We are looking for a queen dragon," Ash said.

"Okay, just a moment. I have heard stories about a Dragon Queen, but you look like you need some help. You must be hungry."

"Yes, we are," Kassandra said.

"Follow me, I have food ready

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